Super Bowl Betting Offers: Kansas City Chiefs v Tampa Bay

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It's been another bizzaro month of 2020 but I return with another possible story to follow up on! At the moment it's between Apotheosis Seized from the TWWC universe, Pawn from the Material Differences universe, and this one from a totally new universe straight from my exhaustion riddled brain! Let me know which you like most! As always I hope you enjoy my latest!
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“It is known then that the universe is made up of three categories under which all else falls. Quintessence, which conjoins light and dark. For even luminous and ink are both forms of Quintessence greatly deviant though they may be. It is across Quintessence we travel on, the currents of which are felt at all times. Then there is of course Terrestrial which brings us the mantles, earth, minerals, and biomes which bring us life, wealth, and creation. Precious as the terrestrial is, finite and limited we then come on the third force. Debt. Debt binds the other two together, achieving order out of chaos to form a system neither real or unreal, yet ideal. For it is a category of thought and ideas pure and putrid as determined by the consciousness observing and understanding it. But for existence to prevail Debt must be upheld and maintained. It is a force more powerful than any other as it is unbound by friction or limit and can even grow in compound form. This then is the nature of the universe and its three categories which must all be observed and understood.” - Quilmar the first Observer, founder of the Law, creator of the Lexicon, Architect of Order, Surveyor of the Currenseas, and the first Supreme Creditor.
“Listen, I’ll take the air and the dirt. But you can fucking keep the debt bud.” - Dron the first debtless.
Nick carefully reread his letter for perhaps the fifth time, pencil twirling between his fingers as he tried to think if he wanted to change anything, or remove anything. “Human, if you’re not ready to send the letter, decide swiftly. The courier ship leaves shortly.” Nick glanced up at the six armed Ruvea dangling from the ceiling and finally folded his letter to stuff it in an envelope.
“I’m ready.” He insisted, more to himself than to the lanky postmaster.
“Wax color?” The Ruvea asked next as he held out several steaming bowls with multiple colors.
“Cheapest.” Nick replied and waited for the postmaster to pour out a small dollop of grey wax before he carefully pressed his signet to the wax to seal it. Once that was done he let out a heavy sigh and relaxed his shoulders feeling a weight lifting off of him.
“Debt code?” The Ruvea asked next as it picked up the letter, gently wafting it over an ice tube to help the wax cool faster.
“None.” Nick’s comment made the Ruvea pause and inspect him a bit more carefully. Though he wasn’t troubled by the mag carbine connected to his rig. Being armed wasn’t unusual. But he doubted the Ruvea knew much of the intricacies of the artwork spread across his pressure suit telling of his life. No, the postmaster’s eyes were looking for much more obvious signs of something else. Marks of piracy. Nick answered early to save him time. “Just a Debtless. How many spools?” He asked next, pulling a pouch off the belt of his rig.
“One silver spool, or a quarter gold.” The Ruvea held out a delicate long fingered hand as Nick tugged a gossamer silver spool free of his pouch to hand off. “Favorable journeys to you Debtless.” The Ruvea nodded and then began to move back into the post office, his tails pulling him from rung to rung along the ceiling. With that done Nick turned to head out of the post office and into the main avenue of the city. Luminet City was one of the Minted cities, and by far the largest city Nick had ever been to. It was also the gateway to the Casian Traverse, which is probably the only reason it was Minted in the first place. Plenty of trade came through here, but it was far from stable. Financially that is. The Terrestrial chunk it was built on was stable even if a bit smaller than most Mint Cities had.
The street was full of all manner of species, from massive purple fleshed Potamgerly waddling around head and shoulders above everyone else, to cyan, magenta, or yellow furred Coretchkin scurrying around the edges of the traffic. Plus every size and shape in between it seemed. Even with the street cars rumbling along the central rails the mass of bodies would just open or close around their passing. He even saw a land roller up the street before it turned off towards the Credit Governor’s Palace.
The palace towered over everything else in the city, and rightfully so considering it housed both the mint in the lower levels, and the sector’s treasury. Gleaming metal flying buttresses extended off its tiered structure, stretching out at the top for a host of individual towers, and observatories. In the light of the local star a rainbow of color was cast by its vibrant stained glass windows. Nick bet most of those came from human master glassworkers. He couldn’t be sure if it was his people specifically but the Vulkoa were known for glass making so he wouldn’t be surprised.
What did surprise him however was how few ships were currently docked with it. Usually Governor’s palaces would be teeming with ships tending to all manner of daily routine. From depositing spools to be worked in the mints, or distributing debt markers to be updated along the semaphore lines. Yet, for now he only spotted a cluster to one side. Ship types he wasn’t familiar with either which was unusual for him. They sported gold and blue paint with pearl trim. He’d have to ask his brother if he knew about them.
His brother! Nick grinned as he shook himself from his contemplative position before the post office and quickly joined the heavy foot traffic along the street as he made for the hangar quarter. The sound of the city enveloped him swiftly enough as he walked. The rumble of the street cars, the distant clang of factory forges, the hiss of steam vents, all competing with the general cacophony of speech going on all around him. The city was too big for the market stalls and bazaars that he was used to but that didn’t mean people were much quieter calling out advertisements to try and lure customers into stores.
Thankfully the post office wasn’t too far from the hangar quarter, and soon the foot traffic began to thin out. The sky grew a bit darker on this side of the rock though, now that he was downwind of the factory stacks and the smoke they let off. Industrial skiffs were ever present in the sky, their forms casting countless shadows across the city below as they zipped through the sky. He missed the flocks of manu-o-Ku flying through the sky instead of skiffs. But he doubted many birds would do well in a city like this.
Soon enough he was at the central hub of the hangar quarter as dozens of landing strips, public, and private hangars stretched out around him. Massive elevators carrying ships up or down as they needed, while still more rumbling escalators were spread out to get people up, or down into the subterrestrial hangars. Nick had to stop at one of the clackboards as he looked for the hangar code his brother had given him. While he watched various numbers and names would change with the telltale clacking of the mechanical signs. Truthfully he was surprised the ship even fit in a hangar, and didn’t need a dock at the edge of the rock. Carriers were massive ships after all. He was curious to see how his brother had made this work.
Looking around a moment he saw a team of Mutheki organizing crates to haul onto a skiff and waved at the bug eyed laborers. “Hey! I’m looking for hangar H 22. Any help?”
The nearest Mutheki looked his way, or… at least angled his head so one of his eyes was facing Nick. The Mutheki always reminded Nick of mothmen. Just without the wings. Especially since they had those bug eyes, little tufts of fur along their torso, and long thin feet which never looked like they could support the rest of their body. But the bug people were always friendly so he never asked if they chased fires around. Even if he wondered… “H is that line.” The Mutheki gestures up pretty much straight the way Nick was going. “The clackboards are always updated so just find the escalator for 22.”
“Thanks. Is 22 a big one?” Nick asked next, still curious about the carrier.
“Subterrestrial hangars are adjustable. It’s out near the edge so… maybe.” The Mutheki gave a shrug.
“Thanks again.” Nick nodded and started to follow the line out just like he’d been told. While he was walking he saw a flight of Quarwi barges being lifted up from a hangar elevator as they all began to lift off and make for the nearest buoy marker as they appeared to be heading straight for the Casian Vortex to take them into the Currensea. It was an odd sight for him since he knew they typically avoided such reckless speed. They were known to be much more careful and precise as a people. Were they running from something?
He pushed the thought from his mind however as he saw the clackboard ahead marking H-22. His brother was close! Grinning wide he hopped on the escalator and started walking down even as it rumbled and carried him into the depths of the hangar. He could see various belts and conveyors hanging from the ceiling as they carried crates, and other cargo between the divided hangar sections. It did marvel him a bit at times just how much activity had to be going on in a city of this size at all times.
As he neared the bottom of the escalator he could see a security checkpoint. This must mark the beginning of armed hangar bays then. From what it looked like the guards were mostly Joss, a typical choice considering their stocky powerful builds and typically aggressive nature. Of course, how useful they were varied wildly since they might be as lazy as they were aggressive. Usually depended on the local tribe. Nick also didn’t like dealing with them simply because their oblong sideways pupils honestly creeped him out. Thankfully this group just kept chatting, or sharpening their horns while he passed so he didn’t have to deal with them. They were loaded for trouble though if it came to it. Minted plate, and mag carbines made it clear these city guards were well equipped if nothing else.
Nick had been so focused on the Joss that he nearly walked right past the open hangar he was looking for. It was also… smaller than he figured it would be so that didn’t help. Did he have the right place? H-22. He confirmed on the wall. There was a single ship inside at the far end, near the closed exterior hangar bay door. It wasn’t small… but it wasn’t a carrier. Not even close. Was this the right place? Nick kept looking the ship over as he walked closer.
Considering the dull orange lavaplate construction, and overall design it looked like a Vulkoa ship, but not one he’d seen in the fleet. Lavaplate was finicky even if incredibly durable. Usually reserved for special ships and was mostly phased out of standardized fleet designs. It had forward swept wings set just before the central bridge, twin stabilizer fins extending out from a boxy engine bay, and... he wasn’t sure about the flat part just under and ahead of the bridge between the forward wings. Torpedo bay? Something about it tickled the back of his brain… one of those old paintings in the history books...
“Nick!” His eyes flicked from the orange and brass ship to a figure in a large pressure suit walking down the ramp. His concerns with the ship were immediately replaced as he grinned wide and opened his arms.
“Nate!” As he approached Nate opened the silver faceplate of his suit and they embraced, hugging each other tight for a moment. “Damn good to see you!”
“You too! Look at the paint!” Nate tapped a hand at Nick’s shoulder and the new intricate designs painted on. “The war hero!”
“Psh.” Nick immediately shook his head and waved it off. “They just had some left over from the real heroes and slapped some around. Besides you’re not looking too shabby either!” Nick leaned back as he looked over the paint on Nick’s suit as he pointed to a few designs. “Engineer first class, cartographer first class, academy graduate! Gotta be proud of all that!”
“Please, the last thing I need is you claiming any of this is difficult compared to what you were doing. My life wasn’t in danger at the academy… Alcohol poisoning maybe.” He shrugged and they both laughed a moment, neither wanting to take credit for their paint even if they’d earned it. “Was it bad at the end? I read your letters and heard the wireless.”
“It… wasn’t pretty.” Nick’s happy attitude faded a bit as Nate asked. “But, it was all worth it in the end right? Hazard pay!” He tried to shift the topic back. “Debtless! And we have a ship! Though… I’m thinking this is… an escort of some kind? To take us to the carrier?”
“What? No. This is it.” Nate took a step back and looked at the ship behind them.
“You said you bought us a carrier. This isn’t a carrier.” Nick waved at it.
“Yes, it is.” Nate insisted. “Did you think I meant a fleet carrier? How much money did you think I made? Or you? Do you have any idea how many decades of hazard pay it would take for us to buy a fleet carrier and pay off our debt in the meantime? It’s an escort carrier! Don’t you recognize it?”
Now Nick really tried to think as he looked up at the ship. What was it? Alright… around… 500 feet long… central bridge but not a true flight tower… sealed midsection so it could land in water… Slowly he shook his head trying to think. “I…” It was so close to something… “I can’t place it… It’s like… I almost know it. The wings look like the old storm crow design… but the ship is much bigger… Also the engines look heavily modified. I just… I don’t know.”
“Well you’re on the right track. It is based on the storm crow hull.” Nate started, but Nick cut in.
“Hull? As in this is based on an actual storm crow?! Nate! Storm Crows are like… over a hundred years old!” Nick gasped out.
“Meaning it’s a well tested design. But more specifically this was custom built. I mean you obviously noted the lava plating. It’s… hard to miss… Because this is. The Lava Crow!” Nate held up his arms as if to show off something incredible but Nick was just staring at him. “Nick. Nick it’s the Lava Crow. The Lava Crow… As in… The Lava Expedition!”
That did make Nick blink and look back up at it. “You mean the Lost Expedition? The one grandad disappeared trying to find? Where the fuck did you even find this? How is this not huge news?”
Nate shrugged a moment. “Well, see, I can’t prove it’s like… the exact same one from the lost fleet. Obviously there’s no paperwork. I found this with that Quarwi salvage fleet on my last tour. They wanted to scrap it for the lava plate since they were concerned about resale value what with all the bloodstains-”
“Bloodstains?” Nick tried to cut in but Nate ignored him.
“So I actually got a very good deal buying it out from under them. Like I was saying it was custom built for the expedition and was heavily modified since then. Even I don’t know what some of it does. There’s a whole… workshop aft of the hangar bay. This thing is a real steal. Worth way more than what I actually paid for it. You should be thanking me for my bargain hunting skills. No one will have any idea what they’re up against when they see this thing.” Nate crossed his arms and gave a confident nod at his assessment.
“How many light craft can it hold?” Nick asked, wondering if his brother was right.
“Uh… four.” Nate confessed.
“It’s not a carrier!” Nick immediately growled once more. “Four is nothing!”
“It is a carrier! It carries other craft! Hence a carrier! What were you honestly expecting? Do you have any idea how many crew it takes to staff a fleet carrier like you imagined?” Nate growled back.
“Around two thousand.” Nick replied without missing a beat.
“Uh… Well… yeah. But that’s my point! We can’t afford a crew of that size! We can’t afford a crew at all! This!” He waved a hand at the vessel. “Is perfect for Debtless! It can run, it can hide, it can carry our own personal craft, and it only needs a tiny crew! The fact they modified it for the expedition is also perfect! Better fuel efficiency, lots of redundant systems for longevity, and minimal crew requirements!”
“I can’t believe you took all my money to pay for half of a piece of junk haunted ship that’s over a century old.” Nick slowly shook his head as he looked up at it.
“First of all, it’s not haunted. The bloodstains were totally mundane.” Nate began to count off on his fingers. “Second of all since it was outfitted for the expedition that means it’s 98 years old. Third, you heard all of grandpa’s stories about the expedition and those ships! It’s worth it! Fourth, I uh…” Nate stopped counting off on his fingers and coughed. “Your money is only a third of what I had to work with.”
Nick frowned at that. “A third? Did you make literally double what I did? I know the military doesn’t pay the best but… with all my hazard pay I figured I’d do better than that…”
“Ah, no I didn’t. I made about what you made. But there’s a third investor.” Nick arched a brow as he got a sinking feeling in his gut. “A… racing champion-”
“No.” Nick immediately cut his brother off. “Nooo. No, no no. Nooooope. Neeewp! You better be fucking joking right now!”
“Nick!” A feminine voice rang out from behind him and he froze up. Then he heard the sound of boots running fast across the deck and turned at the last moment to see a form jumping off the ground and rushing right for him. He had just a moment to react as instinct cut in and he braced himself, arms out to grab the assailant. “NICK!”
He gasped as his sister impacted into him hard, nearly knocking him over as she squeezed him tight, legs wrapped around his ribs as if trying to crush the air out of him. Yet, his reinforced rig and training enabled him to quickly turn and throw her off of him. However, she was also used to this and rolled as she hit the ground, jumping back up to her feet, arms raised. “Nora…” He growled out.
“Nova!” She corrected. “Nova Velocity Vanders!” Then she stuck her fingers up. “Pew pew pew pew! Normally I have my confetti guns-”
“Your what?” Nick blinked.
“But I need to get more confetti. So fucking great to see you! I’ve missed the hell out of you! Both of you! I was ecstatic to hear Nate’s plan! Isn’t this fucking awesome? The Lava Crow! A legendary ship for a legendary racer ace! The perfect start to the next chapter of my adventure! Oooouurrr adventure! To find grandpa! Woo!” Nick was glaring at Nate now.
“She won the circuit. Made a lot of money… More in fact than I actually got from her.” Nate pointedly mentioned.
“Listen I had to throw that fan appreciation party! It was for the fans! There’s rules! And pay back my crew’s debts. I told them I would! And Nova Vander is true to her word!” She announced and struck a pose as she set her hands on her hips. This was when Nick looked her over once more and pointed.
“Why the fuck do you have a sword?” He demanded to know.
“This is my dueling cutlass Cainani. For dueling. I am a duelist. On top of being an ace racer that is.” She announced and gave her other hip a pat to point out her revolver. “This is my dueling revolver Wahinani. Also I normally keep six magma pistols on my chest. They also have names but I like to keep them secret until I pull them out.” With that she drew both her weapons and an orange field flashed to life around her pressure suit.
“Seriously? You’ve got a shield?” Nick asked.
“It’s standard in racer rigs. More for crashes than anything else. But that’s why I also had to learn to duel. Shitbags didn’t take kindly to your little sister being this fucking awesome!” Nora spun her revolver around on a finger and took a few steps forward as she demonstrated her skill with the sword. Nick honestly wasn’t sure if her form was any good. The military didn’t actually sword fight anymore. Which was why he had his mag carbine.
“Also did you seriously name your sword and gun after the demigods of beauty and handsomeness?” If anyone had the nerve to commit such sacrilege he figured it would of course be Nora.
“Fuck yeah I did! The only names fitting for a legend like me!” She grinned wide as Nick just glared at Nate.
“I can’t believe you’ve done this to me.” He let out an angry growl.
“What? Did you not tell him?” Nora looked to Nate as she holstered her sword and pistol. “You specifically told him he was on board with your plan!”
“Yes… Because he was. He just… didn’t know the part of my plan that involved bringing you in on it as well.” Nate confessed before focusing on Nick. “Nick, look, we're family. I know it’s a dick move to get you here without telling you ahead of time. But, then you might not have come! And we needed her money! This is an entire family effort! Any one of us couldn’t afford this on our own. Are you really still that mad at her?”
“He’s mad at me still? Nick! I’m sorry! If you tell me why you’re mad I’ll apologize much more specifically!” Nora insisted.
Nick looked between the two of them and then just let out a heavy sigh as he reached up to rub his face for a little. “How much do we have left?”
“Spools?” Nate asked. “Nothing. Or… Nor-Nova how much is left after you bought food?”
“Twenty gold spools.” She pulled her spool pouch from her rig to toss to Nate.
“We have twenty gold spools.” Nate answered.
“How the fuck can we start our lives as debtless if we’ve only got twenty fucking spools?” Nick asked.
“Because I got us a job already.” Nate revealed. “Real simple. Painfully simple. No combat or anything even. We have to take a single passenger from here to Radius in the Traverse. A Lavvine at that. We’ve got the fuel, and can grab more food on the way if we have to. For a full ten thousand spools.”
“One Lavvine? Here to Radius? What’s the catch?” Nick asked.
“Apparently she’s a pain in the butt or something? I dunno. The other Debtless didn’t want her. Also she said she expects discretion. Afterall why pay a crew of Debtless ten thousand instead of just hiring a shuttle right? But we can do discrete. Right?” Nate looked around.
“Yes we can! Super discrete!” Nora gave a big thumbs up.
“Right.” Nate nodded, despite Nora’s answer being the opposite of her own words. “Easy. Plus it’ll give me time to keep working on the Lava Crow. Ah!” Nate raised a hand. “Not because it isn’t ready. Just so I can keep improving upon it.”
“Hmph…” Nick crossed his arms. “Did you even get me a proper fighter? Or are you expecting me to fly a century old dirigible skiff? Oh, or is this thing designed for parasite planes only?”
“I’ve got you a Raptor. Just like you’re used to.” Nate replied. “I have my Armadillo and Nova has-”
“The Comet! Nothing else like it in the sky as it tears through… the sky! No wait… Nothing else lights up the sky like the Comet tearing by! Yeah.” She nodded confidently now.
“A Raptor just like I’m used to? You do know those went out of service halfway through the war right? We’re flying P-19s now.” Nick just let out a sigh and reached into his helmet to run a hand through his hair a moment. “Fine… But I’m Captain.”
“What? I’m the one with the name recognition! Like anyone else could be the face of this crew! I’m the Captain!” Nora growled out as she and Nick glared at each other.
“Neither of you is Captain. Neither of you would accept it. We’re a family. We do this democratically. Three siblings. Three votes. And before either of you says we need a captain just like a pirate ship just for combat we’re not going to be pirates we’re Debtless we go with whoever knows the situation best. Deal?” Nick and Nora now both focused their gaze on Nate instead who kept a steady gaze right back.
“Well… we can do some piracy if we really need to right?” Nora asked, as it was time for Nate and Nick to now give her a surprised look.
“What? No. No piracy.” Nick insisted.
“But what about stealing from bad people? Like other pirates? That’s totally part of what Debtless can do. Right?” Nora checked.
“You mean be… pirate hunters?” Nate asked.
“Yeah…” She rubbed her chin. “Yeah that’s it… The only thing cooler than being a regular pirate. Hunting other pirates… Yeah that could work.” She nodded slowly as if having decided that suited whatever wild story was going on in her head. Which prompted Nick to give Nate another glare.
“Family.” Nate kept using the word like a shield. “And Nick I know you never saw her race in the big leagues but… she is a really good pilot. She did win the circuit.”
“First independent to win the circuit since they established the big five teams.” Nora stood up tall and grinned wide at them.
“We have a chance to find grandpa. And still be Debtless just like mom and dad always wanted.” Nate was still pressing the hard sell.
“Is my kit bag onboard?” Nick asked.
“Yes, plus it’s a nice big room like we all get. I made sure to modify them a little so none of our rooms is bigger than any other. Nova already checked and couldn’t find anything to complain about.” Nora shrugged as if to admit it. “Better than you ever got in the military I’m sure.” Nate smiled.
“Fuck it. Fine. I’m still in.” Nick nodded.
“Wooo! I am sorry again! For whatever you’re mad at me about.” Nova added, but her wide grin didn’t really help things. “But we’re ready to adventure!”
“I hope you’re ready to complete your contract you mean.” Nora jumped a little, as did Nick and he spun to face the sudden appearance of a new figure. The Lavvine, a race of furred humanoids that had long ears, and longer tails. They were also widely regarded by other species as being a bunch of smartasses.
This one made for an interesting figure as she seemed to be in a pressure suit as well, except she had a white coat on over it, with a high collar that covered the lower part of her face, and had thick goggles on over her eyes. Considering their long ears the Lavvine usually preferred air masks instead of full helmets. This one’s ears looked to be golden brown on the backs, though the inside tufts were white. Which were both different from her bright blue hair. Though Nick was never sure why some species with fur also had… hair? Her tail was long and white, with light blue… speckles? Or sort of… spots? Either way she had it wrapped around her leg, and kept close.
“You’re the passenger I assume?” Nick ventured. He looked past her and saw a team of Joss carrying a set of massive trunks behind them. The one Lavvine had a baggage train bigger than some regiments! “I’m Nick, this is Nate, and that’s Nora.”
“Nova! Nooovaaa!” Nora growled out. “Nova Velocity Vanders! At your service! Perhaps you’ve heard of me?” She struck another pose, hands on her hips.
“I haven’t. No.” Nova seemed to deflate a little as the Lavvine said that. “Now, I’m not well versed on human naming conventions. Mostly because you humans have too many culture groups. Are you all related in some fashion?”
“Siblings.” Nate waved at the others.
“So, presuming the family name is secondary that means you are all Nick, Nate, and Nora-”
Nova! Nova!
“Nova Vanders… Is keeping the same initials customary in the culture?” The Lavvine smoothly adjusted after Nora’s interruption and looked around at them for a moment.
“No.” Nick shook his head.
“And… who named you? Is it by paternal or maternal order in your culture?” She asked next.
“It’s really whoever. But since you’re curious our father is Norm Vanders.” Nick answered.
“Norm, Nick, Nate, and Nova Vanders… Does it make it easier to get your initials marked on everything?” The Lavvine looked between them.
“Yeah. Now about your stuff?” Nick waved at all the trunks. “Is all this necessary?”
“Yes, take it on board. Drop it off inside as close to the entry as possible. Do not tarry.” The Lavvine ordered the Joss laborers who grumbled but began to haul the chests up the ramp into the ship.
“Uh, we should probably get those stored properly.” Nate began but the Lavvine held up a hand.
“I need a moment to speak with you all privately.” Nick gave a worried glance over at his sibling who all looked around at each other a moment in concern. “Now then, I believe I spoke with Nate about this?” She asked and Nate nodded to confirm. “I must inform you that your negotiating skills need work. You failed to determine just why I was offering such an exorbitant amount of spools for a simple transport job. You see, I am being hunted by a notoriously wealthy and powerful maniac who wants me dead.”
“Yes!” Nova pumped a fist in the air. “Legendary adventure! Called it!”
Nick however was just glaring at Nate. “Shit. That’s why no one else wanted the contract?” He asked. “I hate negotiating. I’m so bad at it.”
“How?” Nick asked. “You’ve been on salvage fleets for years!”
“Yeah, as a salvager, not a barter guy!” Nate defensively huffed.
“You told me you got a great deal on the ship!” Nick waved at the Lava Crow behind them.
“Because they thought it was haunted!” Nate reminded him.
“You told me it wasn’t!” Nick growled.
“Interesting. I haven’t witnessed human specters before. That might be interesting.” The Lavvine mused.
“Okay…” Nick sighed. “Why does this maniac want you dead?”
“He thinks I’ll ruin his grand prophecy. Which I know nothing about. Just that he wants me killed. So I was forced to liquidate nearly all my assets to pay off my debt so I can’t be tracked by a debt code, and in fact become Debtless like all of you. I’m unsure how long we have, but I think he might be nearing the city so I would suggest we move quickly.” The Lavvine insisted which triggered Nick’s memory.
“This maniac… do they use gold and blue paint with pearl trim?” He thought back to the ships on the Credit Governor’s palace.
“Yes. Have you seen them?” The moment she asked that they heard a siren go off for a moment from the city’s public announcement speakers. “Ah. He has already begun his hostile takeover of the Governor’s position then. He will shortly announce an extremely large bounty on my head, and a lesser bounty on the heads of anyone who protects me. I suggest you get the hangar doors open and we leave immediately.”
“Why? Why are we taking this deal?” Nick immediately asked. “Why get involved?”
“I have done nothing wrong. Committed no crime. Yet, still he wants me dead.” The Lavvine explained. “Oh, also, his prophecy has something to do with the end of existence. If you’re comfortable with that then by all means turn me over. You’ll be quite rich for however long existence lasts. If he doesn’t betray you.”
“Attention all citizens of Luminet city!” A scratchy voice echoed out around the hangar over the speakers now. “A hostile takeover of the Governor’s position has been completed! All city employees now have a new Creditor! Failure to comply with new protocols will be met with triple debt penalties!”
“Nick this guy sounds like a total tool.” Nora said.
“All Debtless are to immediately renounce their ways and proceed to the nearest credit station to initiate a new line of credit with the Governor’s palace immediately or face severe consequences.” The voice continued.
“Yeah, fuck this. I’m going to spin up the engines.” Nate immediately turned and began to run up the ramp into the ship.
“What’s your name?” Nick asked the Lavvine.
“Tessa Wilde.” She extended a hand out to him.
“We’ll get you to Radius.” Nick gave her hand a firm shake as Nora grinned wide and clapped her hands. Nick looked around a moment examining the hangar doors at the far side while the voice on the speakers kept rattling on about adjusted city overtime rates and calling up all guards and militia forces immediately. There was no way they’d get permission from the Hangar Master to open up. “That’s got to be the motor for the door. We need to get it going. But…” He looked up along the ceiling. “Those have to be the counter weights… we need to disable the locks.”
“I can manage the motor.” Tessa offered.
“I got that lock!” Nora was already running off to one side of the hangar. Nick just turned and began to run towards a ladder heading up to the lock he was not in charge of. It was near the main door leading out into the hangar’s central hallway and he could see the Joss guards from earlier now all looking up at the speakers, obviously confused.
“Furthermore-” The voice kept on. “I seek to obtain a particular Lavvine of interest to me by the name of Tessa Wilde. I am setting a bounty on her. Alive only. For one hundred thousand gold spools.” Nick grabbed hold of the ladder leading up to the counter weight and began to dash up it as fast as he could manage. “Any individuals found protecting her will receive a bounty of twenty five thousand gold spools brought in dead or alive.”
“This guy isn’t fucking around…” Nick muttered as he reached the weight. He could see where the mechanical lock was engaged and quickly smashed open the emergency release lever as the weight began to drop down. Grabbing the sides of the ladder he then slid down it back to the hangar floor. While he was doing this he heard the grinding of the motor begin and the hangar doors on the far side started to slowly open. This caught the attention three Joss however who started to peel off from the rest of the group and head his way.
“Hey! Human! Your hangar has no debt code. Are you Debtless? Did you have a Lavvine head in here earlier?” One asked as they began to fan out a little.
“Nope! Got us mistaken! You’re thinking of the hangar behind you!” He called out and kept facing them, even as he was backing up towards the ship.
“Any individuals killed in the process of acquiring this Lavvine will have their wrongful death fees paid off in full and will not count towards the bounty offered. To ensure a smooth transition of power between Governor credit lines all guards killed during the takeover shall have their debts purged, and family shall have an additional five hundred gold spool bereavement payout.” The voice kept going. Nick heard some other commotion behind him at the ship even as the engines began to spin up and fill the hangar bay with a steadily growing rumble.
“That’s a Lavvine over there!” One of the guards insisted. They hadn’t grabbed their guns yet, but their hands were close… Nick started to slowly reach for his carbine, but didn’t want to grab it just yet.
“Hey man, I’m Debtless there’s no wrongful death fee. It’s just straight up murder if you do anything.” This did make the guards pause. Would that be enough?
“If he’s willing to pay off the rest… I think he’ll ignored a light bit of murder…” One offered. Nick looked between the three, and prepared to grab his gun.
“Hey assholes!” Nick and the three Joss guards stopped and looked over at Nora standing to their side. Her face shield was down, hiding her face but he could picture her grin. “Do any of you know who I am?”
“No?” The guards glanced at each other in confusion.
“Well… If you knew who I was you’d know what I’d do if you try anything stupid!” She growled.
“Maybe… But we don’t know who you are.” The Joss replied with a shrug.
“Well, I tried.” In a flash Nora drew her revolver and fired twice. Nick was already yanking his carbine from his rig as he saw one of the Joss’ horns go flying off his head while a crimson bubble of blood erupted from the top of his head. The other guards were turning to Nora as they drew their weapons but Nick was already firing a burst into the one on the far right. The first bullet struck him in the chest, which was absorbed by the armor yet started to knock him back. The second bullet caught him in the collar bone, and the third hit right in the throat above his armor.
Now the middle guard was stuck between the two and hesitated for just a moment, which was all Nora needed as she lunged forward, driving her sword straight through his chest as if the armor was made of paper. Nick could see the surprised look on the Joss’ face for a moment before Nora reared back and kicked him in the chest so she could yank her sword free as his body tumbled to the floor. Now the other Joss were crying out and heading their way however and Nick turned to sprint for the ship. “RUN!”
Focused on the ship now he sprinted for the ramp even as he saw the Joss laborers from before clustered around it. They likely were considering a change of career as Tessa approached. But to Nick’s surprise she reached out her hand and a fan of lightning arced out from it at the laborers. With that they scattered and ran, providing a clear path up the ramp for Tessa to run up. From behind him the Joss began to fire his way and Nick did his best to shoot over his shoulder to try and keep them from aiming too carefully.
Even as he ran towards the ramp he heard the crackling of bullets bouncing off a shield. “MOVE YOUR ASS NICK!” He felt a hand press on his back as he realized Nora was running behind him to use her shield to protect them both.
“I’M RUNNING!” He yelled back at her as they quickly rushed up the boarding ramp while bullets pinged off the hull around them. His first introduction into the actual interior of the ship was a short hallway opening into a hab area of some kind. But before he could really inspect it his foot struck hard against a trunk left behind he hadn’t spotted and he fell face forward over it hard, tumbling to the deck in a heap.
“NATE! GO!” He heard Nora scream and the deck below them started to rumble as the ship started to move. More bullets were hitting the side as he tried to roll over and pull himself up to his feet. A set of hands took hold of his arm to help pull him up as he stood face to face with Tessa for a moment.
“I know you had little choice but I do appreciate your taking the contract.” She mentioned.
“That’s just how I am baby! Cause I’m fucking legendary!” Nora howled out with a laugh. “Now Nick, help my crank up the ramp.”
“This thing has a fucking crank ramp?!” Nick gasped out, and stepped over the trunk on the ground to help her crank the ramp up into place as he watched the hangar bay move past then the underside of the city came into view, with the air rushing past as they got the ramp up and the door sealed.
“Welcome to the life of the Debtless Nick!” Nora laughed and slapped his shoulder. “It’s going to be a ton of fun!” One thing Nick was certain about in a now very uncertain world, is that it wasn’t going to be fun.
submitted by RegalLegalEagle to HFY [link] [comments]

I Have The Power To Create Creatures By Thinking Of Them part 3

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 (right here)
Not much really happened after the incident with the twins except for what you would expect. They drove me to the hospital, I went to the emergency room for my injuries. Max was thrown against a wall and rammed his head into my front door to come outside and help me but surprisingly was completely fine, which is probably why he was able to get back up and run around in the first place.
I didn’t get off so hot, however, obviously one of my ribs were broken and the doctors had compression wraps put on them with some medications so I could still breathe deeply. My kidney was punctured from the elbow that the monster version of the twins gave me with a nice side of internal bleeding. The doctors said there was literally a tiny hole in my kidney. How the hell did they hit me that hard?
But otherwise, a surgery and stitches made it better again. I had to get an X ray scan so the doctors could be sure that I did not contract Scoliosis, thankfully I didn’t, but I did have a cracked skull. But also thankfully I only needed some Tylenol for that, so the doctors didn’t shave my hair and make me look like a cancer patient or give me brain surgery or something serious like that.
I have to say though, this was the absolute worst time to be in a hospital, in the middle of a pandemic. But on the bright side I didn’t have to share my room with anybody else, the rooms were made for one single person each. So I had way less of a chance to be getting coronavirus while at my stay, that would really suck.
Kaleb and Cody had to take care of Max while I was gone, Max probably forgot I was gone though, his brains so small he probably forgets most things anyway.
The only good thing about this though was that Kaleb and Cody made sure to visit me everyday during my two week stay. The nurse that took care of me was really nice too, she reminded me of my grandmother from how she talked really quietly so it would not hurt my ears. She would call me “honey” and would always keep a warm and welcoming smile on her face with her red lipstick. I think her name was Ms. Sydney or something but I was not really sure.
I remember Kaleb and Cody would always come at the same time at 5:00 PM, Ms. Sydney would always walk right in with her welcoming smile, always keeping the door halfway shut to make it a surprise. She would say “You have some visitors, Josh!” In a nice sing song voice as she’d open the door and see those two faces walk in and smile at me through their hospital masks.
Kaleb and Cody would sit there with me happily, sometimes they would bring a nintendo switch along and we would play games together. Cody would again call Kaleb a dumb fuck a bunch of times and they’d argue frivolously but I didn’t mind at all. I remember, like once before, they arm wrestled each other with the table attached to my hospital bed. Cody won two times in a row and Kaleb would say he was caught off guard or something and Cody would call him a bitch.
I always looked forward to them visiting, it was always a fun time and just seeing their faces was enough to make me joyful. Sitting there, watching them arm wrestle and argue I suddenly remembered something.
Do you ever just out of the blue remember something meaningless to anything at hand? Well, I remembered my old dog, the one that came before Max, her name was Sophie and she was a black lab quite like Max, but Max had white fur on his belly and paws while Sophie was completely black. She was such a chill dog and would never nearly bark obnoxiously as much as Max, I had her all throughout my childhood.
She was always waiting all day at the top of my steps waiting for me to come home from kindergarten, she would jump up and do a big stretch as she ran down the stairs to me. I’m pretty sure Sophie might have thought I was her child as she disdained other dogs way more than she disdained water.
I remember my parents told me of one time when an old man walked past our driveway with his tiny white Havanese dog named Snuggles. Sophie pulled on her leash with such might that my dad lost his grip of her and ran down the street to the two. Oh boy, she gave Snuggles a big reason to never come back to her house.
I vaguely remember my dad describing the scene as Sophie throwing Snuggles around like he was a dog toy. Poor Snuggles didn’t die obviously, but you can bet that old man and Snuggles never came by our house ever again.
I smiled as Kaleb tried another shot at Cody but my thoughts and their match was interrupted by Ms. Sydney. “Josh!” she said in her sing song voice, I noticed she closed the door halfway like she did with Kaleb and Cody. “You must be popular! You have another visitor!” She said, I was confused until she opened the door and a man walked in.
He had a gold cross necklace wrapped around his neck with brown hair and glasses. He had a green plaid unbuttoned dress shirt with a white shirt under that and dark blue jeans with brown shoes. “Hey!” he said with a smile, I instantly recognized him as Ethan.
I was surprised he came to see me, Kaleb and Cody barely knew him from our school. “Ethan! You came?” I said, surprised. He walked up to me smiling and said “Of course I would! I was worried after I heard what happened!” as Kaleb looked around and got a chair.
Ethan was a really upbeat and happy go lucky person, he was one of those hardcore christian kids that went to youth groups and church and such. Kaleb and Cody were christian too, but not to the extent that Ethan was. To give you a basic idea of what I’m talking about, Ethan wants to grow up to be a priest. He always has one of those pocket bibles in his pocket, he always prays before eating food and every time I see him sitting somewhere, he is either reading some christian related book or praying again.
I am on the autism spectrum, so there are some things I excel at like a superhuman, writing is one of them, but if Ethan turns out to be on the spectrum too, his would definitely be religion. So, needless to say, Ethan takes religion very seriously.
He’s also on the wrestling team as well, so I really hoped he wasn’t about to join Kaleb and Cody, because I’m pretty sure he’d snap their arms like twigs. I met Ethan a long time ago in middle school, but one memory I had in particular of him is the reason I’m writing this now.
This happened back in my sophomore year of high school in 2019, so naturally the coronavirus was still just known as some common flu that was beneath notice. This is still at the point where I was still talking with Kaleb and Cody, so it wasn’t too far back.
Our school was raising a fundraiser, the basic idea of it was that people would pay 15 dollars to the fundraiser for cancer and the people who paid would get to get out of their classes early, and spend the entire day doing fun activities like play video games, bouncy houses, stuff along those lines the only catch being that through that entire time you had to be standing, never sitting.
And I made a truce with my friends Erika, Taysia and Serenity that we would all go to it. Erika is what people would call an otaku, (or a weeb) like Ethan had his life revolving around christianity, Erika had her life revolving around japanese culture (mainly anime). She was a very pretty girl besides the stereotypes of what otaku basement dwellers should look like, she was one of my best friends, to the point I could call her the worst names imaginable and she wouldn’t care. I always remember the high voice she had, like a My Little Pony character.
Taysia was a very… different girl, she was african american and she was very slow, not in the dumb way, but she was just… different. She walked in a weird way, her voice was high and she talked very slowly and slurred. She had the mind of a five year old, which me and Erika loved about her. I remember one time she looked up red butt monkeys on her computer and it was so funny to her that she was lauging for minutes on end, causing me to laugh with her.
Then there’s Serenity, she’s not really part of our friend group anymore, she had this hair that made her look like an emo kid and she was mostly wearing pink or dresses. She was so extremely emotional and quick to cry about something or get sad. She would always act like something you’d expect from a childish anime girl, not really from someone in real life, that maybe was why Erika liked her so much. It was never confirmed but i’m sure she frequents Tumblr. I’d act nice to her and she was attached to me so I couldn’t tell her to stay away from me because then I’d just feel bad.
These weren’t my only friends, I had and still have a large friend circle with many different types of people, they were just the only people I knew were going. I was in mod 2 when all the participants were called down to the empty lunch room. Erika and Taysia would show up after school along with many others, so I was stuck with Serenity and a bunch of her friends that I barely knew.
I was afraid, I really hoped I wasn’t about to have to spend a few long hours with Serenity being a drama queen accompanied by people I don’t even know, Serenity said “don’t worry my child, I’ll protect you.” which didn’t reassure me on the slightest. There were a lot of people in the lunchroom, they filled all the seats possible, I saw some people I barely knew but I would get to know them better as the day/night went on.
But at this point, there was not really people I knew and I was worried, but then I saw a face I recognized. And of couse, that face belonged to Ethan, he was gathered around with some of his wrestling friends. I was relieved, with a burst of happiness, even if it was one other person, at least I wasn’t truly alone.
As I walked up to Ethan I stopped and put my hands on my head. My head started to hurt extremely bad, I wasn’t completely used to the pain yet and I leaned against the concrete wall. I panted heavily, a part of me wanted to scream, but in this public place, I knew I couldn’t.
Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder “Hey, Josh.” He said, looking up I saw Ethans face smiling at me as his glasses glistened off the sun. “Are you okay?” he said to me, I looked up at him and the pain in my head instantly died down completely. “Yeah, I’m fine.” Ethan smiled at me “Well, you should sit down, god knows you are going to need it.” He said, I nodded and walked back to my table with Serenity and her friends.
The next few hours, the teachers and students in charge led the mob of people to the gym where we would stay for the next few hours. There was a large stage, music blared through the giant speakers and their were students lingering everywhere. Some were playing volleyball, some were playing other games, but the place was definitely packed.
Instantly Serenity and her friends drifted away from me, so much for staying together. I stood around in some corner somewhere with someone else I kind of knew as the bouncy houses, puppy rooms and stuff like that hadn’t arrived yet.
There was a track above the gym and there didn’t seem to be many people there so I walked up the stairs behind the double doors. There were a couple introverts there but nobody I recognized, except there was Ethan looking down from the bars lining the track.
Seeing as I liked him more than anyone else here I approached. “Hey, dude.” He said as he instantly smiled at me walking up. “Fun stuff isn’t here yet?” He said, I chuckled and nodded my head. “Don’t worry, god will make sure we have a nice day.” I don’t really think about that kind of stuff so all I did was nod my head as I looked down at the people below. “You know, speaking of god.” Ethan said, I braced myself a little, because when Ethan starts talking about that, he doesn’t stop. But instead he looked at me and said “let’s say a prayer.” I looked over at him as he smiled back at me “a prayer?” I said, instantly I agreed, because what am I supposed to do? Say no?
Ethan smiled and said “good” as he grabbed my hands and clasped them together with his. He knelt his head down onto mine and closed his eyes as he spoke. Ethan said a long prayer about the things some would expect, make our day better, stuff like that, but at the very end, he started to trail off from that subject. Now he started speaking directly about me, I still remember what he said “Oh dear lord, I’d like to thank you for giving life to Joshua, I’m so thankful for him to be my friend. In Jesus name, amen.” I was kind of flattered as he opened his brown eyes and stared into mine. I looked into his eyes as our hands finally parted.
Ethan looked down and back at me and smiled again, like he’s about to say something. “You want to know something, Josh?” Still looking into his eyes, I saw his lips move, “I think-“ but instantly he was cut off as we both heard the sound of a teacher's voice cut through the music and spoke. “All students on the track above, I ask you to please come down.” The male voice said, me and Ethan looked at each other as he said “oh.” He looked slightly annoyed as he was interrupted.
“That’s fine, I need to use the bathroom anyway.” I said as I waved bye to Ethan and he walked back down the stairs. Walking down to the bathroom, I was surprised to see there weren't a lot of people in there, I still heard the loud music of the speakers echoing down the hall and into the bathroom, but other than that I heard no other voices, it felt weird.
My legs didn’t hurt just yet, but they were definitely about to. I heard somebody else in the stall next to me as I walked up to a urinal. The person in there was acting strangely though. I heard a slight tapping noise on the grey tile floor as I relieved myself. It was in a pattern, I would suddenly hear four individual taps, one after the other and then the person would wait a second, but then start again, closer to the wall this time.
I chalked it up to someone just tapping their feet as I pulled my fly up and my footsteps echoed as I walked towards the sink and washed my hands. Still hearing the tapping noise, I felt the water wash the soap off of my hands after I poured it onto me.
Something made me look over at the stall the sound was coming from though, nothing in particular, I just did so to do it. I saw nothing out of the ordinary as I looked back down at my hands but then I stopped and turned back to make sure I saw that right. The blue clay door of the stall that the noise came from was ajar.
I thought it was odd and called out as my voice echoed off the bathroom walls and lights. “Hey, I think you left your door open.” I said, but the person inside didn’t respond at all, all I heard was the same tapping on the inside. Now I was concerned, I slowly walked up to the stall, severely hoping I wasn’t about to walk in on someone taking a number two.
But then I jumped as I heard a loud splash, I could see from under the stall that water flew out from the toilet, echoing off as it splatted and ran down in between the tiles. Now I was even more confused, that definitely wasn’t just a number two. I stopped for a moment as I heard the odd splashing, it wasn’t normal splashing, it was more like splashing you’d hear from birds in a bird bath.
Cautiously I walked forward slowly with an eerie feeling to every step. I slowly pushed the door open a little more as I could peak my head inside. I looked down at the water between the tiles and my eyes ran up to the toilet and I gasped.
There were two tiny white legs sticking out of the toilet bowl, they kicked and squirmed, throwing nasty toilet water everywhere. I wasn’t exactly sure what I was looking at, I wasn’t scared per se, this wasn’t exactly a scary sight, I just felt very very confused and uncomfortable.
“What the…” I muttered, but then the two feet stopped, and my eyes widened as I knew it heard me. All I saw was it slowly struggling to rise itself out of the toilet until I ran out of the bathroom and into the people filled hallway, I turned back, looking at the bathroom doorway.
I was now hyperventilating as I knew what I had done, how did I forget all about it like that? What was that? Is it after me? Part of me wanted to go back in but I was a little too scared to go back in.
Suddenly I felt the stomach of someone hit me in the head and I stumbled backward, looking up, yet again, it was Ethan. I started to hyperventilate more as Ethan calmly said “oh! Sorry josh!” I started to fumble with my words, as I tried to speak to him “I-I-I” I said as I tried to speak, I could feel my face contort and I could tell I probably looked terrified.
But suddenly Ethan just whispered as he grabbed my shoulder like he did before “Hey, hey, hey! Calm down, dude. Just calm down.” Something about his voice was soothing, hearing it in that tone of voice I never heard from him before. “You’re okay, everything is okay. Do you need me to get you some water?” I tried to speak but all I could do was stare into his brown eyes like I did before. Ethan nodded his head at me and turned “stay right here, I’ll be back.” He said as he ran over and back with a plastic cup of water, he handed it to me and ushered me to the maroon checkered wall as we leaned against it.
I took a sip from the cup as the ice cold water went down my throat. “Thanks Ethan.” I said, “No problem, dude, if you need anything just tell me.” He said. I had now completely forgotten what happened and poor Ethan probably thinks I have some kind of mental illness now, Ethan looked around the hallway, inspecting all the different things to do. I looked over and saw two more faces I recognized. It was Erika and Taysia, Erika ran up to me as her long and wavy hair bounced up and down as she waved at me with both arms outstretched. Taysia has a funny smile on her face as she awkwardly ran up with her.
I smiled as I finally had some people I knew that weren't Ethan or Serenity. “Hey guys.” I said, Taysia ran up to me, looked at me straight in the face and said “Die!” With a smile on her face, I knew that was just Taysia being Taysia though so me and Erika laughed as Ethan looked at her with a confused look. “Where’s Serenity?” Erika said, I fumbled with my words again as I remembered I was just left behind. “There she is!” Taysia said, with a w instead of an r.
Taysia did her weird walk up to her as Erika waved goodbye quickly and followed her. “Those you’re friends?” Ethan said to me, I nodded and said “Yeah, and just so you know I have no idea why that girl told me to die.” Ethan laughed as he looked over and back at me. “They left you pretty quickly.” He said, I responded saying I was used to it and Ethan looked over at a specific thing to do.
The next couple hours were really fun, and it was all just me and Ethan, sometimes Erika and Taysia jumped in, but it was all us. At this point, the place looked like a playground and there was plenty of things to do as the sky turned dark. We went to a nerf gun fight in one of the wrestlers rooms, where a special ed kid shot Ethan in between his legs.
We went to a ball pit where one of Ethans wrestler friends tried to drown him in the plastic colorful balls.
We went and played badminton against Erika and Taysia in which Erika fell flat on her face.
Ethan got a butterfly tattoo on his cheek. I showed Ethan how to play super smash bros. I made a lot of nice memories that night, but In each one of them, I could swear I could see a white blur just in the corner of my eye. Finally, the teachers called through the intercoms and everybody there went to the lunchroom to eat.
The stuff there was generic cafeteria food, nothing special. But me and Taysia grabbed Erika by the arms and spun her around like a fidget spinner. I remember I saw Serenity crying about something to her friends, but I avoided her as I didn’t want this day to get ruined.
Walking up to Ethan with my food, my legs hurt extremely bad, I’m sure Ethan was too, but if he was he definitely wasn’t showing it. As I walked up to him I leaned to the wall next to him, Erika and Taysia tried to walk up to me but they both stopped.
Erika turned around as everyone heard music play through big speakers in the cafeteria, it was “Hey There Delilah” by the Plain White T’s. Erika looked back at me with the happiest look I’ve ever seen from her and said “I love this song!” Her and Taysia ran off to the speakers as Ethan chuckled at them. I laughed too as I could already see people turning on their flashlights on their phones and waving them in the air like candles.
The next few moments, there were no words, only the sound of the song playing on those big speakers. My eyes trailed around but ultimately stopped at Ethan, who was next to me. Ethan looked over at me too and smiled, I smiled back, but we didn’t break the gaze. He just stared at me and I stared at him, I swear I could see something white walking around outside in the darkness but I disregarded it. Ethan moved closer to me and turned towards me. Just as I heard the song say “oh it’s what you do to me.” I felt him put his hand on my cheek, he looked at me in the eyes, he leaned in and then he.
He kissed me.
Wow. When I woke up this morning, I definitely didn’t think that was going to happen. I felt his breath on my neck as he pulled me in closer to him, so hard that my legs started to stop hurting because they were lifted off the ground. “I love you.” He said into my ear, his voice so deep, quiet and quaint that it gave me goosebumps.
I wrapped my arms behind his neck as he held me and I held him in return. “I love you too.” I said, in the warmth of his arms, I truly felt as if I was not only at peace, but also in love. I had always loved Ethan, and I’m sure he always loved me, maybe we just never really knew until now.
My heart had skipped a million beats as I listened to the song and plenty of people singing along with it. “Oh, it’s what you do to me, oh, it’s what you do to me.” It was only now that I realized how beautiful this song really was, now that I truly had a memory to put with it. That whole song I was with Ethan, and we held each other like we were at prom night together.
When it was over and we finally let go it almost felt unnatural, like I needed to stay that way. This is why Ethan came to see me in the hospital, not because we were good friends, it’s because we are together. After that long lunch, me and Ethan were inseparable. The place looked like a playground before but now it looked like a whole carnival. We did everything together.
We dunked a teacher into a big tub of water in one of those hit the target games and I saw something white walk around in the empty and dark teachers lounge behind him.
We played one of those plastic sword fight games where you had to hit your opponent off the tiny cube you both stood on. But yet again, I saw something white nudge it’s way into the dark wrestlers locker room.
But it was only in the puppy room that I finally got to see it. I was laying there on the tile floor, laughing loudly as I was absolutely swarmed with small pug puppies, looking up I saw Ethan smiling down at me as he held the mom of the pugs, who seemed very happy as she looked down and panted, looking at me playing with her small cross eyed pups.
There was a small window next to the entrance, and as I looked back at it that’s when I saw it. It was standing on its hind legs, hands pressed onto the glass. It’s skin was, as you would guess, white as snow. It’s skin was smooth which almost made it look like it was made of stone instead of flesh. It’s eyes almost looked painted on, a thick black line sitting where eyes normally should be.
It had pink lips around its mouth that eerily resembled a human, and teeth that were likewise. I could clearly see a bigger version of a humans incisors, molars, canines and premolars as it lined the creatures inner jaw. It had a large and long tongue that dangled out it’s mouth and dripped slobber as it panted like a dog.
As it pressed it’s hands against the glass, they looked like the fingers were fused together. As I looked upon the creature for this brief second, I did not feel that it had malicious intent. It had a giant happy smile painted across its face, it looked like it wanted to come inside, but not to hurt or maim, it looked like it just wanted to play, to have a friend.
The creature turned around as it saw a red balloon float behind it and down the hallway. Almost as if it completely forgot about me, it jumped off the glass and ran down the hall after it.
I looked back at Ethan, who was sitting down and looking down at the puppies instead of the window, did he seriously not see that. I tried to play with the puppies but I couldn't help but feel unsettled as I knew that creature was walking around, but for some reason the unsettlement faded away.
That thing… It seemed like it was just wanting to have fun like everybody else here. The next thought I had was interrupted by Ethan who held a puppy in front of his face and talked in a high pitched voice, trying to mimic the pup. “My name is Bob the conqueror! Fear me!” he said as he dropped the doggy into my lap. He looked down at the puppies who were wagging their tails happily as they surrounded him and he spoke again.
“Hey so, after school on Monday, let’s go on a date. I can drive” I was confused for a moment until I remembered, oh yeah, Ethan and me are actually together now. I’m so not used to saying that. Later on Ethan would have to back our last minute, but that moment alone of him genuinely wanting to be with me meant much more than he understood.
Walking out of there with him, we heard an announcement for all the students in the school to report to the gym. And looking down the hallways, the creature I saw was no longer there, he or she had ran off into some other hallway. But I still couldn’t understand, had he or she been walking around the school this whole entire time? Had they really been so stealthy that nobody had even seen them yet? I guessed so, but they must be very proficient at hiding if they could run down a hallway after a balloon and nobody noticed.
But my head turned back as I felt someone touch my hand, it was Ethan, I felt his large hands start to interlock with my fingers as he looked down the hallway towards the gym. He looked back at me and smiled sweetly as he pulled me along as a crowd of students formed to the gym.
I’ve never felt this before, this feeling that I had someone else watching over me, someone that was with me always, someone that loved me. I was holding his hand, I can’t believe this was really happening. It almost felt like it was a dream, like this wasn’t reality, but deep in my brain I knew it was all too real.
My legs hurt from standing so long and trembled from even being around Ethan. Just gazing upon him is enough for my heart to beat faster and my arms and legs to shake.
Erika ran up behind me with Taysia, “I’ve only been around Taysia because I have no friends.” She said as she laughed. Ethan must’ve not noticed it, but we walked by Serenity, who was crying to her friend yet again, no surprise there. But this time, something was very different about her. She was completely bald, from where her hair once stood, it was all just completely gone.
I was surprised, yet I probably should’ve guessed her hair was fake, I don’t understand how she could style it like that. Nonetheless, Erika looked at me with one eyebrow raised and her jaw on the floor. Taysia was completely clueless as me and Erika laughed as hard as we could from how unexpected it was.
Only as I laughed did the thought cross my mind, “Did that creature steal her wig? I hope not.” But I looked down as a student with a fundraiser shirt shoved a plastic and foam stick into my hands with a button on the top, I was confused as I saw other students with the same shirt hand these sticks to Erika, Taysia, Ethan and everyone else in the line.
I was confused with it and I couldn’t tell what it was for, until I heard Taysia yell “Woah! It’s pretty!” I looked over and saw her stick lighting up in millions of different colors at once, it made me happy I didn’t have epilepsy.
Ethan grabbed the stick I was holding and said “Here, just press this button right here.” he pressed the button on top and it lit up in a million different colors. Looking down, I was mesmerized by all the different colors, looking over, we were all lead into the gym, it was now packed yet again. The lights were turned out and the gym was completely dark except for the stage which looked like a literal disco floor, before even half of the students entered the gym. Multicolored lights above lighted up and music started to play through the speakers.
The first song was “Mr. Brightside.” By the Killers. And, you know, these next moments were the most energetic I've ever been. People had lighted up their glow sticks and started to jump, the music was so loud that the gym started to rumble with all the people jumping up and down.
All the different colored lights flashing at once was almost disorientating. I almost had forgotten Ethan was still next to me as we went deeper into the crowd of people jumping and singing, the crowd was so big and intense that Erika and Taysia had to be somewhere else in the dark gym away from the crowd of people.
Even the teachers started to join in, It was almost beautiful as the first song ended and Immediately another one started, the gym started to rumble once more. It was “Clarity” by Zedd, I remember I loved this song when I was a pre-teen because it made me feel like I was in a rave. Now, what do you know? I’m listening to this song and I am actually in a rave.
Looking to my side, Ethan was still there, his face completely lightened up from the millions of lights. I took out my phone and took a video of the beautiful chaos around us. But then, I suddenly felt Ethans hand on my forearm and pull my hand down. Just right when the electric piano started to hit, and the woman said “Why are you my clarity?” I felt Ethans lips connect with mine as we kissed again, my heart skipped a beat, I don’t think I’m going to get used to that.
I almost dropped my phone as he wrapped his arms around my waist and I could feel the beat of his heart as I put my hands on his chest. I felt the cold steel of his cross necklace graze my neck, our glasses clacked together, but neither of us cared at all. My hand started to softly scratch the shaven back of his head. I even heard some girls around us look at us and squeal “oh my god!” Normally I’d be having a sensory overload right now, but in Ethans arms, I felt like I was just fine.
Opening my eyes, I could only see the lights as I saw Ethans eyes closed and I could just barely see behind him. Behind Erika and Taysia, who were dancing with glow sticks and glowing necklaces. I saw that creature again, it was sitting in front of the bleachers, I could see their closed eyes looking right at me and Ethan.
As they’re tongue hangs out their mouth and they pant with the lights reflecting off the hardwood gym floor. I could feel the energy it gave off, it seemed happy for me. I couldn’t believe nobody was seeing them, everyone was so entranced from the sight before them, they didn’t even see it. But one thing was different about it, it was wearing Serenity’s wig like it was it’s own.
I kind of wanted to laugh as it turned the other way, distracted by something and walked into the locker rooms. Ethan broke the kiss and I looked at him in his big brown eyes, “That doesn’t get old, does it?” He said.
We all walked around the track as slow music played through the speakers. Making this moment that much more romantic. I remember when the lights turned back on, the teacher on stage announced that we all had raised ten thousand dollars for cancer tonight. Which was accompanied by millions of cheers.
Erika and Taysia sat on the ground as they finally realized that they could sit down, Ethan went on ahead, so I waved by to them both for the night and walked after him. He was standing in the pale moonlight as he waved bye to a bunch of his wrestler friends.
I walked up to him and he instantly smiled at me. “Are you waiting to get picked up?” I said, Ethan shook his head “No. I drive on my own, remember? I was just waiting for you.” The coldness of the outside seemed to become warm as Ethan hugged me as hard as he could, it felt like he would break my ribs, but honestly, with him, I’d be fine if that happened. “I had a really amazing night with you.” He said, “I love you so much.”
I could feel my legs start to tremble again as I hugged him back, “I love you too.” I said, not really knowing what else to say. I saw my car in the parking lot and realized I could leave. I looked up at Ethan and said “I have to go now, goodbye.” Letting me go, he waved goodbye as I walked into the darkness and into the parking lot.
All I could think about was the amazing night I just spent with Erika and Taysia. But I mostly thought about Ethan, my boyfriend, Ethan. That has a good ring to it. Looking over into the fields next to the school, I could see that same creature running through the corn stocks, chasing random bugs, still wearing Serenity’s wig. I don’t know much about that thing, but I don’t think it has any bad intentions. For now, I just don’t know.
End of part 3A
Part 3B coming soon!
submitted by pangolins-rock to nosleep [link] [comments]

I think we just became part of a new ecosystem

Hey guys, it’s Russel, just trying to figure out if the craziness I saw today is happening everywhere in the world or what. Because I’m gonna be honest, I am scared as hell. At the moment, I’m barricaded down in the basement with my cat like a kid home alone with the flu, desperately trying to get news to load on my phone. Actually, I’m not totally alone. Camella Ponotini is with me. I’ve got her locked in the laundry room. If you’re a friend or family member of Cam’s and want to come get her, please let me know. The banging on the door stopped about an hour ago so she might be safe to move by now.
Anyways, I wanna let everyone know what I saw today. My phone isn’t working great for some reason but I managed to get Facebook to load a few posts an hour or so ago. One person that lives in my city was saying it was some kind of off-season pollen or something that blew in with the storm last night. Other posts didn’t seem to know what was happening at all. But I’ve seen what’s happening out there right now first-hand. Like… real first-hand. And it’s fucked up. I’m not sure if it’s only my city or what but my plan is to write out everything I saw today, post it to every damn social media account I can think of, and hope that maybe, if anything on this phone ever loads, I can save a person or two from ending up like Cam. Now full disclosure- I’m no Jack Kerouac. But bear with me. My mom always said the only cure for fear is truth... so I’m gonna try to do my part.
It started with that storm last night. Seriously, I can’t remember ever hearing thunderclaps like that. Usually rain patters send me to sleep faster than a Benadryl-and-whiskey but I laid awake all night with a pit in my stomach, thinking about how long it had been since I’d checked in on my roof. The wind was as relentless as the downpour and both were occasionally drowned out by God’s kick-heavy drum solos in the sky. The cat took no chances and hid out in the center spot under my bed, yowling most of the night. I didn’t fault her. I’ve lived on the west coast all my life and am no stranger to rain and thunder. But last night’s storm had me wondering what home prices are looking like in Arizona.
The worst of it was done by about 3:00 a.m. and by the time I got my tired ass out of bed at 5:30, the last drizzle of the storm had petered out, leaving only a thick morning fog and dense, black clouds that lidded the sky. I didn’t like the look of the clouds so much but considered myself lucky the weather had turned a little less Old Testament. So I sighed, turned my coffee-maker on, and started getting ready for work.
By 6:15 I was grabbing my wallet, keys, and lunch as I made my way through the house, crossing each thing off my mental “don’t wanna leave for work without it” list. Oh, and my mask. Almost forgot that fun little addition to the daily routine. But after some yawns I managed to get out the door in decent shape, petting Ophie’s head before I went and telling her what a brave cat she was last night to have argued with the storm for so long. She pressed her head up into my hand, purring her acceptance speech.
When I pulled out of my driveway onto Driscoll, I could see what a number the storm had done on the neighborhood. Branches were littered across the street and sidewalks and a couple doors down, a tree had collapsed into a neighbor’s yard, having narrowly missed the corner of their house. Lucky break, really. In fact, I was surprised the area wasn’t worse off. We had a wind storm five or so years ago that knocked over dozens of trees and killed the power for days; this wasn’t even half of that. Hell, the fog-dulled streetlamps meant that our neighborhood hadn’t even lost power.
I drove cautiously down the road, scanning houses as I passed, looking to see who got the worst of it. A couple blocks down I noticed one of the guys on my street walking around on his roof, probably looking for damage. I don’t know this guy but recognized him instantly, as I have him mentally catalogued as the Village Asshole. Twice before, when driving home from work, he’s ended up behind me, tailgating aggressively in his lifted F-150 before speeding around me on our residential street. He’s also the dude in the neighborhood who starts setting off Fourth of July fireworks on July 1st and saves enough afterwards for seemingly every football game of the season. I’d be willing to bet the only ones to despise him more than I do are the neighborhood dogs.
Anyway, Mr. Asshole was pacing around on the roof of his two-story house, doing something with a length of rope. As I coasted by in the fog, I could see he had tied one end off to his chimney stack and was fixing the other end around himself. He had looped it around his waist so many times that it practically looked like a championship wrestling belt and, from what I could tell, he was knotting it frantically. I sorta chuckled at the sight and figured, “hey, can’t be too safe, I guess.” But before Mr. Asshole was completely out of view from my driver’s-side window, I realized there was only about a foot of slack between him and the chimney stack. That was odd, but not troubling enough to linger on, and I continued to pick my way around storm debris on my way to the office.
For work, I do building and systems management for one of the high-rises in my city. Most people think that means I’m just trying to fancy-up the fact that I do janitorial work or IT or something, but that’s not true. Actually, most of my day is spent in a small office on the first floor, monitoring the building systems, responding to email and phone requests from our tenant businesses, and contracting with service companies. Basically, I’m the guy making sure your office is warm enough in the winter, cool enough in the summer, and that the energy bill for both isn’t costing the building owner too much money. I wouldn’t call it the most glamorous job, but few people appreciate how sophisticated a modern high-rise is and the work it takes to keep one running. Plus, it gives me the sense that I’m at the building’s nerve center. I’m like the medulla oblongata; keeping all that background shit running so you don’t even need to think about it.
By about 6:40 a.m. I had pulled into my spot in the garage, strapped my mask behind my ears, and was walking towards my office when a call came through on my cell. It was my tech, Lew. The building was still more or less quiet at this time, so I stopped in the middle of the lobby to take it.
I answered the phone in my best “Mr. Business Man” voice, immediately picking up with, “Mr. Galvani. Don’t you tell me what I think you’re going to tell me.”
Lew forced a polite laugh from the other end of the call before responding, “hey, I’m sorry to do this to you, Russ. But I’m gonna have to tell you what you don’t want me to tell you. There’s no way I can make it into the office this morning.”
I rolled my eyes at my luck before responding in my normal voice, “yeah, no problem man. Everything okay over there, though? You feeling all right? Please don’t tell me you’ve gone and caught the ‘Rona.”
Lew humored me with another polite chuckle at this. “Nah man, actually it’s Lucy. She was out in that storm last night walking the damn dog around the apartment complex, waiting for him to take a shit, and now she’s got a temperature.”
“Ah,” I responded intelligently. “That’ll do it.”
Lew seemed to hesitate for a moment and even over the phone I felt like I could feel his demeanor shift. After an uncomfortable pause, he spoke again, his tone hollow.
“Actually, to be honest, Russ, I’m worried. She was kind of catatonic this morning when I first woke her up and wouldn’t really talk to me- just kept trying to get out onto our balcony. I’m guessing she was trying to cool off from the fever but something felt off. I decided to take her to the hospital and she fought me the whole way down to the car. It was rough, man- it probably looked like I was abducting her or something. And once I had her buckled in, she started screaming. I mean fucking screaming. So I got out, shut the door, and called 9-1-1. I’m standing outside the car now, waiting for the medics to show and keeping an eye on her.”
I was taken aback but genuinely concerned. “Shit man… I’m sorry. That sounds serious. Take the day, and don’t worry about coming in tomorrow. I’ve already got most of that LEED project done, anyways. Take care of Lucy and I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Thanks, Russ,” Lew responded, sounding exhausted. “I’ll let you know how it goes.”
Then, for a brief moment after Lew finished speaking, I could hear her. A high-pitched, tortured scream, muffled in the background of the call. I thought I could make out her saying something through the scream- and then Lew hung up.
I stood in the lobby for a moment, staring down at the black screen of my phone, shaken from the call. An iciness reverberated through me; it was like all my body’s heat had been evaporated in an instant by Lucy’s scream. But as I stood there people had begun to trickle into the building around me. So I shook myself off, pocketed my phone, and headed into the office to boot up my laptop and check emails for the day. There’s nothing like the routine of mundane shit to put one’s mind at ease.
Upon opening Outlook, it appeared several tenants had already fired off concerns this morning. Apparently power had been flickering on the top floors, offices on floor five were reporting that the heat wasn’t kicking on, and several security guards had called in sick, meaning we would need to pay the two guards who did make it in today overtime. So all good news, as usual.
I shot out an email approving the overtime for the security guards and decided I would start the day off by dealing with the power issue on the top floors. Nothing against the lovely tenants of floor five, but as far as the building owner’s concerned, not all tenants are exactly equal. In particular, the top two floors are occupied by a major law firm; our highest-paying tenant. To tell you the truth, I like working with the lawyers, despite my firm conviction that they have no idea what the hell it is that I do. I think to them, I’m Mr. Make-the-Problem-Go-Away-Man, so they have a habit of calling me for pretty much every stupid little thing. But like I said; highest paying tenant. So I slapped my mask back on and grabbed my maintenance keys. No sooner had I punched the “21” button in the elevator that, just as the doors were closing, an arm stabbed through the gap in the center, causing them to retract. Once there was enough room between the doors, a woman squeezed herself in.
I didn’t recognize this lady. Not that I know every person who works in a 21-story high-rise, but she gave me the vibe that she wasn’t supposed to be there. She was heavy-set and middle-aged with short, milk-blonde hair cut into the quintessential “let me speak to your manager” haircut, which was disheveled in the back. She was dressed like she’d been aiming for “business casual” but gave up halfway through. The bottom three buttons of her floral-pattern blouse weren’t done up and she’d tucked the shirt into only one side of black, dirty slacks. I realized as she hustled in and turned around to face the closing doors that she was wearing a single bath slipper with no sock on one foot and nothing but a sock on her other foot. Both were filthy. And to top it all off, of course this lady wasn’t wearing a damn mask. Because that’s my luck.
“Which floor, ma’am?” I tried to ask her politely as the doors closed again.
“Top.” She grunted, like a fucking cavewoman.
“Uh… sure thing. You know the firm doesn’t open until 8:00 a.m., right? You may have to go back down and wait in the lobby if they’re not expecting you this early,” I tried to offer helpfully, hoping she would take the fucking hint.
I was just about to sweeten the pot by mentioning the coffee stand and seating in the lobby when she twisted her head around and glared at me with bloodshot, watery eyes. Her makeup was all smeared up like she’d been crying and wiped her face on a pillow; her face twisted into an expression of discomfort. After a moment of uncomfortable eye contact she growled, “I need to go UP. TOP.” Her mouth twitched.
“Sure thing, ma’am,” I said curtly, determined not to engage her further. I had seen this kind of thing before. Lawyers get these crazy clients sometimes that lose their case or get their homes repo-ed or whatever Boston Legal shit they get up to, and then they get drunk and worked up and try to come back and pick a fight in the office. For all I knew, she was on the losing end of a bad divorce and her ex-spouse’s attorney is sitting up there on the top floor, signing the back of a check she thinks should’ve been her alimony. Whatever the case, I planned to have reception call security and get scrapyard soccer mom the hell out of my building ASAP.
As the floor number display slowly clocked upwards, I watched her body twitch sporadically like someone spasming as they fall into REM. She kept reaching behind her head, scratched aggressively at the place where her head connects with her neck, explaining her disheveled hair. She would make quiet sort of grunting-whimpering noises when doing this, and I spent the ride pressing myself as far back into the elevator as I could, watching the scratching and convulsions with horrified fixation. Whatever her deal was, she’d clearly been hitting something a little stronger than the vodka bottle.
After what must have been fifty floors, the elevator dinged, the doors slid open, and Twitchy walked jerkily out onto the floor like some kind of malfunctioning robot. I gave her a few moments to get ahead of me and make some space, then exited as well, turning left towards the entrance of the law firm.
Now, I hadn’t lied when I said the firm doesn’t open until 8:00. Usually Cam, the receptionist, gets in at about 6:30 but doesn’t open the rolling metal door to the office lobby until about 7:55. You know those doors they use to close up individual shops inside a mall? It looks like that. There’s a different door in a back hallway the staff can use key cards on during off-hours. So I was surprised to see that even though it was only about 6:45, the rolling door had already been flung open. I say “flung” because it hadn’t been opened properly- it’s supposed to slide all the way up so that there’s a big, rectangular opening into the firm lobby. But whoever opened it today must’ve gotten it jammed. The thing hung down about a foot and a half on one side of the opening in a haphazard, diagonal way, like a guillotine blade. Only a few of the lights in the firm were on, giving the place a sort of creepy, broken-into look. I sighed, reflected on how it was way too fucked up a day so far to not even be eight-o-clock yet, and went in.
I immediately noticed that Cam wasn’t there. In 5 years of working this building this was the first time I had ever not seen her glued to reception. I scanned the dim lobby for Twitchy but didn’t see her either. In fact, the whole lobby was deserted. I went to a nearby wall and checked the light switches; they’d all been flipped on, so the lighting thing was definitely a power issue. I looked around and, seeing no one, permitted myself a moment to walk up to the windows.
In retrospect, I should’ve passed on the windows. But the thing is, the windows in this lobby are the best in the building; maybe the city. They’re massive and offer panoramic views of downtown and, on clear days, the mountains in the distance beyond. Well, normally they do, anyways. There was no view this morning- and I mean nothing. The twenty-first floor was surrounded by a smoky fog like a thick, dark-grey curtain, shutting out the world beyond. I’d hoped looking out my favorite window would return a sense of normalcy to the day, but it had only filled me with anxiety. Another light flickered and went out behind me, which snapped my mind back to the task at hand.
My first stop to fix this power thing was going to be the generator on the roof which can be opened and manually reset. Of course, if that didn’t do the trick, I would have to put in a service order for a professional to come out; I had hoped it wouldn’t come to that. But it occurred to me that checking on the generator meant finding my way around on the roof in this dark-ass fog. I stared out into the shadowy, grey soup beyond the window for a moment longer, sighed again, and started towards the back of the office where the service door to the roof is. As I approached the rear of the office, I realized I wasn’t the first to arrive.
“Mr. Wallace? Oh my god is that you? Please- we could use some some help over here!”
I had approached the end of the corridor and could vaguely make out Cam in the dim hallway, standing a little way back behind a group of three other people clustered around the service door. There appeared to be some kind of scuffle in progress. Cam called me again and I jogged the last 20 feet.
I had barely gotten through asking “What the hell is going on?” before Cam responded.
“It’s Antony! Something’s wrong!” Cam exclaimed, positioning herself next to me as I tried to discern who the players were in the dark hall.
After my eyes had adjusted, I could discern that Antony appeared to be attempting to get to the service door but was being held back by Liz Morse, one of the attorneys from the firm. He was fighting against Liz who, being about 6 inches shorter than Antony, was awkwardly trying to get him into a full-nelson while urging him, in a very professional tone, to “hold the fuck still you little shit.” Standing near them, with eyes fixed on the service door, was Twitchy.
I knew Antony. He was a college kid we hired back in April who worked in the mail room, running letters and packages to the tenant businesses and doing little odd jobs for the admin office. He was sort of wiry with a clean cut, “frat guy” demeanor to him. He was a nice enough kid, but I definitely knew him as the sort to party often and party late. I would occasionally get looped in on drama from the admin office about how Antony had come in late and hungover again or called in sick last-minute. That kinda shit.
“Liz, Cam- what is going on over here?” I said, trying to assert myself like some kind of cop. I’ve never really been in an altercation before but in the moment felt like I needed to live up to something. Liz was the first to respond, over the protesting grunts of Antony.
“He was arguing with Cam, trying to get up to the roof. When I tried to get him to leave, he just started yelling and bashing himself against the door like a psycho. Then she showed up, I don’t know what her deal is.” At the last part, Liz gestured with her head towards Twitchy, before adding “Can you please help me with this?!”
“Uh- yeah, sorry!” I replied stupidly, jumping into action and trying to take over the full-nelson from Liz. Luckily I’m a somewhat taller guy and had a pretty good height advantage on Antony and, after another few moments of struggle, successfully wrapped my arms around Antony’s and interlocked my fingers behind his head. He kept struggling against me in the direction of the door and I yelled towards Cam, “call security! We need to get this dude out of here!”
Cam replied in an emotional, panicked tone, “I’ve been trying! The phones are down and I don’t have any service! I was scared to leave Liz alone!”
I was about to tell her to just head down to the first floor now, I’ve got it, when I felt something. I kid you not, something under the Antony’s skin, right where my hands were interlocked behind his neck, pushed against my palms. I froze up for a second, thinking maybe I’d accidentally broken the kid’s neck. Then I felt it again- something in his neck at the base of his skull, tracing a pattern around the underside of his skin. Like a finger sliding around just beneath the flesh, trying to find a spot to poke through.
“Oh, what the fuck!” I yelled out impulsively, releasing Antony and pushing him away from me instinctively.
Liz yelled, “Whoa, what are you doing?!” and gestured towards me like I just fumbled the ball in the last ten yards of a Super Bowl touchdown.
I was about to explain myself when Antony whirled around and whipped a letter opener out from the pocket of his slacks. It wasn’t much, but he brandished it at me like a fucking javelin. “I need to go UP!” he screamed. His eyes were bloodshot and wild. Twitchy seemed to perk up at this and joined in like a wretched little myna bird. “UP!” she screeched in agreement, looking at me expectantly, her face pained.
“O-KAY!” I yelled back at them, exasperated, tired, and officially done with the circus. “That’s it! Liz, Cam. Head to floor one. Tell security we got a serious problem on the roof. Call the cops as soon as you get service. Tell them the same. I don’t know if these two are planning to jump or what but this has been way too fucked up a day and it’s not going to include one of us getting stabbed by a goddamn mail boy. Antony, get out of my way.” I pulled out the key ring from my jacket pocket and strode towards the door. Antony watched me intently and Twitchy screamed “UP!” again, about three feet from my ear. I didn’t respond, I just grit my teeth and shoved the key into the lock.
The access door opens up into a short utility hall with metal stairs at the end, leading to an unlocked door that opens onto the roof. No sooner had I stepped away from the aperture of the open service door that Twitchy and Antony shoved past, walking jerkily up the stairs like puppets controlled by an angry toddler. I watched them ascend the stairs for a moment, disturbed to see Antony scratching furiously at the back of his neck at the spot where my hands had been, and then I turned to face Cam and Liz.
“Look, I’m going to go up too. I need to take a look at the generator anyways plus I can keep an eye on whatever the hell they get up to. If they try to jump I’ll do my best to stop it but otherwise, someone needs to be with them until the police get here.”
Liz processed that for a moment before matter-of-factly replying, “got it. Be safe. If Mr. Letter Opener comes at you again, get the fuck out. I’ll be back with security ASAP.” At that she turned on her heel and started jogging towards the lobby. Cam didn’t budge.
“I’m heading up with you, Mr. Wallace,” she replied. Her voice wavered but was stern. “I don’t like you up there with those two weirdos alone and Liz has got the cops thing handled.”
“So long as you’re sure,” I responded, secretly grateful I wasn’t going up by myself. Cam may only be a little five-foot-nothing Italian lady but she’s one of those strong personalities that seem genuinely capable of anything. Having her nearby made me feel a little more confident with the situation. For a moment I considered telling her about the neck thing with Antony but decided it was better not to make her think she was going to be trapped on the roof with three crazy people. “Do you have anything to defend yourself… you know, just in case?” I asked.
Cam’s eyes lit up. “Oh! I have this!” and she pulled a lip stick tube from her purse. I think she noticed my confusion because she added, a little defensively, “it’s not lip stick; it’s pepper spray. I can’t believe I forgot I had this thing in there.”
“Well… just make sure you point it the right way then.” She nodded her acknowledgment. I turned around, took a breath, and we began our climb up to the roof.
Part 2/2 available here.
submitted by BW_Sharp to nosleep [link] [comments]

I am a Sheriff's Deputy in Bull's Heart, Texas. Part 2.

Part one lives here. It'll make more sense if you it first.
I was half way to my car before I knew it, fresh cup of coffee in my hand. Ellie wouldn't let me leave without one.
I set the cup of coffee down on the roof of the Dodge and started digging around in my pockets. Looking for my keys. A scream ripped out of the restaurant behind me. It was long and loud. Sounded like someone had just stuck their hand in a deep fat fryer. Or had it forced into one. It startled me and I jumped, So much so that I dropped my keys.
I heard a snort. Which sounded suspiciously like it was at my expense. I looked over my shoulder as I bent over to grab my keys.
Murray's horse, Pistola, was tied up in a parking spot, about three spaces down from me. It was technically against city ordinance to tie an animal up in a commercial parking lot. Outside of Rodeo season of course, And there was special emphasis on undead mammals.
But if you won't tell, I won't. The skeletal equine was staring at me over a feed bag strapped to his face. I pretended not to notice that the feed bag was stained brown, with a suspicious blackish liquid dripping from the stained burlap. Sometime's in Bull's Heart, the answers just aren't worth the questions.
"Cut me some slack, dude" I said. With a voice that may or may not have registered a bit of annoyance. "I'm not a three hundred year old dead horse. Shit creeps me out sometimes."
I could have sworn that old Pistola, rolled his eyes at that. But that may have been just me giving the horse too much credit.
Another shorter scream erupted from the diner. This one ending suddenly. The context clues I had at my disposal, told me it was Marcel who was doing the screaming in there. Now were I a normal Sheriff's Deputy it would be my job to run into that Diner, ready to get to the bottom of it. But. I already knew the score and felt no need to investigate further. Plus, fuck that guy. Stripers had no protections under the law and I was specifically instructed to ensure their safety at my discretion and i discresified that Marcel was a worthless piece of human wreckage, who should be fed to a wood chipper. His death would truely be a net benefit to humanity as a whole. And that was about as far as I was willing to take it.
Just as I scooped up my keys, I heard a low nervous sound from the undead horse. One of those 'Hey I'm not cool with this' sounds horses make. A rustle of feathers creeping out of the night sky, the horse's call of unease it's only accompaniment.
"Fuck" I swore outloud. A rustle of feathers on a night time breeze could mean only a few things in Bull's Heart and only one of them would creep out a horse. I stood up straight. Looking for it. Resting my paw on the handle of my Smoke Wagon. My fingers wrapping around the checkered grip of the ridiculously large revolver. They always come when the stink of blood is on the air. They bring the cold with them too. As was attested to by the shiver running down my spine and the light steam I was suddenly exhaling. The hairs on my bare arms stood up in response to the suddenly frigid air. On one level I knew that I was under no immediate threat.... But you tell that to two hundred thousand years of evolutional preservational instincts. Shit was there for a reason. Yes I suppose you could say the thing perched over the door of Earl's diner made me uncomfortable. Just a touch.
The neon lighting from the diner's sign cast an odd neon red hue across it. The light seemed to accentuate the shadows it lurked in. But I wouldn't even have to look at the damn thing to know it was watching me. The whole site of the thing was like watching a demon stalk you.
Nobody was really sure where they had came from. Nobody who'd been to the Great Beyond, or any other such ports of mystical or metaphysical call, could recall such a creature in any of their travels.
I would describe it as a humanoid, with big ragged vultures wings. Bipedal body. Bird's legs. A man's chest. I usually saw a big fuck off beak, that was attached to a face that looked similar to a plague doctor's mask.
But rarely did two people see the same thing when they looked at the creatures. Well for the most part. The going theory was that they were some matter of shape shifters. But that still left a lot to explain. Everyone described the same ragged wings and the same piercing eyes. Orbs of a pure white, that burned with a mix of corruption and malevolent anger. Like spotlights of hate on a greasy black night.
But nobody could agree on secondary characteristics. To me they all looked the same, but if I tried to describe what I saw, you wouldn't know what I was talking about, because you saw a horses head with a seagulls beak for a face, or some other such silliness.
This particular creature's wings were drooped over it like a cloak. I could see the eyes boring into me from the inky black recesses of it's wings. No notion of a head, or shoulders, or anything could be discerned from the shadows.
I glared back at it for a moment, before I took a good weaver style shooting position, drew my smoke wagon and planted it's front site post right smack dab between those dumbass eyes. It did nothing but glare back at me with those huge hate filled peepers. I couldn't even tell if it understood what was happening. But I could make out it's inky black talons flexing on it's perch, as if it was about to throw itself forward and rip my belly clean open in a fit of avian fury. Everything in me told me to pull the trigger on my Magnum Research BFR and send a .45-70 Government Consecrated Exploding Sabot round right into the thing's forehead. Everything in me wanted to send that unearthly thing back to whatever soulless void it spawned from. The things aren't right for this world and everything in me was telling me to send it back where it belonged. To the pit it crawled out of.
But technically........Under Texas department of Fish and Game code, They are classified as an endangered species.
So all I could do was whisper "Bang" like a petulant child and reluctantly holster my weapon. I am not horribly mature, I admit.
Yeah, sure they stole dead bodies. Sure they flew around from Dusk till Dawn creeping the living fuck out of people. Sure they had all the sentience of a learning disabled possum. But some genius decided to call them an endangered species and grant them protected habitats. Like the forests surrounding Bull's Heart. Because where the fuck else would they be able to go?
The thrice cursed things are Illegal to hunt for sport or harvest. And if you kill one by accident, you better have your ducks in a row. Because you are about to be investigated for Poaching. Which in Texas, means you are going to face a lot of Jail time.
Which is some Fucking liberal bullshit, if you ask me.
Our local game warden, a fella named Lingelsou, was very particular about the animals of what he calls 'His Forest.'
He also had zero problem running in Deputys for violations to the Texas Fish and Game code. He once arrested a Deputy named Landis for taking one down. Even though he had a good reason for it..... well maybe not a good reason exactly, but a pretty damn good excuse.
About once a month or so, Deputy Landis has a condition that.... Well it's just best that he gets away from people for a couple days or so. He goes a little wild in that time frame. So he goes out to a plot of land he owns out in the woods and just rides it out. Safer for everyone that way.
During one of these..... Fits I guess you could call it. He took down one of the creatures and ate half of it. Warden Lingelsou took him in for it. It didn't matter that Deputy Landis wasn't in his right frame of mind. He still didn't have a population control hunting license, which was the only way to legally hunt them.
Sheriff Onryu had gone to bat for the Deputy, going so far as to site the American's with disabilities act of 1990, trying to point out that Landis had a condition and certain accessions had to be made in order to provide a fair and equal environment for him. Including free reign hunting rights for the thing that lived inside of him. Lingelsou wasn't buying it though. "Laws be laws" The Game Warden had said. "In my forest and in my jurisdiction, the laws be respected"
Sanctimonious do-gooder Prick. But the creatures did a good job of keeping their number's low and they didn't really go out of their way to attack people. Unless cornered. Which is a good thing. Because when they are worked up into a good lather, they can take and dish out a lot of punishment before they finally go down. Kind of like a skybourne Armadillo. Only less cute.
This specimen, as if sensing my unease, leaned forward and screeched at me. I got the impression of a beak sticking out from between it's wings. The screech was loud in the frigid silence. It gave off the audio sensation of nails on a chalkboard mixed with a crying newborn. A pretty unpleasant mixing of audible input.
Than the burning eyes turned back to Pistola, and I briefly wondered if the Creature was going to go after the undead horse. I mean they were death eaters and technically the horse was dead after a fashion.
I would legally be allowed to shoot it at the point, as Pistola was technically livestock....Deadstock?..... Anyway, in Bull's Heart, you could defend tame animals from wild Animals. Especially with all of the weird crap that lives in our woods.
But before I could sink much thought into it, the creature reared on it's haunches, gave one last terrifying screech and took wing, quickly disappearing into the night sky. My caveman ego wanted to believe that it was because the Creature was made uncomfortable by my presence.
But more than likely it figured that the staff of Toothy Earl's weren't going to toss Marcel's corpse out the front door, so there was no point in hanging around. Either way Pistola seemed to be okay with the end result, as he let out a sigh of equine relief as the potential predator made it's exit.
I watched the night sky in the direction it flew off for a moment, wondering if it was going to change it's mind and come back.
They have a name.
Like we don't just call them 'Creatures.' I just happen to think the name is stupid. Real fucking stupid. Because it's not a hot chick on a winged horse swinging a sword.
It is in no way shape or form a Valkerye. And yes that is a hill that I am willing to die on.
It's a fucking bird monster, not a chick who escorts dead warriors to the All Father's table. Can't put that shit on the side of a panel van from the seventies. End of discussion.
I just call them 'Shitbirds.'
When I was certain that the Shitbird was gone for good, I turned and gave Pistola a nod.
"You're safe now, Sir." I said with a professional smile. "You're welcome."
The Horse just stared back at me with Milky dead eyes. He seemed super unimpressed.
"Fine" I said with a bit of feigned exasperation "act like that thing didn't have you scared out of your peanut sized mind"
The Horse snorted at me again and again I swear he managed to roll his pupiless white eyes at me. That damn horse was smarter than he was letting on. I shook my head and turned back to the Charger. But as I got into the Dodge, I thought I heard something. Like words floating out of the dark. Scratchy. Raspy. Just at the point of hearing. The point were you aren't sure if it's your inner monolog or your ears, and i definitely wasn't quite sure which one it was.
"The.... Master.... Comes...."
I stared off in the direction the creature had flown. Well that was odd. I couldn't be sure that I had heard it.... But I couldn't completely write it off either.
I knew the way to the Miller's house like the back of my hand. We were out there enough after all. The Miller's were two people that shouldn't have been together. But they were also both extremely stubborn. Neither was going to be the one who broke first and left. They also refused to admit they had problems. Even when they were doing their best to rip each other apart. Made conflict mediation between the two parties a royal bitch.
They were one of the reasons I hated this God forsaken town.
I was going to meet up with Gruk and Daliwal at the foot of the Miller's drive and we would go up their property as a group.
It's usually best to go out on calls with as much back up as possible. Especially in this town.
I briefly thought about Gruk's condition. I glanced down towards the Digital Defensive Control Suite sitting in the middle of my Patrol car's center console. The screen showed that the U.V. Defensive lighting rig that sat on the roof of the Uparmored Charger Hell Cat cruiser was off. I reached down and tapped the off button just to be sure. I than reached over and hit the manual safety, locking it out of action.
A lot of citizen's of Bull's Heart had one condition or another that made U.V. light anything from annoying to downright lethal, so much so that the local Government classified U.V. lights as destructive devices. If you had some? You had better have a very damn good reason for having them or you were going to jail. Occasionally certain people would kick up a stink about it, make some noise about it being a violation of the 2nd Amendment, but they usually didn't get much support because.... well it's hard to get people real worked up about lightbulbs.
It would have been a damn shame to take Gruk and possibly Daliwal out of action, due to some avoidable asshatted dipshittery. I actually wasn't sure if U.V. would take Daliwal down or out, but I did know his kind were nocturnal, so better safe than sorry.
I turned down the dirt road that would take me to the Miller's front gate. Something about the way the lights of my cruiser played down the narrow tree lined dirt road gave it an ominous feeling. I was hoping it wasn't a sign of things to come.
"Here the fuck we go" I grumbled outloud.
I saw Gruk's S.U.V. and Daliwal's cruiser parked next to the Miller's cattle gate. Gruk had to drive one of the bigger S.U.V.s due to her massive size.
"More like her massive ass" I said to myself, giving myself a slight chuckle in response, finding myself hilarious. And before you ask, yes I am aware that I am an idiot.
I parked behind the big SUV and got out, but not before I let dispatch know where I was. "Jen, Whiskey Hotel, 10-23 at the Miller's" I told dispatch over the radio.
"Roger that, Whiskey Hotel, good luck!"
"Roger. Thanks. Out."
Daliwal and Gruk were standing in front of the latter's cruiser, looking up the property. Gruk turned her massive head my way. The black pupils of her eyes seemed to dig right through me as she stared. Her lips parted slightly and she gave me a disdainful sneer.
"Oh look..." She said said sounding gruff and vaguely British, like a bad guy from a Lord of The Rings Movie "'Ey sent a pathetic little 'Oomie to back us up..."
The look on her face could have frozen fire. She looked like she wanted to rip open my belly and play with what she found there. She squared up her shoulders like she was ready to throw down and raised her hands up to shoulder height. Flexing every muscle she had in her upper body. Her jaw fell open revealing some seriously nasty gleaming white canines. A Threat display if there ever was one. Her Body Armor and her duty belt did nothing except add to idea that she was preped and ready for a real slobberknocker.
She took a step forward, looking every bit of the bruiser she really was. From the top of her pony tail to the soles of her size twenty black Bates combat boots, she was built for war. Literally. Thats what her race had been bred for.
"Only thing 'Oomies is good for is filling bellys...."
Daliwal looked over at her with a 'what the fuck?' Look on his face. He seemed genuinely suprised by her words and aggressive actions. He looked over at me, his big yellow-green eyes going wide. He raised a hand to his beard and stroked it a few times. Looking back and forth between us. I got the feeling that was how his nerves liked to showed themselves.
The palm of his hand faced outwards and his fingers seemed to go backwards like their joints were reversed. He was a transfer from another town like Bull's Heart, somewhere in Florida. Thunder? Or maybe it was Cougar Teeth? Not that it mattered I guess. He had only been with the Sheriff's department a few weeks now, and most of that had been training time. He may have been a veteran. But here in Texas, he was 'The new guy' and he was still trying to figure out what was what.
The look on his face said that he wasn't quite sure what he had found himself in the middle of here, but he wasn't a fan of it.
I wasn't used to the backwards hands thing yet and it was still a little weird for me. Tiger head was off putting too, but that was easier to get used to. Seemed like a hell of a nice guy so far though. Like he was really working hard to dispell the negative views most people had towards free form shape shifters. He didn't need to though. He wouldn't have earned his Star if he were an asshole.
I tried to come up with a witty zinger to shoot back at Gruk, but I was drawing a blank. I almost went with 'ol reliable,' a Shrek reference. But I wasn't feeling it. So I just raised my hands to the waist, making sure not to spill my coffee, and mugged a sarcastically terrified expression at her.
"Ohhhh scary" I said in the most mockingly insincere voice I could muster, rolling my eyes as hard as I could. "Cut the fuckin' shit, Gruk, you're scaring the new guy" "Watch your language!" Gruk said suddenly, dropping the bad movie Orc accent like a bad habit. Her real voice sounded more like a housewife from somewhere in the mid west. Like Nebraska or some shit. Flat but somehow bubbly. You always had a suspicion that the next word out of her mouth was going to be 'Ope.'
"And besides, He isn't scared he already knows I'm a total sweetie" She said fixing him with a wide smile. Which despite the fact that it showed off her massive fanged canines, still managed to come across as incredibly warm and inviting. Like someone's mom. "I gave him some of my famous oatmeal cookies, would a big nasty evil orc make cookies for the new guy?"
She directed the last question at Daliwal. He looked like he was still in shock at the rapid shift in tones. His eyes were wide and his jaw was still slightly hanging open. I could tell that he wasn't exactly sure if we weren't playing a game of 'fuck with the new guy' His shifted his gaze between our faces. He swallowed, a bit nervously.
"Well...." His voice had that crisp English accent that alot of educated Indian Immigrants had, when they learned their English at a British founded University. You could tell from his tone that he wasn't super comfortable in the situation.
".....The .....'Cookies'--" I got the feeling that he had to mentally restrain himself from saying 'biscuits' "--did have Raisins in them, so the question of your being a 'Sweetie' or something of a malicious sort hasn't really been settled just yet."
It took me a second, but I got the humor. Fucker was just so goddamn dry in his delivery, that it almost didn't land. I gave him a chuckle. I got the notion that he was gonna be an okay guy to work with. Once He got settled that is.
Gruk however stared at him for a moment. She didn't quite give a laugh, but she did give him another award winning smile. She placed her left fist on her waist and pointed at him with her other hand.
"I'm gonna have to keep my eye on you, Mister!" She said with a bit of humor in her voice. "And don't you worry about the Raisins, just my way of messing with the new guy, I guess. But don't worry. They help a body increase blood production. Thats good for you..... and Me."
Daliwal waited a beat before giving Gruk a wide-eyed nervous chuckle, before breaking eye-contact and looking down to make sure his boots were still on his feet.
His timid response set me off. I let lose with a stifled laugh. I squeezed my eyes shut and laughed into the back of my hand. My sides shaking. Now Daliwal wasn't a small guy, he was broad across the shoulders. Had Fangs and Claws of his own. A Gun too. I didn't know him too well, but I would bet that He could take care of himself in a fight. His kind were usually pretty good with their mitts. Or at least thats what I had heard about them. (That might just be a stereotype though. If it is, and anyone of you out there reading this are of the Raksasha people and have a problem with it, please know that I meant nothing by it.)
But when a Person of Gruk's size and ability, friendly disposition or not, makes a mention of your platelet count it could be a little disconcerting.
Especially since Gruk, in addition to being one of the largest specimens of Orc you would ever meet was also afflicted with Vampirism.
She was hell on wheels without the condition. Half the department had called her 'Mama Bear' because if you were down and bleeding and you needed someone to drag your ass out of the fire, she was the one you would want arriving on scene.
Believe me. I know what it's like to be laying on your back, getting the shit kicked out of you, looking up and seeing Gruk come charging onto the scene like a cross between The Incredible Hulk and Jesus Christ. But as to how she came across the Vampirism, It's actually kind of a sweet story.
A few years back she fell for a local gal named Maddie and they got married. Maddie was a vampire. In good standing of course. But than again she had to be, because rogue Vampires get run out of town pretty quick, if not staked down for the morning sun.
A man by the name of Kincade ran the local Vampire Coven and he was a stickler for 'The Rules of Fair Conduct' which 'The United Night Walker Covens and Clans of The United States, Mexico, and Canada' had applied to towns like Bull's Heart.
Kincade ran a tight ship and The Sheriff's Department had rarely if ever had reason to pick a fight with the Blood Suckers. Well.... Except that one time..... But thats neither here nor there. Plus we don't like to talk about it around here. It would be especially impolite to discuss it with outsiders.
Anyway the point is, that with the Vampirism accentuating her already considerable strength and hardiness.... she had gone from Hell On Wheels to a One Woman SEAL Company.
Part of the lovely couple's wedding vows had been Maddie converting Gruk into a Vampire. Maddie had taken Gruk's name and Gruk had taken on Maddie's condition. I had to admit. It twanged on the dusty strings of my heart. For some reason, it struck me as beautiful. To not only tell someone you want to be with them forever, but to take steps to actually do so? Well, I'm not gonna lie. I shed a few happy tears at the wedding.
I guess I'm a bit of a softy.
"Senior Deputy Gruk" I said, doing my best to come to Daliwal's rescue "if you could quit subtley terrifying the New Guy for a moment? I think we got us a wellness visit to make, if you would like to take charge and lead your valiant warriors on a crusade in the name of public safety? Now would be a good time for that."
"Oh, party pooper" Gruk said. But she drew up to her full height and turned to look up at the Miller's House. It was a white ranch style sitting on top of a slight hill. The lights were off and nobody appeared to be home.
"Okay" She said looking down at me "First things first, Cowboy."
She pointed down at the Magnum Research BFR in my Holster.
"Go to the trunk of your car and get a gun that isn't stupid"
"Goddamnit" I grumbled.
Five minutes later we were walking up the Miller's Driveway. A fifth Generation Glock 40 sitting in my Holster. We had to hoof it up the property. Because the cattle gate across the driveway was locked. Which wouldn't have mattered.
Because once a car crossed the Miller's gate, it tends to experience engine trouble. Never getting more than twenty feet before shutting down completely. Radios had issues too. Hell the 3D RMR Night Site on my pistol was probably dead. Like it's 10 year battery was burnt out. It was something to do with the Nature of the Millers..... and the Magic they threw around. Electronics hated the stuff for some reason. So normally we just left anything that had a battery in the car.
I was staring up at the House as I walked. It was odd. Usually at this point we could hear them screaming at each other, the pop and fizzle of Magic spells going off. Inhuman roaring as demons were summoned. Not to attack, but to help bolster arguments. Dishes breaking.
Tonight though? It was different. Dead silence. Like the house was a tomb. My eyes were going from window to window. Looking for any sign of life and finding none. No fluttering curtains. Lights popping on and off. No nothing.
Just the crunch of our boots on old asphalt. I almost didn't notice the temperature drop, until I was exhaling steam. I shivered inside my uniform. I was just about to ask 'Where the fuck did that come from'
When Daliwal spoke up.
"We are being watched" He said quietly.
"I see them too" Gruk said. All merriment lost from her voice. She was switched on now and jokes would be unprofessional. She eased the AR Pistol she carried off of her belt. It was chambered in .458 Socom, and of course the entire lower was custom made to fit her gigantic hand. Including a massive grip that resembled the handle of a 1911 Pistol rather than the traditional AR group. Making it the next best thing to a Bolter.
"I count twelve in the trees on the West side of the clearing"
"I count eight on my side" Daliwal replied, his voice dropping to a whisper.
"I can't see shit" I said, wishing I had some form of natural night vision, like my creature of the night comrades.
"Valkerye" was all Gruk said.
"Shit" I muttered.
"Language" Gruk gently admonished, without taking her eyes off of the Trees on the edges of the clearing.
I followed her gaze out to the trees. I could just barely make out the little pinpoints of white light, that would have been the eyes of the Shitbirds.
I whistled lowly. There were a bunch of them out there. I had never seen so many in one place. Usually when there is more than two or three in one spot, they would fight each other. It looked like these assholes were just coping a squat and having a watch. Very odd behavior for Shit Birds.
"I've never seen so many..." Daliwal said, a tremor of discomfort in his voice. I noticed that his tail was held down, close to his leg. That might have been a good tactical decision to keep the appendage out of the way....... or it might have been an involuntary fear based response.
"Don't let them get to you" Gruk said, her voice soaked in matronly concern. "They never come for us..... just for the dead."
"Yeah" I said, turning my attention to the house. "Boss Lady is right. Pay them no mind."
I took a sip from the Coffee cup I was still holding. I was intentionally trying to look as nonchalant as possible. Partially for the new guy, partially for the fact that I wasn't going to give the Shit Birds the satisfaction of spooking me twice in one night. I did my best to walk like I didn't have a care in the world. Daliwal looked over his shoulder at me. His eyes widened slightly when he recognized the stylized Alligator on the cup. Toothy Earl's logo.
"You were at Toothy Earl's earlier?" He asked me, his ears perking straight up "Was.... Um.... Was Miss Ellie working?"
"Yup" I Responded "She was breaking in a New Striper. Didn't go so hot for him"
"Ah" The new guy said "Do you happen to know if.... If.... She is...uh... talking to anyone?"
"She talks to a lot of people" I said playing dumb "it's part of her job, silly boots"
"Oh... Uh... No..." He said, turning back to watch his side of the clearing, and the Valkerye in the Trees beyond. "I meant is she.... In a relationship with anyone?"
"Well" I said continuing on in the playing dumb vein "I'm sure she has a lot of relationships, with a lot of people--"
"Oh be nice" Gruk grunted at me "You know what he meant." She said to me. To Daliwal she said "Yes there's a fella she talks too, but I don't know if it's serious. Tall, blonde, human, a lot of people think he might really be that one lightning guy, the one with the hammer.... oh what is his name.... oh it doesn't matter." Her voice picked up a little more Growl as she went on. Apparently remembering that we were supposed to be focusing on the task at hand "Both of you need to pay attention to your sectors. Or I'll treat you both like a couple of juice boxs and call out another couple of Dumb Dumbs to back me up, when I've sucked you both dry."
"Yes ma'am!" Daliwal said, responding to the matronly authority in her voice.
"Yeah" I said, properly scolded, not even attempting to go for the obvious joke there. "Sorry, Boss."
She was right. Now wasn't the time for jaw jacking. She had left it unsaid, but there were more Shit Birds out here than anyone had ever seen in one spot. They were acting strangely. This was the quietest 'Millers Call' I had ever been out on. I would wager that it was Gruk's quietest one too. It was too weird of a night to be acting like a dumbass rookie. There was a time to fuck with the new guy and this wasn't it clearly.
I followed Gruk's lead and drew my Glock. I checked the RMR site and noticed that my Dot was in fact no longer illuminated on the glass. Like the battery was dead.
Fucking Miller's and their spooky ass hoodoo. The rest of the short walk was quiet. I watched the front, where the house was. Gruk and Daliwal watched the sides. They stayed quiet.
I would occasionally peek off to the side, at the trees in the distance. White Eyes Beamed back at me, making them look like under dressed sparsely decorated Christmas Trees.
I kind of wished we were talking more. As the feeling of all those eyes on me was driving me crazy. Felt like ants skittering up and down my spine. Some light conversation would be great to take the mind off of current events.
When we reached the house, Gruk mounted the steps to the porch and paused. She looked around. She tilted her head up to the side and sniffed the air around her. She suddenly tensed up
"What?" I asked her.
"Blood" She responded "Lots of it. Human."
Now were this the movies. The Vampire would look at me like I was a pot roast and get a strange look in her eye. But this isn't the movies and Senior Deputy LaVonda Gruk is a goddamn professional and I'll not have you imply otherwise. She treated it like a call for help and instantly got ready to run into an unknown situation to potentially save a life.
She raised her massive pistol and trained it on the door. She motioned to me with her head, telling me to kick the door for her. She looked at Daliwal and patted herself on the backside, wordlessly telling him to stack on her. He nodded and did as he was instructed.
I leaned against the opposite side of the door, back against the wall. I raised my leg and swung it back, giving the door a solid donkey kick. The door flew open in an explosion of cheap trim and paint flakes. Gruk and Daliwal flowed into the house. Gruk having to duck down in the doorway, so she wouldn't bang her head on the door jamb.
"Sheriff's Department!" She yelled.
The living room was empty of life. There was a stone table set up where a coffee table would be in a normal house, with stone bowls and unidentifiable powders in them. Jars full of God knows what lined a massive book shelf that covered an entire wall. Candles lit the space, some burned all the way down. Looked like they had been going for a while. Strange symbols were painted everywhere. I recognized a couple of them, just from being on the job so long.This looked like a Wizard's lab or a Witch's brewery. It probably was too, knowing the Millers.
"Clear!" I heard Daliwal yell. His voice a bit more of a roar, with the adrenaline surging through his veins. Gruk looked over at me. She pointed to her nose and than pointed towards a door leading off the living room, she than patted her backside again. I got behind her, ready to go wherever she would take me.
Gruk always took point. She was the most likely to survive a Shotgun blast to the face and stay in the fight. So it made good tactical sense. But it was also just the way she led. From the front.
We left Daliwal in the living room. To hold our only known exit, in case someone squirted past us. Gruk and I cleared the rest of the house, finding nothing. We came to a stop at a closed door at the end of the main hall. She looked at me and tapped her nose again. I got her meaning. This was where the smell was strongest.
I nodded and reached down for the door knob, i jiggled the handle finding it unlocked. I shoved it open and in went Gruk, pistol at the ready. I flowed in behind her. The smell of tangy copper hit me in the snout like a bag of hammers. I involuntarily gagged. I couldn't see anything. It was pitch black. But I knew it was bad. Room smelled like a badly run slaughterhouse. I felt around for a light switch. Found a candlebra instead.
'Good enough' I thought to myself as i dug in my pocket for a lighter. I gave the bic a couple of test flicks.
"Wait" Gruk said from somewhere in the darkness. "It's bad. It's real bad."
"Yeah" I said. I had gathered that much from the smell. "But how bad can it be?"
I lit the candle. It must have been a candle with some magic to it. Because it lit that room like a surgery ward and Gruk was right. It was bad. It was real bad. It was a bedroom. You could tell because a massive California King-size bed occupied the center of the room.
The comforter was soaked in reddish brown blood. There was a lump of meat in the center of the bed, that I slowly realized was a woman's torso. On one night stand there were ten neatly severed fingers. In two columns of five each. On the other night stand was a head. Devoid of a face. Just ragged skull staring at the doorway. At the foot of the bed were two legs, crossed over each other like an X. I realized that various organs and bits of body were arranged around the torso in a circle.
I looked over at Gruk. She was staring wide eyed at the wall above the headboard. I followed her gaze. The face of Giselda Miller stared back at us from the wall, where it had been nailed up like a trophy on display. Eyeless of course, because the eyes were still in the skull. But I knew that face. It had screamed all matter of venom and curse at me before.
There was something weird about this. Well, yeah no shit it was weird. But there was a strange sort of order to where everything was placed in the room. I looked over at Gruk. She looked back at me. I saw her swallow a few times, like she wasn't sure what to make of this all. Her face looked almost helpless and I felt bad for the Giant Orc.
"We...." She started to speak. Her voice a little unsteady. She paused and closed her eyes. She swallowed a few more times.
"We need to get out of this room" she said, more in control of her voice.
"Yeah" I said moving towards the door. I had seen this level of carnage before. Part of the job. People say when you see shit like this enough, eventually you get used to it. Well I'm still waiting on that fucking day.
"Forensics will have our butts" Gruk said, command voice firmly back in place "if we mess something up"
"Yeah" I said. Not particularly giving a shit why we got out of the room, but just happy to do so. We pulled Daliwal out of the House with us. Gruk closing the door behind us, to preserve the crime scene. We spun him up on what we had seen. His eyes narrowed in thought.
"What?" Gruk asked.
"Back in Florida. We had a Necromancer in town....."
"Awww fuck" I interrupted with a sigh, knowing where this was going. Necromancers were bastards and I didn't want to deal with chasing one down. I had one throw a dead cat at me once. It bit me. Shit was weird.
Gruk did that hand-shake shushing thing that mom's do when you were interrupting their shows. She wanted me to stick a sock in it. Probably had a problem with the cursing too.
"What you describe...." Daliwal went on "sounds like a ritual she did. We never found out why she did it. We figured out who it was and showed up at her door step with a lot of firepower. She did not come peacefully." The look on his face, and the way he stroked his beard, said it was a bad memory. Gruk had an uncomfortable look on her face too. I couldn't say as I blamed Her.
This could be real bad. If somebody was going around killing people for some silly necromancer bullshit..... well my week was about to get a lot fucking busier.
It's always something with this fucking town.
"Okay" Gruk said "So let's get down past the Gate and see if we can get some back up out here."
"Gonna have to wake up the Sheriff" I sighed.
"She'll be pissed if we don't. But in the mean time, we need to get people out looking for Mark Miller. His whereabouts are unknown, so that makes him our only suspect at this point."
And since the power's that be have a sense of fucking humor......
I heard a rustle of wings above our heads. Right before about two hundred pounds of meat was dropped right in the middle of our little pow-wow. It was a body. The legs caught me square in the chest, knocking me on my ass.
The face attached to the body's head, sure looked a lot like Mark Miller's face. Albeit a little more battered and beaten than usual. Dead bodies have a certain look about them and Mark Miller was rocking the fuck out of that look, broken neck and all. All three of us looked up. A Valkerye hovered about twenty feet above us. It's wings wide open, like it was riding a thermal. It's eyes blazed as it glared at us from on high. I had never seen one not skulking in shadows. I had never seen one this brazen.
"THE MASTER COMES!" It screeched down at us.
Thats when all hell decided to break loose.
submitted by RevBlackRage to nosleep [link] [comments]

Melody of the Arcade.

Have you ever dreamt that you were in an arcade, of some sort? It’s an odd question, I know, but think back. Search through the memories of your dreams. Some find this easier than others. Maybe it wasn't an arcade, but a strange, vast, 'repeating' place of some kind; rows of hedges in an unending garden, empty bathroom stalls beyond count, perhaps, a deserted mansion... Picture the place in your mind’s eye now, if you can. What did it look like?
...It's always an arcade for me. The games stretch on; on and on, machines beyond count, all cramped closely together, shining brightly in the relative gloom of the hall.
Sometimes I try to play them. But when I do I always find that they are…. peculiar. Unnatural. The controls don't work the way they are supposed to. They don't make any sense. I get stuck on the menu screen, and no matter how hard I try, how DESPERATELY I want to play the game in my dream, just once, just to try it out, to see what it's like... I just can't get past that damned menu. Ever. It won't let me.
Are there any windows in your dreamplace? There are never any windows for me.
If I was a betting girl, I would say that if you HAVE had such a dream, if you recall a place similar to the one that I have described to you, then I would also guess that whilst you were there, it was empty.
Perhaps not entirely so. Maybe you started off with a friend or two. A couple of strangers dotted around.
But what happened to them? Did they disappear? Vanishing one by one, until it was only you?
Only you, in this strange and sprawling place, this place that should be bustling and busy, full to the brim with excited people. This place that is somehow at once both otherworldly, and simultaneously the most basic, simplistic world you could imagine. Like a template. A default map drawn from the brain’s stock of ‘places’ and laid out glitchingly into the dreamscape.
…If you have never had such a dream, if you have no idea what the fuck I’m talking about, then I envy you. Because if I was like you then I would not be experiencing the same uncertain, nostalgic terror that I feel as I stand here right now. In the arcade. For real.


So, hey. My name is Melody. I’m fourteen, though I turn fifteen in just over two weeks’ time.My parents want me to have a party. I said no, obviously, but they’ve been piling the pressure on and it’s really starting to get to me. They mean well, I guess; I think they just want to see me being happy and social or whatever. But I don’t think they get it. I’m too old for a party. I don’t want a party. I don’t want to be the centre of attention, I don’t want to arrange things, and I’m tired of trying to explain this to them. ...What if no-one showed up? Or worse, what if only one or two people showed up? Then I’d have to what, hang around with them awkwardly until it was time for them to go? Hell no.
No thank you.
They actually had the nerve to suggest bowling. BOWLING. It’s such a cringingly uncreative, basic NPC activity. It genuinely made me laugh when they brought it up. I’m not going to ask around my class to see if anyone wants to go bowling. I’m not fucking ten years old. But they’ve been pretty insistent. They’ve started asking questions about why I never have friends over. About why I never go out. About why I always want to be alone in my room. These are difficult questions that I really don’t care to try and answer, so I’ve given them some ground. It’s early evening and I’m walking to the local arcade. They have a bowling alley there. I told my parents I would check it out and that I’d think about it.
That was a lie, of course. I’m not going to think about it. I’ve already thought about it. But since I’m out of the house I may as well walk to the arcade anyway. Gives me something to do. I haven’t been there since I was a kid.
My shoes tap lightly against the dusty sidewalk, and I reach into my pocket for my phone. It’s Friday, and Jason usually posts to his story this time of the week. He didn’t post anything yesterday, so today’s gotta be the day. I’ve been checking every hour or so, with growing frustration.
Nothing yet.
He’s so fucking cute. And he knows it. Ugh.
He sits in front of me in English, and I often overhear him talking about music with his friends. He’s gotten really into Aerosmith lately, so I’ve been listening to all of their albums, one after the other. I’m not a huge fan, honestly, but I’m getting to know the songs as best as I can.
I don’t know why, really. Just in case, I suppose.
Jason barely even registers I exist though, obviously. I keep working up the courage to send him a message or something… but boys are supposed to make the first move, aren’t they? I don’t even know what I’d say.
Would ‘hey’ be enough? I feel like it wouldn’t. He probably gets dozens of ‘heys’ every day. Then I’d just be paranoid how to act around him since I wouldn’t know whether he’d seen it or not…
…But I realize suddenly that my phone isn’t in my pocket. I check the other one. I check the ones I never keep my phone in. Shit.
I look back the way I came, across the street and under an orange and shimmering sky.
It’s in my room. I left it on charge.
I swear under my breath. Fuck it. I’m basically at the bowling place already. No point going back for it now. So I head on. Jason can wait.

The place looks pretty empty tonight.

I make my way through the empty parking lot and take hold of the handle, ready to pull the door to the building open. The door itself is translucent, and I catch in it an unfortunate glimpse of my own reflection. I grimace and tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, averting my gaze and tugging the door open.
I read an article somewhere that said human faces are supposedly more or less attractive based on how symmetrical they are. I don’t know how reliable the article was, but I didn’t check. I didn’t need to. My pre-existing insecurity had been fed and the damage was done.
I don’t have a symmetrical face.
I have freckles, and not in a cute way; I mean loads of freckles, and there’s visibly more on one side of my face than the other. I hate it. I fucking hate it. One day they’ll invent a cosmetic procedure to get rid of them and I’ll be old enough and I’ll have enough money to pay for it and I’ll be the first new customer in line.
Until that day I just have to live like this.
I also have heterochromia. Which means that my eyes are two different colors. One is blue, and the other is a kind of light-brown/ green. And no, I don’t care what you’re thinking, it doesn’t make me beautiful. I hate it. I’m not an anime character. I just want to be normal.
My cheeks flush super easily as well whenever I get stressed or embarrassed or angry, which is another humiliation I get the privilege of living with.
It’s no wonder I’m not worth Jason’s time.

My upper arm itches suddenly.

I scratch it, and wince, biting my lip as I step into the building.
I had hoped that on a Friday evening the place would be busy. Makes me less conspicuous and less obviously alone. But as the parking lot had foretold, it’s dead.
The carpet in here is blue, with a little repeating red-yellow-orange pattern across it, over and over. A little ways ahead is the main desk. The only employee working on it is a girl a few years older than me in a green cap, messing around on her phone. She hasn’t even noticed me come in. Beyond the desk is the actual bowling alley- there’s like one small family on one of the far lanes- and to my right the wall curves round, leading into a little arcade of sorts. There’s a DDR machine and a House of the Dead. Couple of others too.

…This was stupid. Why did I come in here. I could have just turned around and gone home.

I sigh. I’m in now. May as well look around. So I do. I walk as normally as possible, trying not to draw attention to myself. I don’t know why. I’m not doing anything wrong, I just don’t want anyone engaging with me, I guess.
The lighting in here is low. The beam lights overhead hum and buzz softly. It’s kind of unnerving, actually. Places like this are supposed to be full of people. When they’re like this… it just feels… strange. Alien. You may have experienced this sensation if you’ve ever stayed overnight in an airport when no-one else is around, or if you’ve had to set up for, or clean up, a place where folks like to gather in large numbers.
As I walk amongst the arcade games, I realize in the moment that they don’t seem to be all that inviting. They’re failing in their most basic task as arcade machines. They don’t seem ‘fun’, they seem… demanding! …Desperate, even.
I watch a row of lights flicker around the edge of one such game. Neon buttons flash pleadingly in the relative shadow of this corner of the building.


A sudden, distorted scream makes me jump and spin around in fright... but it’s just a stupid sound effect from House of the Dead. I’m an idiot. I blush and glance around to make sure nobody saw, but there’s nobody even nearby. I can’t even see the girl behind the desk from here.
My heart rate begins to steady and I shake my head. This is so dumb. What am I doing? I’m gonna head to the bathroom and go home. I need to come up with a good excuse for my parents.


I’m trying to avoid looking up at my reflection as I wash my hands, but I can’t help it. A quick glance up.
That’s all it takes. I scowl and irritably brush that loose strand of hair back behind my ear and push out of the ladies’ door… and that’s when I see it.
A door, a new door. One that doesn’t really make sense.
The bathrooms are tucked away in a side corridor off from the modest arcade, but I swear I hadn’t seen this particular door on the way in. I would have remembered it, surely, based on how strange it was.
…But then again, maybe not. At first glance, it doesn’t seem all that unusual at all... It’s the same size, shape and style as all the other doors in this little corridor, but this one… this one seems to be both open AND closed… at the same time.
I take a curious step closer.
There is only one doorway, and the door is, quite clearly, closed. But then attached to the very same hinges, there’s another door, one which is held wide open.
‘The fuck..?’
I take another step closer, right up to it. And I can’t say why, exactly, but my heart starts beating fast, really fast, like it did before. My lips go dry.
But I can’t turn away. There’s something going on here, I know it. Something secret.
I shoot a quick glance behind.
...This is so unlike me. What if I’m not supposed to go back there? I might get in trouble. But these thoughts don’t stop me from putting a hand on the door, the closed part. And they don’t stop me from pushing through.


And now you’re up to speed. I told you at the beginning where I find myself now. A massive, sprawling arcade. Row after long row of unfamiliar games, all stacked tightly together. Glittering, shimmering lights in an otherwise gloomy hall, though to call it a hall would be an insult. The roof is low, but the walls are far. They curve off at strange angles in the distance, and it is obvious that there is far more to the place that I cannot see from my current position. The walls are the same shade of deep blue. There is a very simple, repeating, geometric pattern of red and yellow that follows along around the wall’s base.
There are no windows.
And there are no people.
And I hate it.
I can feel myself start to hyperventilate. My arm stings. I squeeze it and turn to head back through the door. I push through it- but there is no way out.
It doesn’t lead anywhere. It just leads to a single-cubicle restroom. A toilet, a sink, that’s it. There’s no corridor. Shocked, horrified, I look all around the room, but it’s tiny, it’s obvious…
There’s no way back.
I turn and stare at the expanse before me as my blood pounds in my ears.
The machines whirr.
And the lights flicker in the distance.

Part 2
submitted by Darkly_Gathers to nosleep [link] [comments]

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