Laboratory Equipment and Hazard Symbols Science Lesson | TpT

hazard symbols in a school science lab

hazard symbols in a school science lab - win

Ex-Student's Opinion on CNU (CPEN Major)

I honestly had a really bad time at CNU, and I regret going there so much. Before I get into the meat of the post, I want to immediately get this out of the way: I am extremely biased, and my experience at CNU is not going to be representative of most people's experiences at the school. I seem to be a magnet for bad luck. CNU is most certainly not a bad school, but it's not all sunshine and rainbows over at CNU no matter how green the Great Lawn may seem. This post is more or less going to be a rant, and long one at that since I want to capture as much of the experience as I can.
I started attending CNU in the fall semester in 2017, and eventually decided to drop out midway through the 2019 fall semester after it proved to be more of the same.
Let's get the good stuff out of the way. The learning community I was placed in was absolutely amazing, and the friends I made there stuck with me the entire time I was there. Most people were friendly, although it was cliquey. The campus is also undeniably beautiful. and despite the desperate cries of my coronary artery, I still long for the buffalo chicken wraps and the beloved tender Tuesday. The fondest memories I have of CNU are wandering around campus with my friends.
Now let's get into the meat of it. I'm going to go through my experiences at the school in chronological order.
Coming into the school freshman year, I found my footing pretty fast, and wasn't challenged very much the first semester. I actually had a pretty good time. The first class I ever sat down and took was a logic course focusing on symbolic logic. It was a very enjoyable class, taught by a very bright and understand professor. We got to build simple robots in ENGR 121 and make them compete against each other, which was absolutely fun and a great way to get to know other students at the school. The professor who taught that class also had some very idealistic views about engineering and often talked about how the mindset needed to succeed in engineering is good for approaching problems in life in general, which I genuinely enjoyed. It resonated with me on a personal level, and made me feel very excited coming into CNU at the time. However, as the semester went on, I ended up feeling less excited. Two of my other professors in particular were a bit questionable. One of them- My CPSC 125 professor- was a last minute hire with no teaching experience. I don't want to fault him too much since he was new to teaching, but it definitely was not a great experience in that class as a result. He often fumbled with the material a bit, but that's ok for the most part. What isn't ok is him teaching us the material incorrectly. A standard practice in the Comp Sci department is taking the overall course structure including lecture content, quizzes, and tests from the department so all of the classes end up with a similar experience. This would be fine, but this practice would come to bite me several times during my stay at CNU. In CPSC 125, our professor taught us one piece of the material incorrectly, then took quizzes from another teacher. In that quiz, it was done properly, so using the method he taught us would result in getting it wrong. That one kind of slipped under the radar for the most part. Only a few people noticed, and for the most part nothing like that happened again, but that problem would go on to become emblematic of the problems would face later on at CNU.
I also had an American Studies class that was a constant headache. Our professor made us buy several books that we only used small excerpts from for one. Again, not the biggest deal, but come on. The quizzes and tests were terrible in that class. The class more or less just had us do assigned reading, and then come to class to analyze it. However, our teacher went out of his way to ask the most inane questions on assignments that were about memorizing small details about a work rather than understanding the work as a whole. He wrote the single most egregious question I have ever seen on an assignment in my entire life. We were assigned Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address as a reading, and in it Lincoln says that an outside military force could not conquer the US in "a trial of a thousand years" but the real danger to the United States is a civil war. Our professor decided to ask us a question about that line in particular. Did he ask about the meaning of the line and the historical context of it? Of course not. The question he wrote was along the lines of
"Abraham Lincoln said that an outside military force could not conquer the US in a trial of _____ Years, but danger could arise from within. Complete the quote." with the choices being
A. 100 years
B. 1000 Years
C. 10,000 years
When I read that question, my jaw dropped. How could any person who has devoted their life to educating others write a question that misses the point that hard? Perhaps his intent was to have me remember that quote forever, because that question is burned into my mind permanently.
Later on in the semester, he assigned us a reading at 8 pm via email the night before the class met that we needed to read before the class. When we met, he asked if we got his email, and I replied "Yes, at 8 pm last night." He immediately got defensive, and said "Well, I could have sent it earlier today."
What kind of reasoning is that? That's the equivalent of someone saying "You killed 4 people, how could you!?" to you, and then deciding that the best reply is "Well, I could have killed 8!"
The class was just more of the same throughout the semester, with other squabbles like that happening semi-regularly.
Now, I understand my complaints so far are admittedly pretty petty regarding this class, and you'd be right. However, these experiences would go onto shape my overall perception of CNU as time went on. Attending that class and thinking about how much I'm paying for it made me feel jaded. This semester was the height of my entire experience at CNU, and I only had good things to say about two of my classes.
So the first semester goes by without too much issue, aside from feeling a bit disappointed overall. However, registration came next. I think something was terribly wrong with the entire PCSE department that year, because most my peers got completely shafted during registration and had a lot of trouble getting into the classes they need for their major. I was pretty lucky in that I only needed an override into Math 240 (Which filled up about a day before I could even register). So I go to the office to get that all sorted out, and the guy there was noticeably irritated and was displeased to see me come in with the override form. I get it. The classes filled up, it's logistics nightmare, but don't take it out on me. They end up opening up another section, so everything is ok for the most part, but my peers couldn't say the same. The overall mood on my hall was doom and gloom.
Enter the spring semester. It was pretty uneventful except for CPSC 150, which I'll get to in a bit. I took Phil 202 with the same Phil professor I had last semester and enjoyed it a lot. I don't want to name names in this post, but I'll make an exception for Professor Homan since I only have good stuff to say about him. Bless that man, I loved his classes. Aside from that, the first year writing seminar had very low expectations, and went over basic things that most people should have learned in middle school like how to cite sources. Econ 201 was super basic as well, and I literally played Starcraft during lectures and got a B still (Don't do this).
CPSC 150 I feel was officially "the beginning of the end". The professor I had explained everything very, very slowly. His lectures were around 2 weeks behind the other classes, to the point where even his own homework assignments were outpacing him. I distinctly remember him talking about something that we had to know over a week ago to complete some homework, and he introduced it in class as if it were rocket science and we had never seen it in our entire lives. He said things along the lines of "Now, I know this is very hard, but just keep at it, and we'll understand it all together, ok?" I raised my hand and told him that we already did some problems like that on the homework, and he was taken aback, as if that were surprising. It felt pretty bad sitting in class since his lectures were more or less meaningless since we already had to learn the material beforehand. He also had this one quirk where he'd pull up a powerpoint and copy sentences on the powerpoint onto the white board by hand, which is just kind of silly. One day I noticed he stopped taking attendance, so I never showed up for his lectures ever again unless we had a quiz and I got an A. I will say that he was pretty good about helping students who asked for help and hosting office hours and such, so it's not as if there was a lack of effort on his part. It's just that the pace of the class was just way too slow, and it was to our detriment. Remember how I mention the CPSC department shares lectures and other material? This class was no exception. By the end of the year, we were so far behind in the material compared to other classes that we were an entire coding project behind. There were somewhere around 6 big projects in the semester (I can't remember the exact number) and we only ever made it to project 5 while the other sections taught by other professors made it through all 6. So effectively, by having him we were literally missing out on material.
Let's take a quick minute to talk about housing. I was in the Santoro dorm. It wasn't great, but not the worst still. I was in a triple and it was pretty cramped in there, and our AC didn't work very well so our room was constantly uncomfortably hot for all of us. I guess that's about what you'd expect. The fire alarms were stupid sensitive, and they'd go off all of the time for stupid reasons like putting popcorn in the microwave for too long. There were a few times where it'd go off at 3 am or such, and we'd all have to march outside in our pajamas in the middle of the night. That's all not too crazy, but what nobody expected was for our ceiling in the hallway to start leaking. Near the end of the semester, a leak formed in the ceiling on our hall. It got bigger, and bigger, until the hallway had a perpetual yellow puddle in the hallway. Eventually they slapped down a big trashcan to collect the water, but that leak wasn't done yet. The ceiling tiles deteriorated, and collapsed into the trashcan. We kept trying to get someone to fix it, but the maintenance people kept giving us excuses, like saying it's the end of the school year and they need to cut into the wall to fix it which is a safety hazard or something like that. So a few weeks go by, and the leak is so bad that the water is seeping into people's doors and saturating their room carpets with water, which is absolutely gross. At that point our RA had just had it with it, and went to bat for us, nagging the maintenance people until they actually did something. Turns out their excuse about having to cut into the wall was exactly that- an excuse. Somehow it was ok for them to cut into the wall now that our RA nagged them. I mean, it's not like a huge puddle in the middle of the hallway is a safety hazard either, right?
So, despite having nightmares about the yellow puddle consuming us all, my first year came to a close, and I felt optimistic about the second semester still. I thought that I wasn't being challenged because it's just intro level stuff, and I got a bit unlucky with professors. Turns out I was wrong. My next year at CNU would be more of the same.
When I signed up for CPSC 250 for my second year fall semester, the instructor was TBA. Naturally, I ended up with the same professor I had for 150 because my mom gave birth to me under a leaning ladder while knocking over salt shakers or something. And.... My professor did the exact same thing. Everything was the same, right down to us being one project behind the other class. However, he did even worse this time. He started to struggle with the material. The lectures he would go through were designed by another professor, and he wouldn't even look at them before coming to class. He fumbled through the material, making mistakes in his coding, making mistakes with his IDE, etc. Some classes he spent upwards of 20 minutes just trying to get his IDE (IDE being a program you use to write software on a computer) to work. Eventually it got to the point where he was completely stumped by a problem in the lecture, and he turned to us and asked US "Does anywhere know how to do this?" which is completely absurd! It's absolutely ridiculous to pay tens of thousands of dollars to attend a university, then have a professor ask you to show him how to solve problems in the lecture.
I had CPEN 214 this year, and the class itself was fine. However we had to build circuits using breadboards, and the kits themselves had problems. The IC chips in the kit had their labels worn out so it was very hard to figure out what chip I was even looking at. Some of them flat out didn't work. They didn't show any damage, but testing them showed that the chips weren't functioning properly. It was infuriating to build a circuit properly, and find that it doesn't work just because of faulty equipment. The kits were missing resistors, and finding proper resistors we needed to build circuits was a hassle. The most egregious example was busted capacitors. We had to build a decently large circuit that utilized capacitors, but some people had faulty ones that would completely ruin the circuit's output. It took forever for us to figure out what was wrong, since my friends and I just assumed we were building it wrong. Eventually it got to the point where we constructed the exact same circuits on different boards and some of them would work, and other wouldn't. We narrowed it down to the capacitors. Switching capacitors from different kits out suddenly made the entire circuit work. So when it came time to turn in our work, we ended up having to pass around working capacitors between us so we wouldn't fail. When I say fail, I mean it. The circuit would completely not work at all with the faulty capacitors. Yay.
Now enter Spring 2019.
We get to lovely CPEN 315. Our professor was a very nice guy, and clearly very knowledgeable. But he would always go into amazingly long tangents about things vaguely related to the material that was interesting, but really had little to do with the class. Very little was accomplished in the lectures. By now I had some other problems in my life related to health, and I started skipping the lectures pretty frequently. I kept texting my friend each day asking him if I missed anything, and 99% of the time he would say "Nope. Not a thing." I ended up with a B in that class despite not attending frequently. As for the lab side of it, I really don't like the curriculum for that lab at all. We had to once again build circuits on a bread board. However, the curriculum had us literally build the same circuit over and over again, but larger scale. It was the exact same design process, but just longer and more tedious to design and wire. Utterly pointless, and a waste of time.
I also had some problems with another CPSC class, which I won't comment on too much. I'd just like to share a time when the professor put the attendance code up on the board without telling us, then yelled at us when we didn't see it, saying "It was up there for 30 seconds, you need to be prepared for class!". Yes. He literally said 30 seconds, as if that's an astronomical amount of time to set up your laptop, log into it, open the browser, navigate to scholar, and copy the code down. One of my classmates asked him "Would you mind putting up there again?" and he scoffed at her, and angrily said "YES, I DO MIND, but I'll do it anyways." Real pleasant. The atmosphere was just a tiny bit hostile there. Just a bit.
Overall, not a great year. Academically I felt disappointed since I still wasn't being challenged very much overall, and I felt like everything I had accomplished up to that point at CNU could have been done in half the time if the courses were more rigid, and the professors were more focused. It felt like based on the pace so far, it would be crazy to enter the workplace in just 2 years from then. I felt like I had barely grown, or barely learned anything at all so far. I just had no confidence in my education whatsoever.
But before we move onto my last semester at CNU, we have to cover Puddle 2: Santoro's Revenge. My dorm room at Potomac South also leaked water from the ceiling grate. Fantastic. Also there was... a small insect problem in my room. One night I woke up at about 4 AM to use the bathroom, and when I turned on the light, I heard a buzzing noise. I was wondering what it was, and I looked up at the ceiling grate. A wasp climbed down through the vent and started buzzing around my bathroom. I felt like I was in a scene from Aliens or something, so I just shut the door and walked away. I'm allergic to wasps, and people in my family react pretty poorly to stings, though it's not to the point where it causes spontaneous death. I used the lobby bathroom, went to sleep, and never saw that wasp again. I did end up finding more wasps in more room later on, which was less than pleasant. The room across from me had the same problem, so it was likely there was some kind of nest and nearby and they were getting into our rooms somehow. Yeah uh. Not the most fun experience my life, but I lived and at least I didn't have roaches everywhere or something. Oh yeah, the fire alarm also kept going off at 3 or 4 am in PoSo too.
So I come into my last semester at CNU hoping that things will be better.
Spoilers: It wasn't.
That semester was giving me problems before it even started. So, I bought a parking pass, but didn't have a chance to pick it up since I moved in on the Sunday before classes due to scheduling problems. So I just say, "Ok, I'll pick it up before class starts on Monday, and slap it on my car. It'll be fine, right?" It wasn't fine, unless you define fine as being fined a fine by the university. That morning, I wake up at 6 am to make sure nothing stupid can happen with my parking pass. My class was at 8 am so I had plenty of time to get it sorted out. Here's the problem. I checked my email, and there's an email saying they'll start writing tickets at 7 am. Their parking office opens at 9 am. I checked the office to make sure that there really wasn't anyone there, and there wasn't. At this point I'm a little bit worried since I can already see people in golf carts writing tickets. I wandered around campus to find anybody who I could talk to, but it was a complete ghost town. Eventually I found some security guards, and they told me to just park in front of the library since that's public parking, and pick up my pass after my 8 am. So, I move my car there, and what do you know, there's a guy sitting outside the library writing tickets. He sees me get out of my car, and tells me I can't park there. I explained the situation to him, and said that the guards told me to park in front of the library. The guy just looked at me, paused for a moment, then said "Well, you can park wherever you want, I'm still going to write you a ticket" and drove off in his car. WTF? I got into my car, and started circling around campus looking for ideas. I ended up parking in front of the ticket office since nobody was there. So, at this point I was already incredibly stressed out and having a very bad day. I walked into my 8 am class around 20 minutes late, and fumed for the rest of the day about it. All of that was just incredibly unprofessional, and ridiculous to put up with.
The 8 am class I mentioned was CPSC 327. And guess what? There were more IDE problems. Our professor spent an entire class period trying to fix his IDE. Great. As a fun fact, I told my friend who attends JMU as a CS major about how I had so many professors have problems with their IDE and asked her if that happened at JMU, and she just laughed and said "No, that's ridiculous!"
Honestly I don't remember much of this semester either, aside from it being more of the same. Subpar curriculum overall, etc. I was getting to jaded and upset with the university at that point, and some health problems were starting to really get to me as well. Halfway through I really lost any drive and desire to keep going at that point, and I started looking into dropping out since CNU had not treated me well these past years. But that wasn't before PUDDLE 3: SANTORO'S CURSE. This time our washing machine at Rapp started leaking water everywhere. Saturated the entire dang carpet in front of it, and seeped water into my room as well. Great, I love it. Also our washedryer never worked right in the first place and doing laundry was hell on Earth, taking over 5 hours to do a small load.
There's one last loose end to tie up. Do you remember how I said earlier that my friends were having problems getting classes they need to graduate on time? My roommate in junior year has to take an extra semester at CNU just because he couldn't get into classes he needed to graduate on time. He literally did nothing wrong, and worked hard this entire time, but CNU's physics department shafted him. He was still considered a sophomore in terms of credits in my junior year. Same thing with another friend, who was also a CPEN major. So... Yeah. Fun times.
So, I ended up getting a medical withdraw since I wanted to take some time to sort out my health problems, and also reevaluate my career path up to that point since CNU gave me nothing but trouble.
Overall, I felt that my education was lackluster, and it was really not worth the money at all. I never felt like I was developing as a professional at all, and I never felt any confidence in my own skills that I acquired throughout my time at CNU. I'm currently in the process of transferring to Virginia Tech, and I'll be started in the fall.
Anyways, this post is super long, and I'm getting tired. I would have liked to write a more poignant conclusion, but I'm tired and burnt out. If there's anything I want you to take away from this, it's two things. The first is sign up for PLP or Honors if you can. PLP is the only way to ensure that you don't get screwed over by registration. If you want to avoid bad professors and have the privilege of being able to graduate on time sign up for PLP. I know the tone of this post has mostly been sarcastic, but I'm being serious about this. PLP will save you so many headaches. And the second lesson is.... Don't buy a washedryer combo. Seriously. They suck.
submitted by SkieSkiot to CNU [link] [comments]

Feeling like I entered another dimension two years ago/some weird demonic conciousness , gangstalking , NPC's

Posting this on a throwaway because I've never told anyone this since I'm not a fan of the psych ward .. lol. I don't know exactly where to begin and how this weird spiritual path just hit. This is such a long story I'm gonna have to keep some parts out.
To prephase, I'm a 17 year old female who's lived a relatively normal life with normal parents, social life, friends, (until this shit started).. my whole life I've never been super into the paranormal/spiritual but I was always into the "dark" matters of life, such a psychology, and true crime, serial but nothing esoteric ... Mostly just practical stuff..but generally dark stuff. I used to watch forensic files and terrorist documentaries in like the fourth/fifth grade , just because anything "taboo" highly interested me.
I was always somewhat skeptical but I guess it's because at a young age I didn't know enough and thought skepticism was the logical way of going .. but I'd always have gut instincts about paranormal stuff (e..g. If my religious friend brought up an experience she had seeing demons) and I'd always laugh it off thinking it's bullshit but that was just my concious programming overriding this weird secret gut instinct of intrigue I had when I heard that stuff, because I always did feel soemthing was off with reality very deep down that I wasn't ready to acknowledge. But I would always repeat to myself "I'd never be like those religious freaks!" Because religion didn't make sense to me either. So I just became agnostic and thought Occam's razor explained everything and that this overthinking was just the mental blabber of paranoid schizophrenics as mainstream society would always tell me.
Around grade 10 I kind of started to get into conspiracy, since I was super misanthropic and depressed with life in general, and I had a hard time with authority and rules my whole life because I didn't understand why certain things had to be this way or why can't this be another way yet I was told "the rules are rules!" And this made no sense to me as I thought it was just an excuse to allow authority to yield power unecessarily and unfairly for themselves. Because I just felt something was off with society and that many things feel "sugarcoated' to me, Fast forward to grade 10, when I remember one day randomly at 3 am I got to the weird side of YouTube. Around this time I started researching the medical industry and conspiracies about cancer and felt really pissed off, and had a very "fuck society!" Attitude about everything. I also starting researching the banking system and the Federal reserve, the elite bloodlines, aliens basically the surface level stuff. Most of the content I watched was just through people like Shane Dawson, etc.
Soemtimes I really wish I could go back to that day reverse the events that all lead to this lol. I still made a large joke around conspiracy theory and only believed a small portion of it ... But would never TOUCH the stuff revolving clones, faked shootings, paranormal ,hivemind, etc. I just thought those were for fun. I however took things like 9/11 being engineered to be true. I was still agnostic at this time.
Around that time since I was in my conspiracy phase me and my friends would OBSESSIVELY talk about it . Since I was getting them into it too, it was basically our obsession, but on the outside it just looked like a bunch of overly excited teenagers going through a phase. I was also really into MK ULTRA at this time and my other friend knew tons about, and we would talk about it all the time and laugh over it. We had super long discussion around MK ultra on my 16th birthday supper with other friends and when walking back home in the dark through a sketchy neighborhood trying to scare eachother acting like silly teenagers we were like"lmao what if the men in black are following us" or shit like that. Just being stupid.
Anyway that night I started to experience terrible tinnitus out of nowhere. It was especially bad in my left ear, and very high pitched. I needed to have the fan on beside me so I could sleep. It was pretty bothersome and I tried to do everything to remedy it but nothing worked. I went to the doctors and he said "oh you just have a ton of wax in your ear!" I thought I might have just been that. I was relieved, and got my ears cleaned out, yet I still had the ear ringing . A neurologist and ENT appointment later, I still didn't know what caused my tinnitus, as everything came back clear. My ENT specialist told me 1 in 5 people had tinnitus and that they don't know the exact cause, so I just learned to live with it. I also attributed it to my EDS (ehlors danlos syndrome) but it came in rather suddenly and eds is genetic and I've had it since I was born.
Around this time I started to get a really bad feeling in my room. It would jsut feel eerie sleeping at night, like I felt soemthing was watching me. I had a hard time sleeping alone as I kept feeling creeped out.
On my 16th birthday I woke up with two large scratches on my stomach. Both of them were burning really badly and one was bleeding even, they were straight lines and went from my belly button to my groin. One was slanted and the other was straight. This freaked me out a bit. I was like what the fuck, lol. I have my nails cut since I'm a piano player, and there was just no damn way those scratches could have been me scratching myself. I remember telling my Muslim friend and she was like "dude omg it could have been jinns "(which are interdimensional beings in the Quran) and we were joking around it a bit but I was still creeped out.
I remember getting deeper and deeper into conspiracy where it was basically apart of my political views. But I could never be exactly sure of anything , so I didn't care so much until I was affected by it.
One day i started seeing synchronicity. I kept seeing 616 and 333 everywhere, and was seeing 9/11 since like the eighth grade actually (yes during all those years when I didn't even know what synchronicity was.. on a side note... My Muslim friend told me once in the eighth grade that she kept opening her phone during 9/11 am and pm and it creeped her out and I was like omg me too lol so I think then normal unawake people actually experience it to a degree. .. they just aren't aware of it or are aware but don't understand what synchronicity is do just brush it off as "weird").. weirdly enough, and synchronistically, I was learning about Carl Jung in school (which later was necessary so I'd learn from reading him what synchronicity is) around this time. I actually felt very spiritual and right brained and my perception just "shifted", like I couldn't see everything the way it used to be. I was very interested in what Jung was saying about the archetypes and symbols repeating in certain religions and how he incorporated spirituality and religion into psychology outside the paradigm of these phenomena simply being pathological and this abnormal.
Around August , a few months after my 16th birthday, I went on a trip to Europe and when I was in France I was very interested in the Louvre pyramid which had satanic significance (666 panes) and also visited Stonehenge.
When I came back from the trip I was hanging out with my friends was one day (the conspiracy ones) and we were talking about a ton of random shit.. mk ultra.. mh 370, the Rockefeller's, etc out on my friends patio. Then out of nowhere, the door kept slamming shut and opening. Yes , I kid you not , THE DOOR LITERALLY OPENED, SLAMMED SHUT FULLY, AND OPENED AGAIN.. THERE WAS NO WIND AND IT WAS AGAINST THE FORCES OF PHYSICS ANYWAY REGARDLESS OF WIND. All of us just jumped. Like fucking jumped and ran into the house. For about 20 minutes we were panting. My friend was like , "see I told you, jinn exist!" And kept freaking out and chanting prayers to herself. My other friend is kinda superstitious yet atheist at the same time but all of us could just never make sense of what happened.
My friend became "possessed" around this time. She just started to act really weird and like... Sexual? She kept touching my thigh and laughing creepishly and me and my other friend thought she was just trying to scare us, but we were both afraid of her for some reason. She kept repeating to us "we live in a simulation" over and over again and kept staring at me the whole time when I was trying to talk to my other friend (I could see it through my peripheral vision) . I went home and then made a post on Reddit about the door thing, and mentioned how I was talking about the Louvre pyramid (as I mentioned earlier) when the door thing happened , a Reddit commentator said "this is so weird, but right when I read about the Louvre pyramid i was watching a family guy episode and when I looked up they were at the Louvre pyramid" I was like WTF , another synchronicity. I was also getting a ton of people messaging me about simulation theory (e..g some dude messaged me about it on makenewfriendsere, ) , people were recommending shows like the OA, Dark, Dr. strange to me and my friend out on "The Matrix" when I was at her place.
But unfortunately, I began to lose many friends around this time. Out of nowhere, people left my life. Literally all of them. I've heard of this before, where people who awake experience it with someone else and then suddenly one day that person takes back everything they said with you and becomes skeptical. That time my two conspiracy buds randomly said "oh, lmao, I'm. Over that conspiracy phase haha" , and "oh that could be explained by x and y! Logic and science!" , And I was like, haha ok wtf? I felt this sudden personality shift in them . I basically went friendless during that time.
Then around September, during the beginning of my grade 11 year. I began to find YouTube videos about "gangstalking", it was the new conspiracy I was into at the time, and I was just watching random Videos of people who acclaimed to be "gangstalked" and just couldn't make an opinion on it. These people seemed kinda really mentally ill but considering the experiences I had by then anything was possible . It just felt weird that ten thousandizh people were experiencing the same phenomena, some being entire families. If you don't know what gangstalking is, look it up, I'm too tired to explain.
About a week later after these videos were in my recommended I began to experience weird phenomena. When I was walking to school one day, this car was driving past me and this lady rolled her window down and just looked at me and laughed at me. She had two kids in her backseat. I was like ok lol and just dismissed it.
But then things just felt weird, I kept seeing license plates from cars from different provinces like everywhere. From Alberta, BC , too many to just be "tourists", I live near a dead end and outside my apartment there would be white SUV's coming near my block and taking a uturn over and over again. Often time these vans would come and just position themselves there for like 20 minutes. Like right near my window. They would never pick anyone up, just drive there.. position their car on the side of the street with hazard lights on soemtiems and just leave... often times these cars just had one headlight..I was like wtf? This reminds me of the YouTube videos I saw of getting gangstalked and one of the symotms ? I was like could I be getting gangstalked? Around this time of my spiritual phase I started getting into astral projection, meditation, lucid dreaming (without success:())
Then so much weird shit happened. One day, when I was at a park near my place at one am and three suvs passed me and ALL OF THEM IN SUCCESSION ROLLED DOWN THEIR WINDOWS AND WAVED AT ME WHILE LOOKING FORWARD, YES I KID YOU NOT... there was no fucking logical explanation for this. Literally that confirmed soemthing weird was going on. I was getting "gangstalked" and since I wasn't aware of the concepts of NPC, actor based reality, the matrix, the demiurge and whatnot I thought it to be what most gangstalking victims believe, which is that it is community based harrassment and these people are paid to stalk you for knowing to much, however many gangstalking victims are very Christian weirdly, some are atheist. A lot of these people get synchroncities, yet they attribute it to being "spiritual warfare" and "satanic" , so around that time I became weirdly Christian even though Intuitevly some many things about orthodox religion didn't make sense to me . There were many lawsuits from gangstalking victims on community harrasment. One day, when I was in Toronto, my dad and I were driving and he suddenly said "hey wtf, those three cars all just turned on their high beam at once one after another" to three cars driving on the other side of the highway, I knew it, gangstalking.
However, there was just some sort of supernatural aspect to this I couldn't brush off. I later on started studying the occult and Gnosticism, and it felt like a purple pill instead of picking between red or blue pill. I learned about the concept of duality .. I always felt that just because there is evil in the world doesn't negate the idea that God doesn't exist (because why would god cause evil in the world ! Etc, etc), I thought it's possible there could be creator yet also immoral at the same time.its either you believe in God and follow the creators "rules" and that he's good (the premise of seven major world religions), or that God isn't real, but not the in between philosophy, which is what Gnosticism and the demiurge is about . It just feels like the premises of evil are also not just seen in humans but in nature, such as the food chain and that living things must eat other living things to survive, inherently god could exist but why should he be followed just because he created this realm? I do believe the creator of the material realm and true God are separate .. hence "Satan rules the matrix' Occult law made logical sense to me. I started studying astrology around this time, and learned a lot about myself, freewill, and determinism. I also had a kundalini awakening around this time and just felt like conventional sorituality was a trap..because it seriously messed up my body and I actually felt more out of tune with nature, other people, and many people having k awakening experienced the same. I missed so much school due to how a sudden kundlaini experience messed up my body (weirdly it affected other people, like one day I was having severe third eye pressure and my brother was next to me and said "I'm having a pressure and pain right here" and pointed to his third eye) , I also had bizzare occult dreams with lots of symbolism (serpents, etc), and had this weird dream where I was in this apcalyotic dreamscape where everythibg was destroyed and the sky was red ... I had come across this weird chinese medicine place that looked like a lab. This Asian lady and this Asian man in a suit (which I keep fucking seeing in dreams stalking me), told me to come in and try their new concotion. The place looked like an insane asylum and there were all there weird medicines on the shelf.. the lady gave me a concotion and suddenly my throat swelled and I couldn't talk, and it kept swelling , and she said "oh... It's done.." and THEN I WOKE UP WITH A SUPER SORE THROAT AND HAD STEP THROAT...but that's another story..
Anyways I then came across randonauts , which is a subreddit which explores unknown spaces outside predetermined probability tunnels in the multiverse . By using a quantum random location generator from a particular field to pull out a series of random points (called attractor points) which are outside places you'd usually go to this creating more "randomness " in your life and opening up probabilities. People report weird NPC type behaviour at some attractor points... Like what I experienced with the lady rolling down her window laughing at me, a person experienced his way to an arraactor point when soemone rolled down his window and began looking at his creepishy and burst out in laughter. Other people have reported strange glitch in the matrix type behaviour from people at attractor points
So then I came to the conclusion that gangstalking is a paranormal phenomena happening at a soriitual level, as this type of behaviour is seen in gangstalkers as well, as if we are all collectively experiencing an alternate reality together that doesn't pop up in "normal" people's realities because the system or the demiurge is trying to "punish" those people or whatever. . Whatever these NPC's are... I don't know. There's so many questions. I feel like I'm in the Truman Show.
I have had bad luck since this all started. I got diagnosed with Lyme disease (weirdly enough I had synchroncities about Lyme disease a month before my diagnsosis, when I was reading about it online and on the chinesemedicine subreddit) which took a huge tax on my life and mental health , and I had to drop out of school just recently right before applying to university (I can't now). I can never keep friends and they all suddenly leave my life (I made a new online one during my "awakening" .. the only one I had who suddenly ghosted a month ago and it kinda hurt but he didn't treat me the best anyway), it's as if the system is trying to isolate me (keeping me out of school, having friends), because I know too much... And while I keep this very much to myself I do talk about spiritual topics to people, but when I bring them up I'm met with much revulsion or soemthing ends the friendship. Ive also dropped all my extracurriculars because I suddenly starting losing (e.g. debate team.. but why does it matter since everything politically is a lie anyway) , everyone sort of moved on with their lives.
Anyways my life is super weird and all I experience is a ton of synchronicities and stuff. But I cannot unexperience soemthing, and recently I had a bit of a breakdown and kept convincing myself that maybe this is soemthing psychiatric and due to Lyme disease which I could have had for many years , but the whole thing's with the cars, the high beams, it just can't be. I can't unexperience soemthing unless I wipe my memory, I can choose to change my perception around it but that's virtually impossible unless you REALLY fight your gut instinct. .
Basically I always feel evil energy around me. It's demonic, if the definition of demonic isnt in conventional religious terms , I'd like to stop experiencing annoying NPCs or freaky dreams, but I can't. I'm just totally different. Idk how much being this aware will affect my life and my predetermined reality tunnel.. considering I don't think the matrix wants me around telling shit to others or having a large circle, lol .also, the gangstalkers/NPC's have a really dreamlike feel to characters you see in dreams, I do think they're interdimensional entities in some way..
TL;DR curiousity killed the cat and I entered Some weird alternate reality/demonic hivemind collective conciousness after a spiritual awakening at 16.
submitted by throwaway372Eu to Retconned [link] [comments]

Update 1 - The Colony Patch notes

Re-posted from Official Forum Post
Recap of Live Stream with Dev Here.
Greetings, survivors!
We just released the first update for Surviving the Aftermath, called The Colony! This update focuses on the Colony management aspect of the game – let us know what you think of the changes by using the in-game reporting tool.
After downloading the new content, your game version should be on PC and 1.1.027 on Xbox.
submitted by xXEvanatorXx to survivingtheaftermath [link] [comments]

Two Perspectives of Professor Moore – Physics is Fun

This story is a follow up on from the Two Perspectives of Professor Moore. A special thanks to u/WREN_PL and my wife for helping with edits and cleaning up this posting. As always feedback is appreciated.
Two Perspective Stories in timeline Order
Two Perspectives of Professor Moore
Two Perspectives of Professor Moore - Physics is Fun
Two Perspectives of Professor Moore - Genetics is Fun
Two Perspectives of Professor Moore - Research is Fun
The Learning Process
Galactic Cycle 153234.24 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: My new physics class is starting soon. My fellow professors and Dean Hed’uphis are so excited to see how I am going to keep the class engaged that they have asked me to share my first practical exercise with them prior to getting all of our students involved.
This will be interesting as many of the traditional physics examples, like dropping an egg I feel aren't suitable given the diverse audience and last term’s incident.
The first class is Introduction to physics, I figured I could make it fun by showing the class how it plays into everyday life. Originally, I had thought about disabling gravity in our classroom as a good way to do this, but learning that my new classroom was on the top of the physics building I have scratched that idea as unsafe. It would be too easy for a student to rediscover gravity just over the side.
I find it amazing they have traditionally taught physics from on top of the building, they must enjoy the subject more than most human college students.
I fear I may never understand the xeno lack of proper safety guards when teaching. Because of this, I guess I will just have use a simpler method to demonstrate Newton’s three laws of motion. A rubber ball should do nicely and couldn’t possibly pose a risk. The staff amazed me with how much they studied the ball, you would think they never had seen rubber before.
Galactic Cycle 153234.24 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: Had a meeting with the physics department today and explained how dangerous Professor Moore’s teaching methods were. We were able to get him to demonstrate what he planned on doing in his Introduction to Physics class.
Professor Moore shocked us all after seeing his classroom for the first time. We have put him in a special reinforced portion of the top of the physics building to ensure he couldn’t do any damage to the surrounding facilities.
To our amazement, he actually got quite upset about our lack of “proper” safety protocols. He even implied our negligence could have gotten students hurt but said he would change his demonstrations appropriately to protect the class.
He showed us a strange red orb. Professor Moore called it a Rubber Ball. One side of it said, “Physics is Fun!” He plans on using it for his first practical demonstration. The entire staff and I examined the ball to be safe. It appeared to be an artificial construction that was dense but springy. It bounced well but did not appear to pose any risk. None of us could think of any way this could be dangerous.
For once I can go about my job without worrying about what horrors Professor Moore will inflict upon us.
Galactic Cycle 153234.31 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: I am happy to report the first day of class has arrived. I was pleasantly surprised to find all three of my periods were booked completely full.
To my surprise and honor, even Qali of the All’air and all six of my prior Norag students signed up. They seem to have forgiven my past mistake in chemistry. They told me they felt they learned more in that course than any they had taken prior. It appears many of my past students share that sentiment or wish to have a career in the sciences as I’ve seen many familiar names and faces in this course as well. Several Fotar, which resemble cute rodent scientists in lab coats, have also joined the class.
It was a good thing I had a practical demonstration ready. While covering the basic concepts, notations, dimensional analysis, Linear and quadratic relationships I could see their eyes… or equivalent… glazing over. I don’t think they actually engaged in the class until I said, “As a practical demonstration” and pulled out my ball.
While the first two parts of the demonstration, letting the ball sit to show how an object as rest will stay there, then rolling it off the table to show that state stays only until acted upon by an outside force. The third part is where I learned something I wasn’t previously aware of.
While the surface of the small moon that houses Pan Galactic University always surprised me with the density of air it held in place, not requiring environmental suits and allowing a surprisingly normal looking campus. The air on this moon is apparently held in place by some form of force field.
I am so relieved I didn’t try to cut gravity in this area, I cannot imagine explaining the spacing of an entire class full of students… like I accidentally did to the ball.
When I demonstrated that every force has an equal and opposite reaction, I tried to bounce the ball. It bounced higher than I expected in this low gravity and then rather than falling back, just caused a ripple in the force field and began to orbit the facility.
Had I known that I could put things into Pan Galactic University orbit that easily, I would have done this initially as part of the class. We now have a great example of how an object in motion will remain in motion until acted upon by an outside force that proudly states “Physics is Fun!”
Galactic Cycle 153234.31 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: Professor Moore never mentioned anything about putting the ball into stable orbit. I would not have thought such a thing even possible had I not been near the space dock observation deck in time to see a familiar red orb pass by proudly proclaiming that “Physics is Fun!”
While not posing an obvious hazard, we are unsure how we are going to be able to retrieve it. We tried sending a shuttle out after it, but the orb only bounced off the surface into a higher orbit. Traditional tractor beams and magnetics also do not seem to affect the object. Thankfully there is only one.
It is known that Humans are stronger than many galactic species, but we did not expect his ability to do this. Perhaps putting him on the roof of the physics lab wasn’t as safe as we thought.
Galactic Cycle 153234.33 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: Today in passing the Dean proudly told me he sees my “Physics is Fun!” Ball every day. I imagine it's partly because results came back and my last period chemistry students posted some of the highest exam scores in our school’s history on the intergalactic standard exams.
After it was launched, the entire class wanted to know where I had gotten it, so I gave them the net address for the supplier on earth. Based on the thank you note and crate of red “Physics is Fun!” balls I received from the supplier, it appears they have become quite popular with the student body.
Luckily these arrived just in time for our Kinematics class where we talked about speed, velocity, acceleration, projectiles, free fall and uniform circular motion. I am truly proud of my students. Not only were they prepared for this course, but they all showed up with their own rubber balls.
I had prepared three air cannons as my intent was to launch more rubber Physics balls into orbit using compressed air this time. I had thought about doing something like the old Potato Guns and using an igniter and aerosol but ultimately decided teaching college students - regardless of species - how to do it was reckless.
We spent the last half of each period launching the students’ personalized rubber balls into orbit as a practical example. I dare say that I have never seen a class embrace the fundamentals of kinematics in such a way. Several even had even worked out specific angles and air pressures they wanted to use to achieve their orbits.
This is truly a marvelous environment to teach in, and I am starting to appreciate having a roof level classroom. Too bad on most human planets such demonstrations are not so easy. I feel honored to have a been given this opportunity by Dean Hed’uphis.
It is with great pride I record the launching of 1800 personalized rubber balls, during my three classes, into orbit with the air cannons. The students could not have been more excited! After class I allowed them to launch the remaining 200 “Physics is Fun!” balls into orbit.
Galactic Cycle 153234.33 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: The dock manager requested I come to the docks today as there was something “I had to see.” I was greeted by a constant circulation of Professor Moore’s rubber balls, many in different colors with different wording on the side. I know I saw the bright red “Physics Is Fun!” ball pass by mocking me at least once.
I am also fairly certain several of the orbs were also put into an orbit intended to scare incoming ships as they are just large enough to show on radar. I am also sure I saw at least one brown orb making fun of my name in my own language.
Obviously, Professor Moore is continuing to torment me. The docking staff has spent the entire day trying to figure out how they were going to remove our rubber asteroid belt from orbit.
While I must admit it has been interesting watching shuttle object avoidance systems cause some erratic flight patterns on shuttles trying to dock, their crews have been less than pleased. These balls also appeared to generate a slight charge when bumping against each other and are starting to cause minor interference with communications. Least that is the explanation the Dock Manager gave for not warning the crews before the object avoidance systems kicked in.
The Galactic Security Council surprised me with a notification they are sending a team out to collect the balls after hearing how they can interfere with communications and flight paths. They even paid the university a surprisingly large grant as they felt it could help in their war efforts.
Galactic Cycle 153234.38 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: Dean Hed’uphis has approached me asking that I cease putting things into orbit. I am guessing that the military ship above trying to remove the balls from orbit is putting a lot of strain on him.
Luckily, the cat I ordered from a pound on earth is scheduled to show up today. I know it is a rescue, but I think it will do wonders for the Dean’s stress levels.
They described it as a male tomcat, from the streets of old Detroit. It has had a rough life up until this point having lost most of its tail, left eye and ear in what were likely fights. The clinic has patched him up best as they can, neutered him, bathed him, and given him all his shots. I even had them include a couple bags of cat food, litter, some toys, and a book on taking care of cats.
It should be an improvement for both the Dean’s stress levels and the tomcat’s quality of life.
Today’s class was on Rotational Motion. After the discussion of the learning points, we spent most of the class watching soldiers trying to catch rubber balls in orbit while discussing the rotational mechanics.
Galactic Cycle 153234.38 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: Despite my frustration, watching the Council’s soldiers trying to catch these orbs in space did a lot to lighten my mood. They have parked a ship in geosynchronous orbit and are tossing soldiers at the balls to try and catch them before pulling them back into the ship. It’s not fast, but highly entertaining to us down here, probably more so than it is to the soldiers.
I have a grave concern as I have heard rumors that students watching this are discussing the possibility of making a new sport based upon this.
Update: I believe Professor Moore figured out I tried to have him fired and is now trying to kill me. Today a crate showed up from a human colony addressed to me containing a fierce carnivorous predator native to the human world of “Old Detroit”.
Several professors have told me that humans often keep these as pets, but this creature is horrifying. It is covered in scars, to include a missing eye, ear, and its reproductive organs. The tail also appears to have been mutilated.
It emits terrible noises at me from the crate containing it. Included with the creature was a bag of “cat food”, a shallow plastic pan, and a bag of coarse sand. There was also a book, but it was written in earth English, not standard Galactic, so It does me little good.
The Fotar and All’air on staff seem instinctively terrified of it, and it seems to also have an unnatural obsession with them as well. Anytime they are in the area it will crouch down and swish the remnants of its tail back and forth while staring at them.
The dock master would not let me jettison it into space, and even the xeno-biology lab refused to take it while alive. It is currently loose in my quarters and I have been forced to sleep in my office. I can hear things breaking from the outside and even our security refuse to go in after it.
I am starting to fear Professor Moore, with such a simple act he has stripped me of almost everything. I must seek help.
Galactic Cycle 153234.39 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: Today’s class was on waves, sounds, and light. These are three are traditionally taught at a high level in one course for physics 101 with later courses going deeper into the subject. It was awesome watching how the different species reacted to it. I had never thought about how much fun this class would be with species capable of sensing in spectrums we can’t.
In the practical demonstration, we used strobe lights, different species’ music, and even played with different sound wave intensities, accidentally discovering the Fotar sensitivity to ultrasonic waves. I even played some classical Human music to include Queen’s “We are the Champions.”
Overall, it was a blast, I am really looking forward to teaching this class in future terms. I might get some complaints as being on the roof, it’s likely the whole university could hear the class and see the flashes of light reflecting off the atmospheric containment shield.
I have not heard anything regarding Dean Hed’uphis or his cat, I do hope the two are getting along well.
Galactic Cycle 153234.39 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: I tried to tender my resignation . . . again, but the board refused. They feel this university is performing at an all time high right now and to leave would disrupt that. They didn’t even acknowledge my groveling.
When I tried to go back to my home today, I could not find the monster. It appears to have escaped. What’s worse, the whole house smelled like the predator’s musk and all of my belongings had been shredded. I will admit some relief to discover it gone but will have to put the whole staff on alert as I fear for the safety of the school with this beast running loose.
Maybe some sleep will do me good.
Update: I could barely sleep due to all the flashing lights and pounding noises coming from the physics building. Professor Moore was clearly celebrating his victory over me, even going so far as to play a tune pronouncing that they were the champions.
Shortly after I finally dozed off, I awoke in pure panic to find the monster on my chest rhythmically vibrating. I could not move for fear of it turning on me and shredding me. It took several hours before the creature finally decided to get off of me and shred more of my chair. I do not know where it had been but am now more terrified than ever.
Galactic Cycle 153234.43 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: The practical learning exercises this semester have been going great. The students were absolutely fascinated by the demonstration of fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. While many were familiar with circuits, they still seemed to fully engage with the demonstrations. Tomorrow, we get into electrostatics and magnetism and I think a small rail gun would be a perfect way to show these principals at work.
On a side note, I have not seen Dean Hed’uphis in some time. I can only assume he is adjusting to his new pet.
Galactic Cycle 153234.43 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: I have finally gotten the upper hand. Working with the Galactic Security Council, we have finally disposed of the beast.
While they refused to kill it, they did offer me the usage of an experimental weapon called the Carbonite Gun. It was developed from human fiction, the premise being to trap a creature in stasis within a metallic cocoon that looks like the original creature.
I was told this was the first test on a living creature and gladly volunteered the monster in my house, I didn’t even care about the grant money the Council happily offered to pay the school for the test.
While not actually dead, the creature is immobile and will never pose another threat to this facility. I now have a metallic, life size statue with the monster in stasis in the middle of it. I think I’ll send it back to Professor Moore as proof of my ability to overcome his devious designs.
Galactic Cycle 153234.44 – Entry Professor Clay Moore: Today was a rough day, but I can proudly say none of the students were hurt. I have been suspended from teaching physics for the time being.
The Security Council team that has spent most of the course catching rubber balls decided to sit in on today’s class. This was a big surprise, but not unwelcome. They seemed to have an intense interest in how I was using electrical currents to generate magnetic fields for my improvised rail gun. While we kept the currents low during the first two courses and ensured the rail gun was aimed at a distant hill, things didn’t go as well during the third period.
A large Ka’ta from the security council came over after the final demonstration and wanted to see what a high voltage would do. Before I could stop him, he cranked the power all the way up and triggered it, launching the steel bar stock I had been using straight down through the side of the Physics Building and into the moon’s surface below.
While we are all relieve no one was hurt, we did significant damage to all floors of the Physics Building. None of us are sure how far down the bar stock went, but the Security Council has taken my railgun and the Dean has suspended my physics class. My students seem upset and protested this but were ultimately assigned to other professors to finish their last couple classes.
I have been told the Security Council has requested my help refining the design of my railgun for space defense forces and is paying the school for it. Dean Hed’uphis also sent me a gift, a metallic cat statue, as a way of recognizing my hard work and efforts.
I am glad his pet has become such a symbol to him. It is truly a magnificent statue showing an uncanny level of realism.
I wonder what course I’ll get to teach next.
Galactic Cycle 153234.44 – Entry Dean Hed’uphis: I thought physics was a safe course, I couldn’t see what harm could come. I truly feel the fool; the Galactic Security Council has had to directly involve themselves in a course on my campus.
I was so wrapped up dealing with the monster Professor Moore unleashed on me I wasn’t even paying attention to what he was doing.
What’s worse, the carbonite encased monster I sent to him, intended to be a message, was proudly put on display in his office like a trophy. He also sent me a “Thank You” card mocking me.
The board has also informed me that Professor Moore’s demonstration has already led the Galactic Security Council to fully fund him and provide him with a lab. Additionally his students are far out performing the students from more traditional classes on all standardized testing. These lunatics are considering making him a professor for life.
They again refused to accept my resignation and now they want me to find a safer course for him to teach. I am leaning towards genetics but will consult with the science department to see if there is any way he could do anything dangerous in that course.
I don’t see how this situation could possibly get any worse.
submitted by Lostfol to HFY [link] [comments]

SCP Foundation Glossary

SCP Foundation Glossary

A glossary of unusual or unfamiliar terms used by the SCP Foundation.
This is an ongoing post covering some of the more unusual or unfamiliar terms used in the SCP Foundation.
It is important to understand that "there is no single canon" and so, for any given definition, different objects and tales will use them differently. However, some are either consistent enough or well-enough explained to have a fairly reliable definition. This is not an attempt to proscribe how any of these words can be used, only an attempt to clarify and explain commonly-used terms.
Special Thanks:
Aelanna, who wrote Dr. Mackenzie's Glossary which was frequently referenced..
Cooldude971, who wrote the Master list of non-standard object classes and recovered an image containing the original text of SCP-173 as posted to the /x/ board of 4chan. This text has been verified (as far as possible) to be identical to the original post of SCP-173, the beginning of the SCP Foundation.
Everyone who has made suggestions and provided additional information to help me build this!
The original authors of the SCP articles, tales, and everything else that makes this mad, dark, beautiful world we love.
The Administrator
Dr. Mackenzie's 001
A (possibly anomalous) entity either originally human or resembling a human. Appears to be an elderly Caucasian man. In canons that feature him, he is described as establishing the Foundation but disappearing shortly afterwards, leaving the O5 Council in charge.
Akiva Radiation
Spikebrennan’s 001
A form of non-electromagnetic radiation that is directly correlated with the amount of religious faith a person holds. Capable of being measured (normally in terms of centiakivas.) The focus of the faith does not appear to be important. Affects “demonic” anomalies negatively and is positively correlated with the presence or attention of certain powerful anomalous entities.
Also Hanged King, Ambassador of Alagadda, Wandsman of Kul-Manas
A city accessible through a variety of portals across the multiverse, including one in the Tower of London. The city is not in our universe and operates on very different laws of physics. Multiple inhabitants from different universes populate the city, all wearing masks akin to those found in masquerade balls.
The city translates all languages automatically, allowing for communication between any beings. It negatively affects human minds – causing them to operate in a dreamlike state, rendering self-control and recall difficult while within the city. Most entities inside are hostile to human life, with the exception of the Wandsman of Kul-Manas, a avian being which has been shown to be friendly to humankind and has shared information on multiple occasions.
Notable entities include:
  • The four Lords of Alagadda, members of the ruling class second only to the King.
  • The Ambassador of Alagadda, an entity mentioned as visiting Adytum, which is a location that appears in Sarkic mythos. The Ambassador has significant psychic or memetic abilities, able to compel members of an MTF to attack each other and prevent them from speaking.
  • The Hanged King, an eldritch abomination described as being equal to Yaldabaoth (the monstrous devourecreator deity of Sarkicism.) It is described as a dead or empty god. The Hanged King also appears in SCP-701
Alexylva University
Alexylva Student Paper
An educational organization with strong Classical Greek and Latin influences. Demonstrates understanding of biology and technological sciences significantly beyond baseline, especially in the areas of neurology and computer processor design. Has knowledge of and access to historical anomalies, and makes use of impossible geometry. No official records exist of the University.
Students use ancient tools and clothing (a "lighted insect in sealed vessel" in place of a flashlight, using a "stone chisel and tablet" to write with) alongside whatever techniques are used to produce the advanced microchips.
A common theme found in the University's experiments and literature is enslavement of "lesser classes" of humanity.
also (incorrectly) amnesiac
Amnestic Use Guide
Drug that induces memory loss. Comes in a variety of strengths and forms. There is little consensus as to what type does what, however, type A is the most frequently used amnestic and only seems to affect memory of the last few hours/days.
While amnesiac means an individual suffering from amnesia, occasionally articles will incorrectly use it in place of amnestic.
A set of events/objects/concepts that, when appearing together, destroy a fictional universe and remove its existence from memory.
A Study of Anomalous Art
An artist who intentionally uses anomalous methods or creates anomalous pieces. Frequently associated with the group Are We Cool Yet? although other anartistic organizations and independent anartists exist.
Anderson Robotics
Anderson Robotics Hub
A manufacturer specializing in the sale of anomalous robots, androids, artificial intelligences, computer programs, and cybernetics. It was established in 1994 in Portland, OR, USA. Currently has a distribution agreement with MC&D. It has active offices and a small group of active employees (200,) but these offices constantly relocate through anomalous means across the planet.
Has active supply contracts with MC&D and the Global Occult Coalition. Has favorable relationships with the Maxwellism branch of the Church of the Broken God. Currently only hostile to the Foundation due to the latter's pursuit of normalcy, but has notably never taken overt action except to recover products or employees.
also antimeme
Antimemetics Division Hub
An idea with self-censoring properties. Non-anomalous antimemes exist and include information that one is unwilling to share (passwords, sensitive information) or information that would be difficult to share (dreams, very long random numbers.) Anomalous antimemes are often practically impossible to share or retain.
"Are We Cool Yet?"
Artistic movement that employs and exploits anomalous objects, beings, or phenomena. Operates with no central structure, relying on independent cells. Has officially existed as a movement since at least 1874. Frequently uses the tagline "Are We Cool Yet?" or some variation of it in their art.
Artifical Intelligence Applications Division
AIAD, .aic, Alexandra, Crom, Glacon
AIAD Homescreen
An experimental research division that technically exists as a branch division within the SCP Foundation IT Department. The division's purpose is to develop, study, and utilize the burgeoning field of Artificial Intelligence.
The Black Queen
Also Alison Chao
Black Queen Hub
Daughter of Dr. Gears of the Foundation. Has established communication with alternate versions of herself in alternate universes. Multiple versions of the Black Queen are found in the tales. Most, due to the difficult circumstances of their childhood, have developed a hatred of the Foundation. Some versions wander between universes instead.
Most have connections to the Serpent's Hand and make use of the Wanderers' Library.
List of Canons
Works of fiction that are accepted as genuine, true, or of the highest quality. Also refers to different worlds or storylines that are generally mutually exclusive. From Dr. Mackenzie's Glossary:
Information, objects, conventions, or events that are generally accepted by a large majority of site members.
In the Foundation, refers to a consistent set of accepted events and characters that make a world. It is not necessary to believe in one, just one, or any canon when writing or reading an article, but they do provide additional context to certain articles, and are a major part of certain tales.
The Chaos Insurgency
Chaos Insurgency Hub
Formed in 1924 as a black-ops group that would be known only to the O5. Presented as a splinter group but was actually used by the O5 Council to complete missions with ethically questionable methods and politically unsavory results while keeping the Foundation's public reputation clean. This group frequently made use of anomalous objects. Became an actual splinter group in 1948, stealing objects and taking dozens of defecting researchers with them. This was followed by one of the most destructive raids against Foundation facilities in history.
Today the Insurgency operates as a set of disconnected cells which do not have communication between each other. The mysterious "Delta Command" controls these cells. Agents within the cells are told that normalcy/consensus reality is a lie created and maintained by the Foundation, and believe they are achieving a utopian future through the use of anomalous objects. The recovered documents and actual actions taken by the Insurgency contradict these stated goals and indicate a darker intention.
The Church of the Broken God
Also MEKHANE, Mekhanites, Robert Bumaro
Church of the Broken God Hub
An anomalous religious organization which worships mechanization and believes flesh and life to be inherently evil. Worships MEKHANE, the "Broken God," a deity that has been scattered, dispersed, or otherwise rendered inert. Most adherents seek to rebuild their deity by constructing and uniting anomalous machinery.
The religion suffered a schism at an unknown point in the past century and has two significant breakaway movements. The oldest denomination, "The Broken Church," is lead by "His Holiness Robert Bumaro, Builder of the Broken God," and continues efforts to reconstruct their deity.
The Cogwork Orthodox Church follows a philosophy known as "Standardization," whereby adherents submit to anomalous mechanical enhancement with the stated goal of remaking themselves in the image or plan of their deity. The organization views electronic and digital devices as inferior to analog and clockwork devices, and views the decentralized information distribution of modern computing and the Internet as the dissolution of divine knowledge.
The "Church of Maxwellism" represents a modernized, computation and network oriented means of worship. Consists of a decentralized set of cells that remain in constant communication and coordination. Maxwellists favour small-scale body modification through the use of advanced cybernetics and organ enhancement. Maxwellists interpret the Broken God as fragmented data present across linked technology and culture. Their aim is to rebuild their deity by first networking all human minds, and then recompiling those minds and data into a single entity.
Has origins at least as ancient as the Greek Classical period. Adherents claim the organization predates life on Earth. Entirely and fundamentally opposed to Sarkicism, which they regard as a manifestation of their greatest enemy and a prophesied foe. Usually hostile to the Foundation but has cooperated with Foundation forces in rare circumstances.
Class of ‘76
Refers to the graduating class of 1976 of various high schools. Deals with multiple anomalies that are mostly either sourced from or originated with Syncope, an anomalous company with employees that appear human. Syncope's anomalies are sound-related and have mind-affecting and spatiotemporal effects. The anomalies frequently induce nostalgia and rewrite subject's memories until they believe they were a part of the Class. These memories then turn negative, dealing with persecution, facial distortion and disfigurement, and death.
Cognitive Resistance Value, or CRV
Also Psychic Resistance Score
A way of measuring the mental fortitude and resistance an individual has against mind-affecting objects.
Poses a danger when sensed. This can be via any of the classical senses: sight, sound, hearing, taste, or touch. Is not restricted to mental effects.
Bringing together two or more anomalous objects in order to study their interaction.
An ancient culture originating in south-central Siberia. The culture was characterized by militarism, conquest, ancestor worship, urban centers ruling over large slave populations, gruesome human sacrifice, and working magic. The culture created a variety of objects that would qualify for SCP classification if discovered today.
Originated in SCP-140, a book that, when fed blood, rewrites history to accompany an ever longer-lived and more extensive Daevite culture.
Decommissioned SCPs
Formerly, SCP articles that were of particularly low quality (or demonstrated a flaw very clearly) were deleted from the main series, destroyed in-universe, and added to the Decommissioned list as a "Wall of Shame." This practice was discontinued, and now SCPs are revised or deleted if they receive a sufficiently low score.
Doctor Wondertainment
Also Little Misters, Isabel Wondertainment
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
Either an individual or organization that produces anomalous artifacts and entities which resemble children's toys. The nature of these objects and devices varies, although all were clearly intended to be utilized by children. Responsible for the creation of the Little Misters. Has targeted Foundation personnel in the past. Feelings towards the Foundation appear to be ambiguous.
Destroys, removes, or deletes matter.
Reality bending - changing the laws of physics at will.
Ethics Committee
Ethics Committee Orientation
A committee within the Foundation that advises on what is and is not acceptable. Believed (wrongly) by low-level Foundation employees to either not exist or be useless. The Committee is what keeps the Foundation "cold, not cruel." It is aware of every detail of every object in order to make the decisions on which containment procedures are acceptable and which are not.
Anomalies that are either insufficiently understood or inherently unpredictable, such that reliable containment is not always possible, but do not pose sufficient threat to qualify for Keter classification. In particular, any anomaly that exhibits autonomy, sentience and/or sapience is generally classified a Euclid-class entity at minimum, due to the inherent unpredictability of an object that can act or think on its own.
Explained Anomalies
Anomalies that either:
  • Are now fully understood by mainstream science
  • Have been debunked as false or mistaken classifications
  • Are so widespread and disseminated that they have become part of baseline normality
also Redacted
Often used identically to [REDACTED], meaning data that the article's reader does not have security clearance to access.
Sometimes means data is actually deleted or removed from the article (such as cognitohazards,) as opposed to [REDACTED] meaning data that still exists, but is hidden from the reader's security clearance (such as site locations.)
The Factory
An organization that mass-produces anomalous artifacts. The anomalies produced by the Factory often take the appearance of mundane mass-produced items but with highly destructive effects.
Also The Fifth Church
Fifthist Hub
A religion that worships an eldritch entity. Themes in the religion include the stars, personal and cultural transformation, and the number 5. The religion has memetic components and spreads anomalously rapidly.
Format Screw
A term for SCP articles that intentionally violate some aspect of the standard SCP format or framework, generally because the SCP itself affects the documentation.
The Foundation
The Foundation Database
An enormous organization with access to resources at least on the level of a small country. Committed to maintaining normalcy and baseline reality through the containment of anomalies. Creates documents detailing the Special Containment Procedures of those objects.
Gamers Against Weed
Gamers Against Weed Hub
Pacifist organization that originated as a splinter group of Are We Cool Yet?, formed in opposition to their philosophies. Produces anomalous items to mock, irritate, or as a joke. The organization is highly committed to and involved in internet culture, and most of their interactions take place online.
The Global Occult Coalition
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
An international coalition of organizations under the direction of a United Nations secret council. Has access to resources rivaling those of the Foundation. Committed to maintaining normalcy and baseline reality through the destruction of anomalies. Maintains a tense relationship with the Foundation, filled with espionage on both sides, but has frequently worked alongside them.
Group of Interest
List of Notable Groups
Any organization outside the Foundation aware of the paranormal or metaphysical. Mostly opposed to or neutral to the Foundation, although alliances between the groups (both temporary and permanent) are not unheard of.
GRU Division “P”
Foundation entry on the Division
The USSR's answer to the Foundation and Global Occult Coalition. Established by Stalin in 1935. Lost a significant portion of their personnel and assets with the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, but has remained active, if at a smaller size. Generally neutral to the Foundation.
The Horizon Initiative
Djoric and Dmatix's 001
Organization created in the late 1960s by various influential sects in the main three Abrahamic religions to deal with anomalous objects and organizations. Known to target anomalous objects, either with the intention of retrieving or destroying them. Led by a tribunal composed of leaders from the three largest sects involved in its creation. Suffers from significant infighting. Their main combat force, Project Malleus, is generally deployed in anti-cult operations and in anomalous object retrieval operations.
Hostile to the Church of the Broken God and Fifthism. No single attitude is presented towards the Foundation - individual members attitudes vary between reluctant cooperation and hostility.
Herman Muller's Circus of the Disquieting
An anomalous circus that is said to exist. The only evidence towards the existence of the circus is through anomalous objects that have been left behind after their performances. The circus itself has never been observed.
And This One Explains Humes
A way of measuring the strength of reality in the area. One Hume is baseline and normal. Lower Hume levels create an area where it is easier for even baseline humans to bend reality and create anomalies. Higher Hume levels create an area where it is difficult for even strong reality benders to affect reality.
Something that has anomalous effects which are triggered if one simply knows about it. The information itself is anomalous.
K-Class Scenario
Disaster. Comes in a variety of types, generally of the format LK-Class, where L is any letter. There is little to no consensus as to the meanings of each type. The only exception is "XK-Class scenario," which almost always means the end of the world by physical destruction, either of life, the surface, or the planet itself.
Objects that actively resist or subvert containment and present a significant threat to human life. Keter-class objects and entities are highly dangerous and have extremely complex containment procedures.
Also Kinetology, Kinetocism, Kinetoglyph
Mental and physical hazards that occur when an entity performs specific gestures and motions that interact with multiple spatial dimensions simultaneously,
Manna Charitable Foundation
Manna Charitable Foundation Hub
Established in 1971. An interfaith humanitarian relief agency that focuses on distributing anomalous objects and their by-products to civilians in poverty-stricken regions or in areas afflicted by warfare, famine, or natural disaster.
Operatives demonstrate pacifist behaviors, and the organization does not appear to intentionally cause suffering. However, containment breaches associated with the group have often resulted in human casualties or severe threats to the global status quo due to unforeseen consequences of the object's release from containment, and/or a zeal to distribute potentially "helpful" objects immediately without rigorous scientific study of their long-term behavior.
Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.
Also MC&D
Marshall, Carter, and Dark Hub
A private club based in London, England. Caters to the super-rich and possesses extensive political and financial ties worldwide. Collects rare and obscure items, including anomalous objects. Focuses on providing its members "the most exclusive, expensive, and rare experiences available." Prefers to apply financial and political pressure to achieve their goals, but will employ outside agents to perform physical violence as necessary.
Generally hostile to the Foundation. Has caused several containment breaches, primarily through the use of money or social pressure. However, the Foundation has entered into contracts with the organization on occasion.
also meme
A subset of cognitohazard. Contagious, self-replicating or self-sustaining ideas. Knowledge that triggers anomalous behavior or effects.
Linguistic, philosophical or literal symbols and concepts used to describe reality, as in a metaphor or in metaphysics.
We Need to Talk about Fifty-Five
Drug that restores/enhances memory or blocks antimemetic effects. Comes in a variety of strengths.
  • Class W - Suitable for continued use. Chemically enhances memory to prevent loss due to anomalous effects. Causes nausea and increases risk of pancreatic cancer.
  • Class X - Developed as a rejuvenation serum. Reverses aging temporarily, which allows for forgotten memories to be restored. In small doses it is relatively safe, but large doses lead to severe side effects when the reversed aging reasserts itself, up to and including death.
  • Class Y - No longer in use. No other information is available.
  • Class Z - Removes the subject's ability to forget. This has the advantage of immunizing them to antimemetic influence, and has the disadvantage of causing death.
Mobile Task Force
Also MTF
Mobile Task Forces
Elite rapid-response teams comparable to special forces units from modern militaries. Varies in size from groups of just two or three up to groups of hundreds of agents along with the support infrastructure required to sustain them. Often used for information gathering or to take initial containment steps when anomalous objects are discovered. Identified by a greek letter and a number, as well as a nickname. (E.g. MTF Zeta-9 "Mole Rats.")
Neutralized SCPs
Objects that have been rendered non-anomalous, often due to destruction.
"Nobody" Hub
Either an organization or individual that has been seen since 1954. There has only been one person seen at any given time, typically described as a male Caucasian dressed in a grey suit and a fedora. They only identify themselves as "Nobody." There is very little information beyond this - sometimes they assist the Foundation during containment breaches or anomalous activity, while sometimes they act to undermine the Foundation.
Non-Euclidean Geometry
Any geometry which does not follow the rules of Euclidean space.
Euclidean space is a two-dimensional infinite plane without curvature; therefore, non-Euclidean geometry is not necessarily anomalous. (The surface of the Earth is non-Euclidean.) In the Foundation, refers to areas where the laws of geometry have been distorted anomalously. For example, this allows for the creation of otherwise impossible shapes and transit across vast distances instantaneously.
Non-Standard Object Classes
Object classes beyond Safe, Euclid, Keter, and Thaumiel. Often used by the authors for narrative effect and not as an attempt to create a new object class. Because of this, the classes do not generally have definitions that follow the pattern or rules set by Safe, Euclid, Keter, or Thaumiel.
Examples include Apollyon and Maksur. There are currently 8 non-standard object classes used in 11 SCP articles. Tentative definitions were written by Cooldude971 in his Master list
The sphere of human thought, used in the same way as "biosphere" is the sphere of life. In some articles, it is confirmed that all human thought is connected at the most fundamental level, and that entities can travel between minds or draw energy from this sphere.
Also O5 Council, O5 Command, Overseer, Overwatch
O5 Command Dossier
A council of 13 individuals which forms the highest tier of command within the Foundation. Comparable to a corporation's Board of Directors. Often implied to use anomalous objects to artificially extend their lifespan. Referred to as O5-#, where the # is a number from 1 to 13. In some canons, O5-1 is the Administrator, while in other canons the Administrator is separate from the Council.
Object Class
A measure of how difficult an object is to contain, not its power or potential danger. The classic example is that a nuclear weapon would be considered Safe, as despite its immense destructive power, it's very easy to contain one.
Originally only three classes existed: Safe, Euclid, and Keter. Has grown to include Thaumiel. Many non-standard object classes exist, but most were created for narrative effect, not as a way of describing containment difficulty.
The Locked Box Test is frequently referenced as a simple way to judge the object class of an anomalous item. If you can place the item in a box, lock it, walk away, and nothing bad will happen, it’s safe. A frequently-shared definition of the test appears to have been created by Djoric:
Safe = put it inna box
Euclid = put it inna box an' go check on it every day
Keter = damn, son, that's a complexicated box you got there
Thaumiel = I AM THE BOX
Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts
Established and based in Iran after World War 2. Contains and documents anomalous objects with the principal intention of strengthening the Mideastern nations, tribes, and families against external threats. Is not committed to secrecy or normalcy except as it strengthens those areas. Is the principal authority over anomalous phenomena in the Middle East, and has substantial influence in Northern Africa, Central Asia, and India.
Has alliances with and recruits "Type 2 Special Personnel," which are otherwise known as djinni or what the West refers to as "genies." These djinni are information-based entities and not physical in nature.
Oneiroi Collective
Oneiroi Hub
A hive-mind entity located in metaphysical space. It is a collective unconscious utilizing the brainpower created by sleeping organisms. Capable of manifesting in physical space. The hive-mind does not appear to have intentions nor work towards any obvious goals. Capable of creating anomalous objects and contacting other Groups of Interest.
Linguistic, philosophical, or literal ideas and concepts used to describe the ideas and concepts of the meta as though those ideas and concepts existed in a separate space to reality. It is to meta what meta is to reality.
Prometheus Labs, Inc.
Prometheus Labs Hub
A multinational conglomerate which sold advanced and anomalous technologies to governments, militaries, and Groups of Interest. Displayed a nominal amount of cooperation with Foundation efforts to protect normalcy, and at times even collaborated with the Foundation, but refused to cease its study of anomalies and resisted Foundation oversight.
Dissolved in 1993. This dissolution resulted in the formation of numerous successor organizations, but a significant portion of the Labs' anomalous inventory was lost. Many former employees were hired by the Foundation, but others began working for other Groups of Interest.
The Records and Information Security Administration. A branch of the Foundation that controls and assures the security and safety of all records. This extends to controlling access, controlling what information is redacted, expunged, or blacked out, and enforcing any breaches of access or information.
Any object which can be contained through the equivalent of locking it in a box and leaving it alone. Safe-class objects are either sufficiently understood that they are now completely and reliably contained on a permanent basis or otherwise do not trigger their anomalous effects unless intentionally activated.
Does not mean that the object is not powerful or dangerous - a nuclear warhead would be classified as Safe.
Also Ion (individual,) Karcist, Sarkic, Yaldabaoth
Full overview by RockDHouse here.
Sarkicism Hub
An anomalous religious/philosophical system that encompasses a variety of traditions, beliefs, and spiritual practices. Adherents practice ritual cannibalism, human sacrifice, corporeal augmentation, thaumaturgy, dimensional manipulation, and the formation of pacts with otherworldly entities. Disease is viewed with reverence and cults treat contagions as a way to purify the masses through "culling the weak." Two primary divisions exist: Proto-Sarkicism and Neo-Sarkicism
Proto-Sarkicism can be found in insular communities throughout Eurasia's most isolated regions, its followers generally poor (if self-reliant), humble, and hostile towards outsiders. Such groups eschew modernity, display acute technophobia, and are bound by superstition and taboo.
Neo-Sarkicism is cosmopolitan, adherents publicly embracing modernity and showing no apparent qualms with technology; their public lives differing little from others of their culture and social status. Adherents are primarily affluent families, rich in history and scandal.
Known cults have origins before the Greek Classical period, and the system is potentially significantly more ancient. Cults are generally based on the teachings of "Grand Karcist Ion," a noted religious leader and anomalous human. Cults reverence but do not worship an entity called "Yaldabaoth" or "The Demiurge," a primal devouring entity that produced life across the universe as an accidental but natural byproduct.
Hostile to most Groups of Interest, including the Foundation. While hostile to The Church of the Broken God, the Church is not viewed as a prophesied nemesis or even their most threatening foe.
Scarlet King
An apocalyptic entity mentioned in SCP-231 and SCP-2317. The entity is being kept back by procedure 110-Montauk. The (very little) canon information available mostly comes from a poem hidden in the white text of SCP-231. In it analogies are drawn to SCP-231 and that not completing Montauk will allow the Scarlet King to manifest.
Stands for Special Containment Procedures. Originally appeared with the posting of SCP-173 to the /x/ forum of 4chan in 2007. The original post appears to no longer exist, but copies, screenshots, and reposts exist with the original text. Multiple backronyms have been developed, including Secure, Contain, Protect.
Appears in acronym form in most Foundation shell companies. (e.g. "Soap from Corpses Products.") Pronounced (informally) as "skip."
Scranton Reality Anchor
A device which acts as an artificial reality bender. It is set to constantly bend reality to match baseline reality, counteracting any efforts to bend reality away from the norm. Often used in the containment of SCP objects or the protection of Foundation assets.
The Serpent’s Hand
Serpent's Hand Hub
An organization lead by The Black Queen, based out of the Wanderers' Library. Small, highly organized, highly dangerous, it is responsible for multiple containment breaches. Focuses on the release of anomalous objects, particularly humanoid objects. Unfriendly to the Chaos Insurgency and ORIA. Hostile to the Foundation and strongly hostile to the GOC.
A location used by the Foundation. Can vary between a field office consisting of a single office and facilities, up to an enormous complex with multiple multi-story buildings, reinforced keter-class containment cells, nuclear warhead, and cafeteria.
No, that's not a misspelling
SPC Database
Shark Punching Center. Originated as a backronym to make fun of the frequent misspelling of SCP. Became its own quasi-canon/alternate universe, but is considerably more tongue-in-cheek than other canons.
A metal with the property of blocking or hindering anomalous extrasensory mental effects. Effectively, it blocks telepathy, mind control, and similar effects. Developed by Prometheus Labs, Inc.
In the early days of the Foundation, it was very frequently used and was extremely effective in-story. Out of story, it was seen as a cop-out and an uninteresting and overused tool. User Communism Will Win wrote a revision to the article which caused Telekill to absorb all "psychic energy" (for lack of a better term,) including normal human brain function, causing long-term exposure to lead to inhibition and then permanent destruction of brain function. It also would randomly release its built-up energy, leading to unpredictable psychic effects in its immediate area.
After the revision, a purge was initiated which removed/revised most crosslinks and mentions of Telekill. It only currently appears in the containment procedures of a few objects.
Temporal Sink
Stabilizes the flow of causality across a given area. This prevents space-time from being distorted in anomalous ways, preventing, among other things, time travel paradoxes.
Roget’s 001
Objects that are used to contain or counteract the effects of other highly dangerous anomalies. Originated in Roget’s 001 Proposal.
While not intended to be an object class submission, the author did create the class as one that had a standard definition and fit into the Safe/Euclid/Keter mechanics, with the intention that if it were to be used as an object class, it would fit.
As the creator of Thaumiel... while it was never meant to be used en masse per se I did a LOT of homework to make sure that if other people wished to use it, there would be a definition which fit into the existing mindset that SEK exist under. I would say that at this point it is an official object class just as much as SEK are. It's included on the official Object Class guide and has been used in numerous articles, across every series, and multiple 001 proposals, all using the same definition and such.
Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), Federal Bureau of Investigation
A division of The United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation dedicated to investigating claims of and handling anomalous items and individuals. Generally seen as less capable and effective than the Foundation, however this varies widely between tales. Seen within the FBI as a joke, a place where unpopular or failed agents are stuck.
Has a strong alliance with the Foundation and frequently works alongside Foundation assets.
The Wanderers' Library
Wanderers' Library Main Site
An extradimensional library containing all possible books, not unlike the Library of Babel. Protected by anomalous entities that prevent most access. Contains "Ways," portals not only to our universe, but an infinite number of alternate universes. Currently used as a headquarters by the Serpent's Hand, although they do not control the Library.
submitted by chaltak to SCPDeclassified [link] [comments]

My favorite high: "chronic Speedball"; + some math that can help you get higher, and better

IMPORTANT MESSAGE: those of you who make me the favor to read this whole thing... and those of you who can't, it's okay. But please just check the math appendix. I think it can be useful to many people. If you're not a math person and don't really get it, fear no more: on my next 3-FPM fueled knowledge session (that's how we scientists call a binge) I will write a program (probably a web application) that can perform the ℂ, ℙ and ℙ' applications - easy peasy. I'll also look into, and include, the F factors for the ℙ' application, so it can be as easy as 1-2-3 to know if a drug is still influenciably in your system.
Maybe the solution to awful comedowns, for those who both love being intoxicated (sedated) and stimmed, and the amazing combination of both... is chronic speedballing. The basic idea is:
You take your sedatives of choice, and enjoy a part of the day high on them. Preferably with a HL as long as possible, otherwise redose throughout the experience. Then, you can take your stims. The sedation will become a background thing, and you will enjoy an amazing stimulant high with no anxiety and 0 inhibitions, so you can do hyper stupid stuff (like writing this).
At some point you stop taking stims, then if the HL + dose math has been done properly, the sedation will resurface. And you'll be a happy sedated man again. Then you can take more downers, keep the party: get stimmed again, and repeat. And eventually (after however many loops, just one loop is probably the best), when you wanna go to sleep, take your comedown remedies (even though you won't have a bad comedown - you're sedated!) and if needed, something to sleep (a benzo or z-drug, GHB, Seroquel, Benadryl, hydroxyzine...).
It's very important to understand this shouldn't be used as a guide, just reference. Every body and brain is different, and you need to research your own factors like tolerance, etc. And before doing this, research if any combination you'll do has hazardous effects. It won't hurt, and it's fun! (maybe only for us freaks) Also if you want to get optimal effects, do The Math (appendix)!
First solution: get stimmed, read it! I’m sure you’ll enjoy it! But I’m sure it’s not as fun as writing it. I always wanted to be a writer, and always been told I have a talent with words; however I became a science boy. Damn, drugs, you had a hell of an influence in that choice.
Second solution: Too long, didn’t read. Here it follows a wonderful list of the key concepts of this paper (I promise scientific format on upcoming papers). Oops, I realize maybe it's not really a TL;DR, so I'll add another extra short one in the bottom.
This is the term I've created, which is not as fiendish as it seems. The idea is that you get moderately-heavily sedated, with the poison of your choice (preferently benzodiazepines) - pick your fav downers, with the longest half lifes! The point is that you should not (you can, but the stims might be dulled) redose after you start taking your stims. This is a day-long model, but of course it can be addapted.
As a reply to a comment in another post of mine, which stated that someone was jealous of my energy and enthusiasm, I wrote a reply that soon I realized would better make it into a post so everyone can know about it.
This kind of energy and enthusiasm is something that only one kind of combination can make me feel: the old speedball, but far more extended to a more general spectrum. In my case, benzodiazepines and stimulants. Most people love this kind of combos, though most probably use opiates as downers (which is something I would like to try!) rather than benzos; but since lately I’ve been moving more within the RC scene, and I always had a love for benzos, I decided to do it like that.
I have yet to acquire some decent stimulants to perfect this combo, as I have currently only isopropylphenidate (hopefully usefully for functioning, only tried it while sedated as fuck), 3,4-CTMP (good reaction first, then horrible body load that lasts ages), 3-FPM (the chemical I am researching today –and growing a love to-) and aPHP (which I have not tried yet).
I’m hopefully going to buy amphetamine sulphate (probably paste) on the onion, but it makes me worry because it’s a lot of weight (well, half is lost) but it’s not like, say, pharmaceutical amphetamine where you get euphoria and all… I want something euphoric enough, more like meth, but it’s too expensive.
Whatever, back on topic. So far my fav stims (besides coke, which I Don’t do anymore) and speed (which I’m not sure if it’s even my favorite), I now love 3-FPM and probably will love aPHP too.
Oh, back on topic again! That was regarding the choice of uppers and downers; the thing is, uppers + downers = good (without taking in account health implications). But most speedballs, like say the classic one, cocaine and heroin IV… It’s simultaneous application of the drugs, in a way that when the coke wears off, the heroin effect is dominant. Can’t imagine how nice that is, but…
I had this idea that maybe it would be great to do this sorta “chronic speedball.” This is all because a fellow redditor said he liked the way I felt. Well, since I’m probably half blacked out, this serves as a guide for mostly myself in the future, but also people curious for whatever reason (I don’t support any of it, and it’s not advise or anything, I’m just objectively informating of my acts (most of which, of course, have to be described subjectebly) which is perfectly fine). I hope this only gets better; I'm working on a fucking huge list (I have it in my mind, but I will transport it to a Word document when I am stimmed like this) of what I need to buy, and where, to get the best and more bang for my buck.
See! This is what I love. This huge push that 3-FPM gives you. Not to do anything in particular (I wanna try it for studying in lower doses), but just that common stim push that's the reason why we write posts longer than the Bible.
The point was; that this enthusiasm is product of something I would not do every day - so now that I found this bliss, it's gonna be hard to avoid.
My “chronic speedbal”
Firstly, flubromazepam is the most important ingredient. It has a very long half life, and will last all day. Taken in the morning, 4mg or 8mg (next time I'll do 8mg). It's gonna make you high enough. If you desire to be more "downed", or more sedated, add more benzos (preferibly with a long half life, like diclazepam). Or just take them whenever you feel it... if you can.
Me myself, I ingested only 4mg f-pam (even though I think, for my tolerance, 8mg would have been more adequate; but I didn’t want to take more as I had taken 8mg the day before) and 1mg of diclazepam (why? Just to see if taken with the f-pam, it did something).
Hell yeah, during my classes I was relaxed as heck. For some reason decided to take 2mg lormetazepam (see, I was already in the happy benzo world). Did lots of stuff, hopefully not appearing too sedated and euphoric, and I also took at some point 1, 2 or 3mg lorazepam (I do not have a clue).
Well you can figure out that at this point I was in la-la-land already. Time flied (my favorite thing of benzos), and I was just happy as a normal person with no overthinking in his brain 99% of the time. That’s the kind of euphoria that benzos give me… Just like kind of euphoria a cancer patient would get if his pain disappeared and this is part of my theory of why benzos are hella euphoric for some people, which I’ll develop in another paper.
But, guess what the problem was. I was feeling sober! HA! I know right? I don’t have a clue what I did… blackout starts here, an undefinite interval of time is here, but I don’t think I need any more drugs.
Fast forward to next memory. Like you can say, this is a pretty nice level of sedation (okay, excessive, and again I’m not suggesting that anyone should do this, I’m just sharing my experiences and my opinions relative to my brain wiring/weight/tolerance/genetic factors…). But yeah totally excessive. So I thought… Let’s get up!
The Uppers
Maybe doing uppers “breaks” a blackout? Another paper will cover this. Maybe it does, that’s why I remember more. But after the stimulant administration, I keep having blackouts. See:
I achieved a perfect sedation, for my taste; maybe excessive, but I did not feel that yet (this will be explained later). I guess this is just the sober dilusion so common to most benzos and analogues. So I decided to try 3-FPM. Recreationally, no way I was gonna study: I wanted party!
(Sidenote: since most people in my dorm are partying and going out tonight, but I can’t joint due to my recent tonsillitis which seems to be getting; I decided to throw me a little party for being so awesome, in room 504 VIP, bc I’m realizing doing drugs alone >>> with people; specially this kind of druggies I know who think the point of drugs is to get horny and have sex… no, i’m looking for euphoria and energy! (only exception being GBL->GHB and 1,4-BDO)
So after looking around the dosage guides (quite uncaringly, due to the intoxication; I will further research that before future sessions), I decided to try 50mg of this crystalline, beautiful looking compound. The research had been started!
The first line was great… I felt amazing, full of energy. Knowing I did not have any school work to do, it was like… finlly, I have all this energy to invest in doing tasks that don’t mke much sense because the brain that’s creating it is sedated and high on benzos, but it’ fun. I forgot what I did after it, probably chat in the IRC and maybe write my previous report.
So, feeling mostly euphoric and estimulated, had the sedation in the brain dissipated? Firstly, no, becuase I still felt those lovely “I don’t care” and anxiety-freedom feelings from the benzos, which contributed to the euphoria.
Secondly, if we take in account the experience that followed, we can also conclude that stimulant use does NOT stop CNS depression at all. The explanation follows:
After doing some more pointless stuff, I did a redose (20mg) and took <1mL BDO. That’s a !!! very dangerous combination !!! due to the amount of benzos in my system, but firstly I’ve demonstrated empirically and priorly, that at this overall dose of depressants at time (t) can be complimented by GHB in my personal and particular case; secondly, I somehow wanted to check if it would overpower the stimulant and make me back to a sedated, almost nodding off, subject.
Well, it did not. The line got to my brain quite fast, and I headed to the coffee shop. The BDO seemed to not kick in at all. After arrival at the coffee shop, I was stimulated by the 3-FPM but still could feel the very prevalent “I don’t give a shit” attitude of benzos, so I did not hesitate before saying/asking anything and overthink if it was politically correct (i.e. functioned like a normal person with no anxiety and personality disorders).
I got some Black Devil weed, and smoked it in a bong (something I hadn’t done for years, but in my mind it was like whatever!). I was smoking with some Italian guys, just talking. And just when I started feeling the 3-FPM come downThe BDO hit me. The weed did. I was high as fuck, stoned as one could be (thanks bong) and also very very high on BDO. That’s to be expected because of the benzos in my blood; however such a small amount of BDO, I know (by personal tolerance tests; does not apply to other people so don’t do it if you don’t know) wouldn’t make me bad, but give me pretty high effects. So I was there, high as fuck off weed and BDO. And then I left, apparently.
On my way to my dorm, I was feeling totally fucking sedated again. Not as much the BDO, but all the benzos. I was feeling intoxicated now, and I was acting exactly like a few hours before (when I thought I was sober); so the sobriety delusion disappeared. The sedation was back. Wow! It seemed as if I had taken no stimulants at all, like this was the continuation of my overly sedated morning and noon.
This is the second proof that doing stimulants won’t “kill” any CNS depression in the background (obviously depends on the intensity; dosage and half life of the sedatives uses). But rather, it “masks” it, making the combo AMAZING as I have explained. But when the stimulant wheens down… the sedation is back.
Which is not a bad thing: hell, I love being sedated!
So the experience could end here: you get sedated, then you do your stims, and the sedation comes back. If you took enough sedatives (benzos), which a long enough HL (like clonazolam, flubromazepam, diclazepam, diazepam, clonazepam…) you will be back to that sedated, euphoric-for-some state – that you hopefully like! And all comedown symptoms will be masked by it, and if you’re clearly not taking more stims, you can always add something like more benzos (maybe etizolam?) to 100% eliminate the comedown. If I had done this today (I will try and report soon), I’m sure that not only would I not have suffered a comedown, but also just have enjoyed a very chilled and mellow, and sedated evening, maybe smoke more weed and go to sleep no problem.
So this is a possible way to do stims without suffering an horrible comedown, and also avoiding the side effects of those such as anxiety related symptoms, which are really horrible for some stims.
But since this was my party, I was not gonna stop: I wanted to go UP again, so when I went home I apparently did some more 3-FPM (I don’t know, blackout) and had dinner (don’t remember, also blacked out). I remember feeling so sick after eating on the 3-FPM, but I ate lovely healthy food which after 15 minutes –when the discomfort went away- i appreciated a lot as it will ease possible comedowns or side effects.
So ever since I did that second round of 3-FPM, the sedation is back to the background. Which is what you want if you gonna do stims, right? It’s still there exactly like before: “I don’t give a shit, bro”. “Doing this feels so chill bro.” My thoughts right now are: “Writing this god-knows how long paper, and planning on writing more, because you’re stimmed as fuck but chill because I got your ass, don’t worry about anything, no need to think tonight, everything is chill and everything is gonna be your way, aren’t you happy? You’re writing about something you like, and also for science!”
I also had the detail of, after dinner and before starting the big part 2 of stimming, I set everything up as if I was going to sleep: the clothes, the chargers, the alarms in my phone (got a meeting tomorrow at noon – maybe we’ll get to have a real, à la Steinway Sons piano in my dorm, so I have more than enough motivation to go). So everything is ready, no need to worry. This is something common; if your sedated and stimmed selves get along, they will work together: sedated makes things easier so stimmed doesn’t have to stress over it and cranck out later.
So that’s the thing. Option 2 (which is the one I’m trying, and again I’ll report back on option 1 some other day), is to keep redosing your stims. Maybe start over again with a big line/bomb/shot/whatever, and then redose with smaller doses. As you like! Don’t be afraid to go overboard (but obviously don’t overdose), your CNS depression is still there to help you. And if for whatever reason the CNS depression starts to leave, don’t hestiate to take some more downers: BDO makes for a very full mix with stims, more à la opiates; but if you’re looking for that “background sedation/lag/brain damage,” a LOW dose of a benzo will work, as it won’t dull your stims much. For example, and depending on the duration you need: something like lorazepam or lormetazepam, or if it has to be RC, very low dose clonazolam or 1mg etizolam. (This are just suggestions for future me, again I’m not suggesting anyone to do any of this!)
And when you run out of that coke, or want to chill for a while, just wait until your stim wears off. Of course, this might be a problem with longer half-life stimulants, like methamphetamine. I’m sure the whole technique can be a bit different, but in an ideal world I would take an opiate when I’m done with the methamphetamine (if my CNS is not too depressed and I – by personal eperience & tolerance knowledge – can determine the combo is safe. Just to go back to the sedation, with some added cripsy euphori that just makes it the best in the world.
Sooner or later, you’ll go to sleep. If you have no obligations the day after, Seroquel works best. Otherwise, another benzo (but be wary if you have taken many more depressants since your first sedative dosing, especially opiates! Always think before dosing ANYTHING). And you go to sleep, and the day after, maybe you wanna take some suplements (depends on the stim mostly), and you will have a nice afterglow of the sedatives (if the HL is really long) – some people say it’s “benzo hangover” but for me it’s good, like residual sedation that keeps residual stimulation at bay. Or maybe, if you keep things chill and don’t do this too often, take a benzo the day after to ease the back to the real world (be careful with addiction here…). But the benzo of the day after should’t be needed if you used depressants with a long enough HL; I suggest it more as someting to take the edge off if you’re a benzo aficionado, but I suspect you will be able to function just perfect (obviously depends on the context; in mine, it’s weekend so I will probably be able to function; if I had to go to class, maybe it’ll be a different story LOL!).
So, this has been my paper written on 3-FPM, with several redoses, and a heavily sedated CNS in the background. For the next papers (I forgot which, but there are references somewhere in the text above), I promise to do it more scientifically – gotta practise for my work in the biomedical engineering industry (that is, if I ever graduate, which is another topic that my sedated CNS is not allowing me to talk about).
I hope your feedback back: have you ever done this “chronic speedball” think? Do you think it helps with the comedown? Do you like to be sedated before, during and after your stimming? All substances are welcome: uppers & downers; and maybe, someone could provide experience using a similar technique with Ketamine? (that’s also a future paper)
Thank you so much for reading – if you read this – I will save it forever in my Macintosh HD drive (stupid Finder, it’s so hard to organize files so I better save it in my Desktop).
Cheers, happy stimming – or, sedating-stimming-sedating!
PS: This whole thing was written as a reply to a comment that was not even a question. Thank you 3-FPM, I hope this is as a good read as I think. But TL;DR is the last thing I need to elaborate!
I am writing this in a word document and I would love to be able to copy-paste formulas to reddit; I know there are other methods to do that, and I will probably make this section sexy on future reviews.
This appendix explains the math that you can do to see the best timing for each phase, and the parameters you need to find (PubChem is a good resource) are:
X -f-> T -g-> W -h-> A(ℝ)
f(dose) = (time of the dose, current time)
g(time) = half life of the compound
h(half_life) = amount in blood
From all of this information we can create an application that returns the amount of a drug in blood after a given time:
X{ℝ}(x), W{ℝ}(ηi), T{ℝ,ℝ}(Δ) -- ℂ A{ℝ}
Now we symbolize the original amount of drug as x, the substraction of the current time and the dosing time as Δ, the half life as ηi and ℂ(x, i, Δ) as the reamining amount of the i drug after an interval of time
We can find a simple formula to go through all of these applications and find the amount of a drug in our system after a Δ. The generic expression is:
ℂ(x,i,Δ) = x - [ (x/2) / (ηi) ] * Δ
For example, say we ingested 8mg of flubromazepam at t=0h, and we want to know how much of it is remaining after 15 hours. We look up the half life and we have:
x = 8mg; Δ = 15h; ηflubromazepam = 106h
So we can easily calculate the amount left:
ℂ(x,i,Δ) = 8mg - [(8/2)mg / 106h] * 15h =
= 8 - 60/106 = 7.43mg in your blood after 15h of intake
Since this is a bijective application, we can do the inverse process of composition. I won't really detail the algebraic philosophy of this operation, but it will allow us to find how much time must pass for an initial dose x to be degrated to xf
I'm using the same symbology as before, save for xf which is a new variable that contains the mass of the drug in the organism after a time t.
X{ℝ}(x), A{ℝ}(xf), W{ℝ}(ηi), T{ℝ}(to) --ℙ T{ℝ}
So now, we can find this function which will be approximately the inverse of this chain of sets:
ℙ(x, xf, ηi, to) = 2 * ηi * (1 - xf/x) + to
Keep in mind that most of the time we take to = 0, as the time when the drug was intaked. It's recommended (more mathematical and lovely) to have a system of reference; i.e, if first drug is cocaine, tcocaine = 0, but if half an hour later you do speed, don't take tspeed = 0 too (it would probably work, but it's confusing).
So finally we'll see an example of this last application that can be useful to us. (Totally arbitrary numbers).
Say we ingested 20g of heroin at t=0. If ηheroin = 10 min, when will we have 10g in our system?
ℙ(20g, 10g, 10min, to=0) = 2 * 10 min * (1 - 10/20) + 0 = 2 * 10 * 1/2 = 10 minutes
We can check, using the ℂ application, that this is true.
Note on times
Initial and final times have always been included in the development of formulas. Imagine this scenario: you take 1g of coke at t=0, and then 1g of speed at t=3h. If you want to calculate when the speed will be reduced to 0.25g, you apply the formula and consider to=3h. Imagine it takes 1 hour to be reduced; then the application would return t=4h. That means, it will happen at t=4h, considering you started counting on t=0 and then did the speed at t=3h.
However, if you just want to calculate how long it takes, it's not important to give a to ≠ 0, because if you use the ℙ application and supply to=0, it will just return the elapsed time to metabolize the drug. As in the example above, if we supplied to=0, the application would return t=1h, which is the time it takes.
Alright, math lesson ended. Now you know enough to plan your perfect chronic speedball!
I hope I should not remind this, as you probably learnt this by erring 1000 times on high school chemistry, you need to watch out the units. If η is expressed in hours, our Δ must also be in hours. The doses are generally no problem because you just split the original dose in half so the units are conserved. But if we use the ℙ application, keep in mind that x and xf must be the same unity. And so on; if you're planning your drug use like a pro, that kind of stuff is not necessary to mention.
Now, after all this -maybe unnecessary?- math discussion; how do you apply this to having better trips?
Well, what I suggest is creating an Excel spreadsheet, with a column for Drug Name, Half Life, Time of ingestion and finally a column that computes the amount of drug in your system after a delta. I won't get deep into this, but I will probably try to do it myself. (Something nice like a button that you can click every time you want the [drugs]bloodstream to be updated).
After you tabulated all of your intakes, keep an eye on those values. It depends on your plan, but let's conceive the most simple scenario as an example. I wanna take 8mg flubromazolam and some 2mg clonazepam at t=0. Then, 6 hours after, start the stimming: take 50mg of cocaine. And then stop. Will the effect described in this paper work in that scenario?
Let's do the quick calculations:
We are given ηflubromazepam = 106h, ηclonazepam = 35h, ηcocaine = 1h
First, let's calculate how much sedatives are in our blood at t+6, when we wanna start stimming. We do this using the ℂ application.
ℂ (2mg, ηclonazepam, Δ=6h) = 2mg - [ (2mg/2) / 35h ] * 6h = 1.82mg
ℂ (8mg, ηflubromazepam, Δ=6h) = 8mg - [ (4mg/2) / 106h ] * 6h = 7.88mg
So yeah, we have a huge concentration of downers in our bloodstream still! Obviously half life does not equate duration of effects, but it's an indicator - especially something I recommend - no, urge - anyone to do when combining substances that have an unknown or established risk.
But staying with our example, the conclusion is that the lovely sedation will perdure at t=6h and when we do coke it'll probably go to the background. But what after we come down off coke?
There are two approaches. The first one is to "guess", or find tabulated somewhere, the amount of cocaine that is not concentrated enough to bind effectively to its sites, which means there's no effect. Say it's 5mg. We can find the time until that amount is reached in plasma using the ℙ application:
ℙ(x=50mg, xf=5mg, ηi=1h, to=6h) = 2 * 1 * (1 - 5/50) + 6h = 9/5 + 6h = 7.8h
So this is telling us that, if we do 50mg coke at t=6h, it will be gone by t=7.8h. Note that if we had supplised to=0, it would have return t=1.8h, which is the delta.
Another, more effective approach is to find the time when the mass of the coke will be reduced to around one quarter part of the intial mass. This one quarter factor depends on every drug, and I don't have a clue if it's valid for coke. But suppose you find a factor that relates drug metabolism with stopping of effects, you can find the time. Remember we snort the yayo at t=6h.
Since we want to find the time where the dose will be decreased by a factor, we can use the ℙ application. Since we're using factors, realize it doesn't depend on the mass; we can simplificate. We're using an example 1/4 factor, and we consume the drug at t=6h.
ℙ(x, x/4, 1h, 6h) = 2 * 1h * [1 - (x/4)/x] + 6 = 2 * 3/4 + 6 = 6/4 + 6 = 3/2 + 6= 15/2 = 7.5h
Since we explicitally "began" at t=6h, we will stop feeling high (reach 1/4 of the yayo metabolized) at t=7.5h; so it took Δ = 1.5h to metabolize 1/4 of the yayo (we would've gotten that result, the delta, if we set to=0
Lastly, we demonstrated that if we are working with factors of the original mass, the aplication doesn't really use the initial or finishing masses. We can define a new application ℙ' that we can use if we wonder how much time it takes until the dose is diminished by a factor F (1/something):
'(F, ηi, to) = 2 * ηi * (1 - F) + to ∀ F ∈ ℚ
Alternatively, we can also define:
'(n, ηi, to) = 2 * ηi * [ (n-1) / n ] + to ∀ n ∈ ℕ
I'll soon deliver a decent version of this little math class, using LaTeX and whatnot - I'm so afraid of how horrible this will be displayed in reddit.
But now you have the tools to do a chronic speedball; or if that idea doesn't quite suite you, and you're more of a cautious drug user... We all experiment that need to combine drugs... And I'm sure most people in these subreddits already do it, but again: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, RESEARCH. If you're gonna take a combo (now I'm out of this paper's context), FUCKING LOOK IT UP FIRST AT LEAST.
And if you're very cautious and like to plan everything; even when doing a relatively safe combo, it can always get safer. And now, fellow, after reading this paper, you have some useful applications that you can use to measure the best timing to take two drugs that aren't especially safe.
There's a huge TODO list for this manual:
Finally and as a postscript, I'd like to thank my algebra teacher; I know what I did doesn't have much sense mathematically, but at least it looks neat. Maybe I'll fail the exams, but I can write beautiful papers.
Also depending on how you guys receive this, I will probably do a Word-formatted version and print it to PDF so you can download it.
This was 100% powered by 3-FPM. First time trying it... I'm doing quite a lot but... I like it :P checks bank account buys all the 3-FPM I can afford
(NOTE: All of the tests regarding experimental, non-prescribed, drugs, were taken in vitro in a very sophisticate human replicator that our lab acquired. They were obviously NOT directly given to humans, as we only use them to research receptor binding in vintro in specially designed machines! The story is a hypothetical experience of some human who could have ingested the researched doses, and we abstracted its subjective perception of the experience via immunoblot and binding profiles at DAT, DA, DR translocator proteins and other suspected bidning sites of this compound)
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