Jokes for WhatsApp in English and Hindi with images

jokes in english for whatsapp app

jokes in english for whatsapp app - win

Megathread: Many are now migrating to Signal as a result of WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy

Hello everyone!
We've recently started to receive lots of similar posts as a result of recent news regarding WhatsApp updating their terms and privacy policy, which will take effect on February 8th May 15th, 2021. Any WhatsApp users who do not accept these changes will be blocked from using the service. As a result, many are now migrating to Signal. We’ve decided to make this the designated thread for all things related to this topic.
Here is a direct link to Signal's terms and privacy policy (last updated May 25, 2018). Don't worry, it's not very long. For those wondering where Signal's revenue comes from: "We are a 501c3 nonprofit. We're not tied to any major tech companies, and we can never be acquired by one either. Development is supported by grants and donations from Signal users."
Some related media coverage:
Some topics you may want to discuss below:
We will be updating this post as events unfold. Be safe, and always remember the human.
Edits 1–38: A brief summary of events, by day:
Wednesday, January 6:
Thursday, January 7:
Friday, January 8:
Saturday, January 9:
Sunday, January 10:
Monday, January 11:
Tuesday, January 12:
Wednesday, January 13:
Thursday, January 14:
Friday, January 15:
Saturday, January 16:
Sunday, January 17:
Wednesday, January 20:
Friday, January 22:
Saturday, January 23:
Thursday, January 28:
Welcome to all newcomers, but also THANK YOU to all of our regular contributors who have shown up to sort by new, answer questions, and provide help! ⭐ As a reminder, this is an unofficial Reddit community (or "subreddit") that is run by the user community. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by the Signal Technology Foundation or Signal Messenger LLC.
submitted by redditor_1234 to signal [link] [comments]

I am 31 years old make $70,000, live in Brooklyn, NY and work as a Research Manager

Job title: Research Manager
Industry: Art
Section One: Assets and Debt
Retirement Balance: $41,915
Savings account balance: $19,050
Checking account balance: $2,275
Investment account balance: $18,500
Credit card debt: usually around $500, paid off in full each month
Student loan debt: $0 (paid off – the total was $20k when I graduated. I used part of my inheritance detailed below to pay it off)
Section Two: Income
Main Job Monthly Take Home: $3,654
Section Three: Expenses
Rent: $1,500
Utilities (Electric/Wifi/Cable): split equally with roommate, we each pay: $85
Cellphone: $65 paid to my Mom, she’s on a discounted plan through work
Streaming (Netflix plus Hulu plus iCloud storage): $20
Gym membership: $200 a month at pilates studio and $50 on Classpass on pause (monthly pilates has been on pause since January last year when I was getting fed up with my studios higher rates and had begun looking around, and know, the world shut down) - I roll this into my savings now
Groceries: $300
Donations - approximately $700 a year - in 2020 it was $3k because I was also making donations to BLM organizations, food banks, and matching the price of my tickets to performing arts organizations and museums
Retirement contribution: $1,000 to my ROTH IRA January-June
Savings contribution: $500+ a month
Investment contribution $2,000+ a year
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher education? If yes, how did you pay for it?
Yes, I have a bachelor’s degree from a large out of state private university. I received a partial scholarship and grants to cover the majority of my education. I took out student loans to cover the rest and paid it off a few years ago.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
I think my first job was as a camp counselor when I was 16! It was a fun tradition for campers to become counselors.
Did you worry about money growing up?
I was peripherally aware of money problems growing up. My Mom was a big spender and always muttering about her overdraft account. When I became more financially aware, I realized her spending habits were from a place of scarcity, and I became determined to handle money more mindfully.
Do you worry about money now?
I don’t worry about little problems that pertain to money anymore, like bills, cost of living, etc. I feel I make enough to live comfortably in New York with my expenses and savings on auto-pilot. I do worry that I may not be able to afford retirement or afford a home or apartment. These are future me problems that I can only try to get ahead of.
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
I became fully financially responsible at 25 when I joined my previous job and moved out of my Mom’s house. I do have emergency savings as my financial net, and living in the same state as so many family members – not just my parents, and their siblings, but a plethora of cousins, I am secure in that if anything were to happen, from a flat tire while I’m driving in the Bronx or NJ, where a bunch of my cousins live, or needing to move home again, I have that support net from both immediate and extended family members.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
Yes, I inherited $30k from my grand-aunt when she passed away a few years ago. I guess I’d liken my inheritance to Jo inheriting Aunt March’s house in Little Women. I’m so grateful, but it was also not anything I expected to receive or even knew about.
Disclaimer: I always wear a mask and gloves when I leave my house.
Day 1 - Saturday
9:00 AM I go to Starbucks drive through for a latte and croissant $4.25 (pre-paid with money on my Starbucks card). I definitely prefer supporting local business but my favorite coffee shop has been closed for a few weeks because they’re moving to another location. I know that the new location has less parking options, which will be annoying. After mulling it over on the way home, I replace my milk frother so I can get back into making lattes at home $43.34
9:45 AM I drink coffee and watch the news in French (France24’s youtube channel). I used to speak French well and I’ve been making a concerted effort to boost my proficiency since the end of lockdown. I’m also nearing fluency in Italian. You’ll see bits of my language learning throughout the week – with French I try to do at least 20 minutes of listening a day and study a grammar concept once a month, with the goal of mastering it. This month it's the future tense.
10:30 AM PopSugar workout class on Youtube with– it’s a fun dance class, and it closes one of my Apple Watch workout ring, boom!
5:00 PM I stop by the local beauty supply shop to buy a new set of hot rollers, combs, silk scarf, and leave-in-conditioner. Their credit card machine is down so I have to leave and go to the drive through ATM and come back, which is annoying. Pre pandemic I always carried around lots of cash and now, I’ve become one of those ppl who feel grossly inconvenienced when I can’t use a credit card. C’est la vie, I guess. $52.60
8:00 PM A reminder pops up on my phone that my HBO subscription ends today...ah! I usually only have Netflix + Hulu, but my movie-watching club and I chose a HBO movie last month, so I’ve had it for a few weeks. I wisely made the decision not to start any new shows recently and when I glance through my queque, it’s all stuff I can pick up next time. I power through an episode of Insecure and end up watching the remaining 2 episodes of the last season, too. So good and I finally love Lawrence again! The way they handle the unraveling of Molly and Issa’s friendship fallout is heartbreaking.
Daily total: $95.94
Day 2 - Sunday
9:15 AM alarm goes off
9:30 AM alarm goes off again. This time I tell my Google home to play some pop music.
9:40 AM literally threw on a sweatshirt to go with my pajama bottoms and am guzzling a homemade iced coffee as I drive to the station to pick up my Mom. She’s a nurse manager who works nights a few towns away. She hates driving at night, so in the wintespring she takes the train instead of driving in.
11:00 AM I make blackberry scones and read a chapter in my French textbook.
12:30 PM Scones have been out of the oven for an hour or so and I’ve demolished three already. I reconcile my accounts on YNAB while I eat my last scone for the day. I got paid Friday and my second stimulus check has come in, so start to outflow money to my savings accounts $1375 transfer
1:30 PM My aunt and I take a walk on a local trail. It’s good to see her again, and catch up.
3:00 PM When I get home I play the piano. I was a singer in college, and still sing and play the piano. My piano skills are atrocious ha but getting moderately better due to lockdown and the built in hours to practice here and there each day.
4:30 PM it’s snowing, ugh. I wanted to go to the grocery store and get a pizza dough. I guess leftovers for me - ravioli and since I’m the kind of basic Italian girl, I munch on nan in lieu of a crispy roll with butter...ugh making myself hungry remembering.
5:00 PM I glance at my work email to see some messages are rolling in from our external product developer. I’ve been working with him and their coder for about six months and we’re two weeks away from the final launch. We hadn’t been in touch since a few days before I went on break in mid-December so I’m relieved the project is picking up steam.
6:00 PM Youtube kickboxing workout – it’s not the same as going to Rumble, not by a longshot.
7:00 PM It’s been snowing off and on for a few hours. I roll through my queque on Hulu and don’t see anything of interest so I watch a few episodes of Bourdain while I wash, deep condition and set my hair.
I0:00 PM I pack up extra containers to bring back to my apt. After I finish organizing the rest of my bag, I text with my best friend L., joking about quitting and she immediately reminds me how I need to ask for a promotion before I go. I joke I don’t remember any work ambitions before this magical time - I’ve been off since mid December and my brain has gone woolly. I’m glad she’s keeping me on the straight and narrow though!
11:00 PM I switch on an episode of Gilmore Girls in Italian. I’m on season 4 and no longer need the subtitles . It’s been easy to follow along and of course it’s Paris who says a word I don’t even know in English, tautologia (tautuology: the saying of the same thing twice in different words, generally considered to be a fault of style ). I drift off to the dulcet tones of Richard and Emily Gilmore – their Italian dubs are the cutest.
Daily spend: $0
Day 3 - Monday
8:00 AM Back to reality! My alarm sounds off, and it's time to get up to go into the office. I was remote between March and September, and have been back in the office on a rotation of one week in the office and one week working from home. I do take the subway, and always check the train will let me be socially distanced from other riders. When I came back to the office I also rerouted my commute so I just take one train.
8:45 AM My metro card needs topping off. Work will reimburse and I get the credit card points, win win. $127.
11:30 AM - I get a random email from a senior staffer about a meeting she’d like me to coordinate. I start to panic, but I do appreciate her saying Happy New Year.
12:30 I order lunch. I spend a few minutes waffling between a go-to sushi special that comes with all the fixings like dumplings, miso soup and salad, or a new Thai place from last week that ended up lasting two days. I go with sushi $18.
1:00 PM I swab my nose with a free Covid test from work. I can’t quite believe that’s a thing now, and generally I’m very squeamish but I’ve become dare I say used to this. I don’t have any symptoms but my last weekly test was before break and I want to be sure I don’t have it. The testing company included a shipping label too, easy peasy..
5:50 PM Finalizing research for a senior person I rarely work with. He gave me glowing reviews on the last project I did for him but we’re still not working together regularly. Fingers crossed I make a great impression again.
6:30 PM I’ve finished the research and send it to my manager. Time to peace out!
7:30 PM on the train home listening to Reply All and another episode of The Oyster.
7:50 PM Pizza pickup time $18 (promo minus $5 for ordering between 8 and 10 pm. I didn’t need to know this ha!)
8:30 PM munch on crispy cauliflower crisps while unpacking my weekend bag - mostly brought down socks and my electronics from work from home days (work laptop, work iPad, etc.)
Daily spend: $163
Day 4 - Tuesday
9:30 AM pick up my bagel breakfast $9 - I always order this on Seamless and swing in to pick it up. The women at the cashier both now know my name since I’ve been coming in at least once a week since we returned to the office. I’m both amused and touched that one of them recognized me, mask and all and says my name and hands me my sandwich right away.
11:45 AM my roommate texts that she’s ordering Whole Foods delivery after all - yay! I didn’t want to go to the store tonight. I order Chicken thighs skin on and bone in; Frontera taco skillet sauces; plain cheese ravioli; olives with feta; Kale greens organic 1 bunch (not the Dino one); Lettuce romaine organic; and sweet potatoes - my half is $24.48
2:00 PM Daily walk with my work bestie, A. We’re on the same office rotation at work, and take a walk a couple of times a week.
2:30 PM we order noodle bowls. She expenses as part of work’s weekly free lunch.
3:00 PM zoom call with our external product developer. I jokingly demand to know how he managed to get his company to allow him to move to Boston and go fully remote. I half wish it were me in that scenario
6:45 PM My college friend T. and I have dinner over Facetime while we eat dinner and watch reruns of One Tree Hill, laughing at the ridiculous storylines.
9:00 PM Call my Mom to catch up too and read a few articles from Corriere della sera (Italian newspaper) before bed.
Daily spend: $33.48
Day 5 - Wednesday
8:00 AM - log in to prep for the meeting. I take morning calls from home now which is the best!
9:45 AM meeting kicks off. The mood is tense - there were some end of year metrics we didn’t meet so every department is chipping in.
11 AM Meeting ends and I start formatting the updated reports.
11:45 AM On my commute in, I listen to the last episode of The Oyster. Ah, the last two episodes gave me chills! So excellent.
1:30 PM I log into my personal email and see the milk steamer I ordered has been delivered at my Mom’s house. Back in December I also made an intro and referral on behalf of a friend who now is a freelance writer, and my contact has connected with us. In her mail, she’s apologizing for her delay in absolutely the sweetest way possible and kicking off interviewing my friend.
2:00 PM More back to back meetings until 4 PM - I munch on popcorn from the office snack cupboard and call my friends at work to chat and catch up.
3:49 PM I’m sitting at my desk, formatting an excel report when my best friend C. who lives in Washington DC texts me a string of articles about the storming of the Capitol. I literally spit out my water
4:30 PM the NYT is on one of my screens and I’m constantly refreshing, my jaw dropping each and every time. I’ve told my family WhatsApp group with my Mom and her sisters and one of my aunts demands where is the tear gas to prevent this. I totally agree with her but at this point are any of us shocked by the inherent systemic racism in this country that allows this protest to unfold like this.
6:45 PM I reach home and my roommate is perched on the couch glued to the news on screen. This is very unusual for her as she’s such a non-TV person that the TV in our apt is mine. She didn’t have one for years before I moved in. We agree to turn it off for now and just digest the news separately.
I fire up the oven to make my go to chicken dinner - chicken thighs with roasted vegetables. I also cut and prep a salad for lunch the next few days, which I’ll top with the chicken too.
7:30 PM I eat dinner and watch an episode of Brooklyn 99
Daily spend: $0
Day 6 - Thursday
8:16 AM - wake up naturally. I am equal parts dismayed that my phone died so the alarm didn’t go off and that my body knows my wake up time
9:30 AM I have a Nespresso latte and coconut milk yogurt at work. It’s my no internal meeting day, hurrah! Having at least one of these each week, or even a morning like this, is always something to look forward to.
10:30 AM It’s been a full 12 hours since I’ve tuned in to the news. I catch up to the Italian and French news channels’ coverage.
11:30 AM Weekly town hall meeting. I munch on an apple and also see in my email that my covid test result has come back negative.
2:00 PM Long walk with my work friend. We get our daily steps in.
2:45 PM I try in vain to keep my Apple store appointment to buy new headphones but the line is way too long. figures they would switch from efficiently bringing the product to you to making you go inside.
3:00 PM I take the second zoom call with our product developer and we make great progress on the last questions.
4:00 PM Log back in to catch up on emails, continue working on another report for a project. I snack on pretzels and hummus and make myself an iced tea.
6:30 PM I’m home early and fit in a barre class on Youtube (Pop Sugar again)
7:30 PM Quickly drop off my laundry at the local laundromat. It’s usually around $10 and I’ll pay when I pick it up.
9:00 PM J. Facetimes me and we make plans for a movie date tomorrow at his place. We met on Hinge last month and he’s back in town, after spending the holidays in CT with his family. His self-quaratine period is done, and his covid test came back negative today.
11:00 PM I fall asleep after a chapter of my current Italian book, Donne dell'anima mia. Enjoying it so far and hope to read more this weekend. It's also nice to have a physical book in hand - I like to write in the margins translations or notes about grammar.
Daily spend: $0
Day 7 – Friday
7:00 AM I wake up and numbly log in to see if there are changes from overseas for the morning call.
8:00 AM There were a few changes but not nearly as bad as one time that I had to redo the entire presentation in one hour. Usually more changes don’t come in after this time, so I head out to get a latte, croissant and ground coffee at one of the coffee shops nearby. The ground coffee is a gift for my Mom, who loves this spot $24.99
9:00 AM The meeting kicks off.
10:15 AM My manager, coworker and I have our monthly departmental meeting afterwards. We go over our team’s 2021 goals and discuss major projects on the horizon.
10:45 AM I start heading to the office, with my chicken salad for lunch.
12:00 PM Lunch at a normal time, whoohoo! I text C. and confirm what time we’ll bake banana bread together on Saturday. She’s a novice baker so we’re walking through it on Facetime together. I plan to also make some blackberry scones when we’re done. I log in to arrange a pickup of groceries at the store near my Mom’s (bananas, pizza dough, buttermilk, blackberries)
5:30 PM Work cocktails via zoom – the theme this week is 80s and it’s fun seeing everyone’s costumes. I do duck out at 6 sharp though, to head home.
8:00 PM I shower, roller set my hair and do my make-up before heading over to J’s for date night. And I’ll end this diary here :)
Daily spend: $24.99
Food + Drink: $130.47
Home + Health: $43.34
Clothes + Beauty: $52.60
Transport: $127 (will be reimbursed by work)
Savings Transfer: $1,375
Total: $1,728.41
This was an emotionally taxing week. Spending-wise I’m definitely spending much less and saving much more than this time last year. Back then I would have been out with friends every weeknight and working out at my pilates studio at 8 AM. I do miss those days. NYC is a ghost town still and being on a somewhat normal routine feels incomplete in many ways. Challenging weeks like this make me super grateful for my job, family, friends and health
submitted by bluebirdsiren to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

One of the worst encounters in my life

Hello everyone, this story I'm about to tell you happened three days ago, and I have never been this scared in my life.
I'm a french student doing a Masters in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. I live alone in an apartment in a building where there are only students. I'm 22, enjoying life peacefully. To give you a bit of context, I live in a calm good neighborhood, the only noises I'd hear are the tram or parties in the building since a lot of students are there.
one night around 10 pm, I hear a knock on my door. I live on the third floor, and to get to my front door, you have to open the main door which needs a key, then you need to open the door to my corridor with the same key. So people who want to come to my door must have the key, call me or ring at the door so I could open the doors for them from my apartment. Nothing of this happened, I just hear a knock on my door. I usually open the door without a second thought, whether it's my landlord, or a neighbor asking for something, as I told you I feel pretty safe in the building and I could also take care and defend myself in case anything happened. But this time, for some reason, I had a bad feeling about this.
I didn't move at first, I thought the person would just leave, I'd finish my assignments. However, the knocking continued for 30 seconds. I said "yeah" (in English), the person knocking doesn't say anything. ì say in English again "who is it ?", the voice answers in English "It's Uber Eats". (which is weird, because Dutch always speak in Dutch and I recognize the voices and accents of everyone on my floor who have the key to access the floor)
So it wasn't a neighbor, it wasn't my landlord, it was somebody claiming to come from uber eats. But, the issue is I didn't order anything from Uber eats that day.
The voice was unfamiliar, in case it's a prank or a neighbor pulling a joke, it was also a deep voice, at least 40 and probably a smoker. I replied that "I didn't order anything, you must have it wrong", after a few seconds, the knocking continues and the same voice says "I'm pretty sure you did, I have an order under your name". I start panicking, I look around and pick up a knife in case he breaks the door because the knocking was getting a bit louder.
I checked if my door is locked, it wasn't, I was literally 10 centimeters away from him, my front door was the only thing keeping him from me, and I'm glad it doesn't open from the outside, you need a key to open it even if it's not locked. I step back and I ask again, "what's the name ?", he seems to be thinking for a few seconds, then a final knock occurs, it was loud and it translated some anger or frustration. Finally, I hear him going down the emergency stairs right next to my apartment. the steps were heavy, and the person was clearly in a hurry.
I don't know what he wanted or what would have happened to me if I had opened the door as I usually do, I still haven't understood how he got through the two doors, and why did he come specifically to the last apartment on the third floor? did he try others before? I posted a post about it on the WhatsApp group we have in the building, no one saw anything suspicious, no one opened the door for anyone. Anyway, I'm lucky for my instinct telling me not to open the door, and I'm glad I listened.
submitted by Gabangboom to LetsNotMeet [link] [comments]

I have no idea what happened

First of all, I’d like to apologize if some things are not 100% clear, as I am not a native English speaker. Please ask me for any clarification if anyone feels like I need to give more explanations for certain parts. Secondly, this is my second post ever on Reddit and I am not sure I understand how it works perfectly, so I apologize if I talked way too much or this is not the right subreddit.
I am a student (f/19) in The Netherlands, but I am not from this country. As a freshly moved person, my best friend from home whom I absolutely adore decided to visit me for about a week. I live in Groningen, which is around 2 hours away from Amsterdam. As I didn’t have enough money to go pick up my friend from the airport in Amsterdam, I explained to her how to get in Groningen by train, with the promise I’ll get her from the train station.
Unfortunately, she missed the second train and her arrival was delayed for about an hour. From my dorm to the train station it was a 25 minutes bus ride, so I wasn’t that worried. I had to leave at around 4pm so I would be able to get there in time, but somehow I managed to miss my bus as well. My friend, I’ll name her T (f/18), messaged me on Whatsapp when she finally got some wifi at the train station.(She did not have her roaming on, she was not able to call me, message me or use her data, so her phone was pretty much useless without having any wifi or me calling her) I apologized to her and made her wait for me there. I called T to be sure she will wait for me in front of the station, where my bus will come. I explained to her first that I lost my bus and that I will get there in about 20 minutes, everything was fine. Now things start to get weird.
As I was still with her on the phone, T asked me where she can find a store. The train station in my city is pretty small, so I told her to look for the big fancy building which is under renovation. She laughed and told me “Oh, this building that looks like a church, right?”. I said yes and proceeded to answer her next question about the price of a lighter in the stores here. T told me that she only has cash on her and I jokingly asked her if the money were the ones leftover from her mom’s trip to Spain. After that, I ask her if she managed to find the store she was looking for while we were having this conversation.
Now this, I can’t explain. She started sofly laughing and answered me: “Oh, this building that looks like a church, right?”. I was like “Yeah, I told you that like a few minutes ago”. Then she asked me how much did a lighter cost here, and I answered her again. T continued to say that she only has cash on her. Then we kept having the same discussion over and over again for four times. She kept saying the same things, starting from “Oh, this building...” and ending with her saying that she has cash on her. The first time I was answering normally, but by the second time this happened I started to freak out a bit and ask her why is she saying the same words, in the same tone and order, with every pause identically with the ones before.
As we were finishing the 4th loop, with me freaking the hell out, T called me on Whatsapp. I answer her immediately and asked her what the hell happened and why was she saying the same things over and over again. She told me that I hung up on her a minute ago and she barely found some wifi to call me on Whatsapp, because she didn’t know why I hung up the call while she was talking to me, basically answering my last question: if she managed to find the store. In that moment, my bus came, so I told her I’ll be calling again in a minute, after I get on the bus. I call her again normally, not on Whatsapp. And guess what happened. While I was talking to her, I get a call on my phone and I swear, I felt the weirdest thing ever. T was calling me, normal phone call, not Whatsapp, not any other app. She was calling me while I was talking to her. In that moment, I ask her: “Why are you calling me and how? You do not have the roaming on.”
She told me that she was not the one calling me and that it is not possible. The both of us were freaking out and scared. I stayed like that until “T” wasn’t calling me anymore. I had the missed call on my phone from her number, while my friend didn’t have any call to my person on her history.
I picked her up from the train station and we talked about this. To this day, we keep saying that this “T” was actually my friend from another dimension. This happened 4 months ago and we still have no explanation. Something like this never happened to me before and I ask you all if you know what might have happened.
Thank you and have a nice day!
submitted by ValeriaTomaRo to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]

She's not interested in our friendship, so I stop caring

I still think about it from time to time, this happened a year ago. English isn't my first language, I'm doing my best writing this.
I met my friend, let's say her name Emily in middle school. Emily is a very shy and quirky girl, but after you get to know her, she'll become the funniest person ever. At 9th grade, me, Emily and Cassie are classmates and we become really close.
For some reason, In my school, everyone use Line (messaging app). And whatsapp just to text family / teacher. We made a Line group just the three of us. We chat like for hours everyday, talking a bunch of silly stuff.
At 11th grade, things starting to change. Emily slowly became distant. I always visit her class and trying to talk and joke with her. But she's more interested talking about her new crush, Tom.
At 12th grade, Emily became super obsesed with Tom. At recess she only wanted to talk to her friends that close to Tom so she got new news on what his hobby, quirky habit, etc. I tried to talk about other things, but shes not interested, stay silent, and gave very brief reply. But when I talked about Tom, she become hyped. At this point she only wanted to talk about Tom. She also admited that she never ever liked someone this hard before.
During holiday after graduation, we become closer again in the line group. But since uni started, she slowly disappear. She usually reply group text really fast, then it took days to reply. Only Cassie and I keeping the group alive. Hoping she'll return to the group. It's not like took a break from internet. She's very active on the internet. Later she never respon to the group, only read, then didn't even bother read the group.
Months passes, Emily never contacted Cassie or I again. When the first semester of uni ends, my highschool friends asked to meet up. Emily, Cassie and I were invited. We created a multichat so it would be easier to planed the meeting. But Emily only shows up once or twice in the multichat. And still ignore our line group.
At the meeting day, shes barely talked to Cassie and I. I tried multiple times starting conversation with her but she just remain silent / gave very brief reply. And when shes talking to other friends she can talk freely. Cassie and I pretty much ignored from them. I felt like shit.
Months after the meeting, I got a dm from Emily on instagram, she reply to my instastory. She also reply to Cassie's story too. But we ignore her. The next day she asked whether we were angry. We said yes. I explained to her how I felt about how she never contacted anymore and about the meeting. She replied that she's sorry, she care and never intended to ignore me. The reason she never showed up in the group line anymore, cause shes been using whatsapp the whole time for uni stuff and friends.
I left the message on read. And I don't want to be friends with her anymore.
submitted by bonucul to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

just venting

just trying to feel better by venting because i dont have anyone that i know and trust enough to talk about this. i feel better being anonymous.
So in mid of september i met a guy in a game , months passed and we started talking a lot through discord/whatsApp joking around and just chilling or playing games with time i started bonding with him and we would sometimes talk about personal stuff and anecdotes. And would try to help each other if any of us were having a bad day, days before he stopped talking to me i pressured him because of a bad decision (covid related) that he had taken and i would just end apologizing for thinking that i was too harsh. i really tried to be considerate of what he was feeling i mean, if they really regret doing something and they can't do anything to solve it i can't just keep complaining on them. he started talking less to me (sometimes wouldnt even reply to my last message and just add something new to change the topic, and hours to reply) but i would just brush these thoughts off thinking that it was just my insecurity. I really thought that i had a true friend and they had my back, we had talked about very personal stuff and i would try my best to make him feel better when he needed help. And one day they asked me how i was doing, i told him that i had a bad match in a game and that i was a bit irritated. they didnt reply so 3 days later i send him a music video (we would share music) and told him that i hadn't heard it in a long time and that i liked it. a week passes and he didn't reply so i sent another video and nothing.. by now its more than 20 days and i was a bit worried if something had happened to them, (couldn't check last connected or online on whatsApp since they had it turned off) and they would always go invisible on discord.
We were on a guild so today i asked the guild leader if they knew something about them and they told me that they left and created another guild with a friend and i was confused because i knew that they were still in the guild and because their last log in the games was at the 04/01/2021 that just didn't make sense i confronted the guild leader about it and they were suprised and told me that they just didnt talk a lot with them but tbh im just sceptical.
Today i checked steam and saw that he had been connected hours ago (i didnt even bother to check that because he would always put himself on offline)
and i am sure now that he has just ignored me, because i tried to believe that something had happened to him, even thought i had pretty much got over it when he ignored me for days. it just made me so decayed seeing that he had connected hours ago in steam :/
It gave me some thoughts and it frustrates me that i won't be able to know why he just cut communication with me, they didnt consider me. i wont even try to confront because i feel that im humilliating myself.
thanks for reading and sorry for the grammar errors (i dont speak english) writting this has made me feel better
submitted by fecklessboy to ghosting [link] [comments]

[Review] Chrome Hearts Bone Prone from non TS Alan

Disclosure -

I paid full price for these but received a 20% off my next purchase in exchange for a review.


Non ts Alan Whats app: 86-139-2381-3962


$50 USD including shipping

Payment method:

Paypal Friends and family

Price of shipping and carrier:

shipping included in the $50 pricing, I dont recall specific carrier but took roughly 2 weeks.

Order timeline

Constructive criticism:

Honestly no criticisms. I've bought a lot of glasses and sunglasses this year (Thanks covid anxiety shopping!) and I had a perfect experience here. I saw another buyer on designer reps with a pair of beautiful glasses (warning, cute girl leads to thirsty boys in the comments lmao)


Quality - 10/10

These are my first ‘fake’ eyeglasses, but they look and feel like any other pair of glasses I’ve owned. I have 'real' Paul Smith, and other mid-tier glasses and these look and feel just as good. They look and feel better than my Warby Parkers.
The metal of the frames is... metal like? its not a cheap plastic. The frames are sturdy enough that I can't bend them out easily, I needed to take them into the eye dr to have them adjusted to my narrow face. The arms are metal, I'm not sure if they're titatnium but theyre def not plastic.
Nose pads are held in my tiny screws so they can be replaced if you prefer plastic. I've never had metal ones but these dont seem to hurt my face and I think they look neato.
I can't speak to the lenses, I asked for no lenses so I could put in my own. The ones they came with were cheap obviously the placeholders from a manufacturer which are not indented to be left in place (so I can't count off for that). The placeholder lenses had a logo engraved.

Accuracy - 9.5/10

I took these to my local eye Dr to get the Rx put in, and the sales person that I have a good relationship was impressed by them. He assumed they were real and joked that I was getting really fancy with these expensive glasses.
Once I admitted/bragged they were fakes, he took a closer look and said the only difference he could pick out was sometimes Chrome Hearts engraves the nose pad (these came with metal nose pads and an additional plastic pair that did have the logo on the nose pad). Either way, I dont think anyone is going to look really close at my nose pads. Original ones are hundreds, and these were 50$ - and they feel solidly built. I'm sure someone who sells them could spot a fake but I doubt anyone in the wild could.
arms of the glasses are engraved with the chrome hearts cross logo, and on the inside of the arm with the name, model details and size.
The glasses came in a fake leather zip case, with a cleaning cloth. The case itself felt pretty cheap, but I'm not sure if thats normal with the real ones or just a quirk of the knockoffs.

Satisfaction - 10/10

They’re exactly what I ordered and wanted. Seller was fast to communicate which I loved since these were my first venture outside AliExpress and DHGate and I was nervous.
I've got a small head so even these frames which are only 48-21-150 are really big on me. I've never bought glasses online before but I really love the ability to search by size first so I dont waste a bunch of time trying on frames that are way too big. A lot like buying shoes - I thought it would be a terrible idea to buy glasses online but now that I know my size I can't see going back to regular in-store shopping.

Seller Communication and Service - 10+/10

Alan was really fast and responsive via Whats app. I reached out to several sellers and Markin took a few days to get back to me but Alan was faster so I went with him. I’ve ordered another pair already and am looking forward to receiving them! Alan was always very warm and friendly over WhatsApp which can be sometimes hard to do. His english is perfect and working with him is a pleasure.
submitted by kelsoberry to RepLadies [link] [comments]

I (20M) do not know if I should ask her (20F) out again.

Obligatory: "im sorry for my bad english, I hope I was able to articulate myself well enough."
Alright friends, some context: Just after new years I got to know this girl through a local anonymous social media app, we wrote in the same thread about missing social contacts due to the lockdown and she dm'ed me, we moved the convo to whatsapp.
I pretty quickly noticed that we were on the same wavelength and asked her if she'd like to meetup for a walk through a park or something, because there are barely any other things to do due to the current lockdown situation, she quickly responded that she'd love to but that shes currently looking more for new friends than dating oppurtunities. I told her that id be cool with that since im like most people currently also lacking social contacts but also told her that i'd like to be honest from the very beginning and that a date was actually my initial intention.
So yea, we met up, tried to comply with the current regulations, we did not wear masks but didn't hug either and played it off with an ironic fist bump. I think we both had a really good time but since it was really, really cold we called it a day after about 2 hours. At that point I already clearly knew that I had a pretty big crush on her and that it would probably just get worse with time, so I decided that id hang out with her again one time and ask her on a proper date again afterwards for the third meetup, since she did not really knew how I looked nor did she knew how I was in person when I asked her the first time, she just didnt have any picture of what kinda person i am, so I reckoned that I might have just rushed it.
During the next few weeks we kept texting, sometimes with breaks of multiple days, with me doubting her being interested in keeping in touch at all a few times but it somehow eventually got to the point of me asking if she'd like to meetup again. She said she thought of asking me as well but she did feel like going for a walk again because it got even colder since our last meetup and she didn't have any other ideas because well yea, everythings closed.
I suggested meeting up at my place and making lunch together, which we did yesterday. It was a lot of fun, we were joking around, we were happy to have other people to talk to instead of our usual groups of friends we basically had to spend our last year exclusively with. The only issue was that there was some awkwardness about physical contact in the room, you have to understand that people in both our circles are taking the current covid situation very, very, very seriously and current regulations are only allowing meeting up with one other person in private anyways, there was nothing illegal about us meeting but I dont know how to explain it, it did make it kinda weird. Despite that i'd say we both had a blast just talking, we practically have the exact same kinda humour, we also come from kinda similar backgrounds and had very specific similar childhood experiences, which made it also really easy to relate to each other.
After about 4 hours we saw how late it got and since we both had uni assignments due we called it a day again. I completely forgot about the "saying goodbye" part and due to the earlier mentioned physical contact awkardness thingy I did'nt even hug her at the end, even though I probably should have. I texted her later if she "got home alright" and that I had a lot of fun, she agreed and we texted for a bit that evening.
So yea, now im here writing this post having a few questions, first of all im really unsure about proceeding with my plan on asking her out on a proper date after that awkard farewell part yesterday, to be quite honest if I would have gone for at least the hug yesterday I would not be doubting this original plan now, I was really cringing at myself directly after closing the door.
Secondly I have a feeling that calling it a """date""" when asking her out might make it sound like I am expecting sex or something since we already met these two times prior and I really do not mind taking things slowly since I really enjoy her company and dont want to put this pressure on her.
Thirdly I dont know how to tell her that id rather not keep in touch with her anymore if she turns me down, ive fallen for her hard and I dont know, it probably sounds very selfish but I wouldnt feel to comfortable in a platonic relationship with her because I doubt it would be healthy for me nor for her.

As you can probably tell my social skills really have hit rock bottom over the last year due to the isolation, I always was kind of an overthinker but it never got to these levels, also I dont think I was ever this awkward in general, this probably might have something to do with the fact that I didnt get to know any new person since april of last year.
Any advice my friends, thank you people so much already in advance!
submitted by it_there_or_nah to dating_advice [link] [comments]

Rishta Log 5: Mystery of Mad-Rose!

Salam Guys,
Really sorry about such a long delay between my last post and this one. Been a busy life... I do hope and pray all of you and your families are healthy and safe during this awful pandemic.
For those of you who are new to my posts, Im a Desi Guy who lives in London UK and writes about his past Rishta encounters, please read, enjoy and learn from my experiences;
My last post:
My last extra post :
Rishta Number 6 – Mystery of Mad-Rose
This one began as mysteriously and manically as it ended… However, before we begin, I would like to dedicate this log to Mad-Rose, the mother of the girl in this story, obviously as you can tell her real name wasn’t Mad-Rose but it sounded very similar and you may see why I opted for this nickname as the story goes on. So, here goes….
One late winter evening my mother was awoken by an unknown number. She picked up she and was greeted by a woman, but not just any woman, it was a rishta aunty and one that seemed to know my mum, but my mum didn’t seem to know her! The mysterious rishta aunty spoke with fervour and brashness. She scolded my mum as to why she hadn’t contacted the rishta she had provided. My mum was quite confused as she didn’t know what this lady was talking about, however this mysterious rishta aunty wouldn’t accept any excuses! Eventually my mum had to drop the façade and explain that she didn’t know who she was talking to or know anything about this rishta. The mysterious matchmaker sighed and then replied using my mum’s name (this was getting freaky because we literally had no idea who this lady was and to be honest still don’t know who she was!) saying that my mum shouldn’t let herself become so forgetful and feeble minded and that she should take care of herself; she went on to explain that she had contacted the other party and gave them a similar earful for not contacting us either.
When my mum told me about this strange call, I was quite surprised (After all who was this mysterious lady? Our social circle isn’t that big that we would ever forget someone and to be frank it’s not like us). My mum was sure that she didn’t know this lady or anything about this rishta, but we thought we might as well pursue it as the lady was so forceful (plus she threatened to call us back the next day to check if we had…God help us! lol).
The next day both mums had a chat about this mysterious rishta aunty and how they both got an earful from her. The girl’s mother insisted that she didn’t know her either (One of the great mysteries of life….Who killed John F Kennedy? Was there ever life on Mars? Who was the mysterious rishta aunty who knew us but we didn’t know her?). The girl’s mother explained that her daughter was “special” to her as she was the only girl in the family, and that they were looking for a good match. The girl was apparently quite religious and mild mannered, but alas no picture was to be sent (by this time I had equated this to mean that the girl probably wasn’t gifted in the looks department, however I have learnt now that it can also be something that deeply cultural or religious people do in order to prevent their pictures from circulating in the general public… although I personally give everyone a chance even if I may not find them acutely attractive, however some people may have attractiveness at the top of their list therefore I do think sharing pictures beforehand is sensible). A date was set for a meeting and that was that……or so we thought.
As promised, the Rishta aunty called back and was delighted that we had arranged a meeting. It was all pleasantries and promises from then on; she told us that we would be a perfect match and it was all going to work out for the best. My mum was tactfully trying to ascertain her identity, but this lady was quick witted and cunning… it was almost artful how she dodged questions about who she was!
The day of the meeting arrived and as usual I went there in style with my entourage (lol! I had gotten used to my sister and brother-in-law accompanying me on these trips, to be honest I saw the benefit in having them there, mainly helping the conversation between the families to keep flowing). The girl’s family lived in a desirable part of east London by the river, my family always liked that area, it wasn’t the best or the richest area but it was expensive due to its closeness to the city centre and it had nice views of the Thames. We parked up and waited for the girl’s father to guide us to their home (because they wouldn’t give us their address and only told us the road where they lived… thinking back this was the first red flag!). The girl’s mother texted us to say that the father was waiting outside for us, but he wasn’t obvious and we stood around for a few minutes, then I noticed a middle aged man staring at us across the road, he must have been there quite some time just observing us (what was more odd is that he didn’t put a blind bit of effort into his appearance, now I’m not the snobbish sort who judges someone by their cover but I do believe in making good first impressions and as such my family and I always dress well for these occasions as it shows respect to the other side, so we were taken aback by this uncle who was staring at us in his unkept black shalwar kameez, brown puffer waistcoat and bathroom slippers.) Once I noticed him I went over to him and said my salaams, but he didn’t respond and instead just asked if I was Mega_Whale and if this was my family, to which I obviously confirmed and then he told us to follow him in a grim voice (erm….ok Lurch? Lol!). Once we got into the lift of their apartment building, my mother and brother-in-law made a big show of saying their salaams that he actually responded. When we got to their home we were seated in the living room and left to our own devices for about 15-20 minutes (great hospitality guys…not!).
After the ages of waiting, the girl’s parents finally came into the living room... the girl’s mum seemed normal (at the time) and was making light conversation, the dad not so much. We made introductions and talked pleasantries, it was then we complimented their apartment and said it must be nice to live in this area.
“What do you mean this area is nice?”, the dad retorted.
“It’s just a nice area, we’ve always like this area…”, I said.
“Yes, but what do you mean…be specific.”, the girl’s mum chimed in.
I didn’t know what they meant by this sudden inquisition, so I replied, “It must be nice to go for walks by the river and be so close to the city, we often come here for walks our self.”
The dad just huffed in his corner and the mum mumbled something about the area, but to be honest I was a little confused (there was no mistaking these two had a weird vibe to them, plus the dad was acting quite anti-social…may be even aggressive?)
The conversation only got weirder as we started the topic of travelling. We told them about our modest travels and about a recent holiday to Turkey. This caused the dad to rile up and he started boasting about all the different countries he had visited… seemed like all of them to be honest. We were mildly impressed, but I was more confused when I was told he had visited most of them without his family.
Not to let spark of conversation die, I couldn’t help but ask, “Does your family not like to travel?”
“No, we go on family holidays sometimes”, the girl’s mother interjected.
“Oh, so you must of done all that travelling when you were younger then?”, I say.
The dad just stares at me….
“Do you travel for work?”, I ask.
“Sometimes for business but mostly I just travel…”, he finally replies.
“Oh ok….. it must be nice…. Sorry, uncle… but what do you do for work again?”, I ask this knowing that he hadn’t actually mentioned what he did.
All I get in response is, “Business….”
(Weird response I hope you agree? All I kept thinking was “WHO ARE THESE SHADY WEIRDOS?”)
We have been here for at least 45 minutes at this point and there is no sign of this girl I’m supposed to be meeting, so the conversation carried on. My sister and brother-in-law talked about their wedding and this is always a safe happy topic which distracts people and my mum talked about Pakistan, India and family. Eventually it seemed everyone had settled in, even the dad made a few normal remarks in the conversation. Then we turned to politics the topic of Brexit had reared its ugly head.
Now I can’t quite remember what exactly was said but I said something along the lines of Brexit being negative for the UK and how it will make people worse off. The dad then said that I didn’t know what I was talking about and that the UK had ruled the world and the people in charge knew what they were doing.. he then said that I’m still a kid…. (It was rude thinking back on it but Tbh at the age I was [late 20’s] I didn’t know weather to be flattered or offended at being called a kid lol!)
So the time is slowly dragging along and its been a 30 minute wait for them to arrive in their own living room, a further 50 minute strange conversation… we are fast approaching the 90 minute mark and no sign of this girl… my mum finally just asks bluntly that when will we get to meet her?! The parents then explain that they wanted to be sure we were the right sort of people before they presented their daughter to us (Geez Louise! Did it really take you nearly 90 minutes to determine we weren’t low life thugs or something! Besides that’s what the phone conversation is for before you invite people to you home!)
So eventually they bring in the girl and she is decently pretty, she was wearing a two toned abaya and hijab, she was the right sort of height and weight… she was perfectly normal in a good way. She was shy and spoke to my mum and sister for a little bit, then we were put in the kitchen so we could talk in private…
This is the weirdest part of the whole thing…. She was a really nice girl! She was religious but not closed to the world and we made a few jokes about how we both had to deal with parents who were religious in a desi sort of way (desi people you know what I mean lol!). We talked abut culture, about hobbies, jobs, future plans, travel, family… I honestly had a good time talking with her (I was actually quite chuffed and I thought that this girl was the best match I had yet…). She was doing an Aalima course (so she was furthering her religious studies), she had gone to Turkey was a religious camp and she travelled in this programme learning hadith from scholars, she confessed her family were more cultural and she was more religious, she was a teacher, she wanted to travel more, she did charitable work, she was about family values and didn’t mind a joint family system and felt things eventually worked out for the best… we even had a few laughs (I was surprised to learn from my family that the girl’s parents thought we were fighting and that’s why the mum came into make some more tea)… I asked if she wanted to take things forward and meet outside, being respectful of her religiosity I said we would meet with my sister and that she could bring anyone she likes, she agreed to this and said it would be fine. I asked if we should we exchange numbers and offered to even place a chaperone on the WhatsApp chat if she liked, she said that wouldn’t be necessary but she didn’t mind… she was about to give me her number when she stopped and requested that my mother ask her mother for it (it seemed reasonable to me at the time, as this is the case with some families…formalities …sigh).
So this is where the plot thickens… My mum phoned the girl’s mum (Mad-rose) the next day and basically explained that I felt it was a good match and that I wanted the girl’s number as was discussed. The girl’s mother was apparently shocked at this and said in a very arrogantly rude way that she didn’t understand how we could ask for the girl’s number when they hadn’t even come over to our house yet and assessed if we were worth the trouble! Apparently, they hadn’t gleamed any idea of what type of people we were from their 2-hour interrogation! The words she used to say this implied they wanted to know how much money we had, check our social status is etc… (In fairness these are things most people are curious about, however most people have the class not to be so rude about it!)
When my mum told me about this I was quite taken aback, but I brushed it off as a misunderstanding. My mum proper grilled me about what actually happened in the kitchen with the girl. I was certain we had a positive interaction and the girl asked that we get her number through her mum. Anyway, we decided that we would invite them over…. This time my mum phoned with me present… The conversation started normally, and my mum even explained that we phoned to invite them over and hopefully take things forward if they liked what they saw (again these were some low-class parents…I’m sorry for the shade but it’s true!), my mum then asked if they would share the girls contact with us now or after their visit and if they would give permission for their girl to meet with me somewhere outside (she even gave reassurances on character and said a chaperone would be present)… This girl’s mum then latched on to this phone number thing and turned aggressive! She basically started saying that they didn’t do this sort of thing in their family and that their girl would never agree to this. My mum explained that all we were doing was asking for a phone number (pretty basic thing nowadays) and that it was not being asked without their girl’s agreement. The lady became even more aggressive saying she didn’t know who thought we were and that I must of forced their girl and that I was probably of low character (lol! I mean what were these people on… do they not know why they invited us over to their house?)… my mum was quite shocked at the level of aggressiveness and was getting quite annoyed and so was I…. this argument continued for a fair bit and my mum was calm at first explaining that this was no big deal thinking that may be they weren’t so in tune with the whole rishta process… but this lady kept insulting us… so I had had enough and told my mum to end it and tell them we weren’t interested any more (they can keep their daughter… good luck to them with this attitude!)… my mum breathed a sigh of relief but made sure that I meant what I had said…she then happily ended the call making sure to tell the lady that her weird attitude ended this rishta…. The lady then started to swear and cuss, so we hung up.
You think that would be the end of it….but no! This lady, this obsessive, crazy, MAD-rose, over the course of the next few days had left about 50-60 absurd, offensive, threatening and downright bizarre text and voice messages, she had rung multiple times from her phone and unknown numbers. My mum unfortunately picked up some of her calls by mistake and was subjected to threats and abuse… To go into all of what was said and written would be book in itself so I will give you the headlines (minus any foul language of course); She was still in this disbelief that we had besmirched her pure and angelic daughter’s name by suggesting that she would ever want to share her number with me. She was still on this hype of trying to prove that I had coerced their poor helpless daughter into agreeing to give her number but at the same time denying that she even agreed (like what did these psychos think happened in their kitchen… jeez they were making it out as If I had assaulted them and their entire family!). She was offended at our “freeloader” tactics and how we came over to their house and ate their kebabs and took advantage of their hospitality, so therefore we were the criminal sort (those kebabs were so bad btw…). Apparently, her husband just knew we were awful people right off the bat and knew we wouldn’t be the right sort and were time wasters (I’m not surprised there lol!). Then she tried this weird tactic of pretending everything was ok and that they wanted to move ahead with the rishta and that we should tell them our address… she tried this multiple times getting more aggressive each time on her voice notes (So she thought we were stupid too….hmm this lady was on one!). She then started to threaten us by saying she would rough us up somehow and that we should just tell her our address to make it easier (I’m diagnosing a mental health disorder here…). She claimed she was a social worker and that she would somehow use her connections in the council (not even the same one where we live btw) to destroy our lives…… I wish to remind you at this point that all this because we asked for their girl’s number…. Psycho much! The only constant in all of this absurdity was Mad-rose’s desperation in trying to get a hold of me… she tried to insult my manliness saying that I was to scared to talk to her (she used much more provocative language than that may I add, but too bad for her that I’m not some mindless chauvinistic thug, because even though it’s annoying those type of comments won’t cause me react without calculation!), she was very desperate that I talk with her (probably so she could have a fight with me) to know what was said between her daughter and I….
Unfortunately, my mum suffered all of this in silence as she didn’t want to bother me as I was very busy with work that week (May Allah bless her and forgive all her sins! Grant her the best of this world and the hereafter! Ameen!) It was only when my sister and her in-laws came over for a family dinner that we all noticed how anxious my mum was (she can’t handle stressful situations well) that she finally let out what had been happening all week. We all went through the messages and voice notes… we were so shocked and so angry! Here I was thinking this matter ended nearly a week ago and yet this cow was harassing my mum all week!
During our dinner my mum’s phone started ringing and this time I saw red. I marched straight over, but somehow my sister ninja ran there before me and stopped me picking up… I was so angry I was ready to tell this crazy lady all about herself, but my sister bless her heart stopped me… her thinking was that she didn’t want the lady the satisfaction of talking to me (I wasn’t so supportive of this stance at the time and really wanted to have a go at this lady for harassing my mum, but my sister didn’t want us to be reduced to her level). When my sister picked up the phone, the lady was already rude and loud off the bat but once she realised that it was my sister and not my mum she calmed down significantly (not so confident with a British educated English speaker I see…hmmm). My sister told that lady all about her rudeness and answered all her crazy comments and snarls, but she did so in an assertive way without raising her voice, using any foul language or swearing.
The highlights of the call were as follows; She told that lady that if she was so worried about her daughter she shouldn’t be entertaining any rishtas in the first place… the lady was literally told not waste our time anymore because we were not interested in their family because of their appalling behaviour (my sister always had a bit of school teacher in her lol!)… it was quite clear that they weren’t interested in any rishta for their daughter, but there were a thousand different ways to quietly reject the rishta rather than this low-class drama… the objective of the argument was the lady’s desperate attempt to speak to me (I was happy to oblige but my mum and sister didn’t want me to)… the real kicker came when my sister told this lady that she wouldn’t ever get to speak to me, that is when this lady had what only sounded like a spasm (my goodness!)… my sister explained that why should they let her speak to me when she wasn’t letting us speak to her daughter… this lady was flabbergasted at the idea that we should ever speak to her daughter… my sister then asked why was she so desperate to speak to me anyway because her daughter should of told her everything…. Then ladies and gentlemen this was said…
“Why should I ask my daughter about this?!”, Mad-rose said.
“What do you mean? You haven’t asked your daughter about what she thought of my brother or about what was said?”, My sister genuinely asked in a shocked manner.
“I would never bother my daughter with such things….”, Mad-rose replied maddeningly.
This was the crux of the whole situation! The simple maddening truth behind all of it… she hadn’t even bothered to talk to her own daughter. We all basically started shouting at her on the phone at that point and told her that if she ever called us or harassed us again we would report her and her husband to the police (we made it a point to remind her she left plenty of incriminating evidence on our phone and we wondered what their daughter would think about that)… we didn’t get another peep out of her after that and thankfully no more harassment.
The mysterious rishta aunty called that weekend to check up on the progress (HAHAHAHA!) When my mum irritatingly told her about the whole ordeal, the lady snorted out a few choice names (bleeping beeps... LOL!) at the girl and the girl’s mother! She sounded genuinely annoyed and called them both witches (lol!), she went on to say that we were saved by Allah from them and it was probably because we were good people, unlike them apparently…. It also turned out that the rishta aunty knew them in a friend/ acquaintance sort of way (remember when Mad-rose said she didn’t know the rishta aunty! Why would you lie?) … the rishta aunty said that they always rejected any rishta she gave them and always in such brutal ways… apparently, they strung a family on for 4 months and then rejected the poor boy because he was “too dark and fat” (why? .. how?... what?). My mum made it quite clear she was very unhappy about the whole experience, but that she wasn’t mad at the rishta aunty… when she asked about her identity the aunty quickly made her excuses, rounded off the conversation and made haste…. never will we know who this mysterious instigator was… and we never heard from her again!
Now I’m very sorry for such a long read, but please upvote and comment below as it encourages me. I know there will be questions, even I still have questions lol!
submitted by Mega_whale to MuslimMarriage [link] [comments]

Here's a very long story, I made this account especially for this.

I apologize if my grammar isn't very good, I'm not a native English speaker. I didn't want my friends seeing this, so here I go: Three years ago, at 7th grade, I was sitting at my table, minding my own business, when a classmate runs into the class and says "G is in love with you!" (I'll call her G for now), then runs out of the class. A few seconds later she leaves, G enters the class in a hurry and asks me to ignore what my classmate said. I agreed that I didn't hear anything, and continued with my stuff. I didn't pay attention at all to her for about a year and a half, but now I notice things I should have long ago. I once made a Discord for my class, most of my classmates didn't join, except for my friends and a few others, including G. She made a Discord account just for that group (I assume since she didn't have a pfp and most of her friends didn't have Discord) and her username was "MagicalG". Now, my name in my language means Magic, so that points out something. So, a year and a half after the incident, I developed a crush on her. Looking back, there was a period when we both probably had a crush on each other. At that time I would sit near her (she was a table to the right, 1 table for two students and we were the sides close to each other). She'd talk to me from time to time, just a word or two. Once, on a Friday, after school ended, I asked her best friend (my friend too, at the time) if he wants to help me build a spawn for my Minecraft server, to get her attention. He said of course, and she said she can help too, and I answered that of course she could help. That never happened, though. On that same year (8th grade), on March, right before Purim vacation starts, I asked her out. She sat on the sidewalk with her friend, and I walked back and forth with my bike, thinking if I should do it or not. I finally called her and asked if I can whisper something in her ear, she walked close and I whispered "Do you want to go to the movies with me?" She said sure, and I was super happy, more happy than I could ever be, that made me so happy that I was reckless and fell off my bike in a place with rocks. I cried out of pain and a very kind person helped me get home. I got injured in my chin, above my eyebrows, in my right shoulder and arm, my left arm and my right wrist. I have the scar on my left arm to this day. After calming down and putting on bandages, I didn't care about the injuries, even though they really hurt. I told my mom about asking G out, and she was really happy for me. That night, at the holiday prom (nothing too big, something my school did every year before Covid-19), everyone had costume except for me, I came with me injuries dressed normally and it took all my friends a while to believe that I was actually injured and not just faking it as my costume. A few days later, at school, I was talking to my friend who sits besides me about what happened and G said she saw me on the sidewalk, and thought I was dead because I just stayed there for a minute. I was really embarrassed because of that (mostly because I cried). I asked her when she wants to go out on WhatsApp, and she asked me in what kind of way I meant to go with her, I told her in a date way, and she said this (Google Translate from the original text with some tweaks): "Listen I don't have anything personal against you ok? you know that It's really unrelated to you I'm just not in such a good time and I prefer to concentrate on myself at least during this time and like you know, to be there for myself I less prefer things like dates and such now but if you want we can just meet sometime". Of course, at that moment, I felt like that was the end for me, I was extremely sad. After that, I asked her on WhatsApp to go out with me a few more times (I respected what she said and waited a year, now we're at 9th grade) and she rejected every single time saying she's busy, of course after every rejection I waited a few months. Once I asked her if she remembers the incident from 7th grade and she told me she doesn't. Eventually I gave up, though I still have a crush on her and I think she likes me a bit. It's really subtle, but it's there. I accidentally sent her a happy birthday exactly a month before her birthday, and she said she appreciates the effort, but it's this day the next month. So I told her I'll come back in a month and she said she'll wait. A month later, I sent her a happy birthday message, and she replied with a thank you with a two hearts emoji (this one 💕, I don't know if thats important), and the year before that, she sent me a thank you with this emoji ❣️. A week and a half ago, I sent a cute duck video on the class WhatsApp group at 1 AM and she was the only one to answer, pretty quickly. A week ago, I changed my Discord status to "Speedrunning depression but there is no end" as a joke of course, I don't have depression (at least I don't think so) and she asked me if I was okay. I told her it's a joke and I'm completely fine. She is still in the class Discord I made. I had about 3 dreams about her that I registered in an app called Awoken. I think I said every single thing I could have. Now I'm thinking if once again, I should try asking her out (once the lockdown ends) to a vr place.
submitted by ExoQuartz to Crushes [link] [comments]

Tejinder Singh Sodhi’s Letter on Why He Quit Arnab Goswami’s Republic TV

From: Tejinder Singh Sodhi <…………….@………com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug, 2020, 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: Resignation
To: Honey Kaur <……….@………>
Dear Honey,
Congratulations on your promotion, trust me getting promoted from HR head to Vice President of the company would have been a major achievement if it was not Republic, but in Republic there is only one supreme leader and his wife who micromanage everything, everybody else is a filler irrespective of the designation they hold.
I am telling you this out of my personal experience that everything here starts with Arnab and ends with Goswami, you don’t trust me ask this to the previous HR Head.
Have you ever seen a company where the entire HR team left in a period of just less than three years?
Time is a great teacher and I honestly pray that you don’t have to go through what everyone else who left this company had to go through, but nonetheless my good wishes for your promotion.
I was asleep when I got a call from Arnab’s wife who before the launch of this company was just a bureau reporter at a pro congress newspaper, she told me that she and Arnab were happy with my work and have decided to promote me, I was surprised what does being happy mean, if any promotion has to be given it has to be merit based.
I just wanted to disconnect the phone as the husband and wife kept bragging how kind and generous they were to the staff because at a time when other news outlets were firing people reducing their salaries, they were promoting their staff.
I was told that with the promotion my responsibilities would increase and I can guide the desk how to go on with stories, this was another surprise to me given the fact that this was exactly what I had been doing for the past two years after every sensible person at the desk had said goodbye.
This promotion had a rider and it was that the salary has not been revised for now and it would be done at a later stage, but the supreme leader of republic wanted that we should spread the word as how generous Arnab was to promote the staff. (how should we tell the people as the company had earlier threatened the staff to remove republic from their social media bio), but as you know for him it is image that matters so he wanted me to specially post this on social media.
I did that for a day or two and then after I realized my mistake, I deleted that post.
We all know that Arnab has been making huge money, the people in his cotree also make huge money, but the people who do the actual work are given peanuts.
The entire staff of Republic TV had been anxiously waiting for the past two years to get a salary hike. Two years ago, the process of appraisal was started, forms were submitted but then nobody heard back from them.
While he did not give the staff any hike, he used that money to launch a Hindi Channel and hired new staff for that, the Republic TV Staff was left high and dry.
Back to August this year, when I got the email from you that I have been promoted, I wanted to respond to that email right away but decided to wait for a few days and If you remember it was a few hours prior to my putting up my papers I sent you that email turning down the promotion offer.
If you remember I had mentioned in my resignation that I will send you a detailed mail outlining the reasons for my resignation, so here is that email.
I had never applied for any Job at Republic TV, I was very much happy and satisfied with the company I was previously working with. It was the day of my wedding in 2017 when someone from Arnab’s office called me to say that Arnab wants to talk to me, I was in Gurudwara waiting for my Pheras to start. I thought someone was playing a prank on me so I snubbed him and asked him to call back after a few days.
To my surprise I got the call back in a few days as I was made to speak to Arnab on WhatsApp video call, he was very soft and polite and I too was excited because till date we had seen him on Television and this was for the first time we were speaking to each other.
He shared with me the reason he left Times Now, he said how he was humiliated by the management on various issues and why he was not allowed to enter the studio for a month, he said that he is going to come up with a channel that would dismantle the Times Now empire, a David that would take on the mighty Goliath.
He told me that someone had recommended my name and he was keen to have me in his team. He promised that the Republic would revolutionize the TV news industry in the country and would question the people in power and be a channel that be the voice of the downtrodden, basically it would be a complete news channel.
I told him that I come from Print background and have no experience in Television, he told me that he wants new faces and that Republic would be an organization which would be run by young professionals and his team would be young journalists only.
I can tell you with certainty that he is one of the greatest motivational speakers a man like me who had never thought of joining television decided to join his team. When it came to salary negotiation, he told me that for now as he does not have any money, he will hire me on the same package which I was getting at my previous employer with the assurance that as the company starts making money, he would double my salary. After I resigned my previous editor in chief offered me a hike of 20000 if I don’t leave, but being a man of my principles, I requested him to let me go as I had given the commitment to Arnab.
Today looking back I regret my decision to join the Republic, he did not revolutionize Journalism, but he killed serious Journalism, reduced it to a joke and somewhere I too feel to be accomplice in that crime.
The Channel was launched and in its first week it went number 1 in TRP, we all were happy and excited because it was our hard work, the success did not come cheap our sweat and blood was mixed in it.
I was happy that Arnab would acknowledge the contribution of the team, but it was Arnab everywhere, big hoardings came across the country, only acknowledging Arnab. Don’t trust me see the hoardings that came up in Delhi after the Hindi channel came No 1 in the TRP.
After an initial few weeks, I realized that the Channel was all about Arnab only and he does not believe in team work or team efforts. It took me a few months to realize that for Republic everybody else was just a filler, who fills the vacuum of Arnab’s absence from the screen throughout the day and in the evening the stage is taken over by Arnab.
The realization did come that Arnab is a tree, under which no other tree can grow, because he can never tolerate anybody else becoming the face of the channel. He ensured by various means that everybody in the organization feels that everybody else is his rival.
An incident happened where the Republic team was not allowed to cover the Congress Press Conference in Delhi, we were asked to protest outside the congress office in our respective states by wearing black bands. I was like wait what this is not the job of a journalist to protest against a political party, but we had no option, so everybody did that.
One fine day I get a call from someone on the desk (I won’t name that someone, but he was tortured to such an extent by Arnab that he suffered a major heart attack while sitting in the office) to go and hide near the house of the father of Sunanda Pushkar and then at appropriate time, he would tell me what has to be done.
Why hide? They never trusted their staff, so till last moment we weren’t told anything. I went to the house and suddenly I was told to enter the house and shove the mic in the mouth of Ms Pushkar’s elderly father and force him to blame Shahshi Throor for “killing his daughter”, I tried to do so but when I saw her elderly father, I was in tears, he was weak, was not mentally stable, I told the desk, but they told me that Arnab is furious on me and he wants to get the father on camera to say that Tharoor killed his daughter.
I refused and left the place, not before speaking to their man servant who spoke good about Mr Tharoor and Ms Pushkar’s relationship, but that never went on air.
Next day Arnab called me and shouted like anything, he told me that I had let him down, by not getting the father of Ms Pushkar on camera to blame Mr Tharoor.
This was not the Journalism that I had joined Republic for, reporters were being used to do the hit job on behalf of Arnab.
A reporter in UP was told to get a chase sequence with the then Chief Minister, when he couldn’t he was told to jump the wall of his house to enter the premises and get that done. He said I would be shot by his security; he was pressurized by Arnab’s wife that he resigned the next day.
As the money and power started coming in easy, Arnab became more arrogant and as he did not listen to anybody on TV, he did not even listen to his staff. He started humiliating them, shouting at them, abusing them, even physically assaulting them.
People who had joined him after leaving their well established and well-paying job at the time when Republic had no present and no future, started leaving him, some left because of the humiliation they were being meted out and some left because they realized that it was not the kind of Journalism that they were doing with him.
Slowly everybody started leaving, first it was the Reporter from Uttar Pradesh he was followed by the one from MP, then West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Bangalore and every other bureau resigned because of the editorial policies.
When I speak to them, they say that we joined the Republic to do real Journalism and not to be stooges of a particular political party and do “hit job” on those who don’t agree with that political party.
They all realized that Arnab was using his two channels to settle his personal scores with his previous employers, his former colleagues and everybody else who disagreed with his shouting bouts
Almost all leading anchors of Republic left, we still remember how one of the best anchors was dragged out of the studio humiliated, he never returned.
The people who were in his core team, who were known to be the right hand and mind of Arnab left him, they all are doing great in their professional life. They all decided not to disclose why they left the Republic, in the words of a former anchor, “he has the platform to build a fake narrative against you”.
That someone who had recommended my name was Mr Aditya Raj Kaul, who had met me a couple of times in Jammu and had seen me work. Aditya Raj Kaul was the man behind several exclusive stories on Times Now and then in Republic, when Aditya and I covered the Sunjwa terror attack, I saw how well connected this man was.
Arnab was lucky to have him in his team, for the full day it was Aditya who was on the television, from breaking news inputs to exclusive stories to interviews it was Mr Kaul on Republic. We used to joke about that Arnab should rename the Republic TVT as Aditya TV, Arnab was not doing any favor to him, but it was that every single story was being broken by Aditya. He was the backbone of the network, but one fine day we came to know that Aditya has resigned, till date I exactly don’t know what happened between Aditya and Arnab but given now we know Arnab well, it could be anybody’s guess, why he left.
Arnab being what he is could have never tolerated Aditya over growing him, hence Aditya’s exit from the network.
After Aditya’s exit, the backbone of the channel was broken, we all tried to take the burden but it was really hard for the entire team to fit in his shoes. We tried our best but Arnab never acknowledged that.
Let me take the liberty of taking a few more names, of all who left before you even joined.
Snehesh Alex Philip, is one of the well-known defense journalists of the country, before joining Republic he was the Pakistan correspondent of the premier Indian News Agency, he left Republic because of Arnab Goswami’s biased editorial policies and Arnab’s behavior towards the staff, even today reporters at Republic lift points from the copies of Snehesh.
Hari Haran used to be the Star Anchor of South India before joining Republic, he left in a span of a few months and the reason for him leaving is anybody’s guess.
So far in my life I haven’t come across a man who is as soft spoken and so dedicated to his work as Parikshit Luthra, we all know why he left. Today he is doing amazing work.
Sakal Bhat, who was the prime-time anchor at Doordarshan for 17 long years joined republic, but as Arnab cannot tolerate anybody to overgrown him, he can never tolerate that anybody else had the fan follower more than him, so she was cut to size. She left and once again joined DoorDarshan, today again she is a Prime-Time anchor there.
Pooja Prasana who left Times Now to Join Republic with Arnab, helped this company grow, she left her family for several weeks to help Arnab set up the studio in Mumbai, she worked day and night but today she is no longer with Republic, I again leave it for you to guess the reason.
Prema Sridevi who was once considered as the backbone of the network had to leave this organization, I still remember that during one conference call before the launch of the channel, Arnab told the team that he was nothing without Prema.
The list is endless, and everybody will find mention in my book soon. Will send you the first copy promise.
As I write this I have come to know that several people have put up their papers in the past one week, as they were humiliated for not getting Rhea Chakraborty’s interview.
While Arnab tried to maintain a moral high ground on TV against the rival channel for airing Rhea’s interview, he humiliated and harassed his own reporters for not getting her for the interview.
While today Arnab claims that Republic is the biggest network in the country, the reality is that they don’t have a single reporter in most of the states and in those states where people have resigned, no professional journalist is willing to join.
In Delhi you don’t have beat reporters as nobody is willing to join, a crime reporter who cannot differentiate between the Airforce and Navy uniform is covering defense for them. He became webkoof when he aired a two years old footage of the story that I had reported at that time and then he blamed the army for giving that fake video. He even shared a fake screenshot to show that a senior army officer had given the video to him.
For past few days Arnab has been shouting about Nepotism, but I maintain that he should be the last person to do so, his wife (whose only qualification is that she is Arnab’s wife) is heading the operations of both the channels, one of his close stooges who has been recently promoted as Executed Editor News, his wife who was research assistant has been made the Head of Digital Desk (because she is native of the place from where Arnab’s wife is), another man who is now promoted as Senior Associate editor and covers defense his wife is made input head of Hindi channel and her job is to keep an eye on the staff in Noida office and inform Arnab and his wife as who is sitting on his desk and who is not, so Arnab should stop lecturing people about nepotism.
Things were a bit different for me, as my only job was to target and speak against Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti which I did, my job to ensure to project them as anti-national and find fault in whatever they say, I did handle it very well.
As I wasn’t comfortable speaking lies I changed my focus to defense as defense had always been my forte and I did many exclusive stories as well, but many senior officers used to tell me Tejinder you are a right person in a wrong company.
I am a married man, with a daughter and a family to feed, every month I had many EMIs staring at me, so I had to kill my principles to work with Arnab, knowing very well that it is not the Journalism that we are practicing in Republic.
The final nail in the coffin happened on August 5, when the interview for which I had been trying for months together was handed over to another reporter because he belongs to the region where from Arnab’s wife is and that this Reporter helped Arnab to hush up the case of abetment to suicide for which he is facing an FIR in Mumbai.
Arnab called me soon after his show and started shouting and abusing, but now my tolerance had reached its precipice and I had to give it back to him in the same language with the same vocabulary, maybe with some extra words in Pure Punjabi which he will remember throughout his life.
He gave the platform to a motormouth to abuse their fellow panelists, Arnab calls his staff a “piece of Sh\t” uses cuss words like MF and SF for them, so I thought it was opportune time to give him the taste of his own medicine.*
Trust me from the day I resigned, everybody with whom I once worked or those who still work with Arnab have congratulated me and thanked me for being their voice. You know that some have resigned and some will leave soon.
Arnab in the name of hiring young talent is exploiting them, giving them peanuts in the name of job, he is hiring young college graduates or people with zero editorial understanding at the desk, so that there is nobody to speak or challenge his editorial policies, which are dictated by the WhatsApp messages from a particular political party.
Arnab has broken several Labor laws because he hired us for Republic TV (English Channel) then we were forced to work for Hindi channel also and then the dictate came that if you won’t contribute x number of stories a week for the digital desk your salary would be deducted, this threat was against the labour laws as this clause finds no mention in the contract that we signed while joining Republic, even HR team which sent this note can be taken to court of law over this harassment.
Arnab has no empathy for his staff, as he forced them to come out in the field even if their areas were declared as containment zones, I know how difficult and dangerous it was, but we did follow his dictate.
I have the company Laptop with me and having been witness to how this company does. not settle the dues of the former employees, I will hand over the laptop only once you settled my dues, give me NOC and a relieving letter and if it’s not done in next 20 days I will have no other option but to move to the labour court.
Though I know that Arnab is a vindictive man and would try his level best to sabotage my career and my future prospects to find a job, but someone had to speak against him, I decided why not that someone should be me. At least by speaking against this man’s exploitation of more youth would stop, those who dream to join Journalism in the hope of doing quality stuff end up with being bonded labourers.
I also want to put this on record that if anything bad happens to me or my family, any accident, anything untoward happens to me or my family, Arnab and his wife is to be held responsible for the same. I will be giving this undertaking to my local police station soon.
BTW Honey Kour, I wish you best of luck and pray that you don’t have to face what the previous HR head had to go through.
Tejinder Singh Sodhi
Former Bureau Head Republic TV
Now a Free man
submitted by rakesh_rkr to india [link] [comments]

Are my friends annoyed by me?

This is a long post, so sorry in advance. And I'm sorry if my english isn't good and this isn't easy to understand.
My (16) friends L (16) and P (16) wanted to get a piercing. P got one with two other friends, and L wanted to get an ear-piercing together with P. P asked me if I wanted to come too, so I asked L if she would like it if I would come with them. Obviously, she didn’t want me together with them (it wasn’t only this time, I think she generally didn’t like me to be with them). Another day, in the summer break, P, L, Y (16) and I met each other in the city. P asked Y if she wanted to come get the piercing with L, and L I think didn’t like that either. And Y said yes.
One time, when we went home from school by train Y said that she, P, L and Y’s best friend were going to get the piercing for L. I asked her if I could come too, because P had asked me before Y and now, without telling me, they changed plans, but Y said no because of Corona.
In the beginning of the autumn break, I met up with P. We talked about different things and one of them was the person I really hated (the person is probably jealous of me and tries to manipulate me the whole time, even in front of others). P said she actually liked that girl, because the girl was nice to her and P also said that the girl wouldn’t say anything against her due to respecting her I guess (I think it’s something like when someone bows for the king but spits on a waiter). I told her the things that girl does to me, and she said she gets confused because for her, the girl is very nice.
On my way home, I tried telling P that I got really hurt, when they forgot about me because of the piercing and she acted very understanding because L was ignoring her at the moment, but still kept interrupting me, so I couldn’t say more than ‘do you remember when you got L’s piercing together with Y?’ Before a Halloween ‘party’ (it wasn’t really a party, there were only 5 or so people there, including me), Y’s mental health wasn’t good. And at the party, she was really distant towards me and acted as if she didn’t like me at all anymore. She gave me the feeling as if I was annoying even though I acted the same as always.
After the party, L told me that she got her piercing together with P and Y.
That was the time, when my mental health was bad again, so I blocked everyone on WhatsApp and on Instagram. P asked me via SnapChat if I was okay and I said no, she asked me what was wrong, and I didn’t want to tell her again that I got hurt by them forgetting about me, so I sent her a songtext in which was the line “tell them how I feel, but they don’t wanna change; tell them how I feel but they remain the same” (it was kind of hidden though, because it was a big paragraph, about 50 words). P asked me if she can do anything for me and I said that I didn’t know if I wanted to have company or alone time, so she left me alone. Y felt good again, which I recognised by her snaps (they weren’t so distant anymore) and right before an English exam when I was in the train to go to school with her, she talked to me like usual, but I tried to avoid her to not annoy her. And one time when we were waiting twice for the train (to go to school and home again), Pia acted as if I wasn’t even here. She didn’t even greet me. I just walked away, and when we were going home, L was the only one who saw that I wasn’t here anymore, the others continued as if I had never been there in the first place. They didn’t even look at me while I was walking away, not even while I was here. I don’t want to keep begging for friendship. I now removed P from my friends list on Snapchat (I removed L a long time ago also because I thought she hated me, but she doesn’t blame me for removing her) and thinking about how to keep going with our friendship. I feel so invisible next to them and I can’t talk to them about it because they keep interrupting me. (Plus, P didn’t ask me to meet up with her since the beginning of summer break, and even back then she asked me because when I asked her, she had to decline because of no time. So, I have been the one asking to meet up since half a year or so. She once asked if she could spend the break in school with me, but only because L had avoided her for some reason) The other times we met was because Y had asked to meet us at the same time with L for her birthday ‘party‘ which was also attended by 6 people. I know that P didn’t want to meet up with me because of Corona, because she meets other people and she isn’t scared of getting Corona (she does keep her mask on tho).
I also know that I have changed lately, because I felt like I was annoying everyone, and everyone seemed so pissed when I tried to talk to them, so I started avoiding them. Maybe I was in some way an asshole (with my jokes or generally my personality), and I should apologize for blocking them and try to ask them again what the reason is that they were acting that way? I kind of kept begging for friendship my whole life and now, I finally want to stand up for myself and don’t know if I turned into an asshole or if they don’t like me or anything. I know that this made my trust issues definitely worse and I can’t talk about it to my therapist because she wouldn’t understand (I don’t have many ways to get to a therapist in my country, so changing her would be a huge problem with many other people included, who already are pissed at me for fighting to get a therapist).
I also haven’t talked to them in two weeks or so. It’s as if we have never known each other, so I don’t think I really mattered to them anyways. Maybe I’m just seeking attention and they get annoyed by my attention seeking?
submitted by paulguenter to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

The 15 WhatsApp tricks you should know

The 15 WhatsApp tricks you should know
At this point in the movie, it is not surprising that WhatsApp is the most popular instant messaging application in the world, currently having more than 1,500 million users, 25 million of them in Spain alone.
It was born more than ten years ago, although it was not until 2010 that it began to resemble the application we know today. Since then, it has undergone several reconversions with each update, adding more and more features, some of which are not as visible or as well known. Therefore, below, we have collected 15 WhatsApp tricks that will probably make your life easier.


We are talking about the two blue angles that have been tormenting users of the messaging platform since 2014. Causes of arguments, misunderstandings and the occasional divorce, there is a way to end them. Silver bullets or stakes are not necessary, WhatsApp itself allows it, although the sneak is activated by default.
All you have to do is go to Settings (on Android it is accessed by pressing the three dots that appear in the upper right corner), select Account and press Privacy. Once inside this section, deactivating the Read confirmation box will be enough to end this 'bad'.
Although, it is not all good news. In groups they will appear, but in gray, also this deactivation does not affect the audios. People who send a WhatsApp audio to a user with this function deactivated will know that they heard it, both by the double check and by the point that marks the beginning of the audio, which will go from gray to 'telltale' blue.


In a world that increasingly dispenses with paper, things like keeping your shopping list by hand have been digitized. Yes, there are a thousand applications to create lists and notes, but there is nothing more comfortable than taking all those small notes of daily life in the application that, with total security, we use more times during the day.
We can use the chat of a person who blocked us as a notepad. Ex-boyfriend: -Buy lactose-free milk, jam, toilet paper. Buy a gift for granny's birthday. Don't let anyone tell you that you don't know how to take advantage of a breakup, that is.
If no one has ever blocked us (or you are an amazing person or a manual sociopath), we have a more ethical option, our own chat. How? Yes, a chat with our own number, something like the conversations between Gollum and Smeagol from 'The Lord of the Rings' but without unique rings in between.
Enjoying this function is as easy as adding your phone number as a contact, creating a new chat and searching for you on the WhatsApp list, a treasure trove of information.


Despite being one of the simplest tricks, it is also one of the most unknown. How many times have you observed people approaching the speaker at the bottom of the mobile to their ear to listen to an audio. If we want to prevent half the city from listening to our conversations, it is enough to bring the mobile phone to the ear. As you hear it. As soon as the proximity sensor detects the proximity of the phone to the face, the audio starts to play automatically on the speaker for calls, so only you will hear it.


Emoticons were born to express complex feelings in a summarized way. Thanks to the imagination, which is one of the most important abilities of Homo sapiens, linked to creativity, the use of these characters has become a form of communication worldwide spread that, in addition, does not understand languages ​​(they could already have occurred during the construction of the Tower of Babel).
During the first years of the application, the emoticons were the same size as the plain text, something that has fortunately changed with the latest updates, allowing us to appreciate the details of the poop with eyes, the moon with the smile of Mona Lisa or the three monkeys from the Toshogu shrine (covering eyes, mouth and ears).
To see them with the maximum size they have to be sent one at a time, if we send two at a time they will look somewhat smaller, so on until sending four or more in a row, then they will have text size.


There are people who stayed in times of the SMS language: 'tb' instead of also, '+' for more or 'tkm' for I love you very much. The escomia of language is no longer necessary to protect the pocketbook. On WhatsApp, unlike in the publishing world, you don't pay for words.
This paradigm brings us to the second type of people. Those that do not forgive a comma or a tilde (even the only one), that separate the information into paragraphs and do not send every three words. Those writers who would deserve the chair of the W (of WhatsApp) in the Royal Spanish Academy, who should be owners of an editorial group or the next Cervantes. For the latter, the application offers the possibility of making bold, italic, strikethrough and even monospaced.
If you want to write in italics, place an underscore before and after the text. (_text_).
If you want to make something bold, just put an asterisk before and after the text. (*text*).
To strike out the text, put a tilde before and after the text. (~ text ~).
In the case of monospaced, three inverted quotes must be placed before and after the text. (`` `text```).


Along with memes, interacting based on gifs (small animated clips, without sound and played in a loop) has become a new form of communication that is essential for new generations. Like many other functions, it appeared first on Telegram and later was added to WhatsApp. To start using it there are several ways.
First, sharing the gifs from the Gallery, which requires having previously downloaded it. You can also do a DIY ('Do it yourself', do it yourself in English) and make one from a video. At the time of sending it, in the application itself it will leave the option of 'Gif' as long as it is selected, dragging in the WhatsApp editor, a fragment of four seconds.
Another option would be through the Google keyboard, which has an integrated gifs search engine, or by pressing the emoji of the happy face, with which the menus of emoticons, gifs and stickers will be displayed (to send stickers).


One of the first steps after registering in the application is choosing a profile photo, the status and the name that will be shown to those who do not have our number on the agenda. If we use WhatsApp professionally, that is, for work, a profile photo of canes or a state that is a joke about the Móstoles empanadillas or a "digamelon" is not very serious.
This will no longer be a headache since it is also another of the application's customizations, which allows, through the Settings-Account-Privacy menu, to choose who sees this information, for everyone, for our contacts or hidden.


For the most 'stalkers' or gossips, there is the possibility of knowing who received the message that we send in a group and which people read it. You just have to press the message (be it text, video, audio or photo), select the three points and press 'Info'.
This information may be poisoned, if the chat is very crowded, it may be that the user has opened the chat, without specifically reading our message, but it would still be indicated as read.


Another of the less known, but more useful, functions of the application is the possibility of marking photos, videos, messages or any element that appears in a chat as a favorite. In this way, conversations can be somewhat more organized, being able to separate important elements from more banal messages such as "I buy bread" or "it's raining in my neighborhood."
To highlight an element of the conversation, it is only necessary to click on it, then several icons will appear at the top: an arrow to the left that serves to quote the text that is answered in the conversation, a star to mark as favorite, a garbage can that is effectively to delete the message, three connected nodes to share outside the application and a right arrow that serves to forward to another WhatsApp contact.
Indeed, the icon that matters to us now is the star. After pressing it, we will see how an animation of a star appears in the chat. It should be noted that this action is reversible and any element can be unchecked.
To consult the saved elements of a chat there are two ways. From the main menu, where all conversations are seen, if we press again on settings, we can access all the highlighted messages. Then, from each conversation, by pressing on the user's name, we will access the highlighted messages of that specific chat. In both cases, the items will be displayed in reverse chronological order to which we have marked them as favorites.


As in some social networks such as Instagram, if we are using the integrated camera function within WhatsApp, to change from the front camera to the rear camera or vice versa, simply press twice on the screen quickly.
There is a button for this function in the lower right corner, but if we use the mobile with one hand, this shortcut ends up being useful and indispensable.


After the update that added the ability to remove the blue double check, the delete messages feature is the next most popular. Attention because it can lead to confusion.
To delete a sent message, just press and mark the trash, then several possibilities will appear: Delete for me (we stop seeing the message but it does appear in the other person's conversation), cancel (to go back) and Delete to all, a function that marked a before and after in the use of the application, allowing you to delete that lag photo that you shared in a work group or that green joke that you forwarded to the "Family" group.
WhatsApp does not allow this second chance long for each message, so hurry to use it if you sent what it was not. Also, replacing the deleted, a "message deleted" notification will appear. The app is a tip but it's still better than nothing.
You can also delete the messages received, it can be in order to have your mobile checked, something that should not happen under any circumstances, due to the right to privacy. Be careful, if it is for a legal issue, even if the message is erased, the police can ask the companies for full conversations through the courts.


They gave us the address of that restaurant awarded by the Metropolis Guide, but looking for it in a sea of ​​memes and humorous comments is an Odyssey. WhatsApp has thought about this and has a solution, the option to search.
You can search within a specific chat, selecting the three adjustment points, marking the Search option and typing in a word that can accompany the desired message.
Another option is from the general menu, by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, yes, this search is general, although it indicates to which chat each search corresponds.


This function is very useful for answering specific questions. If we want to reply to a specific received message, just slide your finger to the right over the received (or sent) message, and the reply window will immediately appear just below it and attached to a box with the quoted text.


It may happen that we are busy cooking or doing some botch at home, with the result of not being able to pick up the mobile with our hands to answer. Fortunately, assistants like Google allow you to answer and send messages through voice commands.
First of all, what we must do is activate the Google assistant with the voice command "Ok, Google". Then, we will indicate by voice command to whom we want to send the message ("send a WhatsApp to Mom"), always using the name by which we have the contact saved on the phone. Then, the assistant will open a dictation window to collect the words that we are dictating to it. Once we finish, we can confirm the shipment, re-dictate the message or cancel the entire operation.


One of the most demanded functions is already here, that of putting WhatsApp in dark mode, it uses less battery and our eyes will appreciate it. To replace the nuclear white in the background of the application, you just have to go to General Settings, Chats and in Theme, we can change from light to dark, very easy.
submitted by Tech_Glitch to whatsapp [link] [comments]

TIFU by getting a new puppy

So, first of all, this happened a few weeks ago, but two days ago I realized the FU.
I (34f) got a new puppy a few weeks ago. This is the first necessary info. What else might be important for the story ? I work in an international Company where we speak english most of the time, but on my PC and my Smartphone I have my native language Auto correct which fucks up a lot of Texts. Like this one here with random caps. Usually I double check my Messages and Texts. Some of you might now even know where this is leading.
I am Kind of a Mentor for some Trainees in our Company and I have to organize their work schedules.
This summer we got a new Trainee (21m) which is really a nice and talented guy. To be honest, he is cute and well educated, but he is too Young for me and I would never date someone from the Company. But maybe I was a Little !!!! bit flirty around him sometimes. Maybe I was bit nicer as usual to him. But nothing obvious or offensive !
I knew that he was new to town so showed him around the area of our Office Building and invited him to join our Company Fitness Center for some Training sometimes. I dont do this for everyone, but this was still on a professional base and I never invited him in private or something like that.
So a few weeks ago I got a new puppy and all my Office mates loved to see Pictures of him and some other People from the neighbour Offices asked me for Pictures. It went around the whole Building pretty fast that I had a new sweet puppy and I told them I will bring it to the Office soon so they can see him. Most times I referred to him as "it", because of the Translation from my native language this makes more sense.
Well this guy my Trainee, lets call him "Steve" messaged me in WhatsApp (we use WhatsApp on our Company phones) to ask for his next weekly schedule. So I sent him a Picture of it and realized he hasnt seen Pictures of the puppy so far, but I was sure he heard about the puppy like 99% of my coworkers did. So I jokingly asked him if he wants to see some pics, which he declined. I thought nothing about it, maybe he favours cats or whatever.
So monday I got a call from HR, that they Need to speak with me. I was confused and went to their Office.
Arriving there, they told me that we have a serious case here and that this is the first time that they are calling in a women for sexual harassment. I was in total disbelieve and had a WTF!? moment. I never harassed anyone. What the fuck was going on ?
I asked them whats going on and they told me, that I dont even Need to deny it, because they have all Chat protocols and it is a clear case. Chat protocols ? Please what ?
So now I will recreate here what the protocoll basically said:
Steve: Hi XXX, can you please send me the schedule for next week ? :)
Me: Hi Steve, of Course I will send it to you asap.
Me: Do you want to see some pics of my pussy as well ? You might like it :) [Dont ask me what autocorrect did here]
Me: Let me know if you have questions.
Steve: Thank you. And sorry no, dont want any pics.
Me: No worries.
..... so that was basically the first thing...
Next day we are done with work and I ask him (and some other co workers) if they wanna join for some Fitness Training. Steve said no thanks. I jokingly said to him, that I will remember that and that he declined my Pictures yesterday. I then twinked to him, still joking around and said something like: "As you declined pics of it, you are not allowed to touch it" with a big smile on my face. (Yep, thats a bad wording, as I said I am not a native Speaker).
He was looking a bit baffled and insecure, but I still not knew why. He then said something like "Nah I have a girlfriend" and smiled doing so.
It still not hit me and I thought it was just the usual "I have a girlfriend/boyfriend meme". You know when the bartender asks "What do you wanna drink ?" And the Girl answers "Sorry I have a boyfriend".
I still went on joking and said with even some dirty smiling "Well, she doesnt Need to know about it". This was totally meant as joke to his girlfriend joke. At least I understood it as a joke at this Point.
He said he had to go now and I wished him a nice evening. Still not thought much about it. The next days in the Office we hadnt much contact which is not unusual.
I still havent brought my puppy to the Office, because he is still very shy and I will wait a few weeks before my coworkers can pet him.
So he must have thought that I was totally going sexually on him. I feel so fucking bad now. I mean what are the chances for such a bullshit ????
So yeah all of this brought me to HR this week. Me asking him to touch my pussy and saying his girlfriend doesnt Need to know was likely too much for him and he reported it. I am not mad at him, because I got really harassed from a boss 10 years ago and know how shitty it is.
I explained them the whole Situation. They called Steve in and I explained it to him as well and said that I am so so sorry for this misunderstanding.
After showing them actualy pics of my PUPPY they believed me and I was good to go.
TLDR: Asked my Trainee if he wants to see pics of my pussy, while acutally meaning my puppy. He declined and I told him that in this cas he is not allowed to touch it. Got called in to HR for sexual harassment.
submitted by Throwyyyy90 to tifu [link] [comments]

How to work on developing a relationship with my extended family when I [20F] find the language barrier really embarrassing??

My mom is french, but my dad is American so I was born and raised in the US. I do speak French pretty fluently and I used to spend most of my summers there but I’ve been less and less frequently as I’ve gotten older. Because of Covid the last time I went was summer 2019.
When we were kids my cousins and I got along so well. We would play for hours and always be giggling, stuff like that. I guess that’s pretty normal for kids when you’re young. My uncle is also an amazing guy, he is a classic fun uncle, a huge jokester and so so sweet, I love him so much and I really like his girlfriend too and my cousins’ mom who he is still good friends with. They are all really my type of people if that makes sense. Common values and lifestyle and all that. The thing is I feel like I never did my part to maintain an independent relationship with any of them outside of my mom’s relationship with them. When I was younger we used to go frequently and it would always sort of click when I was back there, plus whenever my mom would call them she would pass them to me, I would chat with them, stuff like that. But as we go less and less frequently, and I am away from home at college most of the time, I’m not there when my mom calls them and I just never got in the habit of calling them on my own, Ive noticed I have pretty much no relationship with them. We do still have fun when I’m there but it can be kind of awkward, i just feel like they really don’t know me. It’s hard because over the years I’ve kept my accent and strong basic vocabulary, i still consider myself fluent, but I just don’t feel like I can express myself properly in extended conversations. I don’t have the vocabulary a young French person has, I don’t know slang, I struggle to make jokes, tell stories, stuff like that. I always feel so anxious that I’m coming off as super boring, lame, dumb, etc, that I end up just clamming up and getting too in my head to really bond with any of them. It sucks because my cousins know some English from school but never seem to want to speak it with me or try to do their part to overcome the language barrier. That being said though it’s definitely me who has sort of failed in my relationships with them. My cousins and uncle have tried messaging me on various apps over the years like snap and WhatsApp but I usually do a really shitty job responding bc again I’m insecure, feel like there’s a lot of disconnect and it makes me anxious so I don’t answer fast or sometimes at all and it has never led to consistent communication. At this point if I were to message them, I wouldn’t even know what to say, I don’t know what’s going on in their lives or what we could connect on. I also feel so guilty that I’ve passed up all these times they’ve initiated contact with me over the years.
My grandma is a whole different story. She is such a smart woman and had a really interesting life but I never got to know her all that well. Talking to her always felt like talking to an old teacher or something like that, it was never really that personal or warm. Nowadays she is really deteriorating in health and though she’s still pretty sharp it’s a lot harder logistically because she doesn’t hear as well, speak as clearly, stuff like that. She doesn’t have a lot going on because she’s in a nursing home so I always feel like I’ll have to do most of the talking and it makes me so anxious and makes me avoid calling her.
I know all these excuses are dumb. I’ve seen plenty of people brazenly forge past language barriers and manage to communicate so well, be so animated and charismatic when working with so little vocab or skills. Meanwhile I am complaining about my inability to communicate with a language I am literally fluent in. Any advice on how I get past all these hang ups and anxiety and guilt and just focus on reconnecting?
submitted by camc137 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

Should I cut my friend out of my life?

I don't know how to handle this situation. And its a long post..
Some shit went down between my cousin (let's call her C) and her best friend (let's call het M); M also works for C. I would also consider M is as a close friend.
About 6 months ago C left her husband and moved in with her parents. During that time it was heavy lockdown and safety regulations so I didn't see her much and other stuff between us happend but thats not important right now.
M had been talking to C's soon to be ex-husband (lets call him J). C knew about it and just bared with it. To hurt C, J sent her the WhatsApp chat of J and M talking about C. These are messages from middle March till end of Sept.
M said horrible stuff about my cousin and how she is a terrible boss and just judging her about everything. C showed me two instances and eventhough the text style and language were M's. It just didn't seem like her AT ALL. In the past M did vent with me about my cousin and work stuff and asked for advice but she never badmouthed C.
C did confront M about the messages and M quit her job and blamed everyone else and didn't take responsibility for her actions (according to C). I am not sure about M's employment contract so I don't know till when she will be working there.
C and I have supported M through so much shit, heartbreak, mental health stuff etc and vice versa. I am mad at J for sharing a private conversation to C just based on principle.
M have been in my life for about 5 years and I am so conflicted. On the one hand I am so disappointed in what she did and want to write her off. On the other hand if I speak to M to hear her side I am afraid that C might think I am picking sides. Even if I were to pick a side it will always skew towards C because she is family.
I don't know if I am experiencing the start of mourning a friendship (5 stages of grief). M got me a few stuff over the years for my birthday and it's in my room and I can't look at it without feeling betrayed. Both of them are hairdressers and M usually does my mom's hair so they have a good relationship as well.
I have so many good memories of me and M just talking, making jokes, sharing advice, partying, etc.
Also, I am having the feeling of 'not my monkey, not my circus' and what is happening between them doesn't have anything to do with me. C is so hurt because she confined in M about issues in C's marriage and her depression. I don't know what to say to C or what to do. I haven't talked to M at all since I found out.
Any advice?
Ps. Please excuse any spelling/grammar errors. English is my second language
submitted by mrsjackfrost to Advice [link] [comments]

Tejinder Singh Sodhi's letter on why he quit Arnab Goswami's Republic TV

Source -
From: Tejinder Singh Sodhi <…………….@………com>
Date: Sun, 30 Aug, 2020, 9:19 pm
Subject: Re: Resignation
To: Honey Kaur <……….@………>
Dear Honey,
Congratulations on your promotion, trust me getting promoted from HR head to Vice President of the company would have been a major achievement if it was not Republic, but in Republic there is only one supreme leader and his wife who micromanage everything, everybody else is a filler irrespective of the designation they hold.
I am telling you this out of my personal experience that everything here starts with Arnab and ends with Goswami, you don’t trust me ask this to the previous HR Head.
Have you ever seen a company where the entire HR team left in a period of just less than three years?
Time is a great teacher and I honestly pray that you don’t have to go through what everyone else who left this company had to go through, but nonetheless my good wishes for your promotion.
I was asleep when I got a call from Arnab’s wife who before the launch of this company was just a bureau reporter at a pro congress newspaper, she told me that she and Arnab were happy with my work and have decided to promote me, I was surprised what does being happy mean, if any promotion has to be given it has to be merit based.
I just wanted to disconnect the phone as the husband and wife kept bragging how kind and generous they were to the staff because at a time when other news outlets were firing people reducing their salaries, they were promoting their staff.
I was told that with the promotion my responsibilities would increase and I can guide the desk how to go on with stories, this was another surprise to me given the fact that this was exactly what I had been doing for the past two years after every sensible person at the desk had said goodbye.
This promotion had a rider and it was that the salary has not been revised for now and it would be done at a later stage, but the supreme leader of republic wanted that we should spread the word as how generous Arnab was to promote the staff. (how should we tell the people as the company had earlier threatened the staff to remove republic from their social media bio), but as you know for him it is image that matters so he wanted me to specially post this on social media.
I did that for a day or two and then after I realized my mistake, I deleted that post.
We all know that Arnab has been making huge money, the people in his cotree also make huge money, but the people who do the actual work are given peanuts.
The entire staff of Republic TV had been anxiously waiting for the past two years to get a salary hike. Two years ago, the process of appraisal was started, forms were submitted but then nobody heard back from them.
While he did not give the staff any hike, he used that money to launch a Hindi Channel and hired new staff for that, the Republic TV Staff was left high and dry.
Back to August this year, when I got the email from you that I have been promoted, I wanted to respond to that email right away but decided to wait for a few days and If you remember it was a few hours prior to my putting up my papers I sent you that email turning down the promotion offer.
If you remember I had mentioned in my resignation that I will send you a detailed mail outlining the reasons for my resignation, so here is that email.
I had never applied for any Job at Republic TV, I was very much happy and satisfied with the company I was previously working with. It was the day of my wedding in 2017 when someone from Arnab’s office called me to say that Arnab wants to talk to me, I was in Gurudwara waiting for my Pheras to start. I thought someone was playing a prank on me so I snubbed him and asked him to call back after a few days.
To my surprise I got the call back in a few days as I was made to speak to Arnab on WhatsApp video call, he was very soft and polite and I too was excited because till date we had seen him on Television and this was for the first time we were speaking to each other.
He shared with me the reason he left Times Now, he said how he was humiliated by the management on various issues and why he was not allowed to enter the studio for a month, he said that he is going to come up with a channel that would dismantle the Times Now empire, a David that would take on the mighty Goliath.
He told me that someone had recommended my name and he was keen to have me in his team. He promised that the Republic would revolutionize the TV news industry in the country and would question the people in power and be a channel that be the voice of the downtrodden, basically it would be a complete news channel.
I told him that I come from Print background and have no experience in Television, he told me that he wants new faces and that Republic would be an organization which would be run by young professionals and his team would be young journalists only.
I can tell you with certainty that he is one of the greatest motivational speakers a man like me who had never thought of joining television decided to join his team. When it came to salary negotiation, he told me that for now as he does not have any money, he will hire me on the same package which I was getting at my previous employer with the assurance that as the company starts making money, he would double my salary. After I resigned my previous editor in chief offered me a hike of 20000 if I don’t leave, but being a man of my principles, I requested him to let me go as I had given the commitment to Arnab.
Today looking back I regret my decision to join the Republic, he did not revolutionize Journalism, but he killed serious Journalism, reduced it to a joke and somewhere I too feel to be accomplice in that crime.
The Channel was launched and in its first week it went number 1 in TRP, we all were happy and excited because it was our hard work, the success did not come cheap our sweat and blood was mixed in it.
I was happy that Arnab would acknowledge the contribution of the team, but it was Arnab everywhere, big hoardings came across the country, only acknowledging Arnab. Don’t trust me see the hoardings that came up in Delhi after the Hindi channel came No 1 in the TRP.
After an initial few weeks, I realized that the Channel was all about Arnab only and he does not believe in team work or team efforts. It took me a few months to realize that for Republic everybody else was just a filler, who fills the vacuum of Arnab’s absence from the screen throughout the day and in the evening the stage is taken over by Arnab.
The realization did come that Arnab is a tree, under which no other tree can grow, because he can never tolerate anybody else becoming the face of the channel. He ensured by various means that everybody in the organization feels that everybody else is his rival.
An incident happened where the Republic team was not allowed to cover the Congress Press Conference in Delhi, we were asked to protest outside the congress office in our respective states by wearing black bands. I was like wait what this is not the job of a journalist to protest against a political party, but we had no option, so everybody did that.
One fine day I get a call from someone on the desk (I won’t name that someone, but he was tortured to such an extent by Arnab that he suffered a major heart attack while sitting in the office) to go and hide near the house of the father of Sunanda Pushkar and then at appropriate time, he would tell me what has to be done.
Why hide? They never trusted their staff, so till last moment we weren’t told anything. I went to the house and suddenly I was told to enter the house and shove the mic in the mouth of Ms Pushkar’s elderly father and force him to blame Shahshi Throor for “killing his daughter”, I tried to do so but when I saw her elderly father, I was in tears, he was weak, was not mentally stable, I told the desk, but they told me that Arnab is furious on me and he wants to get the father on camera to say that Tharoor killed his daughter.
I refused and left the place, not before speaking to their man servant who spoke good about Mr Tharoor and Ms Pushkar’s relationship, but that never went on air.
Next day Arnab called me and shouted like anything, he told me that I had let him down, by not getting the father of Ms Pushkar on camera to blame Mr Tharoor.
This was not the Journalism that I had joined Republic for, reporters were being used to do the hit job on behalf of Arnab.
A reporter in UP was told to get a chase sequence with the then Chief Minister, when he couldn’t he was told to jump the wall of his house to enter the premises and get that done. He said I would be shot by his security; he was pressurized by Arnab’s wife that he resigned the next day.
As the money and power started coming in easy, Arnab became more arrogant and as he did not listen to anybody on TV, he did not even listen to his staff. He started humiliating them, shouting at them, abusing them, even physically assaulting them.
People who had joined him after leaving their well established and well-paying job at the time when Republic had no present and no future, started leaving him, some left because of the humiliation they were being meted out and some left because they realized that it was not the kind of Journalism that they were doing with him.
Slowly everybody started leaving, first it was the Reporter from Uttar Pradesh he was followed by the one from MP, then West Bengal, Rajasthan, Chandigarh, Bangalore and every other bureau resigned because of the editorial policies.
When I speak to them, they say that we joined the Republic to do real Journalism and not to be stooges of a particular political party and do “hit job” on those who don’t agree with that political party.
They all realized that Arnab was using his two channels to settle his personal scores with his previous employers, his former colleagues and everybody else who disagreed with his shouting bouts
Almost all leading anchors of Republic left, we still remember how one of the best anchors was dragged out of the studio humiliated, he never returned.
The people who were in his core team, who were known to be the right hand and mind of Arnab left him, they all are doing great in their professional life. They all decided not to disclose why they left the Republic, in the words of a former anchor, “he has the platform to build a fake narrative against you”.
That someone who had recommended my name was Mr Aditya Raj Kaul, who had met me a couple of times in Jammu and had seen me work. Aditya Raj Kaul was the man behind several exclusive stories on Times Now and then in Republic, when Aditya and I covered the Sunjwa terror attack, I saw how well connected this man was.
Arnab was lucky to have him in his team, for the full day it was Aditya who was on the television, from breaking news inputs to exclusive stories to interviews it was Mr Kaul on Republic. We used to joke about that Arnab should rename the Republic TVT as Aditya TV, Arnab was not doing any favor to him, but it was that every single story was being broken by Aditya. He was the backbone of the network, but one fine day we came to know that Aditya has resigned, till date I exactly don’t know what happened between Aditya and Arnab but given now we know Arnab well, it could be anybody’s guess, why he left.
Arnab being what he is could have never tolerated Aditya over growing him, hence Aditya’s exit from the network.
After Aditya’s exit, the backbone of the channel was broken, we all tried to take the burden but it was really hard for the entire team to fit in his shoes. We tried our best but Arnab never acknowledged that.
Let me take the liberty of taking a few more names, of all who left before you even joined.
Snehesh Alex Philip, is one of the well-known defense journalists of the country, before joining Republic he was the Pakistan correspondent of the premier Indian News Agency, he left Republic because of Arnab Goswami’s biased editorial policies and Arnab’s behavior towards the staff, even today reporters at Republic lift points from the copies of Snehesh.
Hari Haran used to be the Star Anchor of South India before joining Republic, he left in a span of a few months and the reason for him leaving is anybody’s guess.
So far in my life I haven’t come across a man who is as soft spoken and so dedicated to his work as Parikshit Luthra, we all know why he left. Today he is doing amazing work.
Sakal Bhat, who was the prime-time anchor at Doordarshan for 17 long years joined republic, but as Arnab cannot tolerate anybody to overgrown him, he can never tolerate that anybody else had the fan follower more than him, so she was cut to size. She left and once again joined DoorDarshan, today again she is a Prime-Time anchor there.
Pooja Prasana who left Times Now to Join Republic with Arnab, helped this company grow, she left her family for several weeks to help Arnab set up the studio in Mumbai, she worked day and night but today she is no longer with Republic, I again leave it for you to guess the reason.
Prema Sridevi who was once considered as the backbone of the network had to leave this organization, I still remember that during one conference call before the launch of the channel, Arnab told the team that he was nothing without Prema.
The list is endless, and everybody will find mention in my book soon. Will send you the first copy promise.
As I write this I have come to know that several people have put up their papers in the past one week, as they were humiliated for not getting Rhea Chakraborty’s interview.
While Arnab tried to maintain a moral high ground on TV against the rival channel for airing Rhea’s interview, he humiliated and harassed his own reporters for not getting her for the interview.
While today Arnab claims that Republic is the biggest network in the country, the reality is that they don’t have a single reporter in most of the states and in those states where people have resigned, no professional journalist is willing to join.
In Delhi you don’t have beat reporters as nobody is willing to join, a crime reporter who cannot differentiate between the Airforce and Navy uniform is covering defense for them. He became webkoof when he aired a two years old footage of the story that I had reported at that time and then he blamed the army for giving that fake video. He even shared a fake screenshot to show that a senior army officer had given the video to him.
For past few days Arnab has been shouting about Nepotism, but I maintain that he should be the last person to do so, his wife (whose only qualification is that she is Arnab’s wife) is heading the operations of both the channels, one of his close stooges who has been recently promoted as Executed Editor News, his wife who was research assistant has been made the Head of Digital Desk (because she is native of the place from where Arnab’s wife is), another man who is now promoted as Senior Associate editor and covers defense his wife is made input head of Hindi channel and her job is to keep an eye on the staff in Noida office and inform Arnab and his wife as who is sitting on his desk and who is not, so Arnab should stop lecturing people about nepotism.
Things were a bit different for me, as my only job was to target and speak against Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti which I did, my job to ensure to project them as anti-national and find fault in whatever they say, I did handle it very well.
As I wasn’t comfortable speaking lies I changed my focus to defense as defense had always been my forte and I did many exclusive stories as well, but many senior officers used to tell me Tejinder you are a right person in a wrong company.
I am a married man, with a daughter and a family to feed, every month I had many EMIs staring at me, so I had to kill my principles to work with Arnab, knowing very well that it is not the Journalism that we are practicing in Republic.
The final nail in the coffin happened on August 5, when the interview for which I had been trying for months together was handed over to another reporter because he belongs to the region where from Arnab’s wife is and that this Reporter helped Arnab to hush up the case of abetment to suicide for which he is facing an FIR in Mumbai.
Arnab called me soon after his show and started shouting and abusing, but now my tolerance had reached its precipice and I had to give it back to him in the same language with the same vocabulary, maybe with some extra words in Pure Punjabi which he will remember throughout his life.
He gave the platform to a motormouth to abuse their fellow panelists, Arnab calls his staff a “piece of Sh\t” uses cuss words like MF and SF for them, so I thought it was opportune time to give him the taste of his own medicine.*
Trust me from the day I resigned, everybody with whom I once worked or those who still work with Arnab have congratulated me and thanked me for being their voice. You know that some have resigned and some will leave soon.
Arnab in the name of hiring young talent is exploiting them, giving them peanuts in the name of job, he is hiring young college graduates or people with zero editorial understanding at the desk, so that there is nobody to speak or challenge his editorial policies, which are dictated by the WhatsApp messages from a particular political party.
Arnab has broken several Labor laws because he hired us for Republic TV (English Channel) then we were forced to work for Hindi channel also and then the dictate came that if you won’t contribute x number of stories a week for the digital desk your salary would be deducted, this threat was against the labour laws as this clause finds no mention in the contract that we signed while joining Republic, even HR team which sent this note can be taken to court of law over this harassment.
Arnab has no empathy for his staff, as he forced them to come out in the field even if their areas were declared as containment zones, I know how difficult and dangerous it was, but we did follow his dictate.
I have the company Laptop with me and having been witness to how this company does. not settle the dues of the former employees, I will hand over the laptop only once you settled my dues, give me NOC and a relieving letter and if it’s not done in next 20 days I will have no other option but to move to the labour court.
Though I know that Arnab is a vindictive man and would try his level best to sabotage my career and my future prospects to find a job, but someone had to speak against him, I decided why not that someone should be me. At least by speaking against this man’s exploitation of more youth would stop, those who dream to join Journalism in the hope of doing quality stuff end up with being bonded labourers.
I also want to put this on record that if anything bad happens to me or my family, any accident, anything untoward happens to me or my family, Arnab and his wife is to be held responsible for the same. I will be giving this undertaking to my local police station soon.
BTW Honey Kour, I wish you best of luck and pray that you don’t have to face what the previous HR head had to go through.
Tejinder Singh Sodhi
Former Bureau Head Republic TV
Now a Free man
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