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Aquaman #37: Headline

Aquaman #37: Headline

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Author: Predaplant
Book: Aquaman
Arc: Breach
Set: 54
“Great to finally meet you, Your Majesties.” the man in the suit said, nodding to Orin and Mera. “My name is Dr. Stephen Shin. I’m an expert on Atlantis; or, at least, an expert on surface perceptions of your fine nation. I’ll be interviewing you today.”
“Nice to meet you, Dr. Shin.” Mera sat with her legs folded and her hands clasped lightly on her lap.
Orin sat next to her. They were in plain wooden chairs that he was finding very uncomfortable. He had no idea how Mera was able to look so composed; he couldn’t stop fidgeting. “Likewise. I assume you’ve been very busy these past few months.”
Shin smiled. “That would be correct. But for you two, there’s always time. Shall I start with my questions?”
Nodding, Orin tried to force a smile. He had heard smiling helped people feel more relaxed. He had spent the last few weeks travelling, meeting with international delegates, and it had worked wonders for him. “Go ahead, Doctor.”
Clearing his throat, Shin held his papers up to his eye level, peering through his bifocals. “You may have fully revealed yourself to the world recently, but a few years ago, Your Majesty, you showed yourself and your abilities to us as a member of the Justice League. Have you noticed any difference in treatment now that the world knows you’re a king, as opposed to when you were strictly considered a hero?”
“There is a bit of a difference. People still do their best to treat me well, and people are still wary of how powerful I am. But it’s a different type of power.” Orin tapped his foot as he thought. “I’d say the biggest difference isn’t across time, but across space. In Atlantis, I’m the king. That’s what I’m known for. Here... people look at me, they see Aquaman, not King Orin. So getting past that impression is the hardest part for me when trying to be taken seriously.” He glanced down at his clothes before laughing. “Maybe I should be wearing a suit instead of these scales. That might command more respect.”
Orin tried to look nonchalant, the blond-haired white man in Tokyo thumbing through a tankōbon with somebody who looked an awful lot like him on the cover. He had started a world tour of sorts. His travels hadn’t started out that way. At first they were just a few visits to individual countries. However, it seemed whenever he got around to visiting a country there were three more invitations waiting for him back in Atlantis, so it got to the point where he simply wanted to do all of them in one fell swoop.
And when he got to Japan, it only made sense that he should go and check out his manga. The temptation to see what the world thought of him was too alluring.
He couldn’t read Japanese, but flipping through it it was obvious that the mangaka had taken some... creative liberties.
When he reached the drum-playing octopus he had to back out.
Sliding the tankōbon back on the shelf, he headed back to the entrance, sliding past a couple teens, whose mouths gaped open. “Aquaman...” he heard one of them whisper.
He nodded in their direction as he exited the store. They followed, pulling out their phones and taking pictures. Orin waved his hand as he speed-walked away. “No pictures, please.”
They kept following him. As he walked, a few people turned to stare at him. They recognized him. Blub.
He took a deep breath as he headed for Tokyo Bay. Looking over his shoulder, there were now around a dozen people following him, and as the noise behind him grew louder he broke into a run. The bay was within sight, with only one street between him and the harbour.
The light turned red just a second too late, the intersection in front of him filling up with cars. He was swarmed by more camera flashes and people reaching towards him with pen and paper, looking for autographs.
There was nothing for him to do but give the crowd what they wanted.
Two hours later he finally made it the last hundred metres to the Bay, slipping into the water softly. Hopefully wherever he headed next, he wouldn’t be as much of a celebrity.
Chuckling, Shin lowered his papers for a second. “Maybe. So Your Majesty Queen Mera...”
“Just Mera is fine.” she broke in. “I personally don’t mind, for the purposes of this interview. Do you mind if he uses your name, Orin?”
“Fine by me if you call me Orin, Dr. Shin.”
Shin nodded, glancing down at his papers. “Alright then. Mera, this has been your first major exposure to the surface and surface life. Have you been experiencing culture shock?”
Mera absentmindedly twirled her hair around her finger. “I don’t think culture shock’s quite the right word for it. Orin’s told me all about his life growing up, so I had a good idea of what the surface is like. And I don’t spend much time there anyways, since Orin’s much better suited to deal with our foreign relations considering his upbringing. From what I’ve seen, however, it seems like a very nice place, though it is very strange in some ways.”
Orin strolled down the boardwalk, holding Mera’s hand lightly in his. It had been a while since they’d had any real alone time that wasn’t taken up by the whale in the room of governing Atlantis.
He had wanted to bring her to the surface for a while, and Atlantic City was as good a place as any. Whenever they wanted to leave, they had an easy path to the sea, and he had never been as a child.
“So you’re telling me these casinos... people go there knowing that they’ll probably lose money?”
“Yeah,” Orin nodded. “But there’s a chance they might win. So they’ll keep trying.”
“People will do anything for a chance to win, huh?” she noted.
Orin turned to face her, pushing her scarlet hair back over her shoulder. “Maybe that’s what we’ve been doing, too. Trying to stare down the rest of the world and win.”
“We have a superhero, we can manage that.” Mera buried her face in his chest as she gave him a hug.
“Thanks for the support.” Orin said, stroking her hair. “Now come on, let’s get some taffy.”
Mera looked up at him from the hug. “Taffy? Some surface food, I presume.”
“You got it. It’s good, you have to try it. Nothing like this in Atlantis, I can promise you that.” Orin had been counting the taffy stalls as they had been walking, and he had gotten up to almost fifty. Spotting one just ahead of them, he pointed as he said “Let’s go to that one.”
As they approached, the man behind the counter smiled at them. “You want some taffy?”
“We’ll take a bag.” Orin said.
“What is this... taffy... exactly like?” Mera asked cautiously.
The taffy maker smiled. “You’ve never had saltwater taffy before?”
“No, this’ll be my first time.”
He stared off into space. “Ah, if only I could experience having taffy for the first time again...” He turned back to Mera, a grin on his face. “You’re in for a treat.”
Mera nodded. “Thank you very much.”
Orin paid for the taffy, and they made their way to a nearby bench. Sitting down, with his arm around Mera’s shoulder, Orin opened the bag.
Taking a piece, Mera popped it into her mouth, chewed slowly, and swallowed. Her face lit up. “This is really good!”
“I’m really happy you like it. Here, take another.” Orin smiled as he unwrapped the taffy.
“Well, I’m very glad to hear you think that about us.” Shin turned back to face Orin. “Do you think Atlantis has anything to be afraid of from the surface? Or vice versa, of course.”
“If we had to fear anything from the surface it would be surface weaponry, and surface heroes. Just knowing that we exist makes us a much easier target to hit.” Orin said. “After all, it seems like there’s a threat to civilization as we know it a couple times a month, so that in itself is a terrifying proposition for a nation to face for the first time, or at least be made newly aware of.”
Mera squeezed Orin’s hand, the signal to let her take over. Looking over to her, she smiled at him. “As for the surface being afraid of us, I wouldn’t be too worried. We’re relatively small, and while many of us do have... powers, we will do our best to keep our citizens in line. Rest assured that we have no intentions of attacking the coastal nations of the world.”
Shin smiled at her. “Thanks for the reassurance.”
“The Justice League trusts me.” Orin said calmly. “If you trust them, then you can trust me.”
Having imagined England as an alternative magical world as a child, Orin was disappointed, to put it mildly, as he made his way through the streets to the rendezvous point.
It just looked like the US, except the street was mirrored.
And it was a lot more rainy.
Head down, still hoping that he’d stumble across something out of one of the imported picture books he read as a kid, Orin turned into a small alcove and knocked on a plain, unassuming, dark blue door, paint faded from what seemed to be long years of neglect.
The door opened, and Orin walked through, head still down.
He found himself in a plain foyer that had a few hallways branching off of it. Using his powers to push the rain off of himself, he collected it into a ball and used the water to give the plants in the corner of the room a light shower before walking down the hallway with the gold carpeting.
Fifth door on the right. Knock four times. Orin stood around in the hallway for a few seconds, tapping the shoes he had purchased the day before in Ottawa. Shoes didn’t keep long underwater; he’d gone through three or four pairs already since he had started his tour.
Orin looked around the room. Three diplomats, there to greet him. They shook hands, gave him their names. Plus a hero in the corner, as always, this one dressed in a Tower Guard outfit. Nobody bothered to tell Orin the hero’s name; it was like he wasn’t there.
It wasn’t actually that bad. They didn’t have too many questions for him, especially compared to some of the other NATO countries he had visited, and said they could use a similar contract to the one Atlantis had used with the US. Plus he didn’t have to worry about his words going through an interpreter, which was a nice bonus.
After only an hour and a half he was ready to leave. It was short, as these meetings went. As he turned to go after shaking hands, one of them tapped on his shoulder.
Stopping, he looked back at her. She was shorter than average, with green eyes and blonde hair that was tied back in a bun. Her name had been given as Stubbs. “Can we speak in private? It won’t be long.”
“Alright, you know somewhere here that’s private?” Orin asked.
She nodded. “Just through here.” Moving quickly, she pulled open the door to the hall. Orin followed and stuck his head around the corner to see her unlocking another door a couple doors down.
He followed her as she pushed the door open to reveal a bare room with a couple chairs. Closing the door, she moved to lock it behind her. Orin grabbed her hand.
“I’d rather not be locked in here with somebody I don’t trust, Stubbs.” Orin said quietly. “Please leave it unlocked, if you can’t leave it open.”
She paused, and looked up at him for a second, casually leaning against the door. “OK” she replied.
“So what is it you wanted to ask me?” he asked. “Must be pretty important if you need so much privacy.”
She looked around the room, drawing a shaky breath and letting it out before responding. When she did, it was in a hesitant tone. “Have you heard about N.E.M.O.?”
Orin scratched his head. “No? Should I have?”
Stubbs smiled for a moment. “If you had I’d be surprised. But you should know about them and that’s why I’m telling you. They’re an organization that seeks to gain control over the oceans. I have a... family connection to them. I know they’re trying to destroy you and Atlantis as a whole.”
He nodded, pushing past her to grab the door handle. “Thanks for letting me know. Hope you have a good day, any other hobby groups you want to let me know about?”
“No, you don’t understand, they’re going to destroy Atlantis!” she repeated, placing her hand over his, struggling to prevent him from moving the handle.
Orin sighed. “Listen, Stubbs, there are always going to be groups wanting to destroy you. You learn that, as a king. Almost none of them are going to be able to make any serious attempt. I’ve learned to let it go.” He opened the door. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to make it back to Atlantis for dinner.”
“That leads me to another question.” Shin pulled out a pen and scribbled down a few words on his paper. “Has the Justice League said anything to you about your reveal? After all, it has made a pretty big splash.” He sat in silence for a few moments. “Pardon the pun.”
“Any conversations I’ve had with any other members of the Justice League are between us, Dr. Shin. That being said, it’s nice to be able to be more open. You might see me helping the League more often in the future; I know I haven’t been the best teammate.” Tapping his finger on the arm of his chair, Orin gazed at a fixed point in space. “Leading Atlantis has and will always come first, and I trust my teammates to handle crises.”
There was a quick knock on the door before Dolphin came rushing in on a cold current. Orin and Mera were eating dinner together, Orin having just returned from another surface visit. “We’ve got mail!!” She swooped down in front of her foster parents. “Got a few letters from your Templar friends, Mera. And something that is apparently top secret for you, Orin.” She squinted at a package she was carrying about the size of her fist, that had been stamped with a Top Secret stamp on five of the six sides. Tentatively, she placed it in front of him.
“Thanks, Dolphin.” He stared at the box as it sat on the table. He hesitated to open it. The sixth side bore a different stamp. The Justice League one.
“You gonna open that now?” Mera asked.
Orin looked at the box for a few more seconds before answering. “I might leave it for a few days. Let it sit a bit, you know?”
“You should probably open it now.” she said, showing him a letter she had received.
It simply stated, in letters big enough for him to read it from across the table:
“Alright, fine, I’m doing it!” Orin said as he dug his nail into the box, prying it open.
Inside was a Justice League communicator and a note. Picking up the scrap of paper, Orin squinted at the tiny writing:
 Hi Orin, We didn’t know if your communicator got lost or broken, since the originals weren’t pressure-tested, so here’s a new one that should work even down in Atlantis! We haven’t heard from you in a while and you’ve been on our minds recently so here’s a token of appreciation! Btw I rigged it so I get a notification if you broke the seal, so you should receive a call from me soon! All the best, Watchtower 
(Then there were two lines below that were even tinier, each in their own handwriting:)
 + Wonder Woman And Wonder Girl! 
The communicator buzzed. Staring warily at it, Orin pressed the button with one finger.
“Hello? This is Watchtower calling Atlantis? Anyone there?”
Clearing his throat, Orin responded. “Hi Watchtower! This is Aquaman speaking from Atlantis.”
“Oh good, we were able to reach you! I was worried it would get intercepted somewhere along the line. So, how have you been doing?” Watchtower’s voice sounded out across the dining hall with just a hint of static.
“We’re doing good! Yeah...” Orin looked across the table at Mera, staring at him as she slowly chewed her greens. “We’re eating dinner right now, though. Can we call you back later?”
“Yeah, sure. Whatever works for you guys. I always forget about time zone differences. Just give me a shout when you’re available.”
“Will do. Talk soon.” Orin turned the communicator over in his hand.
“Alright, talk then!” The absence of the voice somehow made the hall seem that much emptier.
“So... who was that?” Dolphin asked, grinning.
“I don’t think any of us fault you for your devotion to Atlantis, Orin. It is a truly incredible place.” Shin said as he flipped over his page. “One last question for the night. Would you say that you’ve met with any... complications with your arrival into the larger global marketplace?”
Mera replied, her quiet voice resonating in the mostly empty room. “Things have been mostly smooth. We’ve been opening up in stages, and things have been running smoothly. The biggest complication has been sorting out the mess of requests for surface visits and trade that we’ve had since we’ve started opening up. Turns out when a whole world suddenly opens up, people want to see it.”
The first requests for visas to Atlantis had come in the day before, and Swatt was a bit swamped, to say the least. He was surprised he had found enough filing cabinets in all of Atlantis to keep things in order; he hadn’t bothered to count the requests, but there must have been at least a few hundred. And each one had to have a reason for visiting that had to be corroborated with some Atlantean contact, and they had to have a background check from their associated government... it had sounded good at the time, but he didn’t know that there would be so much work.
Knocks sounded on the door to Swatt’s office. Fast, three times. Grumbling, Swatt got up and opened the door to find Tula waiting for him. “We’ve got a disturbance out at the trading point. Your assistance is needed as soon as possible.”
“Is that supposed to mean now?” Swatt asked.
“Yes” Tula replied.
“Alright, I’m coming, I’m coming.” Swatt followed Tula, the door left open behind them. Blub the visas, they could wait until another day.
It took a while to reach the outer limits of Atlantis, where the trading point was located. Swatt wished he was able to talk to Tula, but due to only being half-Atlantean he was marginally slower than her, and his breathing was strained just trying to keep up.
A lot of the other Drift soldiers tended to look down on him. It happened, especially considering his origins and relative lack of skill, but Swatt had helped train Tula when she was just a kid coming up through the ranks, and he hoped that she still thought well of him. At least she remembered to go slowly.
When Swatt finally surfaced and pulled himself over the edge of the sea platform that served as the hub, the problem wasn’t immediate. There was no man standing over a bomb, nor was there a boat full of rice that needed to be paid for, cash on delivery.
As he clambered onto the platform, everything looked normal. That is, until Tula brought him over to a Black woman with two young children, standing together next to a speedboat at the edge of the platform. “I’ve been here an hour waiting for someone who can see to let us know if you guys can take us as immigrants yet. Couldn’t find anything saying for sure online so I just figured I’d come and see what you guys can do.”
There was a hiss as Swatt removed his helmet. “We don’t have anything set up in stone yet, but we might be able to work with existing laws, set something up real quick. I’ll talk to the king, see what I can do.”
She nodded, optimism tinging her voice. “Thank you. I don’t want a part in any country that’s gotten to the point that Lex Luthor might turn out as president.” She spat out Luthor’s name spitefully.
Swatt pulled his helmet back on and dove into the ocean.
A couple hours later, he returned. “Alright, I’ve drafted up this basic immigration law, nothing fancy but it’ll do, and I got the Queen to sign it. I’ve got somebody to bring up suits for you and your children. Had to guess at the sizes, but they should be close. Is it alright if you come to my office for some forms?”
She nodded, a smile on her face. “Thank you so much for all of this, I never meant to cause so much trouble, I swear.”
“We needed immigration law anyways, ma’am. Don’t worry too much about it.” Swatt looked at the setting sun across the waves. Another day gone. But at least he had gotten something done, helped somebody out. In the end, wasn’t that always the goal?
“I’ll end it here then. Orin, Mera, I’m glad to have met you. Hopefully I can come visit your great civilization soon.” Shin stood up, holding his papers under his arm.
“We’ll be happy to have you.” Orin said, stretching.
After Shin left the room, Orin turned to Mera. “So, what’d you think?”
“Easier than you were making it out to be.” She headed for the exit.
“Come on, Mera, you’re telling me you weren’t nervous?” Orin followed after her.
She punched his arm. “Don’t take it so seriously, I was just joking. Yes, I was nervous. But thank you, for taking the lead.”
Rubbing his arm, Orin grinned. “Alright then, let’s head back to Atlantis. Can’t let the work pile up too much.”
Mera smiled. “Lead the way.”
Orin and Garth have both been manipulated by N.E.M.O., despite their best efforts. Backed into a corner, they need to decide their next courses of action. Will they join together, or will rising tensions force them apart? Breach reaches its conclusion!
Coming December 1 in Aquaman #38!
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submitted by Predaplant to DCFU [link] [comments]

Report your table minimums here (COVID Edition) part 3

Part 3 in the COVID series.
To try and make this list more helpful, I have added Weekend Day and Weekend Night, as those can be vastly different than during the week.
I'm trying to monitor Twitter and the Vegas Message Board to get some additional information.
Keep sharing all that wonderful goodness.
I'd like to update the wiki to talk about what sidebets casinos have, so if you know that info, I can add it to the table comments.
Vegas Strip Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Aria 10 10 Unknown Unknown No Updated 7/26
Ballys 10 15 10 Unknown 3 tables Updated 8/8
Bellagio 10 25 Unknown Unknown Yes, all tables
Caesars 15 25 Unknown Unknown No
Cosmo 15-25 50-100 Unknown Unknown
Encore 10 10 10 10 Yes, on some tables Updated 8/12
Excalibur 10-15 15 10 15 Updated 8/12
Flamingo 15 15-25 Unknown 25 Updated 8/8
Harrah's 15 25 25 25 No
Linq 15 15 Unknown 25 No Updated 8/8
Luxor 10 10 15 15n Updated 8/12
Mandalay Bay 15 Unknown Unknown Unknown
MGM Grand 10 25 Unknown Unknown Yes
NY/NY 10 15-25 15 Unknown Yes Updated 8/8
Osheas Unknown 15 Unknown Unknown
Paris 15 15 Unknown Unknown No Updated 8/8
Sahara 5 10 10 10 Updated 8/15
Strat Day 10 Unknown 10 25 No
Treasure Island 5 15 Unknown Unknown
Venetian 10-15 25 Unknown Unknown No
Wynn 10 10 10 10 Yes, on some tables Updated 8/12
Downtown Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Binions 5 10 Unknown Unknown Binions had $5 table several times (opens at noon) Updated 8/17
California 10 10 Unknown Unknown Tables open at 11AM Updated 8/10
The D 10 15 Unknown Unknown No glass
Downtown Grand 10 10 Unknown Unknown Table opens at noon. Updated 8/10.
El Cortez 10 10 10 10 Yes, some tables 2 tables Updated 8/15
Four Queens 10 10 10 10 No Updated 8/15
Fremont 10 10 10 Unknown Updated 8/10.
Golden Gate 10 15 Unknown Unknown Updated 8/18
Golden Nugget 10-15 10 Unknown Unknown $15 with one table open on 8/18
Plaza 10 10 Unknown Unknown Updated 7/30
Sams Town 15 15 Unknown Unknown 1 table
Offstrip Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Aliente 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Boulder Station 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Cannery 5 5 Unknown Unknown up to 2 tables - now allowing 4 per side
Ellis Island 5 5 5 5 1 table - Updated 8/17 - I just called the pit at Ellis. Craps table opens up at 10am and its 5 dollars 90% of the time
Gold Coast 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Green Valley Ranch 10 10 Unknown Unknown 2 tables open
The Orleans 10 25 Unknown Unknown up to 4 tables, I was asked to wear a mask
Palace Station 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown
Palms N/A N/A Unknown Unknown No open date announced
Red Rock 10 15 15 Unknown Updated 8/14
South Point 5 5 5 10 No Updated 8/15
Strat 5 10 Unknown Unknown
Sunset Station 5 5 Unknown Unknown
Other NV Casinos Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Edgewater (Laughlin) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Harrahs (Laughlin) 10 15 Unknown Unknown no
Atlantis (Reno) 5/10 5/10 Unknown Unknown 3 tables on weekends
Cal Neva (Reno) 5 5 Unknown Unknown
Circus Circus (Reno) Closed Closed Unknown Unknown Closed table game pit
Eldorado (Reno) 5 10 Unknown Unknown
Grand Sierra (Reno) 15 15-25 Unknown Unknown
Peppermill (Reno) 5 5 10 10 3 craps tables
Silver Legacy (Reno) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Hard Rock (Tahoe) 5 5 Unknown Unknown
Harrahs (Tahoe) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Montbleu (Tahoe) 10 15 Unknown Unknown
Nugget (Wendover) 5 5 5 5 Updated 7/31
Peppermill (Wendover) 5 5 10 10 Updated 7/31
Rainbow (Wendover) 5 5 10 10 Updated 7/31
Non/NV Casino Day Min Night Min Weekend Day Weekend Night Dividers Comments
Wind Creek (Wetumpka, AL) 15 25 Unknown Unknown 4 to a table Updated 7/31
Sycuan (San Diego, CA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Masks required
Barona (So Cal) 10 15 10 10-15 2 tables 2 per side, dealers managing bets for players. Updated 8/21 ($10 at times)
Harrahs (So Cal) 15-25 15-25 15-50 15-50 No Updated 7/31
Viejas (So Cal) N/A N/A Unknown Unknown No live tables
Foxwoods (CT) 15 25 Unknown Unknown
Mohegan (CT) 15-25 25 Unknown Unknown 2 were 10, 2
Harrington (DE) 15 15-25 Unknown Unknown Must wear mask and face shield
Rivers (Chicago, IL) 15 15
Blue Chip (Michigan City, IN) 5 10 Unknown Unknown 5 minimum prop bets, 5 min ATS bet.
Caesars Southern IN 10 15 15 25 Updated 8/5
French Lick Resort (French Lick, IN) 15 15 25 25 Tables open at 11am and close at 3AM. Updated 8/5
Harrah's Hooiser Park (Anderson, IN) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Indiana Grand (IN) 10 15 Unknown Unknown No
Belle (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 Unknown Unknown one half sized table sometimes they open the big one. $5 small table and $10 big late at night
Hollywood (Baton Rogue, LA) 5 10 Unknown 15 Updated 7/24
L’auberge (Baton Rogue,LA) 15 15 Unknown Unknown No
L’auberge (Lake Charles,LA) 15 15 Unknown Unknown No 1 bubble craps $5 min
El Dorado (Shreveport, LA) 10 10 10 10 Updated 8/17
Horseshoe (Shreveport, LA) 15 15 15 15 Updated 8/17
Margaritaville (Shreveport, LA) 15 15 15 15 Updated 8/17
Ocean Downs (MD) 10 15 Unknown Unknown
Maryland Live (MD) 25 50 50 Unknown Yes 5 tables, 4 per side. Electronic craps 15 min
MGM @ National Harbor 50-100 Unknown Unknown Yes 4 craps tables 2 were $50 and 2 were $100 mins. Not bubble craps or low roller options.
Firekeepers (Battle Creek, MI) 10 15+ Unknown Unknown No dividers, only distancing 1-2 tables depending on demand, did see it at $15 during the day $25 on Fri/Sat night. Masks required, no smoking. $3 Bubble Craps.
Four Winds Casino 15 15 Unknown Unknown Digital craps table 5$ min Tuesday and Sunday night. Did not check bubble craps
Gun Lake (Wayland, MI) 10 15 Unknown Unknown No Temp check, masks, usually the crapless table is open
Turtle Creek (Traverse City, MI) 5 Unknown Unknown Unknowned 2 tables, temp check, masks
Soaring Eagle (Mt Pleasant, MI) 10 15 Unknown Unknown Yes 5 players per side with glass. Tough to hear dealer.
Hollywood Casino, Maryland Heights (St Louis) MO 15 15 Unknown Unknown 1 regular table & 1 no craps. 4 per side. No outside drinks.
River City (St. Louis, MS) 20 20 Unknown Unknown Unknown 4 players per side. $20 min. You have to have at least a $20 bet for every throw to "hold your spot"
Beau Rivage (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 Unknown Unknown unknown 3 tables
Boomtown (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown Unknown Unknown 1 table
IP (Biloxi, MS) 25 25 Unknown Unknown
Scarlett Pearl (Biloxi, MS) 15 25 Unknown Unknown No Masks required, temp check
The Palace Biloxi, MS) 10 15 Unknown Unknown
Treasure Bay (Biloxi, MS) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Harrah’s Cherokee & Murphy 15 15 Unknown Unknown No
Harrahs River Valley (Murphy, NC) 25 25 Unknown Unknown
Ballys (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown 10 Updated 7/29
Caesars (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown 15-25 Updated 7/29
Harrahs (AC, NJ) 15 15 Unknown Unknown
Hard Rock (AC, NJ 15 25 Unknown Unknown 2 tables - Updated 7-29
Resorts (AC, NJ) 15 25 Unknown 15 Yes 1 table - Updated 7-29
Ocean (AC, NJ) 10 15 15 25 Yes 4-6 tables
Buffalo Creek (NY) 15 25 Unknown Unknown
Seneca Niagra (NY) 10 15 Unknown Unknown 1 table, can go up to $25
Jack/Harrah's (Cincinnati, OH) 25 25 25 25 3 tables, $25 open to close
Hollywood (Columbus, OH) 10-15 Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Hollywood (Grantville, PA) 15 25 Unknown Unknown Unknown 2 tables, masks required
Harrah's Philly (PA) Unknown Unknown 15 25 Updated 8/10
Meadows (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown 2-3 tables.
Mohegan Sun (PA) Unknown Unknown 25-50 Unknown
Windcreek (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Mount airy (PA) 10 10 Unknown Unknown
Valley Forge (PA) 10
Parx (Bensalem, PA) 15 25 Unknown Unknown 15 but maintaining 25
Southland Casino Racing (West Memphis, TN) N/A N/A Unknown Unknown Yes 4 tables all closed. Other pit games open with plexiglas dividers. Bubble craps $5 minimum.
Mardi Gras (Nitro, WV) 15 Usually open on weekends - Updated 7/28
*Last update 8/21
Part 1. It's getting buried so I figured we would make a new one. Part 2
Pulled additional info from here.
submitted by necrochaos to Craps [link] [comments]

[META-Resource] S4 - Compilation of the creative works we see in Mr. Robot

Last updated - 12/31/2019 5:31 CST
Companion post for seasons 1-3
This post is intended to be a cumulative effort! Please comment on the creative works we see in season 4 of Mr. Robot. Who knows, it may help with understanding, theorizing, and our enjoyment of an already enjoyable show.
Art- Painting
Two Party System - Doug Minkler
The Green Gown - Frederick Childe Hassam_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg)
Untitled Abstract Painting - Gilberto Hernandez Ortega
Sylvette - Pablo Picasso
Books - Literature
No Exit - Jean Paul Sartre
The Man Who Would Be King - Rudyard Kipling (see also Movies)
Resurrection - Leo Tolstoy)
Parmenides - Plato)
The Winter of Our Discontent - John Steinbeck
Breakfast of Champions - Kurt Vonnegut
Resurrection - Leo Tolstoy)
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov (see also Movies)
Books - Fiction
Beach Towel - Irving
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler - E. L. Konigsburg
The Dilbert Principle - Scott Adams
Hearts in Atlantis - Stephen King
Robot (series) - Isaac Asimov
Dune - Frank Herbert)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep - Philip K. Dick
Ubik - Philip K. Dick
Out of the Silent Planet - C.S. Lewis
The Firm - John Grisham) (see also Movies)
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodor Dostoevsky
A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess) (see also Movies)
Tiny Little Thing - Beatriz Williams
Educating Peter - Tom Cox
Twice in a Blue Moon - Christina Lauren
Whistle in the Dark - Emma Healey
Books - Nonfiction
Dare to Lead - Brene Brown
7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey
The Conquest of Bread - Peter Kropotkin
Ubuntu Made Easy - Rickford Grant and Phil Bull
Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ - Bjarne Stroustrup
Rainbow Series AKA Rainbow Books, Crayola Books
International UNIX Environments
Programmer's Guide to the IBM PC - Peter Norton
The Design and Implementation of the 4.3BSD Unix Operating System - Leffler, McKusick, Karels, and Quarterman
Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools - Aho, Lam, Sethi, and Ullman.pdf)
Our Parents' Lives: Jewish Assimilation and Everyday Life
- Cowan and Cowan
Happens Every Day: An All True Story - Isabel Gillies
Misc. (People, maps, studies, etc.)
Hugh Everett - physicist
Brian Greene - physicist
Erwin Schrödinger - physicist
Samoan language
Thomas Earnshaw - watchmaker
Casio F-91W
Sylvette David
Oscar Wilde - Playwright
Hulder (also Huldra in Norwegian folklore)
Adam Weishaupt - Philosopher
Layer Cake Cabernet Sauvignon 2017
Max Headroom
Portal (video game))
Alexa - Amazon
Clemens Wenzeslaus Brentano - AuthoPoet
Max Planck - Physicist
Jorge Luis Borges - Link
Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Author
Marlon Brando - Actor
Berthold Brecht - Playwright
Aleister Crowley - Poet
(Johann Christoph) Friedrich von Schiller - All around Renaissance Man
Alexander Schmorell - Political Activist
1939 World’s Fair - NYC
Elektro (Robot)
Citizen Kane - Orson Welles
The Shining - Stanley Kubrick
Back to the Future - Robert Zemeckis
Brazil - Terry Gilliam
Soylent Green - Richard Fleischer
The Fifth Element - Luc Besson
Betty Blue - Jean Jac Beinbeix
Pump Up the Volume - Allan Moyle
Jurassic Park - Steven Spielberg)
Robocop - Paul Verhoeven
Die Hard - John McTiernan
Three Days of the Condor - Sydney Pollack
Kafka - Steven Soderbergh
The Conversation - Francis Ford Coppola
Batman - Tim Burton
Batman Returns - Tim Burton
Wall-E - Pixar
Casino - Martin Scorsese
A Clockwork Orange - Stanley Kubrick (see also Books - Fiction)
Eyes Wide Shut - Stanley Kubrick
The Firm - Sydney Pollack (see also Books - Fiction)
The Man Who Would Be King - John Huston (see also Books - Fiction)
Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Kubrick
Paths of Glory - Stanley Kubrick
A Touch of Evil - Orson Welles
Rope - Alfred Hitchcock
Primer - Shane Carruth)
Lolita - Stanley Kubrik (see also Books - Literature)
2001: A Space Odyssey - Stanley Kubrick)
Hackers - Ian Softley
Time (Clock of the Heart) - Culture Club
Flesh without Blood - Grimes
Don’t Worry, Be Happy - Bobby McFerrin
First Mark - Lil Silva
Cloudscape - Phillip Glass
Sick of Myself - Matthew Sweet
Kelly - Van She
Lover’s Tears - Feng Feifei
Jul jul strålande jul
Outro- M83
Ave Maria - Josh Groban
Ne me quitte pas - Jacques Brel
Mr. Robot - Styx
Queen - Perfume Genius
Music - Christmas Songs
Little Drummer Boy
O Come All Ye Faithful
God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen - performed by Mac Quayle
Christmas Rappin - Kurtis Blow
It’s Christmas (All Over the World) - New Edition
Christmas Rappin’ - Kurtis Blow
Television Shows
LOST - Abrams, Lieber, Lindelof
The Sopranos
Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Joss Whedon (this could also be the entire Buffy Universe)
Questionable Additions
Elf on a Shelf
u/darlenee (discord)
u/orangesforever - Tumblr account here (lots of creative references!)
submitted by aanjheni to MrRobot [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Consoles, Controllers, Manuals, Mountain of Nintendo, Sony, and Sega Games [W] PayPal

All prices include shipping to the US (with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska).
I always give discounts on purchases of multiple games/consoles. Feel free to make your own offer on multiple items. The only prices that aren't negotiable are individual items.
This post is organized as follows. There's a TON here, so please check out everything, as items can be easy to miss!
Feel free to ask for detailed pictures on anything! Pictures for a lot of items are hyperlinked throughout the post. If you want more photos on any items, just ask! I'm honestly cool with taking as many photos as you'd like.
1) Consoles/Console Bundles
Consoles are all tested thoroughly and working. ALL consoles listed have all cords needed to play right away
Regular Consoles
2) Controllers/Accessories
Controllers are all OEM and tested thoroughly. Any defects are noted.
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Genesis
Sega Saturn
Wii/Wii U
XBOX 360
3) Games
Games are CIB, unless otherwise noted. Games are all working great, and condition of games ranges from good to like new. As a precaution, assume discs and cases will show normal wear. Feel free to ask for pictures of any game(s)!
Gameboy Advance (Game Only)
All $5 handheld games are buy one get one free
Gameboy ColoGameboy (Game Only)
All $5 handheld games are buy one get one free
Game and Box
Game Only
Carts Only
Nintendo DS
Loose Games
Nintendo 3DS
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Sega CD
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Genesis
Games are cart only unless otherwise noted
SNES Carts
Wii U
XBOX 360
5) Factory Sealed Games
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
XBOX 360
5) Build Your Own Commons Bundles (designed for completionist collectors)
*I have a lot of respect for people who go for complete and near-complete sets of games, and I want to help other collectors check off common games in bulk. Of all the games above priced at $5.25 or $6, you can build any custom bundle from these options: *
6) Amiibos, Collector's Items, Strategy Guides, and Art Books
Collector Items
Please note that while all other prices reflect shipping cost, the prices for collector's items do *not include shipping, since they are so big.*
Strategy Guides
New books are still sealed, although the seals themselves may have a few a holes (as is the case with almost all sealed books)
Art Books
7) Manuals
(I know $5 is steep on some of these, but it's the lowest I can go without losing money from shipping and fees; feel free to make aggressive bundle offers with these!)
Sega 32x
Sega Genesis
submitted by arandomuzzerame to GameSale [link] [comments]

[USA] [H] Pokemon Lot, Commons Bundles for Collectors, Games, Controllers, Consoles, Manuals, Much More! Gamecube, DS, 3DS, Wii/Wii U, SNES, XBOX, 360, PS1/2/3 [W] Paypal

All prices include shipping to the US (with the exception of Hawaii and Alaska). I do not ship internationally at this time.
This post is organized as follows. There's a TON here, so please check out everything, as items can be easy to miss!
I always give discounts on purchases of multiple games/consoles. Feel free to make your own offer on multiple items. The only prices that aren't negotiable are individual items.
Feel free to ask for detailed pictures on anything! You can find many photos here -
1) Consoles/Console Bundles
Consoles are all tested thoroughly and working. Consoles have all cords needed to play, unless otherwise noted. Games included in console bundles are usually disc only or disc/case only.
2) Controllers
Controllers are all OEM and tested thoroughly. Any defects are noted.
Playstation 2
XBOX 360
3) Games
Games are CIB, unless otherwise noted. Games are all working great, and condition of games ranges from good to like new. As a precaution, assume discs and cases will show normal wear. Feel free to ask for any pictures of any game(s)!
Gameboy Advance (carts only)
Pokemon DS/3DS Bundle
Includes the following games, all CIB -$105
Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo DS
N64 carts
*Most cases have imperfections (slight scratches and cracks), as do almost all PS1 games; please see photos for details -
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Sega Genesis
Super Nintendo Carts
Sealed Games
More Games
Wii U
XBOX 360
4) Build-your-own Game Bundles
I've been into collecting a lot lately, and I want to help other collectors check off common games in bulk. Everything below is CIB and working. Feel free to ask for individual pics.
Nintendo DS
*Most cases have imperfections (slight scratches and cracks), as do almost all PS1 games; please see photos for details -
Playstation 2
5) Manuals and Cases
(I know $5 is steep on some of these, but it's the lowest I can go without losing money from shipping and fees; feel free to make aggressive bundle offers with these!)
Sega 32x
Sega Genesis
Loose Cases
Wii U
6) Island of misfit hardware, for repair or super budget gaming
submitted by arandomuzzerame to GameSale [link] [comments]

Campaign spotlight Ep. #15: High Roller Sisko/Waitress Ezri

Welcome, my friends, to "A briefing with Neelix". Crew spotlight, episode 15!
Campaign numero quatro is Rolling up on us, bringing with it a couple of fun con men. Con..people? Since they're both from the same episode, we'll do another condensed spotlight so the heretics among you can stop reading halfway through.

High Roller Sisko


5/5 High Roller Sisko SEC CMD DIP Overall
Base 1360 (#1) 987 (#72) 471 (#293)
Proficiency 129–325 (#158) 123–270 (#188) 130–270 (#232) #274
Voyage #10 #90 #275 #26
Base among variants #1 #4 #6
+9 accuracy, +1100 to Crit Rating. Trigger: Position
9 Sisko, 2 Captain, 1 Bajoran events


★★ Promoted Sisko
★★★ Commanding Officer Sisko
★★★★ Mirror Sisko
★★★★ Gabriel Bell
★★★★ Dr. Hippocrates Noah
★★★★★ 1701 Sisko
★★★★★ Benny Russell
★★★★★ Captain Sisko
★★★★★ Conflicted Sisko
★★★★★ Enemy Lines Sisko

★★★★★ High Roller Sisko

★★★★★ Niners Sisko
★★★★★ Solar Sails Sisko

Collections and Traits

No collections.
Human, Federation, Starfleet, Bajoran, Cultural Figure, Gambler, Thief, Crafty (8)

Unlockables (700+)



Who wants to talk about SEC?! SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC SEC!
Pros: #1 SEC base. #2 'SEC and CMD' shuttler (fucking Keiko lol). #3 CMD/DIP/SEC voyager.
Cons: Skill set more than three times as common as any other. No gauntlet/arena/collection considerations (yet).
You'd better sit down, I'm going to say nice things about attributes I never give any love to. Top bases are useful and becoming more important. If you're buying Sisko's campaign, I'm assuming you also have requisition shuttles and Faction event considerations. When your pool of bonus crew is depleted, you need stalwarts like Sisko to pilot some runs. Indeed, crew of a certain power level will even surpass super rares with a bonus. And if you don't have the time or desire to mess around with tanked shuttles, Roller will give you a 20%+ better success rate for daily shuttles than any super rares you've been trotting out.
It's okay to invest in great CMD/DIP/SEC crew. You may have some old timers like Captain Sisko or Arachnia fully fused, but Roller is 10-15% better for base and voyages than many old cards. Would you like to take your voyages from nine hours to the ten hour dilemma? There may not be a gaping chasm between choices like you'll find for many of the MED combos, but the CMD/DIP/SEC portion of your roster shouldn't be ignored, especially considering their Faction seat ubiquity. As I write this, the Faction event going on has zero ENG/SCI/MED in the three seat missions, despite seven bonus crew with SCI.
If, like me, you do your best to avoid CMD/DIP/SEC crew since they often fall in your lap (Thrax, Kol, Kortar, Leland), Sisko is one crew you can feel good about investing in. SEC is the most common Faction event skill and 'SEC and CMD' the most common 'and' seat.

I$ he worth it?

If you've ever extolled the virtues of pure base crew like Commander Barak or Lal then Sisko's your guy. If you've ever stared longingly at the voyage ranks day after day and then quizzed yourself on them while walking home oh God what is wrong with me, then Sisko's your guy. If Avery Brooks' scraggly chin fuzz and pearly whites make you weak in the knees, Sisko's your guy.
Even to my fellow value over replacement acolytes, Roller comes highly recommended. He's got the power for immediate impact and the event count to maintain relevance. He may not offer the frills that make other crew so well rounded, but as my high school shop teacher would say, any job worth doing is worth doing well. If you're going to invest in the skill set of doom, make sure it's for a crew who is the best at something, as Roller is.
Finish him?
Yup. With the way the portal winds are blowing, we're looking at 6+ more months of winter for this groundhog and his stats will demand immediate use on any roster. Barring duplicates, I'd be hard pressed to imagine many scenarios where he's not one of your best citation targets once he's 4/5 at the end of the campaign.

Waitress Ezri


4/4 Waitress Ezri DIP MED SEC Overall
Base 652 (#67) 450 (#44) 287 (#196)
Proficiency 193–390 (#27) 162–497 (#11) 47–135 (#188) #27
Voyage #59 #33 #214 #143
Base among (Dax) variants #5 #1 #8
+7 Accuracy @ 12 seconds, deals 200% instant damage.
12 Dax, 1 Ezri events


★ Desert Ezri Dax
★★★ Sniper Ezri Dax
★★★★ Mirror Ezri Tigan

★★★★ Waitress Ezri

Collections and Traits

No collections.
Trill, Costumed, Undercover Operative, Counselor, Resourceful, Federation, Starfleet (7)

Unlockables (700+)

  • [CT.2] Rabid Fans (DIP 125 | 300 | 712)
Undercover Operative/Resourceful:
  • [7.1] Improvised Entry (DIP 167 | 405 | 769)


What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?
Pros: Dax event count. #1 Dax MED base.
Cons: Flaccid stats across the board. Thin late game utility.
Waitress Ezri is one of the names whose reputation is pretty far from what the stats say. I rarely hear bad things about her from players, but rarely good things from the numbers. Generally when that happens, it's because the crew is plugging a hole in a player's roster which needs to be shored up.
But 'just get better crew' isn't always a viable solution. In fact, events in 2019 have only provided four crew with DIP and MED. If you've been around since the Cornwell and BR Bashir megas, you'll likely freeze Waitress without a second thought, even as a casual player. Her voyage power is on the wrong side of bad and her best proficiency roll, MED, is nearly doubled by common super rare gauntleteers Mirror Phlox and Nurse Garland.
Like Admiral Picard from the previous month, however, she has early game utility worth considering - instant ship damage, the uncommon MED skill, a little gauntlet play, and consistent events. If you're someone who uses Waitress every day, give us some roster context in the comments and let's figure out why her rep doesn't jive with the numbers.
A #1 variant base generally answers this question, but as one of only two Daxes to have any MED, seats will be scarce. Her only Faction event in the last twenty months was during Bashir's mega which skewed how many MED seats you're likely to see in the average Dax event. Her 2x bonus MED sits at #26 among non-bonus options, so it may need the 'DIP and MED' seat specifically to pitch in.
She may find work if her bonus and the right event type line up, but with such poor bases, an established roster will likely leave her frozen.

Is she worth it?

At the risk of angering the Dax crowd, Waitress is not for everyone. No collections, great immediate stats, or strong bases to thaw make her forgettable on established rosters. But any 4/4 with MED will be useful for rosters under, say, 6-12 months. I'll defer to her reputation and suggest checking your roster against her numbers and skill set to see if Xentrex Waitress is right for you.

The Story

No ship at warp, no Captain's log? What is this? Oh, right...Deep Space Nine. We're in Vic Fontaine's nightclub shooting the breeze with the boys. Vic starts singing, because that's sort of his thing, when the holodeck suddenly "malfunctions", because that's sort of Star Trek's thing. Vic's transforms into a burlesque show, starring four young ladies who all have their own pages on Memory Alpha. Never change, Trek nerds.
We're quickly introduced to the baddie, a gangster named Frankie Eyes and his bratwurst-looking sidekick Cheech. He just bought Vic's hotel and has a bone to pick with him. 'Look here, you're finished in this town, see?' Miles' attempts to stop Frankie and shut down the holoprogram fail, fade to black.
Back on the station, it's established that the convoluted holoprogram design leaves the crew with two options; delete the bad guys and reset the whole program including Vic's memory, or play along and save Vic from the unemployment line. While the bridge crew mulls over a rescue plan, Captain Sisko interrupts with a very fair question, "When do you [all] plan on going back to work?"
We check in on Sisko and Miss Yates in their quarters enjoying a candlelit dinner. Kasidy is worried about Vic too, but a very not amused Sisko asks to change the subject, further highlighting the dour cloud floating above his head.
Miley and Jules go to check on Vic and hash out a plan, but upon arrival find that Vic just had the stuffing beaten out of him; a little 'warning' from Frankie's boys. They urge Vic to lay low while Decoy Kira and Jazz Musician Odo (redux) go scout out the place, looking for a way to oust Frankie from Vic's home. Kira catches Frankie's Eyes and Odo does a Stretch Armstrong impression, ingratiating themselves to the antagonists.
Their reconnaissance uncovers that Frankie's hotel purchase was financed by his mafioso boss who gets paid back with a cut of the casino's profits. The casino's money goes bye bye, so does Frankie, capiche? The crew divvies up roles for the Great Casino Heist, setting up DB for even more wacky variants down the line, and plant the seeds of their scheme, including securing employment for one Waitress Ezri.
Again in the Captain's quarters, Kasidy is detailing her role in Vic's rescue when Sisko's irritation with Vic and the holoprogram finally boils over [see quotes]. He tells her that the program whitewashes the civil rights struggle and it doesn't sit right with him. She counters that Vic's is the way things should have been in the sixties and a good reminder that humanity has moved beyond such failings. Ben considers her argument as we get back to project #FreeVic.
The crew is ready to pull off The Italian Job, but are one man short. Enter Motherfuckin' Hawk, looking sharp in his vest. The gang go over their clockwork con in detail for the benefit of the audience, including a spiked drink delivered to the casino's count man by Waitress Ezri, a vault cracking by Ensign "Ears" Nog, and High Roller Sisko's big bucks drawing attention to the craps table.
But come the night of the big heist, everything goes wrong. Ezri's drink tray goes kablooie, but a quick thinking Bashir snatches a nearby pair of martinis and spikes one of them. Upon delivery, Ezri finds the casino count man replaced by the literal Chancellor of the Klingon High Council, Gowron, son of M'Rel. Some clever rhetoric convinces him to down the dosed drink anyways.
Janitor Nog runs into an unanticipated re-lock system while trying to crack the safe and Frankie's boss shows up a day early looking for his profits, sending Kira scrambling for a distraction. Sisko obliges, throwing fistfuls of cash in the air and playing the role of flamboyantly generous foreign investor. The commotion gives Nog and Odo enough time to swipe the dough and escape.
An empty-handed Frankie Eyes is escorted out back by a couple of his boss's lackeys to be fitted for a pair of cement shoes and Vic's nightclub program is restored to normal. Sisko, having let his hair down, sings us off in a baritone vibrato. Roll credits.

The Characters

More of a fun ensemble romp than character story, most of the crew were window dressing in this episode. High Roller Sisko, arguably the only player with much depth, was the vehicle for Trek's famous statements on morality. His scenes with Kasidy Yates had him wrestling with the dichotomy of the impact on history that the civil rights movement had and the idyllic, hopeful world that Star Trek often portrays.
And Ezri was also there.


Sisko: Look, this is not about Vic Fontaine.
Kasidy: Then what is your problem?
Sisko: You want to know? You really want to know what my problem is? I'll tell you. Las Vegas 1962, that's my problem. In 1962, black people weren't very welcome there. Oh, sure they could be performers or janitors, but customers? Never.
Kasidy: Maybe that's the way it was in the real Vegas, but that is not the way it is at Vic's. I have never felt uncomfortable there and neither has Jake.
Sisko: But don't you see, that's the lie. In 1962, the Civil Rights movement was still in its infancy. It wasn't an easy time for our people and I'm not going to pretend that it was.
Kasidy: Baby, I know that Vic's isn't a totally accurate representation of the way things were, but it isn't meant to be. It shows us the way things could have been. The way they should've been.
Sisko: We cannot ignore the truth about the past.
Kasidy: Going to Vic's isn't going to make us forget who we are or where we came from. What it does is it reminds us that we're no longer bound by any limitations, except the ones we impose on ourselves.

The Actors

Avery Brooks
Famous in the Trekverse for 'not being Picard', indeed Brooks brought a special and sometimes eccentric flair to his performances on Deep Space Nine. I'm light on his other acting credits which apparently include stage work spanning decades. Educate us in the comments if you've seen him in something else you've enjoyed.
Other appearances: Spenser: For Hire/A Man Called Hawk
Nicole de Boer
The 'other' Dax, but my personal favorite. She was in a previous write-up if you'd like to read more.
Other appearances: Stargate: Atlantis, Haven
Previous episodes: Mirror Jean-Luc Picard/Admiral Picard, Berlinghoff Rasmussen, Temporal Prisoner Chakotay, Irumodic Syndrome Picard, Kivas Fajo, Temporal Agent Seven, Assimilated La Forge/Gunslinger Uhura, Sniper Ezri Dax, Captain Morgan Bateson, Zhian'tara Odo, Timicin, Trelane, Bajoran Dukat, Bestselling Author Jake Sisko
submitted by Automaton_2000 to StarTrekTimelines [link] [comments]

Superbowl 53: The Goat vs the Ram and the Future of America #RiseUp

Superbowl 53: The Goat vs the Ram and the Future of America #RiseUp
I had this very long post that was going to be part 2 about Atlantis and this was going to be part 3 since this deserves its own post but after it was almost finished, my power went out briefly and I lost the entire thing. So I've been recovering from that loss to say the least as I had made some amazing connections in the process of writing it as is what usually happens to me and I hope I can remember them all so I can rewrite it after this. Since the Superbowl is today, this should have already been out so I am doing this first.

Superbowl LIII (53) is today and that means millions of eyeballs and consciousnesses will all be focused on a single event. Seems like a good time to harvest that energy into something doesn't it? If you've ever been to a football game, especially one with a rabid fanbase, you can almost feel the energy of the stadium with the ups and downs of the game. Players will speak about this as well, getting fueled by the crowd. If this is the case, then could something else be fueled by all that energy as well? Maybe something not so obvious and on the surface as the game going on right in front of everyone?

Superbowl 53: The New England Patriots vs The Los Angles Rams. Taking place on February 3rd, 2019 at Mercedez Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia. The more I discover the less I believe in coincidences. So is it any coincidence that this entire Superbowl relates to so many things I have talked about on here? Atlanta being an obvious allusion to Atlantis. A city rife with phoenix symbolism, rising from the ashes. The Falcons akin to a phoenix and the Egyptian god Horus. They even have a female football team called Phoenix. What does the phoenix at its core represent? Death and rebirth. Transformation. Moving from one area to the next with the idea of shedding the old and bringing in the new. There is also a number strongly correlated with this idea as well. The number 8. The ourobrous, infinity, the snake eating itself, DNA, beginning and end, alpha and omega. It just so happens that this Superbowl is full of 8's.

Superbowl 53
5 + 3 = 8

February 3rd, 2019
02/03/2019 = 2 + 3 + 2 + 1 + 9 = 17 (Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet aka Qanon) = 1 + 7 = 8

These teams first Superbowl against each other was in the 2002, 17 years ago.

The stadium the game is being played in, Mercedes Benz Stadium, has a dome with 8 points in the form of a lotus flower, opening up like some kind of portal to another world.

There's also another 8 that seems to make this all the more significant. A chapter from the Old Testament. Daniel 8. The Goat vs The Ram.

Daniel’s Vision of a Ram and a Goat

Since it's obvious which team represents the Ram in this story, how would the Patriots represent the goat? Tom Brady. Often referred to as the greatest of all time or the GOAT. This isn't just an off the cuff nickname either, it's thrown around quite often to the point of there being several depictions as him as a goat and the Patriots logo itself.

We want 666

Tom Brady and the Patriots themselves are known for being cheaters (I have no opinion, I don't really watch football) yet they continue to win. So how does this relate to anything meaningful going on the real world? Who might the goat and the ram represent? Tom Brady is a known Trump supporter. Trump and the Patriots might as well be permanently linked. People even love to hate the Patriots, especially now that Trump is linked to them. Trump even has huge problems with California making this even more interwoven with him personally. And just like in the story, one is from the west and the other is from the east. Although I believe they are switched here. Trump is also a cheater who continues to win all the time.

"The goat became very great"
"It prospered in everything it did and truth was thrown to the ground"

Make America Great Again? Greatest of all Time?

This chapter is obviously a different expanded on version of the previous chapter about the 4 kingdoms, the last one being made of iron with feet mixed with clay. The "little horn" spoken about in both of these is Trump. He is also strongly correlated to the number 8 which I have shown many times. Trump = 88 in simple gematria. The little horn (the little baron Trump anyone?) refers to the star Regulus, Trumps star. Regulus means "little king" in Latin. It is one of 4 "Royal" stars and it is the ruler. These 4 stars represent the 4 seasons with Regulus representing spring. Regulus is at the base of what is considered the sickle of the constellation Leo. Which is also known as the heart of the lion.

Spring is the time of renewal. The death of winter and the birth of new life comes with Spring. Easter, which celebrates the death and resurrection of Christ, takes place in Spring. It's also in the Zodiac sign of Aries, the Ram, the god of war. Known as Mars in Rome. In the theme of Atlantis Rising, is this a symbolic version of Hercules taking on the 3 headed Ram? Hercules was associated with a few different satyrs, half man goat creatures. The Disney movie Hercules features this prominently. There's even a pretty bizarre connection to Hercules directly related to this Superbowl.

The site also contains fragments of a colossal partly stone statue, identified as Hercules, and estimated to have been over 12 m (39 ft) tall. It was probably destroyed in an earthquake. All that remains are three fingers and an elbow.

All that remains are three fingers and an elbow.

Superbowl eL(bow) III

LIII could also be a reference to the name for god El and the Christ IH monogram III, H-K, wall, 8, and even humanity itself. The Lombardi trophy in the middle acting like the flaming trident fusing the 2 together. Merging of the 2 worlds. Now which world are we merging with exactly? The one known as heaven or the one known as hell? L is also the 12th letter of the alphabet making another translation of LIII = 33. Fitting that there is an arch or gate right next to the remains of the statue. Tom Brady's jersey number is also 12.

Rise up. The Atlanta Falcons slogan for the past couple of years. Very appropriate for a city full of Phoenix imagery and named after Atlantis. What exactly is rising? And if that stadium is any indication, are we above the dome and its opening below us or are we inside the dome and its opening above us? Revelation speaks about a bottomless pit opening up and an army of locusts coming out with a king named Abaddon/Apollyon aka The Destroyer. In Hindu mythology, this is just 1 out of 3 aspects for certain gods. The creator, maintainer and destroyer. One of these gods being Shiva. The god prominently featured in statue form at CERN. Is CERN summoning up Abaddon who many believe to also be the true Antichrist known by many names throughout history. Such as Osiris, Nimrod, Apollo, and a plethra of other known gods?
There are a few different ancient "day of the dead" type festivals in the coming months. Samhain is an ancient Gaelic festival of the dead that was celebrated the same as Halloween. This is thought to be the festival that a lot these Halloween type holidays are actually based on. The date and meaning for which has been changed and shifted around a lot but one of these dates has caught my eye as its right in the middle of 2 dates I think are going to be very important this year. April 19th, 20th and the 21st. Passover, All Saints Day for the Irish and Easter.

Passover is the day in which the Jewish people celebrate their god Yahweh rescuing them from Egypt by killing the first born sons. In order to not be killed themselves, they were told to wipe lamb's blood on their doors so that this angel of death would "passover" them. Well Aries, the Ram, just so happens to be the first sign in the zodiac. Since I have identified Yahweh with the ram (I think he's many things and even this goat vs ram is something akin to pro wrestling and a case where you hope they both end up killing each other as neither are a good choice) it would make sense that the "lords sacrifice" would be handed over to the goat after he kills the ram. Are we also about to have another Exodus type event here in America as well?

I had also predicted Prince Harry and Meghan's baby to be born during this weekend back in October. Twins where one would die and the other would be a red headed female. If this does indeed happen (with the twins), we may never even know as I doubt they would tell us but something else about this that could relate to the book of Revelations.

Revelation 12 New International Version (NIV)

The Woman and the Dragon
12 A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head.2 She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth.3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born. 5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne. 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days.

Is Meghan the woman in this story? Are one of the twins this male child? The Greek meaning for "caught/snatched up" means "to seize, snatch, obtain by robbery. From a derivative of haireomai; to seize. So its saying that God stole this woman's baby. Afterwards, the dragon gets cast down to earth and tries to drown the woman in a river but she is saved and goes into the wilderness. Oddly enough, we never hear of this woman again and never find out who she is. This story actually makes no sense under any lens. First Satan, the dragon, was said to be cast out at the beginning of creation. Second, the prevailing idea is that the woman is Mary and the Baby is Jesus but this makes no sense either. Jesus always existed (I'm just going by what the Bible says for sake of argument) and if this was him being born on Earth, then it completely contradicts the Gospels. This story is completely out of line with the entire Bible. Unless this is the recycling of the Messiah process. Meaning every so many years, a new messianic figure is born to "save" the people and become that generations hero. You can see this throughout many myths. This would also contradict the entire Bible but its the only thing that makes sense to me.

This story of 2 factions of non-human being fighting over the earth using their sons goes all the back to ancient Hittite stories where one is a giant rock god who even comes out of the sea like one of the beasts in Revelations. A male child being snatched up to heaven would also be in line with Passover and killing of the first born son. 4/19 is the day the American Revolution began in 1775 with an American victory in Concord during the battles of Lexington and Concord. With the Patriots being from Boston, home of Plymouth Rock, this entire Superbowl is overflowing with the death/rebirth motif.

April 20th will be the 130th birthday of Hitler and the 20th anniversary of the infamous school shooting known simply as Columbine. A columbine is a dove or a pigeon. Like the spirit of God that descended on Jesus when he was baptized in the Bible. This is also the Irish All Saints Day which is just a Christianized version of the Ancient Celtic festival Samhain moved to this date to avoid any associations with it. Samhain has all sorts of crazy stories attached to it, many relevant to what we may actually see in the future as well as to the story of Hercules and Atlantis. This was the time of the year thought to be where spirits from other worlds would come into ours to interact with us us in various ways. Some good and some bad. There's stories of child sacrifices, ritualized killings of kings, people having visions of the future, and the idea that someone would be killed to "mark the occasion by persons unknown." There's even a story about a king meeting his death after breaking certain taboos and he is forewarned of his incoming fate by 3 undead horsemen who were sent by the god of the dead. Who just so happens to be named Donn. There just so happens to be a depiction of 3 "horsemen" etched into the side of whats called Stone Mountain near Atlanta. Depictions of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E Lee and Jefferson Davis.
In relation to Hercules, Samhain marks the beginning of a story called "Cattle Raid of Cooley".There's also another festival whos actual date would only be a week or so later called Beltane.
According to 18th century writers, in parts of Scotland there was another ritual involving the oatmeal cake. The cake would be cut and one of the slices marked with charcoal. The slices would then be put in a bonnet and everyone would take one out while blindfolded. According to one writer, whoever got the marked piece would have to leap through the fire three times. According to another, those present would pretend to throw him into the fire and, for some time afterwards, they would speak of him as if he were dead. This "may embody a memory of actual human sacrifice", or it may have always been symbolic. A similar ritual (i.e. of pretending to burn someone in the fire) was practised at spring and summer bonfire festivals in other parts of Europe
Since 1988, a Beltane Fire Festival has been held every year during the night of 30 April on Calton Hill in Edinburgh, Scotland. While inspired by traditional Beltane, this festival is a modern arts and cultural event which incorporates myth and drama from a variety of world cultures and diverse literary sources.

Spring seems to be full of ancient festivals involving sacrifice, including men and children.

April 21st will be Easter. The celebration of Jesus's resurrection from dead. The "rebirth" part of the cycle in the meaning behind the number 8. It'll have been 3 years since this tombstone was put in Central Park in New York.
I have predicted that Trump would be assassinated around this date. (read this link for an in depth explanation about this) Now the question is, will this assassination be successful or will he survive this attempt on his life and use it to enact certain measures that allow him to take more power? What if he receives "a deadly head wound but did live" like the Beast from the Sea in the book of Revelation is said to have and he seems to have magically been "resurrected" like Jesus? You see that rock formation directly behind the tomb? Ever since I saw this picture, that formation has caught my attention. I don't know if Trump will be the one who emerges but if the movie "The Gate" is any indication, killing Trump would possibly open up these so called portals or gates to other worlds and allow certain beings to come fully through. And where could this possibly happen?

Well the first and obvious choice is Antarctica. The Hollow Earth theory, which is very prevalent in these Masonic predictive movies and books, says that at the poles, are giant tunnels leading to the inside of the earth with all sorts of beings inside. Antarctica is currently thawing out right now and they just discovered a giant void deep down underneath the ice. Keeping with the idea that a lot of the Bible is inverted, what if hell isn't really fire? How exactly do you "bound" beings with chains into a land of fire? If these are spirits, how would fire even hurt them and if they're biological, the fire would eventually kill them. What state could you bound a biological entity in where they wouldn't die but they couldn't escape either. You know the common saying "When hell freezes over"? Maybe thats the joke, hell already is frozen over because thats what hell is, being frozen in ice, trapped in your body neither alive or dead. Apparently freezing yourself for a future date is becoming more and more a realistic option. There's a TV show from the 60s where this idea becomes very relevant.

The Avengers - S06E16 - Invasion of the Earthmen (1969 TV Show)
Following up a clue found on a dead agent Steed and Miss King pose as a married couple, enabling them to infiltrate the Alpha Academy, where they claim they wish to enroll their 'son'. The academy is run by Brigadier Brett and is supposedly for youngsters who possess super-intelligence but it is in reality a training ground for a force who seek not global but extra-terrestrial domination.

Pence: "As President Trump has said in his words, it is not enough to have merely an American presence in space, we must have American DOMINANCE in space".

The character in the show simply goes by "Trump". Although he seems to be the main guy under the leader, he doesn't do or say much. Here is an interesting conversation in the episode with the leader. Which is probably the only interesting part of this entire episode.

Miss King: "Just how do you plan on reaching the stars?"
Brigadier Brett: "Both East and West are competing like school boys to create methods of space transportation. When the means are available, I shall lead my armies into these new worlds and colonize them."
Miss King: "Your army?"
"My army of astronauts, astronaut soldiers to be precise."
"To wage war on other astronauts?"
"To wipe them out.I will invade the new territories out there, while this world makes formal protests and looks at the rule books."
"It's happened before."
"Exactly, Miss King."
"It may be 50 years before space travel is made that easy. Your army will be old by then."
"Cryobiology Miss King. We have perfected the deep freezing of human tissues.

AIR DATE: 01-15-69 + 50 years = 1-15-2019
Interesting how Antarctica is currently unthawing and all the speculation of what we're going to find in there.
There is a giant snake that tries to eat people in the show and their symbol is a lighting bolt in a yellow circle. Sort of like the Nazi SS but with just one S. Their own people also "hunt" each other.

I have located somewhere else that could be of significance as to where a "gate" could open up. Las Vegas. Which is strongly correlated with the Giza pyramids and even Atlantis. It has its own pyramid, a very large one complete with a Sphinx and an obelisk. The one Trump's golden tower is aligned with.
The infamous Vegas shooting happened right across the street from the Luxor Hotel exactly 70 weeks ago. 490 days. The shooter was on the 32nd floor and the event he shot up was called the Route 91 Harvest. The Superbowl is 2/3/19

I discovered this by complete chance on several different levels but its too specific to not mean something.

These are both mirrored images. One of a random picture of Trumps tower in Vegas, the other a part of a map of Vegas that I mirrored one day just messing around. Thought it looked like one of the Koopas from Super Mario World and didn't think anything of it again until I opened up the Trump tower picture by accident and realized that not only do they look almost they exact same, it looks like the slanted H shape could represent 2 pillars. Like the pillars of Hercules.
I think came across this picture again, by complete accident and noticed they both had a circle at the top of their heads and then I knew there had to be something to this so I went searching for the area of the map to see what I could find.

And here we have GATEway Canyon. Right next to Cannibal Crag, Guardian Angel and Hot Tub Club which just makes me think of Hot Tub Time Machine. Gateway Canyon is apart of Turtlehead mountain. Turtles have a very significant symbolic meaning to all of this. Hermes killed a turtle and made a Lyre out of its shell.
In the far east, the turtles shell was a symbol of heaven and the square underside was a symbol of Earth. This meant that the turtle was an animal whose magic united heaven and Earth.
In the west, early Christians viewed turtles as a symbol of evil forces during war.
African - The turtle originated ju ju and appears in fertility rites. It represents the feminine to the serpent's masculine power.
Greco - As the feminine power of the waters, the turtle was an emblem of Aphrodite/Venus in Greco-Roman myth.
Native American - The totem symbolizes the relation between the tribe and it's ancestors. Human and animal figures are sculpted on a trunk and offerings are made to these sacred totems.
The Ojibwa, Saulteaux, Cree, and Iroquois people view the turtle as a symbol of Mother Earth and referred to the continent of North America as Turtle Island. They viewed the hard outer shell, which protects a living being, as an analogy to their mother, the Earth, also a living entity.
For the Aztecs, turtles were a symbol of cowardice and boastfulness. Hard outwardly but soft inwardly.
The turtle is a creature of two elements, Earth and water. The people of the Turtle Clan share an affinity with both. They enjoy helping things grow, both plants and people, yet require freedom to do their own things, as the turtle has its freedom in the water.
Turtles will often leave a pool or pond before a draught arrives. This is a warning of a change in climate.

Well, these are polar opposites in some cases but the turtle being some sort of messenger or bridge between us and the other dimensions seems to be strongly indicated here. With all the talks of droughts and climate change, the last one seems likely.
Then you have this plaque at the Hoover Dam which for some reason, looks exactly like the left mirrored side of Vatican Jesus coming out of the D-Wave logo. Construction started on the Hoover Dam in 1931. 88 years ago.

"They died to make the desert bloom"

The much talked about Oumuamua is from the Vega star system. If anybody thinks thats just another space rock, they're kidding themselves.
Calculating the exact path of 'Oumuamua took about a week. The math showed it was an object from beyond — way, way beyond. Its orbit was "unbound" or loop-less, and it was making a checkmark-shaped trip through the solar system. It had entered from above the plane of the solar system, dipped close to and below the sun, and was exiting out the top.

It's times like this when the reason I post what seem like completely irrelevant things becomes more clear. I noticed a theme of the goddess Nike so I posted a video about the history of the Nike swoosh. Since then, I found one randomly on top of a building in NY along the line where the HK splits Columbus circle (and no, its not a Nike store) and theres one in in the background of the mechanical display of the fall of Atlantis in a casino in Vegas. Then you can see how the logo for Aquaman relates to both as I had already thought that it looked like a ship passing over you as if you were underwater and it was on the surface of the water. Thats a statue of Nike in Paris called "Winged Victory of Samothrace". The yellow object next to it is apparently Nibryu. The person who came up with this design (no idea who or what exactly his logic was) claims that Nibryu is not a star or a planet but a spaceship and the source of what causes these Earth ending cataclysms. I'm just now making this connection and I don't think thats a coincidence either. The goddess of VICTORY riding a ship to battle in the same exact shape as the cataclysm causing ship of Nibryu? Who's victory is she symbolizing anyways exactly? And why is this associated with Atlantis? This goes back to the Economist 2019 cover. The Pot leaf over America that is really a Palm tree meaning Triumph or Victory.

There's actually a Star Trek episode about this very thing. This planet fears its the end of the world because this deity they made a deal with comes back and theres all sorts of earthquakes but Picard figures out theres a ship hidden thats causing the whole thing. That show is obviously run by people who know some secret knowledge. Undoubtedly this entire period we are in is being orchestrated by some outside force. There's an interesting AI entity in the Star Trek universe I read about on a Wiki once. Sounded a lot like our idea of god.

To tie this all back to the Superbowl....

A band called Maroon 5 will be playing the halftime game and apparently, they will be playing a song in the vein of Spongebob Sqaure Pants of all things. No I'm not kidding. This just got announced yesterday. Can anybody guess why (the real reason, not the one they'll tell us) or what song? The song is called...... Sweet VICTORY!

Maroon 5's Super Bowl 'SpongeBob' Tribute Looks Like It's Actually Happening

Spongebob Squarepants -Sweet Victory [Youtube[

And check out the hats they're wearing and compare it to the picture way below here, you'll know it when you see it.

So you know the song, now what is the real why? For Spongebob specifically? The one that the people doing this probably are't even aware of as I am not suggesting this is all planned out by human beings as some sinister plot. This is just oblivious script following 101. You just need to ask yourself one simple question. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? SPONGEBOB SQUARE PANTS!. Pine apple. Under the sea. Pine as in pineal gland aka 3rd eye. Apple as in the common fruit associated with the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The pineapple itself is used visually because it looks just like a palm tree and has the Fibonacci sequence visibly on it. There's also a palm tree literally called the pineapple palm tree. And what do Palm trees signify? Triumph/Victory. And where is this pineapple? Under the sea....

The lead singers name is Adam Levine. His middle name is NOAH. He was a part of a show called "The Voice" which just perfectly brings something else around that I have been talking about for months. This bag full of things I received completely randomly several months ago. There was a card in it referencing this show with a silhouette of Christina Aguilera and it said "The Return of the Voice April 12 2005"
Superman's "real" name is Kal-El, it means voice of God. Kind of like it says Jesus is the word of God. Superman is also an alien from outer space. The 2 symbols for Jesus, the Lion and the Dove? Those have always been the symbols for the Sumerian goddess Inanna. The dove itself has ALWAYS been associated with female goddesses. 777 is a number that has been popping up so often for me lately its a bit over the top. Those 3 days in sequence seem to be immensely important. That doesn't necessarily mean earth shattering events will happen on exactly those days but we are on the edge of whatever major event I keep talking about that never seems to come but 4/20 weekend is a time I have been talking about for months as well and the last major date that I have really seen signs pointing towards.

If that wasn't enough, I said in the Economist 2019 post that palm trees were Baal symbolism because Baals temple is in Palmyra, meaning palm tree and it just seems to be the common usage. That sinister under the veil of harmlessness usage where no one notices. Like how they took that Arch of "Triumph" from Baal's temple on a world tour the past couple years. Well there just so happens to be something called Ball's Pyramid right off the coast of New Zealand. It's literally the shape of a Xenomorph head from Alien and I somehow downloaded a picture of Shiva right in front of it without realizing it for who knows how long.

This place was discovered and named after a man named Henry (theres that name again) Lidgbird Ball on Feburary 17th, 1788. 2/17/1788. 11-8 Q Trump. 2 = 11, 17 = 8, 17 = Q, the 17th letter of the alphabet aka Qanon. 88 = Trump in gematria. 11-8 being the day of the 2016 election. K-H or H-K. 11 X 8 = 88. You can't make this shit up. On top of that, if this place was named after this guy, how could it possibly be associated with Palmyra or Baal? Well here are a couple of pretty loose associations. It was first climbed in 1964 and the paper who reported on it used a certain word to describe it.


Triumph. Column 8 and the paper is in its 134th year of publication. 1+3+4=8. Ball's pyramid is apart of the 8th continent Zealandia. Donnie Darko, as I have laid out in other threads, is strongly associated with the times we're in. The numbers Frank give him to the "end of the world" add up to 88. Here he is wearing a shirt that says Tr(i)ump(h). This place is also home to a rare stick insect commonly called the "tree lobster". Lobsters are a common symbol used by the Satanist occult I believe for the symbolism of the claw which represents a multitude of things. Ball's pyramid is also the tallest volcano stack in the world.

How does any of this translate to any kind of "event"?

The LA Rams used to be the St Louis Rams not even 3 or 4 years ago. They went from the place of the Gateway to the West, to the City of Angels. During all those fires in Cali last year, the set for Westworld burned down along with a place called Paradise. There's a place called Paradise right next to Vegas as well. Something you would have already known had I not lost my post but I need to reveal it now or else this part won't make as much sense. The 2 pillars of Hercules that lead to Atlantis. What/Where are they? The statue of Colossus was mistakenly thought to have one leg on either side of the harbor it was in, like a gateway, his legs being the 2 pillars so to speak. Italy is right next to the Straight of Gibraltar and shaped like a leg, or a boot, which is what most people refer to it as. What other country might be shaped like it to match? New Zealand, where they just so happens to be what is now called the sunken 8th Continent of Zealandia.

I will delve more into this entire thing when I rewrite what was suppose to be Part 2 but the reason this is relevant is because of the "boot".

Poseidon was the ruler of Atlantis. He was the god of the sea, horses and earthquakes. Keeping with this whole "boot" theme, there just so happens to be a very prominent fault line along a "boot" in America. The New Madrid fault line right next to the boot hill in Missouri. This fault line runs all the way up to St Louis, former home of the Rams. Who moved to LA, onto another very prominent fault line, called the San Andreas. The Straight of Gibraltar, thought to be the pillars of Hercules, the mountains he "split in half". Well on one half you have Morocco in Africa. The other half you have Spain in Europe. The capital of Spain is MADRID.

A few closing notes about this. The QB for the Rams, his name is Jared Goff.

Jared is a given name of Biblical derivation, common mostly in North American English-speaking countries.
In the Book of Genesis, the biblical patriarch Jared was the sixth link in the ten pre-flood generations between Adam and Noah; he was the son of Mahalaleel and the father of Enoch, and lived 962 years (per Genesis 5:18). The biblical text in Jubilees implicitly etymologizes the name as derived from the root YRD "descend", because in his days "the angels of the Lord descended to earth". Alternative suggestions for the name's etymology include words for "rose" and for "servant".

Goff is a surname with several distinct origins, mainly Germanic, Celtic, Jewish, and French. It is the 946th most common family name in the United States. When the surname originates from England it is derived from an occupational name from German, Cornish and Breton. The German Goff means a godly person, a strong warrior, or a priest. The Breton goff means "smith" (cognate with Gaelic gobha). The English-originating surname is common in East Anglia, where it is of Breton origin. The Welsh name is a variant of the surname Gough, and is derived from a nickname for someone with red hair**.** The native Irish name is derived from a patronymic form of the Gaelic personal name Eochaidh/Eachaidh, which means "horseman"

A red haired godly smith who descended from heaven. Sounds exactly like the Hykos.

February 3rd is the 33rd day of the year. Atlanta is on the 33rd parallel and as I pointed out earlier, LIII could be 33. 4/21 will be 111 days from December 31st. 9/11 is also 111 days from 12/31. I noticed an odd numerical association with 9/11 and this upcoming 4/20 weekend.

Four passenger airliners operated by two major U.S. passenger air carriers (United Airlines and American Airlines)—all of which departed from airports in the northeastern United States bound for California—were hijacked by 19 al-Qaeda terrorists. Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively, of the World Trade Center complex in Lower Manhattan. Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed. Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures. A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building's west side. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers. 9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively.
Two of the planes, American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight 175, were crashed into the North and South towers, respectively

2 planes. Flight 11 and 175. 1+7+5 = 13. America's favorite number

Within an hour and 42 minutes, both 110-story towers collapsed.

1+4+2 = 7 = completion

Two 110 story towers. 11 / 11

Debris and the resulting fires caused a partial or complete collapse of all other buildings in the World Trade Center complex, including the 47-story 7 World Trade Center tower, as well as significant damage to ten other large surrounding structures.

47 stories = 11

Damage to 10 other buildings. 10+1 = 11+ twin towers = 13, America's favorite number

A third plane, American Airlines Flight 77, was crashed into the Pentagon (the headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense) in Arlington County, Virginia, which led to a partial collapse of the building's west side.


The Pentagon started construction to be built on 9/11/61, exactly 60 years prior to the attack. As well as being nicked named "ground zero" due to assumptions it would be the target during a nuclear attack.

The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, was initially flown toward Washington, D.C., but crashed into a field in Stonycreek Township near Shanksville, Pennsylvania, after its passengers thwarted the hijackers.

The one plane that didn't fit the numerical pattern crashed in a place called SHANKsville and didn't make it to its destination.

9/11 is the single deadliest terrorist attack in human history and the single deadliest incident for firefighters and law enforcement officers in the history of the United States, with 343 and 72 killed, respectively.

343 = 1 and 72 = 9
9+1= 1

So how does this relate to anything? Passover and Easter will be on 4/20 weekend. 4/20/19 will be the 130th birthday of Hitler and the 20th year anniversary of the Columbine shootings. It will also be 3 years since that tombstone was put in Central Park with the Jesuit IHS logo in the middle of it.

So you have the 130 which equals 13, 20 which equals 11 and 3. 3 being the number of years since the Easter this tombstone was placed. Easter is about Jesus dying and then 3 days later, rising from the dead. The only plane that didn't fit the numerical pattern on 9/11 (13 and 11) was the number 3. It was headed toward the capital building apparently and it crashed in Shanksville, Pennsylvania due to the people on the plane taking action to stop the hijacking. 1600 Pennsylvania ave is the address of the White House. 1600 = 88 (Trump) which ultimately = 7

One more possible relation to all this. Space X "captured" their space craft named "Dragon" on 12/8 last year.
Dragon completed its first flight around the world 8 years ago today. Since then, Dragon has visited @Space_Station 16 times. Next year, SpaceX will take another important step with an upgraded Dragon capable of returning human spaceflight to the US for the first time since 2011.

8 years ago it took its first flight and its visited the space station 16 times. 8 & 8. It's called "Dragon". They "captured" it at exactly 4:21am, about a minute later, there is lightning and a thunderstorm on Earth that you can see behind the space craft. Easter is April 21st, 4/21.

So who will win todays Superbowl? The god of war or the scapegoat? Lets hope they both forfeit and call a truce because neither outcome could possibly be good for us as a nation.
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Atlantis Casino Resort Spa Hotel Review Blog: info: www.atlantiscasino.comMore at: www.lindsaysatmary.comInstagram: @paperclipsand... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... ⭐️ NEW SLOT ⭐️ CASH BURST ORB OF ATLANTIS ⭐️HIGH LIMIT $25 MAX BET Bonus Slot Machine Casino Check Out Live Slot, Slot Machine Bonus, Slot Machine Big Win, S... With so many things to do in Reno-Tahoe, Atlantis is the ultimate resort destination to experience it all. Discover luxuriously appointed rooms, delicious di... Our welcome video for new Team Members. Atlantis, Paradise Island Bahamas in 2019 - Travel video by Kevin Williamson.Follow me on:Instagram - my facebook group ... PLEASE Show Your Support by Subscribing are closely monitored by others on my behalf in ... The official YouTube channel for Atlantis Casino Resort Spa ∙ Reno. Discover the ultimate resort - Atlantis. This video is a walk through the Atlantis Bahamas Casino from the Coral Towers to the Royal Towers and back. July 2018.SUBSCRIBE NOW!!Check out my Atlantis ... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ...

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