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Impressions and photos of recent visit to Monon High Bridge area

Marathon OP. I visited Delphi on November 1-3, while attending Purdue/Nebraska football. I didn’t venture to Monon High until the third day. I wanted a feel for the area and city first. I can post photos of Delphi itself later. But since the tragedy is our natural focus, here is a photo album of my visit to the bridge area:
It appears the best way to view the album is clicking a photo to large view, then using arrows to advance. I provided captions for most photos.
On edit: Now adding a second photo album, this one of Delphi itself. Same format. I may have been a bit aloof in some of the captions. As a former 24-year resident of Las Vegas I'm still in disbelief that anything can close for the day at 4 PM. Open for the day at 4 PM...that's logical:
Most views will be familiar. But I tried to provide different angles, and a straightforward day to day perspective, instead of the hyper agenda from local videographers. Monon High is a gorgeous trail, the best in Delphi. I walked many of them. There’s a reason the Indiana Bicentennial statue was placed at Monon High and not elsewhere. I could immediately see why Abby and Libby were drawn to that trail.
I didn’t plan on crossing the bridge. The main trail is fenced off, with a warning sign. But it is simple to circle the fence and regain the trail. About 40 feet of temporary boards at the beginning of the bridge allow less stress until reaching the oft-shown missing plank and 2-foot gap. The temporary boards end at the missing plank. I didn’t film videos while walking across. It was roughly 40 degrees and I was wearing a heavier than needed jacket. I wanted both hands free to grab the last branch on the way down. But I did stop and film my thoughts at several platforms. Those videos are included with the photos.
Other observations:
submitted by AwsiDooger to DelphiMurders [link] [comments]

The First Annual Reddit Open??

I was thinking that it would be interesting to host a reddit golf tournament? maybe with enough planning and a good enough location (cough.. Las Vegas... cough) that maybe we could get enough people to have a tournament. Maybe make it a scramble, so everyone can bring a 4some and play a Best Ball scramble?
if some of you haven't had the pleasure to play in a best ball scramble, you'll be in for a treat it's about the most fun, competitive format there is for a 4 some. Maybe to make it interesting and more of a meet and greet. We'll mix up the groups by handicapp or we can just keep the 4somes that sign up together. That can be discussed within the thread if people start liking the idea.
I'm just throwing this out there and see how many like the idea? If it takes off I wouldn't mind being in charge with the planning maybe with the help of other users who volunteer!
submitted by JonLivestrong to golf [link] [comments]

The true Story of Brandon Lang- For those of you who buy picks.

I saw this posted at another site and figured I would copy and paste it, Brandon Lang had a movie made about him starring Al Pacino and Matthew McConaughey
Yes, for those of you who have been around a couple decades, the New York City company that Brandon Lang worked for was the disgraced company that was run by Stu Feiner.
No, this was not a movie that was paid/produced for by BIG Hollywood. The movie was made by an off-shore sports book.
Let's get to the "name thing". In the movie, they said his real name was Brandon Lang and when he went on to work for the boiler room Stu Feiner outfit, he was given a "power name" (John Anthony), just like all the scam outfits have always done.
His real Name is Brandon Link. During the first draft of the movie, they were using Brandon Long before settling on Brandon Lang. The irony is, after the movie came out, Brandon Link parlayed the hype and went into the handicapping business and now calls himself Brandon Lang.
There is a hint in the credits, for Brandon has a very short cameo appearance near the beginning of the movie. At the end of the film, he is credited as: Man Greeting Brandon #1 --- BRANDON LINK!
The story is related by Brandon Lang/Long/Link (Matthew McConaughey) who begins life as a sports hero and just at the moment when he is ready to break in to the Pro Football domain, he fractures his leg in a winning touchdown.
Noooooooooooooo, Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long was NOT a star college football quarterback that brought his team to a major Bowl game only to get injured in the final minutes. Think about it, did you ever hear his name? We all recognize the QB's that are in major bowl games. Hell, if you are a skeptic, just do a Google search!
He did hurt his knee though. You ask how? It was in a basketball pickup game that was being played at a local fitness center! The league was called THE SPORTING HOUSE LEAGUE. The name of the fitness center is The Sporting House. It's a few steps below a park district league.
There's a hilarious side story to Brandon's "injury story". Late last year, a college football writer telephoned Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long and told him that he's never heard of him and asked what college team he took to the bowl game. Brandon was caught off guard, but being the pathological liar he is, he came up with an amazing lie AGAIN! He copped to the fact that he never quarterbacked a bowl team and that indeed, he injured his knee in a fitness center league. He went on to claim that one day, UNLV basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian stopped by to watch a game (yeah, right) and that Coach Tarkanian told Brandon that he was good enough to be a walk-on for UNLV! By the way, that was during the hey days of the UNLV program and their National Championship run.
Want another lie? Sure you do! Was Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long a Las Vegas handicapper? Hell no! BLLLL was not a sports handicapper, or even a telemarketing salesman. He was a score phone announcer working for a major Las Vegas sports handicapping service. He was working for $6.00 an hour for a company that you know all about. (Hint: Initials of the owner are JF__ ) This major Las Vegas handicapping service is still going strong and you can see their sports handicapping INFOMMERCIAL Saturday mornings on cable TV. I know that you can fill in the blanks!
So, since he was NOT a handicapper, and had no reputation at all in the industry, how did he hook up with scamdicapper Stu Feiner?
Brandon's manager (at J__ F____ Sports) had many conversations with this infamous New York sports handicapper (Stu Feiner) that Al Pacino plays. The supervisor's job was to try to sell Stu Feiner 900 # score phone advertising and Brandon “The Wonder Boy” score phone announcer would read “Mr. New York's” advertising copy, or sometimes Feiner would call into Las Vegas to do a live feed. So, that's how the two of them first got together. After liberal tipping and spiffing, Feiner eventually convinced “Wonder Boy” to come New York and work for him. He just needed a guy for voice talent work.
The real truth about what happened at Stu Feiner's service is that Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long was such a failure at selling games (yep, he was one of those sports service salesmen that would tell you anything they could to get a buck from you), that he lost his job and became a caddie at a Los Angeles Country Club. Jim Feist would not rehire him. Due to his obvious narcissism, he liked talking so much about himself and stretching the truth to the men that he washed balls for that one hollywood-type believed him and searched for a way to get enough money to make the film.
Nobody bought it. Then, BoDog, an offshore sportsbook put up the money to pay for the film! Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long and BoDog made a business deal and they were marketing the relationship big time until they realized that the potential consumer to Brandon's picks (he was advising his members to use BoDog), would figure it out. The deal with BoDog gave Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long a kickback of the money that his clients lost when betting at BoDog! Why would BoDog want Brandon's action if he was winning?
Are we having fun yet?
Let's explore documented facts and the odds of betting on the outcome of events.
In the film, Brandon Lang goes 12 for 12 in his first try at handicapping the weekend. Let's examine this. According to the Las Vegas Gaming Commission (whose job it is to keep an eye on such things), in the history of football parlay card betting, NOBODY has ever won 12 for 12 on a football parlay card! Imagine how many thousands has tried? The odds of going 12 for 12 is a staggering 4894-1 against the bettor. An interesting note that is also on the Gaming Commission's historical report is that nobody has ever hit 12 for 12 on a Keno card in the history of betting despite hundreds of millions trying. According to the LVGC, the real odds of hitting 15 for 15 on a Keno card is 0.0000000000023 and it pays off $100,000 although the real odds are more than 51 billion to one against the bettor!So, are you ever going to grab a Keno card again?
So, what exactly was going on at Stu Feiner's company, the firm that employed BLLLL?
According to a comprehensive Sports Illustrated Story titled, "1-900-RIPOFFS", Abusing customers is SOP among sports advisers. "Gamblers are desperate people," says Arnie Wexler, executive director of the Council on Compulsive Gambling of New Jersey.
SI took a two-month test drive through the world of sports advisory services and found misleading ads, bait-and-switches, repeated claims of fixes coming down, misrepresentation of records, unforgivably high-pressured sales techniques, phone harassment, phone threats, phony guarantees, mail fraud, wire fraud and some perfectly dreadful manners. Even the pictures lied.
In investigating Feiner's tactics, an inspector for the Consumer Affairs Department called one of Feiner's 800 numbers to take him up on an offer of a free line on a game during the 1989 football season. The investigator spoke with a man known as Sonny Greco, also known as Phil Bonvino, a salesman for Stu Mitchell's Locker Room Report, still another service owned by Feiner. After a breathless, oath-laden pause-free speech, Greco went for the close. His pace was furious. The detective, posing as a customer named Stan, balked. Greco screamed louder.
Here is the audio taped conversation: Stan: I'm being bombarded here. Lemme think on it. I got a lot of guarantees here. Sonny: I'm not interested in anybody else you're call., Stan! The difference here is this, OK? We own this game tonight on oveunder! We own this information. Now go get your credit card, and let's start making money! You don't need to deal with anybody but me! Stan: Wait� Sonny: I own this game in oveunder! I have the winner! Tonight! No what's your credit card number? Stan: OK, lemme get back to you. Sonny: Stan, you're not going to call me back! You know it as well as I do, and if you think I'm going to let you off the phone with that ___, you're crazy! OK? I've got the winner tonight! I own this game in over-under, and I'm going to own your bookmaker's ass! So get your credit card out and let's get going! Stan: Lemme tell you what we're gonna do. I'm gonna think about it. Sonny (louder still): Stan, there's nothing to think about! Click. Greco is ruthless, loud and scary. No wonder Feiner has given him his own sports service-Phil Bonvino's Locker Room Report. Says a former phone tout for a large Long Island service, "There were plenty of times when we'd tell a guy, 'Look, if you don't come across, I'm gonna tell your wife you're gambling again.' Or we'd tell high school kids that we were going to tell their parents." Says the ex-salesman for Kevin Duffy, "We'd call up anybody, even guys we knew were going to Gamblers Anonymous. We'd stay on them." Question: How do sports advisers get away with it? Better question: Who are customers supposed to complain to? Gamblers don't want to turn anybody in because most of them are breaking the law themselves. As a result, the touts go unpoliced. Soon clients got a clue and stopped paying. That's when the people from the Seasons Edge group "got heavy-handed," says Robert Schroeder of the office of the US Attorney in Atlanta. "They'd threaten to kill members of the family, burn down their homes." One victim was told if he didn't send more money, he'd be "chopped up into little tiny pieces with a chain saw." Gamblers were bilked out of $413,000 before a victim's parents finally called the FBI when their son, a college student, lost his tuition money and resorted to using his father's credit card to try to obtain his "refund." Schroeder nailed conspiracy, wire fraud and extortion convictions on 12 people. They got the full package sentences ranging up to 87 months in jail.
It is also a business in which profits can be enormous, some services are believed by at least one close observer of the industry to make as much as $1 million annually. Last year the people at the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs looked into the advertising practices of the sports adviser business and came away with their hair on end. "These have been among the most egregious, outrageous claims we've ever encountered," says a department attorney, Fred Cantor.
Get this story!
"I remember once a guy needed a bailout game real bad," says a former salesman for a major tout operating out of New York City. "He was buried, so he wanted to put two or three dimes [$2000 or $3000] down on something good. I said I had a lock for him. I put him on hold, and I went into my boss's office and I said, 'Who do you want to pick, the Jets or Minnesota?' And he said, 'Take Minnesota. My mom likes purple.' So I gave this poor sucker Minnesota based on some lady's favorite color. He lost." Ripoffs Rule the Roost.: "The Source", a sports adviser service in Farmingdale, NY, owned by Stu Feiner, who also owns a few 900 call-in lines. Another exhibit is Feiner's brother-in-law, the aforementioned Kevin Duffy, perhaps the nation's most successful scamdicapper, who became famous for running ads that said, "I will go 7-0 for you today, absolutely free." Too bad "absolutely free" meant you first had to sign up for a month's service at $350. Then, if Duffy didn't go 7-0 in the first week, you got the next month free. Duffy, who operates out of Massapequa, Long Island, also claimed to be no worse than 75% right, ever. Yet when his picks were audited by the Sports Monitor of Oklahoma City, one of the rare legitimate monitors (among the dozens of such outfits that purport to keep tabs on the performance of tout services), he never fared better than 58.8% in any regular football season between 1985 and 1988, and he sank as low as 39.7% for his college picks in 1987. Eventually the Sports Monitor refused to monitor Duffy because of his "deceptive ad practices." Stu Feiner agreed to be monitored by SI for four weeks in September. To his credit, he unfailingly gave us his choices. To his discredit, Feiner went 19-32, a 37% win rate, and lost us an imaginary $6,210 based on $100 per unit. During that same period, we were anonymously calling Feiner's 800 number, where, curiously, he claimed to be cleaning up. On Sept. 23, for instance, after Feiner had gone 3-11 for the week on his picks for SI, bringing his record for us to 11-25, one of his shills, Kenny Leeds, said in response to our anonymous call, "This week I [meaning the company] went 3-0, the week before, I was 3-1." On Oct. 3, after Feiner had gone 7-7 for the weekend, we again called anonymously and got another Feiner salesman, Larry Marco. "This past weekend, we swept the board," Marco said. Then Leeds called back. "This kid Feiner is making betting history," he said.
Yeah, so did Art Schlichter!
For you youngsters, Art Schlichter was a first round draft choice (DUDE HAD MAJOR SKILLS) as a quarterback coming out of Ohio State in 1982; what's more, he enjoyed an image so wholesome his biography was titled Straight Arrow. But Schlichter gambled away his $350,000 signing bonus during his rookie season with the Baltimore Colts. He was suspended and reinstated the next year, after declaring he had the disease of compulsive gambling for which he had gotten help. In 1985, he was cut by the Colts and never played football again. If success started Schlichter's addiction, failure really fueled it. In 1988 he declared bankruptcy, referring frequently to his disease. Schlichter's ex-wife, Mitzi Schlichter, helped found the Custer Gambling Treatment Center in Indianapolis after she left her husband in 1994. Schlichter, meanwhile, has spent four of the six years since then in prison. In 1997, he was pulled out of a court-ordered gambling treatment program and hauled back to jail when he was caught betting. Schlichter is currently awaiting trial on money laundering charges and stealing ************, all revolving around taking money, often from family members, in order to gamble. Schlichter takes no responsibility for his misbehavior — and, despite harping on his disease and although his wife created her own gambling treatment center, Schlichter has never shown any inclination to fly straight.
Feiner was fined $13,000 in February 1990 by the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs for false and misleading advertising, yet he sent out a promotional brochure last month that reported a "1991 documented record college and pro: 9-3." Knowing Feiner's record as we did, we asked him how he could say this. "That's what I had the first week." he said, before you started documenting me." Fine. That would've been the weekend of Aug. 31-Sept. 2. The booklet, however, was dated Sept. 19-Oct. 7, 1991. During one of our anonymous calls, Leeds told us he had "strong information" on a game he wanted us to buy, so strong it was a dead mortal lock, so strong that he was putting $2000 of his own money on the game. We were dubious.
Here's the audio taped conversation: Leeds: You don't believe me? I'll fly you out here [from Colorado]. SI: Fly me out there? Leeds: I'll fly you to __ Long Island, and I'll have you take a ride with me! SI: Why? Leeds" To see how I pick it [his winnings] up and where I pick it up from. SI: Can you fly me out this week? Leeds: What I'm saying is�I'm using that's a little bit of a mild exaggeration. Don't get me wrong, but I've met a lot of my clients. I've met Dan Marino. SI: You know Dan Marino? Leeds: Well, I stood next to him at the Super Bowl, and my friend took my picture with him. Feiner says that if somebody calls his 800 number and doesn't sign up, "We'll call him every day for a couple months, because eventually they'll change their minds.
"Mike Warren (real name Mike Laskey - a degenerate horse bettor who was run out of business by the United States Attorney and fined heavily) is a former pathetic handicapper and a tremendous con artist," says Feiner. Says Warren, "Stu Feiner? He's got a big mouth, always talking big. He knows this hoodlum and that hoodlum-gonna break my legs. You know what? He can't break an egg. I gave him my address. He's so short, the only thing he can reach is my legs." Mike Warren was ordered by The United States District Attorney to run major advertisements in which he had to admit his frudulent claims of success.
If you think guys like Feiner and Warren will make you wish you have never installed your phone, Atlanta's John L. Edens, alias Johnny DeMarco, the Babe Ruth of 900 sales pitchers, will make you wish Alexander Graham Bell had never been born. According to published ads and SPORTS ILLUSTRATED taped phone calls, Edens:
Got on his 800 line and told listeners to call his 900 line for $25, "and if the game loses, there'll be no charge." That, of course, is a lie. Once a call is made on a 900 line, the charge is automatic.
Scripts at the a New York based sports service? Yep, The New York Consumer Affairs Commission got their hands on one! It will frighten you.
Here it is:
It read: "I'm glad I got ahold of you in time! We are releasing our biggest information game of the ____ (month/season) going off ___ (day of week). Now, ___ (name), listen carefully. Our inside sources have tipped us off to this game. We know exactly what's going to happen. We know the winner. (Lower voice) It's the kind of game I can't even talk about over the phone-you follow me, right? (Response) OK Good�All you gotta do is cover me with $___ How do you do it, **** or **********?"
The fix scam is essential to a tout's repertoire. "You'd lower your voice way down," says one employee who worked for this company for four years, "and you'd say, 'Is this line clean? No taps on it, right? OK Listen, we've got information on this game. you know what I'm saying? The winner of this game was already decided in a hotel room."
"You'd be talking with grown men who were crying on the phone," says one former tout Stu Feiner salesman "Guys who were losing everything but still betting. And I'd lie awake in the middle of the night hoping the guy would win. So I'd call the sports phone and get a late West Coast game at 4 a.m. and go, 'Damn, he lost again."
"It was like feeding drugs to an addict," says the ex-salesman. "We'd try to take whoever we got and make them bet more. We'd take college kids who were betting $25 and say, 'Hey, you got to bet $500 on this game. If you don't bet a nickel I'm not gonna give it to you.' If they won, they got a taste for big money. If they lost, they were desperate to get out [of the hole], and so they start chasing. How can anyone who works for Kevin and Stu have a conscience? Basically, I was just hurting people." And that, unfortunately, is the only absolute lock SPORTS ILLUSTRATED found.
Here's a recent publication about BLLLL: We figured we'd check in with handicapping schizo Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long to see how he’s been doing since Two For The Money tanked at the box office, completely shattering any hopes for him elevating his career past that of an internet free pick hustler. Well, from the looks of it, the movie bombing may have rattled the golden boy's cage a bit as he stated in his open letter to his “clients” this month about his recent 1-12 (That’s ONE WIN AND TWELVE losses! He wrote on his own site: “You see the records above. I can't be any more honest, any more truthful. I've never been a guy who hid his losers, because like I say, if I can brag about the winners, I've got to own up to the losers. I've owned college football in October. I absolutely sucked in the NFL. Can't be more direct than that. As you know, and as you've heard me say on hundreds of radio interviews and on national TV, I don’t win everyday. Cant and won’t. Simple as that. Some days you have to give back to your man some of the money you won off of him. It happens. Always has, always will. The past two weeks I've been dreadful in the NFL. Not the first time, not the last. It’s a long season. There will be ups and downs. And that's why you've got always stay within your limits and follow my money management advice. Now, of course, for those of you that came aboard the past two Sundays or Mondays for the first time, what can I say other than I lost? I mean, I'm not going into your homes, ordering you to buy. And I have no control over when you buy for the first time. But, I certainly understand you're disappointed. And that's the nature of the business, and you know it as well as me. We win together, we lose together. And whether winning or losing, you expect the truth, and that's what I'm giving you. The past two weeks in the NFL were awful, but as I always say, if you're with me for the long haul, you should make money.
"This is a marathon, not a sprint, to make money.” Yes, those of you unfortunate enough to spend money on Brandon's services — $679 for 100 days — must be thrilled with that apology. Brandon Lang is the paid handicapping equivalent of Enron at this point. But those of us who are Brandon Lang fans can at least take solace in the fact that Two For The Money will most likely be seen on East Coast flights to Vegas in the next couple weeks. ANOTHER DOCUMENTED STORY: "More of Brandon Lang’s Genius" Finally, we've happened upon some information about our friend Brandon Lang/Lane/Link/Long and his curious background that we think should finally allow us to rest our weary heads about this. A classmate of Brandon's from high school e-mailed us to give us the whole rundown on what's real, what's not, and what's ridiculous about the mysterious Mr. Lane/Lang/Link: Brandon Link: I went to high school with him; that's his real name. The Lane and Lang came later. He was a reserve player on his HS team, came off the bench, usually tried to do too much, fancy passes, etc. Could hit the outside shot, and was effective when he played under control, but he was no star. The claim in the article in his hometown paper that he was planning to walk on at UNLV after his stint in the Navy (before an injury sidelined him) led to a lot of chuckling. He couldn't start for a mediocre white boy HS team yet he was going to walk on at UNLV during the glory years? His pre-Internet gambling show was on PASS, a Detroit sports cable station. That's when he came up with the nickname “The King”. At his 10-year reunion he showed up in a car with the license “1-900-KING”. By the way, how's that for arrogance? At the reunion he drove up in that car, and one guy we know went up to him, pointed at the license, and said “1-900-KING? What is that, some +++ phone line?” Brandon was too shocked to respond. When I saw the movie trailer last week and saw a shot of that license, I cracked up. He wasn't a bad guy, just a blowhard who overestimated his abilities. It’s clear from his current PR blitz that that tendency is still there.
ANOTHER PUBLISHED STORY: "Brandon Lang/Lane/Link Fluffs McConaughey" Crazy-ass toutster Brandon Lang/Lane/Link, the sports handicapper whose life is retold in the box office clunker Two For The Money, took some time out from his busy schedule of promoting himself and making crappy picks to talk about Matthew McConaughey’s portrayal of him in the movie for, well, we guess his own website: “Matthew is a big sports fan and has been known to try his luck in the Vegas sportsbooks. In speaking to Matthew prior to shooting the movie, the dialogue in the script told him all he needed to know. The emotions that he had to draw to in order to play me were right there because he’s a sports bettor himself. I was thrilled to death with how Matthew played me in the movie and the roller coaster ride he takes viewers on properly portrays what I went through. One of the greatest compliments I've ever received in my life came from Matthew, he said “Thank you for bringing me a character where I had to dig down and draw on the emotions that every actor dreams about. This was by far my most enjoyable role.” Aw…who has warm fuzzies? We hope “Matthew” enjoyed the crap out of this role because we're pretty sure his leading man stock dropped around 30 points in the eyes of Hollywood after another stinker.
Tout service guru and four-named evil genius Brandon Lane/Link/Lang/Long, whose story is being “retold” in Two For The Money has hooked up with omnipresent sportsbook Bodog for a special partnership and changed his name again in the span of 48 hours. In a press release Friday morning Bodog proudly gushes about their new partnership with Brandon LANG:
“Brandon Lang, the man who rocketed to fame as a sports handicapper, and Bodog.com, the company that revolutionized online entertainment, have teamed up. In an agreement signed earlier this week, Lang and Bodog will work in conjunction to build a dynamic Bodog presence on his website Brandon Lang . Lang is the subject of the Hollywood film Two for the Money, whose premiere was sponsored by Bodog.
“Teaming with Brandon Lang seemed like a natural for us,” says Bodog Founder and CEO Calvin Ayre. “We're very excited to be working with one of the most successful handicappers in the world.” Obviously, Lang's not-so-impressive record suggests he probably should not be the subject of a sports handicapping film. Apparently, superstud football picking phenom BLLLL has yet to recapture the magic touch of his youth which prompted the release of his life story on the big screen in the upcoming Two For the Money. So far this year, Lane's free picks have been rather ordinary to say the least. Brandon's free pick tally so far this year? 5-8-1. His pre-season picks? 0-3.
Could his poor record have anything to do with the time he's spending on a second career? A la Hollywood movie star? Having Matthew McConaughey play you in a film will most certainly go to anybody's head we are sure. ........................................ ..................
But then I found this little thing on IMDB. Here's the link, (pun intended!).
Two for the Money (2005)
Here is the LINK with his cameo/five second acting career!
Two for the Money (2005) - Full cast and crew
Apparently our buddy Brandon is also an aspiring actor. Or he may have thought the small, uncredited cameo role he played in Two For the Money deserved an IMDB mention. And be sure to check out the photo page, which appears to show a picture of Lang/Lane/Link/Long dressed in some sort of pajama outfit standing in a family room with a deranged look on his face. We hope that's his family room and not some random family whose home he invaded.
And whose head hasn’t exploded yet? They ask. Jesus Christ. If this does not make blood squirt out of your eyes, what will?
First there was the unreserved excitement of Brandon “Lane” and his web page at Big Green Machine, which openly complains about the fact that the name was changed to “Lang” in the movie: “Funny thing - they changed by name to Brandon “Lang” for “artistic” purposes. Damn if I know what that means, but it’s still me no matter how they spell my last name!”
Then in the Lansing State Journal there is nice fluff piece about Midland, Michigan native Brandon “Link” and his experience about having a movie made about his life.
Then there was the IMDB (Internet Movie Database) page he made for himself under Brandon “Link” because of his stirring uncredited role in Two For The Money.
And now we have Bodog partnering with Brandon Lang, replete with a spanking new website for Brandon Lang with no acknowledgment anywhere of the fact that this man is out of his ****ing skull.
ANOTHER DOCUMENTED PUBLICATION WROTE - "Brandon Lane: Enjoying 15 Minutes More Intensely Than Most"
Friday marks the nationwide opening of the Matthew McConaughey, Al Pacino gambling drama Two For the Money, loosely based on the life of former superstud handicapper Brandon Lane. Lane was a former college football player who turned his freakish ability to pick football games into a lucrative career for a tout service. Well, Brandon has himself a website and from the looks of it, he’s really proud of himself and this movie coming out. He also appears to have a little problem with containing his own excitement, even in two paragraphs: People, just had the Vegas premiere last night and it was fantastic. The Palms gave me a great suite and the photo ops were fantastic. This is what I worked hard for and now its my time to turn it on. The Chargers on Sunday, Green Bay on Monday and now “75 Dime” winner #2 in a row goes tonight. I like this MAC game and will deliver a nice winner. October thru January have always been my months. I have won more in those months than any other month. Not by accident but by design. I watch, I see, I adjust and I win. Your job is to jump on board, ride me and win money. It is in this run that you will see why they decided to make a movie about me. Nobody else, but me. Over the long haul, I will make you money. Sometimes in the midst of your losing streak, you don’t think so but this business is not about a day, a week or a month. It is about the year. You roll with me and you are not only a customer today, I want you for life. I want you part of my family. You give me that chance to earn you money and together, we will own your man. Lets own him tonight. Well, that's a little ****ing insane. Anybody else want to bump chests or break a chair over somebody's head? But if you were wondering Two For the Money opens Friday. It’s based on Brandon's life. Jump on him and ride him to the money or something. It'll be fantastic.
And so it goes...There's a sucker born every minute.
One last point..A quote from BLLLL's website that will tell you all that you need to know. "Listen, they only make movies about winners - and that's me!"
How many movies have you seen about losers? Gosh, just last night, I was watching Nick Cage's "Leaving Las Vegas". Was he a winner? The list could go on all day!
ANY QUESTIONS? No thanks. Please cease calling our office to have one hour conversations about this DOCUMENTED FRAUD. Soon, the hype will be forgotton and BLLLL will be washing men's balls again.
submitted by demise87 to sportsbook [link] [comments]

11-4-2017 Service Plays

These are acquired picks from "professional" sports handicappers around the web. In no way should you expect these picks to win. Do your own research and compare. Tail at your own risk
You can find more picks and newsletters (goldsheet...etc) on my twitter. @sport_bit
Dave Cokin:
329 Syracuse +4
361 Southern Mississippi +7
411 Florida +3.5
Brad Powers Night Owl
2 star South Carolina +25,
2 star Va Tech -2.5
Risked 5 units to win 4.55Texas Tech -3 -110vs Kansas State
Risked 5 units to win 4.35Michigan State +9 -115vs Penn State
Risked 5 units to win 4.85Nebraska -103vs Northwestern
Risked 5 units to win 6Iowa State +120vs West Virginia
Risked 5 units to win 3.85Arizona U +7.5 -130vs USC
Fezzik 3 Big 10 GAME OF THE MONTH
Nebraska -1
Sharp Money Plays Sports
CFB - Total Game of the Year
6* Oklahoma/Oklahoma State Over 76
3* Iowa State +2.5
2* Cal -7.5
Dave Essler: Notre Dame -13 double dime
Washington St money line triple dime
MidAmerican Sports
Oklahoma +3
Over 59.5 West Virginia/Iowa State
Under 47.5 TCU/Texas
Under 63.5 Texas Tech/Kansas State
DAVE ESSLER | CFB SIDE SAT, 11/04/17 - 3:00 PM
353 New Mexico St. -10.0 (-120) Greek vs 354 Texas State double-dime bet
Washington St money line triple dime CFB 3* Game of the Month
Doc Sports
Mega Locks
Clemson -7
Notre Dame -14
client sports solutions
Georgia State -4 Georgia Southern (3pm) (2 UNIT RELEASE)
Clemson /North Carolina State UNDER 51 (330pm)
Maryland /Rutgers UNDER 51 (330pm)
Oklahoma State -135 Oklahoma (4pm)
Appalachian State -9.5 UL Monroe (3pm)
6 Unit Play. Take #352 Arizona St -3.5 over Colorado (9:00p.m., Saturday November 4 PAC12) Arizona St was embarrassed last Saturday at home against USC losing 48-17 and the Trojans were just better on both sides of the ball but Saturday night the Devils look for redemption. I know Colorado comes to ASU winners of 2 out 3 but those two wins were at home against Cal last weekend and the Beavers on the road and before those 2 wins the Buffs dropped 3-straight conference games. ASU comes into these home game winners of 2 out 3 conference games and before that home loss to USC they were coming off wins over Utah on the road and Washington at home. Saturday night I see the Sun Devils playing much better on both sides of the ball I see the Sun Devils defense being the big reason they win this game at home. A little shocked that this number was only -4 as I thought the Sun Devils would have been -5 or a bit higher. Colorado is 3-9 ATS in their last 12 games and the Sun Devils are 4-1 ATS in conference games and the Sun Devils are 10-4 ATS in their last 14 home games.
4 Unit Play. Take #355 Georgia St -3.5 over Georgia Southern (3:00p.m., Saturday November 4) Georgia St is still in the mix in the conference while Georgia Southern has been awful as of late. Georgia St has bowling on their minds and I know Georgia Southern gets this game at home but I see another loss for the Eagles. Georgia Southern is 2-8 ATS in their last 10 conference games and they are 1-8 ATS in their last 9 home games. The Georgia St Panthers have been covering machines on the road going 22-6 ATS in their last 28 road games and again the Eagles will continue to be winless after Saturday night.
3 Unit Play. Take #423 Arizona +7.5 over USC (10:45p.m., Saturday November 4 ESPN) I know USC is coming off a dominating win on the road last week in Tempe, Arizona but adding that half point on this game seems a bit too high. USC has been a tough team to handicap all season long and this year USC is a horrible 2-7 ATS. Arizona comes to Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum winners of 4-straight and 5 out 6 and if the Trojans lay an egg like the did against Notre Dame, Utah, Washington St, and Texas I see the Wildcats covering this game and maybe just maybe have the outright victory.
Jason Sharpe
Take #352 Arizona St -3.5
366 army/af under 59-
401 byu/fresno over 46-
404 hawaii/unlv under 63
Indian Cowboy
7-Unit Play. #355. Georgia State -4 over Georgia Southern (Saturday @ 3pm est) (Currently -3.5 at MGM Mirage)
At the end of the day, for those who follow regional rivalries this is a very important rivalry. Georgia State launched its football program less than a decade ago and now they sit at 5-3 overall and they face a Southern Team who has all the nostalgia of past championships but a team who finds itself winless in this series. State has covered back to back games against Southern over the last 2 years and this is a very important game for recruiting purposes. Remember, State is a top 45 offense when it comes to the passing game and a top 35 team when it comes to rush defense. Hence, this team faces a Southern team who is top 95 in defense and a team whose strength is rushing the ball though they will run into a brick wall against State. Plus, many of these State players were overlooked by Southern in recruiting so they are more angry when it comes to this game and focused as well. Plus, Georgia Southern has App State on deck so they probably don't care about State as it rolls through this weekend. Plus, State did not play well offensively last week as it was their lowest output in 5 weeks. The Panthers are 4-0 ATS when facing a team with a losing record and Eagles are 2-8 ATS in their last 10 conference games as well.
4-Unit Play. #328. Purdue -14 over Illinois (Saturday @ 12pm est)
3-Unit Play. #363. Take Auburn -15 over Texas A&M (Saturday @ 12pm est)
3-Unit Play. #402. Take Fresno State -14 over BYU (Saturday @ 10:45pm est)
4-Unit Play. #335. Take Ohio State -17.5 over Iowa (Saturday @ 3:30pm est)
3-Unit Play. #383. Take North Texas +4.5 over Louisiana Tech (Saturday @ 3:30pm est)
3-Unit Play. #366. Take Air Force -6.5 over Army (Saturday @ 3:30pm est)
Parley Lifestyle Picks
Nebraska ML/Iowa State +2.5/Oklahoma State ML (3 UNITS)
Texas +7/Miami FL +2.5/Oregon +17/Arizona +7.5 (1.5 UNITS)
7 unit PLAYS
Strike Point Sports
6* Georgia Tech (-10)
5* Alabama (-21)
Vernon Croy:
7* - UCLA +6.5
5* - South Carolina +23.5
6* - Alabama -21
6*- Arizona State -3.5
*Marc Lawrence *
College Football Perfect System Club Top Play!
Tom Stryker
West Virginia
Florida State
Norm Hitzges - Picks of the Pole
Auburn -15
Texas +7
Kansas State +3
Colorado State -3
Michigan State +8.5
Virginia Tech -2.5
Georgia State -4
So. Mississippi +6.5
So. Carolina +24
Arkansas -23.5
Michigan -15.5
Fresno -14.5
San Diego State -24
Stanford +2.5
Todd Fuhrman
Ohio St -17.5
Missouri -3
Marc lawrence From vegas insider
mich st
miami fla
The gold sheet From vegas insider s.carolina
fla int
fresno st
Docs Consensus
5* UNLV -7.5
6* Ala -21
6* Ari +7.5
southern cal -7.5
UL Lafayette +6 georgia southern +4
california -7
florida state -7A
alabama -21
penn state -7.5
rutgers under 50.5
texas am +15
notre dame under 55
kansas state +3
lsu +21
appalachian state -9.5
washington state -2.5
south carolina +24.5
wisconsin -12.5
lsu +21
arizona +7
virginia tech over 50
oklahoma +3
illinois +14
oklahoma state -2.5
oregon over 52.5
oklahoma +3
syracuse +4.5
wisconsin -11.5
kansas +8
penn state -7.5
arizona +7.5
georgia state -4
syracuse +7
iowa state +3.5
southern miss +7
alabama -21
california -7
Hawaii over 58
nc state +8
arizona state -4
indiana +13.5
oklahoma state -1.5
usc -7
florida +3.5
georgia state -4
alabama -21
michigan -15.5
ohio state -21
oklahoma +3
oregon state +7.5
penn state -8.5
south carolina +24
miami florida +2.5
notre dame -14
kyle hunter :
vandy/wku over 53 (3*)
texas tech/kansas state over 63 (4*)
fresno state/byu under 45 (4*)
miami/virginia under 50 (4*)
texas +7.5 (4*)
colorado state -2.5 (4*)
UTSA/FIU under 54 (3*)
nevada +22 (3*)
south carolina/georgia under 49 (3*)
north texas/La tech over 67 (4*)
Brian Edwards:
S. Carolina +24.5 @ Georgia
Syracuse +5 & SU @ FSU
Florida @ Missouri < 61.5
Arizona +7 @ USC & > 73.5
Cal -7 vs Oregon St
Todd Furman “Best Bets”
Ohio St -18
Missouri -3
Paul Leiner:
2500* CFB Oklahoma +2.5
100* CFB South Carolina +24
100* CFB Over 57.5 UNLV/Hawaii
These are acquired picks from "professional" sports handicappers around the web. In no way should you expect these picks to win. Do your own research and compare. Tail at your own risk
You can find more picks and newsletters (goldsheet...etc) on my twitter. @sport_bit
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Top 20 American Turf Sires To Know And Why!

  1. Giant’s Causeway (Storm Cat out of Mariah’s Storm, by Rahy)
  2. Dynaformer (Roberto out of Andover Way, by His Majesty) died in 2012 The two that immediately leap to mind are Giant’s Causeway and Dynaformer. The former won six Group 1 turf races in Europe before coming within a neck of winning the 2000 Breeders’ Cup Classic on dirt over Tiznow. The latter actually wasn’t superlative as a racehorse, although he did finish third in the 1989 Grade 2 Dixie Handicap on turf. Both have produced some seriously good dirt runners—Take Charge Brandi and Barbaro, respectively. Yet their progeny have excelled on turf, especially over longer distances. Giant’s Causeway’s American Grade 1 winners include Aragorn, My Typhoon, Red Giant and Internallyflawless, while Dynaformer can boast of Film Maker, Riskaverse, Gozzip Girl and Dynaforce. In 2010, Dynaformer’s son Americain captured the most prestigious staying race in the world, the Australian Group 1 Melbourne Cup. In addition to perennially topping the turf sires list, both Giant’s Causeway and Dynaformer share something else: a common ancestor, 1972 Epsom (English) Derby winner Roberto, whose presence in any pedigree is a strong stamina indicator—thus, Giant’s Causeway and Dynaformer progeny on grass usually do best running long.
  3. Langfuhr (Danzig out of Sweet Briar Too, by Briartic)
  4. El Prado (Sadler’s Wells out of Lady Capulet, by Sir Ivor) died in 2009 These two sprintemilers have had good success producing stamina-rich offspring, as well as horses that run on all three surfaces: dirt, all-weather and turf. Langfuhr has produced Grade 1 turf winners Wando, Jambalaya, Lang Field and Interpatation, as well as turf queens Sabellina and The Niagara Queen, while El Prado (who also sired Rachel Alexandra’s sire Medaglia d’Oro) counts among his offspring Grade 1 turf winners (now top sires) Artie Schiller and Kitten’s Joy (see below). What Langfuhr and El Prado also share: both are by sons of the great Northern Dancer, whose tremendous impact on turf pedigrees we explore in our All Signs Point North post.
  5. Kitten’s Joy (El Prado out of Kitten’s First, by Lear Fan)
  6. Medaglia d’Oro (El Prado out of Cappucino Bay, by Bailjumper)
  7. Artie Schiller (El Prado out of Hidden Light, by Majestic Light) With the loss of El Prado in 2009, his sons have more than taken up their sire’s turf dominance. In no-small part due to ownebreeder Ken and Sarah Ramsey’saggressive home-breeding and racing campaign, Kitten’s Joy has sat atop the leading turf sires list since 2013 with such stalwarts as 3-time Grade 1 winner and Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Fillies Turf victress Stephanie’s Kitten, Grade 1 Arlington Million victorReal Solution, Grade 1 Sword Dancer winner Big Blue Kitten, and Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint victor Bobby’s Kitten. Whether going short or long, on rain-affected turf or rock-hard grass, Kitten’s Joy progeny always rock. Sire of Horse of the Year Rachel Alexandra and Kentucky Oaks winner Plum Pretty, Medaglia d’Oro is also just as adept at getting turfsters. Among the best are 2-time Grade 1 winner and Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Turf runner-up Marketing Mix, Grade 1 Gulfstream Park Turfwinner Mshawish, and Grade 1 Just a Game victresses Coffee Clique and C.S. Silk, as well as 6-time Grade 1-placed Al Khali. Less ballyhooed than the other two in terms of stud success, Breeders’ Cup Mile winner Artie Schiller has produced solid turf winners like Grade 1 Frank E. Kilroe Mile runner-up Mr. Commons, Australian Group 1 Rosehill Guineas winner Laser Hawk, and Grade 1 Del Mar Oaks third-place finisher My Conquestadory.
  8. Smart Strike (Mr. Prospector out of Classy ‘N Smart, by Smarten) died in 2015
  9. City Zip (Carson City out of Baby Zip, by Relaunch) Both Smart Strike and City Zip were dirt runners who just happen to produce marvelous grass horses when bred to mares with strong turf inclinations. For example, in addition to siring dirt champion Curlin, Smart Strike is the sire of champion turf male English Channel. English Channel’s damsire is the champion turf male Theatrical and his second dam Committed was a turf champion in her own right, having twice won the prestigious French Group 1 Prix de l’Abbaye. By Theatrical, Committed also produced two American graded stakes winners on turf, Pharma and Hap, so there was strong indication that their full sister Belva could produce a good turf runner (and she did in English Channel). Interestingly as well, Smart Strike’s dam Classy ‘n Smart also birthed (by sneaky-good turf sire Danzig) Canadian Triple Crown victress and Hall of Famer Dance Smartly who, among her turf wins, captured the 1991 Molson Export Million (now Woodbine Mile), so maybe there’s some genetic turf material inherent in Smart Strike. Like his sire Carson City (another sneaky-good turf producer) City Zip was a dirt sprinter, so it’s no surprise he’s produced quality dirt sprinters like Grade 1 Forego winner Palace and Breeders’ Cup Sprint victor Work All Week. However, he’s also given us Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Turf winner (and 2014 Eclipse Champion Turf Female) Dayatthespa, as well as Grade 1 Maker’s Mark Mile runner-up Workin For Hops and 4-time Grade 2 turf winner City To City. His daughter Unzip Me finished third in the 2010 Breeders’ Cup Turf Sprint, while another Reneesgotzip deadheated for second in the 2013 edition. Always watch for City Zip’s progeny on turf, especially sprinting (and particularly with New York-based trainer Linda Rice). It should be noted that City Zip’s dam Baby Zip also produced (via Northern Dancersireline descendant Awesome Again) the champion dirt horse Ghostzapper, whose first crop included turf (and Grade 1 Blue Grass Stakes) winner Stately Victor (his Dynaformer dam Collect the Cash won the Grade 1 Queen Elizabeth II Invitational on turf). Thus, Ghostzapper offspring may also excel on turf, if bred to a turf-rich mare.
  10. Stormy Atlantic (Storm Cat out of Hail Atlantis, by Seattle Slew)
  11. Tale of the Cat (Storm Cat out of Yarn, by Mr. Prospector) Like Giant’s Causeway, these two sons of Storm Cat have had their fair share of turf runners. For Stormy Atlantic, these include 3-time Grade 1 winner Get Stormy, Grade 1 Jamaica winner Up With The Birds, and turf veteran Icy Atlantic, while the best of Tale of the Cat’s North American progeny is 2009 dual-Eclipse winner and 6-time Grade 1 victor Gio Ponti. Other sons of Storm Cat who are good at producing turf performers include lightly-raced Bernstein (Storm Cat out of La Affirmed, by Affirmed), sire of Grade 1 Just a Game victress Tepin, and Catienus (Storm Cat out of Diamond City, by Mr. Prospector), sire of 3-time Grade 1 turf winner Precious Kitten and English Group 1 Golden Jubilee runner-up Cannonball.
  12. Rahy (Blushing Groom out of Glorious Song, by Halo) pensioned in 2009
  13. War Chant (Danzig out of Hollywood Wildcat, by Kris S.) Not only do these two possess strong turf pedigrees from their sires, but their extraordinarily talented dams have produced other top grass performers. By European champion turf horse Blushing Groom, Rahy’s progeny include Breeders’ Cup Turf champion Fantastic Light and Grade 1 Manhattan victor Dancing Forever, but he’s particularly made his mark as a broodmare sire of such turf stars as Rahy’s Attorney. His Canadian and American champion dam Glorious Song also birthed champion grass horse Singspiel, sire of such Group 1 winners as Dar Re Mi, Lahudood, Eastern Anthem, and Folk Opera. Breeders’ Cup Turf Mile-winning War Chant has produced some nice turf stakes winners, such as Chamberlain Bridge, Chattahoochee War, War Monger and Brilliant, as well as Sea Chanter, El Roblar, and Ballymore Lady. He’s out of multiple-Grade 1 (Breeders’ Cup Distaff et al.) champion Hollywood Wildcat, whose sire Kris S. (by Roberto) also produced the multiple-Grade 1 turf winner Prized—sire of turf performer Brass Hat, among others. Hollywood Wildcat also birthed Grade 1 Secretariat runner-up Ivan Denisovich, a three-quarter brother to War Chant.
  14. War Front (Danzig out of Starry Dreamer, by Rubiano)
  15. Hard Spun (Danzig out of Turkish Tryst, by Turkoman) As race horses, both these sons of Danzig proved themselves on dirt, with War Front being twice a Grade 1 dirt sprint runner-up while Grade 1 King’s Bishop winner Hard Spun ran second behind both Street Sense in the Kentucky Derby and Curlin in the Breeders’ Cup Classic. At stud, they’ve sired quality dirt winners, particularly Hard Spun (with Grade 1 Wood Memorial winner Wicked Strong and Grade 1 Coaching Club American Oaks victress Questing among his most notable offspring). However, since both also possessed sneaking-good turf pedigrees, War Front and Hard Spun have sired progeny highly-prized in Australia, Japan and Hong Kong where turf racing dominates. War Front’s eye-popping $150,000 stud fee in 2015 is seemingly justified by progeny such as Grade 1 Maker’s Mile winners Data Link and Jack Milton, Grade 1 Man O’War runner-up War Dancer, Grade 1 Del Mar Oaks victress Summer Soiree, and Breeders’ Cup Juvenile Turf runners-up Soldat and Giovanni Boldini. For Hard Spun, there’s Grade 1 Gamely victress Hard Not To Like, Grade 1 Arlington Million winner Hardest Core, and South African Group 1 Cape Derby victor Ertijaal.
  16. Lemon Drop Kid (Kingmambo out of Charming Lassie, by Seattle Slew)
  17. Scat Daddy (Johannesburg out of Love Style, by Mr. Prospector)
  18. Arch (Kris S out of Aurora, by Danzig) What do all three of these Grade 1 winners have in common? Even with strong turf pedigree breeding, none of them was ever tested on grass. And at stud they’ve gone on to produce extraordinary performers on just about every kind of surface. Five-time Grade 1 winner Lemon Drop Kid never raced on turf, but was brilliant running route distances up to and including 12 furlongs which is somewhat surprising given that his sire Kingmambo was a 3-time Group 1-winning turf miler in England and France. However, his Seattle Slew dam was a half-sister to the dam of stamina-rich Belmont Stakes winner A.P. Indy, hence the damside origins for Lemon Drop Kid’s stamina. Not surprisingly, he’s produced some dynamic dirt and synthetic stayers, including Kentucky Oaks winner Lemons Forever and 2-time Grade 1 Pacific Classic victor Richard’s Kid. However, his progeny also excel on turf. Some examples include Grade 1 Gamely winner Citronnade, 2-time Grade 3 Arlington Handicap winner (and Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Mile third-place finisher) Cosmonaut, Grade 1 Diana victress Somali Lemonade, Grade 1 Belmont Oaks Invitational runner-up Sea Queen, and multiple graded stakes turf winner (and Monmouth favorite) Kiss the Kid. Never discount a Lemon Drop Kid on turf, especially if they have previously only raced on dirt. Many can easily make the transition. In his all-too-brief career, Grade 1 Florida Derby winner Scat Daddy raced entirely on dirt, so it’s not surprising he’s gotten some good dirt runners, including Grade 1 Arkansas Derby runner-up Frac Daddy, Grade 2 Pennsylvania Derby winner Handsome Mike and Grade 3 Sunland Derby victor Daddy Nose Best. However, in addition to his 3-time Group 1 turf winning sire Johannesburg, his damline also features terrific turf performers, including his Grade 1-winning second dam Likeable Style who captured the Grade 3 Senorita on turf (and later produced Glendale Handicap victress Grat, dam of 2-time Tampa Turf Classic winner Old Time Hockey). So, it’s not surprising that all three of his aforementioned progeny later became graded stakes winners or placegetters on turf (Frac Daddy runner-up in Grade 3 Commonwealth Turf, Handsome Mike third in Grade 2 Del Mar Mile, and Daddy Nose Best winning the Grade 3 Colonel E. R. Bradley). In his first crop, Scat Daddy also produced English Group 2 winner Daddy Long Legs, 2-time American Grade 1 turf winner Lady of Shamrock, and Grade 3 turf winner Finale. Since then he’s also given us French Group 1 Prix Morny victor No Nay Never, as well as a host of Chilean winners including 3-time Group 1 winners Solaria and Dacita, as well as 2-time Group 1 victor El Bromista. In 2015, with his juvenile daughter Acapulco capturing the grassy Grade 2 Queen Mary at Royal Ascot and his Grade 1-placed son El Kabeirwinning the Grade 3 Gotham, it can truly be said that Scat Daddy has enjoyed international success on all surfaces at stud. Grade 1 Super Derby victor Arch’s lightly-raced sire Kris S produced a host of top turf performers, including Breeders’ Cup Turf winner Prized, Breeders’ Cup Filly & Mare Turf winner Soaring Softly, English Group 1 St. James Palace victor Dr. Fong, and Grade 1 Gamely victress Hollywood Wildcat. Arch’s dam Aurora (daughter of the great Grade 1 Arkansas Derby-winning filly Althea) was a Grade 3 runner-up on turf, so it’s not surprising that Arch progeny have a predilection for the grass as well as dirt. He’s given us Breeders’ Cup Classic winner Blame, Grade 2 Breeders’ Cup Marathon winner London Bridge, Grade 1 Donn victor Hymn Book and multiple Grade 1 dirt winner Pine Island, as well as 2006 Canadian Horse of the Year Arravale, a filly who won both the Grade 1 Del Mar Oaks and Grade 1 E.P. Taylor on turf during her championship year. His other top turf performers include 2-time English Group 1 winner Les Arcs, Grade 1 Shadwell Turf Mile runner-up Grand Arch, Grade 2 Hollywood Turf Cup runner-up Temeraine, and 2-time Grade 2 Pan American victor Newsdad.
  19. Unusual Heat (Nureyev out of Rossard, by Glacial)
  20. Freud (Storm Cat out of Mariah’s Storm, by Rahy) As regional stallions, Unusual Heat (California) and Freud (New York) have produced many state-bred turf winners as well as horses with a more national (and even international) presence. For Unusual Heat who had modest success racing in Ireland before returning to North America, his damline pedigree (highlighted by his dam herself, who was not only champion 3-year-old in both Sweden and Denmark, but also 1983 Swedish Horse of the Year) was certainly not fashionable to most American breeders. Yet, this perennial top-producing stalwart (since 1999) has enjoyed amazing success with his turf progeny, most notably 3-time Grade 1 Charles Whittingham Memorial Handicap victor Acclamation (who entered stud in 2013), Grade 1 Hollywood Derby winner The Usual Q T, Grade 1 Hollywood Turf Cup victor Unusual Suspect, Grade 2 Sir Beaufort winner Gervinho, and Grade 1 Del Mar Oaks runner-up Bel Air Sizzle. In the now-passed era when California tracks featured synthetic surfaces, his progeny easily transferred their form from all-weather to turf. Now his progeny run (and win) mostly on grass. Many folks forget that Freud (standing his entire stallion career since 2002 at Sequel Stallions New York) is a full-brother to Giant’s Causeway. Yet, unlike his more esteemed brother and more like Unusual Heat, Freud only won once in his entire 12-race career in Ireland and England. His progeny win on every surface. His dirt winners include Grade 1 Prioress winner Franny Freud and Grade 1 Vosburgh victor Giant Ryan, both sprinters. With a nearly 40% winning percentage on turf, Freud’s stakes-winning runners include Grade 3 Fort Marcy victor Lubash, Grade 3 Beaugay winner Hessonite, Grade 2 Mrs. Revere runner-up Effie Trinket, and Grade 2 W. L. McKnight runner-up Logic Way. There is also a host of restricted New York-bred stakes winners as well, so don’t ignore Freud progeny on turf.
Up-and-Coming Turf Sires Who are the young sires to watch for on turf? Obviously, sons of Giant’s Causeway, such as Shamardal, Aragorn, First Samurai and Heatseeker should be considered. Out of a full sister to Grade 1 Dubai World Cup winner and proven turf sire Street Cry, Shamardal already has dual-Group 1 winners in France (Loup de Vega) and in Australia (Faint Perfume), not to mention Dan Excel, a Group 1 winner in Hong Kong and Singapore. Newer Giant’s Causeway sons now at stud include 2-time Grade 1 dirt winner Giant Oak (whose progeny are juveniles in 2015) and Grade 1 Wood Memorial winner Eskendereya whose first-crop included Grade 2 Natalma runner-up Isabella Sings.
Smarty Jones is another sire whose offspring could end up performing well on turf. His sire Elusive Quality has produced excellent turf runners, such as Raven’s Pass. His second dam is by Foolish Pleasure, who has excelled as a damsire of turf runners; his son Scenic has many produced Group 1 sprinters, middle distance runners and extreme stayers, including Melbourne Cup winner Viewed. His third dam is by the terrific turf sire Herbager, so with the proper cross, Smarty Jones’ progeny on turf are to be watched. Already Smarty Jones has produced Better Life, a 3-time Group 1 winner in Singapore, as well as 2-time Tampa Turf Classic victor Old Time Hockey and listed Florida Oaks runner-up Holidaysatthefarm.
Sometimes juvenile turf winners fly under the radar if their sires’ best races were on dirt, or if their sire’s breeding doesn’t scream “turf.” Case in point: Grade 1 Santa Anita Derby winner Pioneerof the Nile who actually broke his maiden at Saratoga as a juvenile, going 1 1/16 miles on the grass, a fact most handicappers forget. His first winner (out of a Theatrical mare) was River Dancer going 6 furlongs over the Belmont inner turf; she subsequently finished second in the Grade 2 With Anticipation on turf. Since then, his turf winners include Grade 2 Del Mar Derby winner Midnight Storm and listed Kitten’s Joy runner-up Courtier.
Freshman Sires to Watch in 2016 In terms of unmistakable turf credentials, Get Stormy, Calimonco, and Dominustop the list of promising first-crop grass sires for 2016. A fan favorite with his wide white blaze and wire -to- wire running style, Get Stormy (Stormy Atlantic) was a 7-time graded stakes turf winner, including Grade 1 victories in the Maker’s Mark Mile, the Woodford Reserve Turf Classic and the Gulfstream Park Turf Handicap. Get Stormy’s first winner, Get Sassy won over Presque Isle’s Tapeta surface, indicating that his progeny may also find all-weather surfaces to their liking. Well-bred Calimonco (Storm Cat) took awhile to mature: not breaking his maiden until late in his 3-year-old campaign, he was twice Grade 2-placed on turf at age 5, and then won the listed Sidd Finch Stakes at Santa Anita on the grass as a 6-year-old. Don’t expect precociousness from Calimonco’s progeny! However, his bloodline is a tantalizing draw for breeders given that his dam Sweet Life was not only a Grade 1 runner-up going 10 furlongs on turf, but that she has also produced as a broodmare two millionaire full-sisters to Calimonco, Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Distaff winner Life is Sweet and 3-time Grade 1 winner Sweet Catomine. Like many colts whose owners catch Derby fever, Dominus (Smart Strike) started his career on dirt and spent his entire 3-year-old campaign on the stuff, winning the Grade 2 Dwyer and running third in the Grade 2 Jim Dandy before an off-the-board finish in the Grade 1 King’s Bishop. After nearly a year off, he returned to win going 7 furlongs on dirt before attempting turf—in his first grass effort, he won the Grade 2 Bernard Baruch in wire -to- wire fashion. Dominus’ dam Cuando was five times graded stakes-placed on turf at distances between 9 and 12 furlongs; her half-sister Honey Ryder was a 2-time Grade 1 turf winner and Breeders’ Cup Filly and Mare Turf runner-up, who also twice finished second behind males in open company Grade 1 events (behind English Channel in the Grade 1 United Nations and behind Jambalaya in the Grade 1 Gulfstream Park Turf).
Look carefully at first-crop sires Creative Cause, The Factor and Coil for precocious turf winners. Even though none of them raced on grass, each did win on the all-weather surfaces once prevalent in southern California, plus they each have strong turf pedigrees. Creative Cause (Giant’s Causeway) broke his juvenile maiden over Hollywood Park’s all-weather surface before capturing the Grade 2 Best Pal and finishing second in the Grade 1 Del Mar Futurity. The Factor (War Front) won the Grade 1 Pat O’Brien at Del Mar and ran second in the Grade 1 Triple Bend at Hollywood Park. Coil (Point Given) captured three of five races at Hollywood Park including the Grade 3 Swaps; he was also a runner-up in the Grade 2 Pat O’Brien at Del Mar. Coil’sdamside in particular is brimming with turf runners. Not only has his Theatrical dam Eversmile produced a Grade 1 turf winning half-brother to Coil in Hollywood Derby victor Chiropractor, but Eversmile is also a half-sister to 6-time Grade 1 turf winner Possibly Perfect, the 1995 Eclipse Award-winning Champion Grass Mare.
If bred to mares with strong turf pedigrees, also look closely at first-crop turf runners by Kentucky Derby and Preakness runner-up Bodemeister, as well as by Belmont winner Union Rags. Bodemeister’s second dam Parade Queen was twice a Grade 3 winner on turf, while Union Rags’ course record-setting second dam Terpsichoristcaptured both the 10- furlong Grade 2 Sheepshead Bay and the 12- furlong Grade 2 Long Island Handicap after beginning her career on dirt. First-crop sire Brilliant Speed (Dynaformer) was an interesting all-surface performer, especially during his 3-year-old campaign when he won the Grade 1 Blue Grass on Keeneland’s all-weather surface, finished a strong third in the Grade 1 Belmont and then hung on for a clear third-place finish against Euro invaders St. Nicholas Abbeyand Sea Moon in the Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Turf. All told, he was four times Grade 1-placed on turf. His breeding is also stellar, with his unraced dam being a half-sister to Grade 1 Selene runner-up Handpainted and Grade 2 winner Serenading, 2009 Sovereign Award winner for Champion Older Mare in Canada. His second dam, Grade 1-placed Daijin, is a full-sister to Grade 1 Belmont winner Touch Gold, and a half-sister to Canadian Triple Crown winner and 11- furlong turf world record holder With Approval. Another well-bred first-crop sire with the potential to sire winners on all surfaces is Biondetti (Bernardini). A Group 1 turf winner in Italy as a juvenile, he finished fourth behind Uncle Mo in the Grade 1 Breeders’ Cup Juvenile on dirt. His dam Lyphard’s Delta, a 10- furlong Group 2 turf winner in England, has produced two half-sisters to Biondetti, Grade 1 turf winner Indy Five Hundred and 3-time Grade 3 turf victress Delta Princess, dam of 2-time Breeders’ Cup Distaff winner Royal Delta and Grade 1 Queen Elizabeth II turf winner Crown Queen. This is the same family as another first-crop sire in 2016, Royal Delta’s full-brother Empire Way.
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