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I'm a 21 year old college senior, living in New York and making $18/hour as an intern

Hi everyone! Long time follower, first time poster :) I know college MDs can get a bad rap, but I tried to talk about a lot of the financial details of my parents and how I think about money as an almost post-grad to account for some of the criticisms of older college diaries. I’m definitely very grateful for all of the financial privilege that I have and don’t take any of the money given to me for granted.
Covid disclaimer: Every time I step outside my apartment, I have a mask on. I do take my mask off on runs, but only remove the mask when I’m physically on the running path and put it on as soon as I finish. Based on what we know about running and covid, I feel okay and safe about this.
Assets and debts:
Retirement balance:
Roth IRA: 12,000
Vanguard 500 index fund: $7,085
Equity: Yeah, no
Savings account $12,530. This is all in the Money Market, I have a huge fear of losing this money as I’ve planned on using this for covering costs as I transition into post-grad. As I start earning a regular salary, I’ll probably begin investing some of this.
Checking account:
Checking account 1: $10,356 - this is my main checking account linked to most of my purchases
Checking account 2: $3,665 - this WAS my travel saving/checking account (cries in covid), but now it serves as my college life account. At the start of the semester, my parents gave me a set amount of money for groceries and books (I think in total it was $1,000). Now, it’s up to me to budget that money accordingly and last me all semester. I keep this money separate from my main checking account so that I can more easily track what I’m spending on groceries each week.
Credit card debt: None. As early as I can remember, I was taught that you never put anything you can’t immediately pay off on a credit card.
Student loan debt: None. I am incredibly, incredibly privileged that my parents pay for the entirety of my tuition. I don’t qualify for need-based financial aid and my college doesn’t award merit-based aid. In total, my tuition will be about $280,000 over four years. Every semester, my dad tries to cause some issues about paying, but it’s actually in my parents’ divorce contract that they have to equally split the cost of college for both my brother and me.
Section 2: Income
Income Progression: I started making money first as a babysitter. I charged $8/hour at first (I think? It was 10 years ago, haha) and slowly worked my way up to charging between $17-20/hour, depending on the family and responsibilities. I’ve had 8 internships since entering college, and 4 of those have been paid at the standard intern rate of $15/hour. My current internship is the first office job where I’m making above $18
Main Job Income: I have two internships this semester. The one I spend more of my time doing (21 hours/week) I get paid $18/hour pre tax. This usually works out to $650/750 every two weeks (variable based overtime)
Other monthly take home: My second internship (11 hours/week) pays a flat-rate stipend of $80/week. This is paid under the table (kinda suspicious for an established company but whatever) so I get the full amount
Parents’ income: Something I’ve seen in response to a lot of college MDs is curiosity about parental finances. Especially considering that I am very financial intertwined with my parents, I thought it would be useful to include here.
Mom: $280,000-300,000/year. She’s self employed so her income changes slightly each year based on capacity.
Stepdad: Approx. $400,000/year
Dad: Approx. $150,000/year
Stepmom: Absolutely no clue. She and I have almost no relationship and I don’t even really know what she does for a job honestly. While my stepdad does support me financially in different ways, my stepmom does not, so her salary wouldn’t really be relevant here anyway.
Section 3: Monthly expenses that I pay
-$5: Emily’s List (it’s small, but I’ve had this recurring donation for over 4 years now
-$3: iCloud storage
-$5: Spotify student plan for premium Spotify, basic Hulu and basic Showtime. What a steal! I share my Hulu and Showtime passwords with my family #favoritechild
-$16 for the most basic Classpass subscription, paused since March due to Covid
-$15 for Nike Training Club app, paused since March due to Covid
-$65 for Amazon student prime membership - Annual expense
Section 4: Monthly expenses my parents pay
-$1,665: Rent. I live in a 3 bed/1 bath apartment with two roommates
-Phone bill (Mom pays)
-Health insurance (on Dad’s)
-Netflix (Dad pays)
Was there an expectation for you to attend higher education? Did you participate in any form of higher ed? How did you pay for it?
Yes, there was never any question that I would be attending a traditional four year university. Both of my parents have advanced degrees (PhD and Law School Degree) and it’s actually a bit disappointing to them that I don’t plan on going to grad school (at this point, never say never!). There was also, and this is hugely privileged, never any question that I would take out loans to pay. My parents began saving for my college when my mom got pregnant and had about a year of college saved by the time they got divorced (I was 9). Each parent was required, per their divorce agreement, to save up enough to cover half of the remaining three years (so in total all four years were covered). My dad has made it very clear he disagrees with this agreement, but my mom overfunded my 529 account and now if I ever go to grad school the first year will be covered by her. I don’t take this gift lightly, and am very cognizant of how much of a financial help this is.
Growing up, what kind of conversations did you have about money? Did your parent/guardian(s) educate you about finances?
My mom always gave me age appropriate money talks really from as soon as I could talk. I have a very clear memory of being 3 or 4 and her giving me a bath and talking about how important it is that mommies have jobs and don’t have to ask daddies for money. She took my brother and I to open our first real bank accounts at 6 and 9 respectively, and was always very clear about how important financial responsibility and independence is. As I got older, she got more transparent about her income, her various financial decisions (why she invested in X account and not Y account, etc etc) and has helped me make financial decisions like what retirement accounts to open. We’re very transparent about money and I have access to all of her financial accounts (save for her joint accounts with my stepdad) and she has access to all of my accounts (She’s very respectful about my account info, she has my log-ins mostly in case I croak since I don’t have a will yet!)
Additionally, I was taught how to turn a profit early on from my dad. I was really big into American Girl dolls as a kid, and would always ask for them for birthdays and holidays. As I got more and more dolls, I began to sell the dolls I got tired of on Ebay. Dad taught me how to take pictures of the dolls, look up the prices of dolls listed online to decide on a competitive listing price and would take me to garage sales around town to find used dolls I could buy for $5-10 and then sell for around $60-70. I made a ton of money (especially for a 7 year old!) and used the profits to buy myself more dolls, as well as buy an iPod nano using completely my own money. My dad and I have never been super close, but he did teach me growing up that I was never too young to make an honest dollar and to appreciate the hustle.
What was your first job and why did you get it?
Aside from my online doll business, I started babysitting right after I turned 11 because I wanted money. My parents have always been clear that the money we earn is ours to spend, and I very quickly got addicted to earning money, saving money and then getting to buy big special purchases. I would literally “work” the social scene at various friend parties and gatherings and play with the little kids and then schmooze the parents to get them to hire me. I mostly babysat after school and date nights, but had quite a few recurring gigs for several families up until I graduated high school.
My first office job was an internship the summer after my freshman year of college, but I didn’t actually start securing paid internships until my sophomore spring.
Did you worry about money growing up?
Yes. When my parents got divorced, my mom was stressed about money all of the time. She was incredible about budgeting and always made sure to put money away for birthdays, holidays, field trips, etc but there were some very lean years in my late elementary/early middle school years that I was hyper-aware of. My family used to joke that we would know my mom won the lottery if we ever went out to dinner and we were allowed to order appetizers. Additionally, both of my parents subscribed to the mindset of over-saving for things and being super panicked about hitting savings goals. For example, my family loves to travel and starting in about 7th grade, my mom/brotheI would take one international trip a year. My mom would pinch pennies for months and get super stressed about saving for these trips but then we would get to wherever we were going and we could do, eat and see whatever we wanted. Or, she stressed for years about paying for college, and whenever I would accidentally leave a light in the house on she would snap about “you can either live in a well lit house or go to college” and then it came time to apply to schools and the financials didn’t matter at all. It was a little bit of money whiplash that made me feel stressed. It was only in my senior year of high school that my mom made it clear we were actually financially comfortable and a lot of money anxiety I had went away.
Do you worry about money now?
Mostly I worry about how my expenses impact my relationship with my parents.
My dad has made it very clear that he sees my college (and everything it took to get me here: expensive extracurriculars, a year of ACT tutoring, etc) as a huge burden. As a result, I feel like every time I talk to him I have to justify the price to him by overemphasizing how amazing things are, or understating the cost of things to him. I also feel like I can’t talk to him about my finances because I worry he might use that against me and demand that I pay for certain things that are his responsibilities. For example, I love to solo-travel and have taken two trips (Colombia and Norway) and would have taken three more (Singapore, Cuba and Brazil — Fuck Covid) on my own that I never told him about because I was worried he would ask about the cost. I also just signed a lease for my first ever big girl solo apartment, but haven’t been able to tell him yet because I’m so worried about what he’ll say about the cost. He’ll be responsible for splitting the rent with my mom until I graduate, and even though it’s only about $200 more/month he’ll be paying, I worry he’ll get upset with me about it.
With my mom, she tends to overcompensate financially to make up for my dad, brother and her own faults. Obviously, my relationship with my dad isn’t great (although now it’s actually better than ever), but my relationship with my brother is also very challenging. He has quite a few disabilities that have made him my parents’ main priority over the years and my mom feels bad that this is the family she’s given me, so she tends to send me money whenever one of them disappoints me. For example, just two weeks ago she had to cancel our plans to deal with my brother and so she sent me $50 because she felt bad. It’s a weird place to be in, feeling like I’m paid to be the “good kid.”
At what age did you become financially responsible for yourself and do you have a financial safety net?
It’s very clear I’m still financially dependent on my parents (lol). I definitely have my own savings to fall back on, but I also know that my mom and stepdad would be my real financial safety net.
Do you or have you ever received passive or inherited income? If yes, please explain.
Yes - both. This past summer, my mom sold my childhood home (traumatic). The house was in a very competitive and popular New Jersey suburb, and this coupled with the mass covid exodus from NYC into the suburbs means the house sold for $250,000 above asking price. Because my mom felt bad about selling the house(see comments above for context), she gifted me and my brother with $20,000 each into our retirement funds.
In terms of passive income, I have my Fitbit/apple health linked to an app that tracks my health stats and sends me $10 every so often. I figure that enough of my data is out there already that I might as well get paid for some of it. I also received a weekly allowance from age 6 to 17. My allowance correlated with my grade, every year I would get a dollar increase (so 1 dollar in first grade, 2 dollars in second grade, up through 12 dollars senior year of HS). Calling this passive income because I definitely did not do enough chores to earn it, lol.
Day 1: November 11
5:00am: My alarm goes off and despite not sleeping well, I feel wide awake. I’m an (mostly) early riser and try to get up between 5-6am most days. I scroll on my phone for ten minutes before heading into the kitchen to make breakfast. I make coffee with oat milk and grab two healthy(ish) apple/chocolate-chip muffins I baked on Sunday.
6:30am: Breakfast is eaten, coffee is drank and homework is in progress but I stop to get ready for a run. I’ve been a runner for about two years now, and even though it still feels weird and like imposter syndrome to call myself a runner, I’m currently training for my first marathon, which is definitely runner status.
7:00am: I’m lucky enough to live really close to Central Park, so I head there to begin my run. I have a 10 mile run slated for today, and it’s hot and humid so I carry an electrolyte drink with me and sip on my bottle every 3 miles.
9:00am: I’m slow but steady! Run is done and I head back to the apartment where I do a quick ab workout, shower, change, do my makeup and throw a load of laundry in the washer before throwing myself into my bed (which currently serves as my office, classroom, dining room table as well) one minute before my first internship of the day starts
9:30am-12:00pm: Work. This semester, I have two internships: one in the non-profit world and one in the consulting world (two very different fields!). I always thought I would go into non-profit development and I’ve had seven development/fundraising internships thus far, but my operations/sales internship this semester is making me think differently about my post-grad future. Regardless, on Wednesday mornings I’m at my non-profit job, and the morning is spent in meetings and completing some small tasks. At some point I eat some greek yogurt and also switch out my laundry to put in the dryer.
12:10-2pm: I switch gears and log into my virtual class. I front loaded my credits into my first three years of college, so this semester I’m just taking three classes. They meet once a week for two hours a day which is a mental drain to do via Zoom but I still enjoy my classes. Today’s class is my class about protests and social movements - my favorite of the three because I love the professor. She’s a total badass and I signed up for this class because I had taken a class with her last semester and enjoyed her teaching so much. Since I only have ten minutes between work and class, I eat lunch (sesame garlic noodles with kale, cucumber and green onion) for the first few minutes of class with my camera off and then I switch my camera on and participate in the class discussion for the rest of the two hours.
2:30pm: I walk to campus for my weekly covid test. Despite being 100% remote this semester, my school offers a free weekly testing program for all students living near campus. The test takes less than a minute, the swab doesn’t go all the way up my nose, and I really like knowing my testing status (all negative!) each week so I can’t complain.
2:45: On the way back to my apartment, I stop for a post long-run treat, boba. I get a medium lychee slush with bubbles which costs $6.35
3:00pm: Log into my other internship (consulting job). Technically the office is closed for Veterans Day but my boss is working on some time sensitive projects that I need to assist with. Usually I work 3-5, but he only keeps me for an hour. I don’t mind that I had to work today, I get paid hourly so there’s an incentive to log in! I use my freed-up hour to work on some homework
5:15pm: Weekly FaceTime appointment with one of my best friends
6:00pm: I make dinner. I roast a sweet potato and top it with sautéed red onion, kale, tomatoes, as well as half an avocado, a runny egg, hot sauce (#teamchoulula) and everything but the bagel seasoning. I love this meal because it’s easy, healthy, and cheap.
6:00pm-9:00pm: Time waste purgatory, I watch last night’s episode of the Bachelorette (Tayshia!), finally fold and put away my laundry and scroll through Instagram until I dissociate. I also eat a bowl of ice cream.
10pm: Bed!
Daily total: $6.35
Day 2: November 12
5:00am: I wake up and am hit with what my family calls the Covid grumpies. I don’t want to get out of bed, I don’t want to go to work, and once again I’m furious about how shitty my senior year of college is turning out to be. I intermittently snooze my alarm until 8, the absolute latest I can until I have to get ready for the day.
9:00am: Log into my non-profit internship. Get started on an assignment that should have taken 20 minutes but due to the way the document was formatted, takes almost two hours. I shove my prepped muffin and a coffee down my throat in an effort to calm down. It works for about 5 minutes.
11:40: Break from work to walk a few blocks to Whole Foods - I’m making a salad for dinner and realized I forgot to buy lettuce! I also pick up a prepacked, cold white iced tea from the beverage aisle, you know, to help with the covid grumpies. The lettuce and drink together come out to $6
3:00pm: Take another break from work to roast chicken and veggies for the salad tonight. In true covid-grumpy fashion, the veggies come out burned and the chicken is dry. Most of the food is salvageable so I pack up what I can and sadly toss some out.
5:00pm: I sign out of work and do some homework while I wait to get hungry for dinner. I have two major assignments due on Tuesday for different classes. Both assignments are ancillary assignments leading up to my final papers due in both classes. The topic matter of the classes are incredibly similar so I’m writing my final papers on the same topic for both classes. Work smarter, not harder, right? I have an extensive outline due for one class, and a paper draft for the other, so I’m working on the outline first, knowing that will help a lot with getting the draft done. For anyone who cares, I’m writing about the sexual assault against women migrants that happens in US immigration detention centers
6:00pm: I eat my sad, burned salad. It’s fine.
9:00pm: It’s the grey’s anatomy season premiere! I set up camp with one of my roommates in front of the TV.
11pm: Um, WHAT was that ending?! No spoilers but iykyk. It’s completely past my bedtime so I fall asleep shortly after reading after possible season17 theory on the grey’s reddit.
Daily total: $6
Day 3, November 13:
6:00am: Ugh. I roll myself out of bed and plop myself in front of my computer to get some readings done.
8:00am: Breakfast and some Netflix. I have the same breakfast as the past two days while watching the docu-series Immigrant Nation on Netflix. It’s infuriating but an important watch.
8:30am: I remember that it’s payday and check my bank account! For my consulting internship I usually get paid on the 15th and last day of the month, but since the 15th falls on a Sunday, I get paid today. I also get my under-the-table stipend deposited today too, score. My hours for my consulting job always change a little week-to-week, and this week was weird with Veteran’s Day, but I’m pleasantly surprised to see my paycheck from them is $645.53, which is higher than what I was expecting.
9:00am: Log onto consulting work. Today I’m asking my boss if I can extend my internship into the spring, and I’m so nervous. I’ve never asked for an internship extension before but I remind myself that I’ll never progress in a career if I can’t stick up for myself.
11:00am: I’ve been working and now it’s time to message my boss asking for a meeting. I rewrite the message a bunch of times and settle on a brief message asking if he can set aside 20 minutes to talk about my time at the company since my internship is almost over. He responds immediately and tells me to put some time on his calendar this afternoon. I take it as a good sign that he didn’t immediately shoot me down.
1:00pm: Sad burned salad leftovers.
2:00pm: I get on the call with my boss and spit out a speech about how much I’ve enjoyed my time so far and how I think my boss and I communicate well and that I can see myself as an asset to the team as they continue to work given how much I’ve come to work on. My boss says that he agrees with what I’ve said, and that he wasn’t fully sure on intern protocols for the spring so he can’t really do much now. Still, we chat about what time commitment I might be able to make to the company in next semester and he says that he’ll reach out to the intern coordinator to ask about what happens next. I leave the call feeling proud of myself for speaking up and asking for what I want, and stressssed as hell about what happens next.
2:45: The intern coordinator messages me asking if I have time on Monday to “check-in.” We set a time to talk on Monday and I feel even more stressed now! I assume this is probably a positive thing, because if they weren’t going to hire me again, she would have told my boss to pass that message on to me, but still. “Check-in” is so vague.
4:00pm: I get an email from my college saying that my spring semester bill is uploaded and ready to be paid. I get a little gut check that this is my last semester. I never expected to feel sentimental about a large tuition bill, but it’s a reminder that college is fleeting.
4:15pm: Still in my feels, I get an email from my mom confirming that her half of my college bill has been paid. My parents split the entirety of my tuition equally, a gift that I cannot express my gratitude for. I feel especially proud of my mom, who was a single mom for the majority of my life, who saved up MORE than the entirety of my tuition to make sure I never had to take out loans. I text her about how I feel like I blinked and now I’m done with college essentially.
5:00pm: Bossman tells me to sign out and enjoy my weekend, so I head out on a run. I do an easy five miles, and enjoy watching the lights come on in different buildings as I lap Central Park.
6:00pm: Do a quick 20 minute arm workout and then make pasta. I always eat pasta with veggies mixed on on Fridays, it’s my superstitious pre-Saturday long run tradition. Since I have such a long run planned tomorrow, I eat a few pieces of sourdough bread too.
8:00pm: I shower and wash my hair. After, I sit down to make some more progress on this outline, which has been nagging me all day.
10:00pm: Still not done with homework, but cie la vie. It’s time for bed!
Daily total: $0
Day 4, November 14:
6:30am: I drag myself out of bed and into the kitchen where I make a bowl of oatmeal with a healthy dollop of both peanut butter and Nutella. Also a cup of coffee, but that’s obvious. I watch some random YouTube videos while I eat and then take notes on another reading
8:30am: I head out to the park with my packed running vest. It’s Saturday long run, baby!
1:00pm: 20. Freaking. Miles. Done. Easily the hardest run I’ve ever had (and the longest - the most miles I’ve done up until now was 16). I knew it was going to be tough when my legs started feeling seriously fatigued a quarter of a mile in. I thought I would be done closer to 12, and my total moving time would have got me there, but I had so many moments of just stopping my watch and telling myself I was done and then talking myself back into not quitting. I ran, jogged, walked and dragged myself those 20 miles, and I feel seriously proud of myself.
1:30pm: No rest for the weary. After a quick and much needed shower, I get dressed and walk about 15 blocks to Trader Joes. This location is tough because it’s walkable but just far enough to be kind of a trek, but not long enough to justify taking public transit. The TJs line moves quickly and I get into the store about 20 minutes after getting in line. I buy a bunch of staples for my meals this week: red lentils, kale, avocado, more pasta, a few frozen meals (super convenient for the days where I only have 10 minutes between work and class), fruit, etc. I also manage to grab the last pint of the candy cane Joe-joe ice cream, a huge victory considering it was sold out every.single.time. I checked last year. I put the groceries on my debit card linked to my “college life” account and the total comes to $36.
3:00pm: On the walk back from TJs, I stop by a liquor store to pick up a bottle of champagne. I wanted to get my mom a thank you acknowledgement of the last college payment. I’ll also get a bottle for my dad, but I’m not seeing him until Thanksgiving and I’m seeing my mom tomorrow, so I keep it to one bottle for now. I pick up a slightly smaller bottle of Veuve Cliquot (they were all out of the regular sized bottles) and wince as the cashier rings the bottle up. I remind myself that if my mom can drop $120K on her share alone for school, I can drop almost $40 on a bottle to thank her. I don’t get carded, which bums me out because I only recently turned 21 and I love getting to saunter up and use my real license as ID knowing that my days of searching out sus corner stores that’ll take a fake are over. $38
3:00pm: Home and unpacked groceries, eating a frozen lamb vindaloo I got from TJs for lunch. I never get hungry after long runs but I know I need to eat and I like that this has guaranteed protein and carbs
6:00pm: I order dinner. I usually always get takeout on the weekends. That’s definitely my biggest financial splurge. I don’t love cooking and so not having to worry about dinners on Saturday and Sunday is huge for me. I order grilled beef pho and boiled pork dumplings from a local Vietnamese place and price compare between UberEats and Postmates for the cheaper price. Ubereats wins out. I tip 25% for the delivery person, and with tip, the order comes to $36 (what’s with all of these $36s today?!). Expensive, but hey, it was payday yesterday.. $36
11:00pm: Spent the rest of the night goofing off online, but now it’s time for bed.
Daily total: $110
Day 5, November 15:
8:45am: I slept in! I feel great, I definitely needed that sleep. While I’m still groggy enough to talk myself into it, I roll over, grab my laptop and bang out two pages of my paper. Once that’s done, I eat a breakfast muffin and start getting dressed and ready for the day.
9:45am: I head out and walk the 40 blocks to brunch with mom. It’s a beautiful, windy day out and the fresh air feels good. On the way, I stop at a street cart for a cup of coffee. The coffee is $1.25 but I give him two dollars in cash and tell him to keep the change. I find myself a bit more generous with tips when I’m paying in cash, because I use my debit card for almost everything, cash has a bit of a “play money” feeling to me - I don’t count it in my accounts so spending cash feels less consequential. $2
10:30am: Meet up with mom! We weren’t planning on drinking but… we order two rounds of apple cider bellinis. I have French toast, mom has eggs and we talk for three hours. The restaurant is slow today so the waitress tells us there’s no rush (we checked with her a few times to make sure we weren’t holding a table!). Mom pays and the total was around $70.
1:30pm: Head back uptown on the bus. My stepdad’s job gives employees a crap ton of metro cards (not sure how the system really works but he just gets piles of cards at a time with amounts ranging from $30-90 on them), but he likes to walk to work. I’m so incredibly fortunate that he gives me all of his metro cards. Not having to pay for any public transit fare for the past 4 years has been a huge privilege. I usually give metro cards to my friends as well, but since no one is in the city, I have a huge backlog right now. A woman on the bus asks for a swipe, so I give her a metro card I know is new and has $ on it.
2:00pm: Back at my apartment, changed into comfy clothes and doing laundry and homework.
6:00pm: I’ve mostly been relaxing this afternoon but now it’s time for dinner. I have a $5 off coupon at dig inn, and I had planned to go there, but I’m really craving Mexican food now. I spent way too long looking at all the places on Seamless/Postmates/UberEats and am just about to checkout on a pricy Seamless order before I talk some sense into my self about how spending $25 on takeout when I don’t even fully know what I want to eat is absurd. I close out my cart and order from dig inn instead. I get a chicken bowl with veggies for $7, which is way less hurt to my wallet. I nearly get blown over by the hurricane-grade winds on my walk to pick up dinner. $7
8:00pm: Shower, get ready and organized for the week, relax until bed
10:00pm: Lights out!
Daily total: $9
Day 6, November 16:
6:00am: I wake up and simply don’t have it in me to go for a run. Instead, I do homework (it’s literally never ending) and drink coffee under the blankets. I also eat an multigrain English muffin with peanut butter and cinnamon — switching it up this week
9:00am: Work at my consulting internship today. Busy busy. I have various assignments that keep me occupied the entire morning.
1:00pm: Break for lunch. I have another loaded roast sweet potato, topped with avocado, kale, corn, onion and hot sauce. I get some homework done, but not enough.
2:00pm: I sit in on my team’s weekly meeting and take notes for my boss.
3:30pm: I have a meeting with the intern coordinator. It goes really well! I get an unofficial offer to stay on for next semester, and she tells me to keep an eye out for an official offer letter next week. I get off the call and jump around my room, and then obviously text my mom immediately to tell her the good news.
5:30pm: Work runs over, but I have to log off now because I have a meeting. I’m on the senior class fundraising committee for my college, and we have meetings every Monday night. I multitask during the meeting and finally, finally manage to finish my paper. I send it off to my professor.
6:15pm: Dinner, thank god. I copped out and made a bag of TJs cauliflower gnocchi drizzled with a little olive oil and EBTB seasoning. It’s… fine. I also smash the rest of the peppermint Joe joes ice cream.
8:00pm: I realize that the necklace from Catbird I’ve been wanting for months is back in stock, and text my mom about it. She had offered to buy it for me as a birthday present (back in September) but the necklace had been out of stock for MONTHS, and so I tell her that I’m happy to just have it be a Christmas present instead if she doesn’t want to spend any more money on b-day stuff. She tells me to go ahead and count it as birthday present, what a homie. For those Catbird enthusiasts out there, I got their signature gold key necklace and the adjustable chain. I have the option to get it engraved, and I go with the message I’d been planning since I finally accepted my family would be selling my childhood home and moving away: the telephone area code of my hometown. It feels like a perfect way to have a little piece of home with me and I love the symbolism of the code on the key. I have a 10% off coupon (from when Catbird mistakenly sent out an email saying the necklace was back in stock when it wasn’t) and the total comes to $206. I’m so excited about my new jewelry! Almost everything I wear on a daily basis comes from catbird (I’m a jewelry minimalist and love little tiny sparkly things that I can put on and then never have to think about again), and this necklace really rounds out my collection.
10:00pm: Bed!
Daily total: $0
Day 7, November 17:
6:00am: Another day of waking up with little motivation to get out of bed. My room is shafted and so no matter when I wake up, it’s pitch black outside. That coupled with the dropping temps makes it way hard to escape my blanket cave. I decide to give myself a chill morning and watch netflix until I have to get ready for the day. Breakfast is coffee and the same English muffin combo as yesterday.
9:00am: Sign into consulting work again. It’s a weird day where I have a lot of assignments, but none are particularly pressing or time sensitive. I press through and get them done, albeit slowly.
12:00pm: Sign off work and make the fastest avocado toast topped with an egg. I have class in 10 minutes!
12:10pm: Sign into my first class and eat my lunch, then switch my camera on. This class is a senior seminar for the political science major. The class looks at im/migration through a international human rights framework. Today we’re talking about deportation.
2:00pm: Class ends and I grab a banana before heading into my next class.
2:10pm: This class looks at the gendered aspects of immigration (Didn’t plan on taking two immigration-related classes back to back, but it actually works really well!). By the ever-loving grace of god, my professor decides to end class after only 20 minutes (usually this class is two hours)
3:30pm: After relaxing for a bit, I head out for a run. It’s COLD but the sunset over Central Park is unreal. I stop a few times during the six miles to take pictures of the sky.
5:00pm: Home. I do a quick butt workout and then head into the kitchen to make dinner. I make a double batch of pasta (always thinking about lunch leftovers) mixed with sautéed broccoli, peas and kale. I add in an easy sesame garlic sauce and also crack open a can of sparking apple juice.
6:00pm: While I eat, I debate buying a set of Tiffany’s martini glasses for my new apartment. I just signed a 12 lease on the most perfect apartment EVER - a true one bedroom on the UWS, with incredible views of the city, TWO giant closets in the bedroom plus an additional coat closet, brand new kitchen appliances, in a doorperson building with laundry and gym in building. We (by we I mean my stepdad) negotiated rent down from $2,300 to $1,760. My parents will pay my rent through may as this is technically my college housing, and I’ll pick up the rent payments once I graduate.
I received a set of four Tiffany’s wine glasses for my birthday, and I feel like 2 martini glasses would be perfectly kitschy to add to my collection, but $60 for two glasses is not an insignificant price. I go back and forth on the matter for nearly 30 minutes, and have my card out ready to make the purchase before quickly shutting down the page. I have a lot of anxiety around spending money on things I don’t need and have a hard time with the idea of buying something just because I want it - I was brought up with the idea that if you don’t budget or plan for something, it shouldn’t be bought. I’m working through this money anxiety, but for now I decide that these glasses would be a good Christmas present to ask for.
10:00pm: Couldn’t tell ya what happened between 6 and now. I showered, ate candy, watched tv? Anyway, it’s time to sleep, I’m tired!
Daily total: $0
Weekly total: $131
Reflection: I think this reflects a pretty accurate week of spending for me, though it can vary depending on weeks where I buy more non-essentials. For example, I definitely need some more cold weather running gear, so this week I’ll probably drop some $ on hats, gloves, better jackets. I have a lot of anxiety around making these non-essential purchases though so I tend to talk myself out of spending money on things I want because I’m super scared that I won’t find a job and will need to rely on my savings for a while. I wanted to write this MD to document the weirdest, busiest semester of college so far and am happy to answer any questions about my financial relationship with my parents, my savings philosophies, etc!
submitted by Internationalspite9 to MoneyDiariesACTIVE [link] [comments]

Anti-Corruption & News - Sep/30/19 :: Murder invstg. involving Kocharyan bodyguard to re-open :: Judge harassed :: frmr Justice Ministry official charged :: Parliament to invstg property takeaways :: frmr Yerevan mayor charged :: Mayor charged :: Elections :: Foreign stuff :: Night clubs :: Farmers

The state has assigned a bodyguard to judge Anna Danibekyan, who recently ruled that Kocharyan should remain in jail. On Friday night, two Kocharyan supporters followed the judge for 10 minutes while she was walking to a building, while repeatedly asking questions with derogatory implications. They uploaded the video live on social media. Bodyguards could also be assigned to the judge's family members and the house.
The pair kept asking the judge if she is the type who cries like a dog under someone's else door while awaiting for orders. The term was recently used by Kocharyan's lawyer during the recently trial, in which the judge asked them not to be disrespectful to court.
The Supreme Court Council has condemned the incident and called a pressure or a psychological humiliation towards the judge unacceptable. Justice Minister condemned the behavior.
The police was involved after the judge contacted the security upon entering the building and leaving the followers behind.
The next day, one of them named Narek Mutafyan was arrested and charged with violating Code 343.3. The second one Sargis Ohanjanyan was arrested shortly afterwards. The court approved their arrest warrant.
Code 343.3 envisions anywhere between 200x minimum wage fine to 3 months in jail:
Դատարանի նկատմամբ անհարգալից վերաբերմունքը, որը դրսևորվել է պաշտոնեական լիազորությունների իրականացման առնչությամբ դատավորին վիրավորելով՝ պատժվում է տուգանքով՝ նվազագույն աշխատավարձի երկուհարյուրապատիկից հինգհարյուրապատիկի չափով, կամ կալանքով՝ երկուսից երեք ամիս ժամկետով:

After the incident, former regime's representatives begun to refer the two as "political prisoners". Former Artsakh HRO Ruben Melikyan drew parallels between this September incident, and another July incident involving a Constitutional Court judge. He made the argument that "anti-Kocharyan protesters weren't arrested in July, while pro-Kocharyan protesters were arrested in September, therefore the pro-Kocharyan protesters are political prisoners".
What Melkumyan didn't mention are the 4 important details that are different about the July and September incidents:
1) September protesters found, followed and harassed the judge because of a specific verdict she made. In contrast, July crowd were holding a legal general-purpose protest outside of the Court building to show their distrust towards the judicial system.
2) The July judge made the decision to approach and walk through the angry crowd, while it was reasonable to expect that it would cause a confrontation with the crowd. In contrast, the September judge was approached and followed by the two.
3) The July judge didn't take legal action against the protesters. The September judge immediately asked the police to intervene.
4) The July judge recently said she has never been pressured, and that she isn't the type of person who can be pressured. The September judge felt pressured and asked the police to intervene upon entering the building.

This isn't the first time a Kocharyan trial judge is being pressured. Few months earlier, during the Appeals trial, Kocharyan threatened that anyone involved with the trial will answer for it harshly.
Moment of arrest
SUpreme Court
Court warrant
Former HRO
July incident
💦 💩
You remember the story of "Privet Rob". Kocharyan's bodyguards tortured and killed a man in Paplavok cafe's toilet for greeting Kocharyan with "privet rob". A British tourist Steven Newton witnessed the beating and murder, and sent a letter to the court, but the latter ignored it. The witness recently came forward again.

Prosecutors recently received Newton's statement and pulled the 2001 case from the archive for a review. The archive says that an altercation happened between the victim Poghos Poghosyan and the bodyguard, after which the victim allegedly fell and hit his head on a toilet edge, resulting in death. Kochrayan's bodyguard then received a 1 year probation in 2002.
The ignored witness evidence, however, contradicts Kocharyan's prosecutor's conclusion that the death was an accident. It indicates a heavier crime.
The prosecutors have asked the investigators to launch a new examination. The statue of limitations doesn't apply to murder cases.
💦 💩
Parliament speaker Mirzoyan has scheduled a session to discuss the previous regime's land and property takeaway practices in Northern boulevard and Cascade areas.
The memo says that beginning Nov-5-2000, a practice of unfair land appropriation begun to happen, during which the system that was meant to evaluate the property price and compensation wasn't used properly. Some residents had their properties taken away without a fair compensation. This had prompted human rights institutes to condemn the govt actions.
💦 💩
Former Yerevan mayor Yervand Zakharyan and another high ranking officials from architecture department are officially charged with abuse of power in the case of illegal giveaway of parts of a park to Kocharyan's favorite "Golden Palace" hotel.
SIS says:
In 2008 the suspects abused their powers to illegally take 10,000 m2 protected green land away from Hakhtanak Zbosaygi (Victory Park) to give it to Golden Palace hotel for only 164mln. Later, the Golden Palace hotel got paid 12bln for the land.
💦 💩
Constitutional Court chief Hrayr Tovmasyan's godson, who served as HHK Justice Ministry official, has been busted.
Investigators say:
The incident happened when Hrayr Tovmasyan was the Justice Minister. Godson Norayr Panosyan was the head of some notary-related department in the Ministry. Panosyan, his colleagues, and Yerevan municipality workers abused their powers between 2012-2013. Panosyan and other suspects forced several notaries, under the threats of termination and business takeaway, to falsify documents to illegally register certain city-owned properties under suspects' possession.
Panosyan was the notaries' supervisor. Part of the scheme was to rig auctions and obtain property from the city at a lower price. Multiple such properties were obtained before being leased/sold for a much higher price.
Norayr Panosyan has been arrested and charged with one felony count. An accomplice is charged with 2 felonies.
💦 💩
Maralik's HHK mayor was accused of corruption by the residents. Recently a felony investigation was launched. Police has revealed charges against him.
It's about registering a city-owned apartment under a family member and related fraudulent activities; registering non-existent employees to steal salaries; for demolishing a new school that was being built and selling the materials; for removing water pipes from the settlement and embezzling it.
Two felony charges are pressed.
💦 💩
Update: Former oligarch and IRS boss Gagik Khachatryan was recently arrested. The court has just denied the defense peition and ruled that the defendant should remain in jail. Lawyer claims his assets are frozen.
💦 💩
12 mayoral and other municipal elections took place in small settlements in provinces. The registered turnout was 49%. Some incumbents kept their seats, while in others the challengers won. In small settlements there is usually no "party fighting", with many politicians being "independent".
Parakar, with a relatively larger population, was the exception where two challengers ran against the HHK incumbent. Results are in the links below...
Parakar - challenger wins. Incumbent ends in 3rd place.
Zartonq - challenger wins (mayor's son shot towards crowd few months ago)
Vanevan - incumbent's son
Khazaravan - incumbent
Eghegnut - challenger
Lusaghbyur - incumbent (had no challenger)
Arevabyur - independents
Nor Kesarya - incumbent
Tandzut - incumbent
Lchap - challenger
Gegharquniq village - challenger
Mrganush - incumbent
Khashtarak - incumbent
Singapore PM has visited Armenia. Visited Genocide memorial. He'll participate in the EAEU meeting in Yerevan, where they'll agree on a tariff-free trade deal, which was earlier approved by the Armenian govt. Investment agreement will be signed with Armenia.
Pashinyan: We've met several times. There are some results already. Singapore and Armenia both lack natural resources but have human resources. Education and tech are important. Next year there will be Armenian cultural days in Singapore.

On Monday, leaders of Iran, Belarus, Kazakhstyan, Kyrgyzstan and Moldova arrived. They'll be joined by Russia and others soon. There will be a EAEU trade talk.
Belarus' Lukashenko: Belarus and Armenia will always remain brothers. Trade is and will be high. We'll support Armenian business in Belarus. If you're interested with our businesses, we'll come and do joint projects. (Trade with Belarus grew 40% YoY.)
Yerevan municipality will begin to ban night clubs and other "qyart attraction points of interests" from operating under residential apartment buildings, due to many complaints. The law was passed in late-2018.
Mayor Marutyan says most of these business owners were already operating illegally without a proper paperwork and taxation.
The business owners will be given the ability to convert their business into something that is not on the ban list, or to move the current business 100m away from such buildings.
563 such businesses were fined by the police for causing disturbance in the past 9 months.
1/3rd of Yerevan residents want the bus ticket prices to go up by 50-100% as long as the conditions are improved. 3,500 participants in a poll conducted by the municipality.
Day (lost the count) of military exercises. Heavy equipment was cleaned and prepared for combat. Night time Fire guidance training was carried out. 5th corp received reservists. They joined the trainings on how to mine and de-mine, secure a bridge, etc.
3 US Congressmen sent a letter to Trump administration asking them to cut the military aid to Azerbaijan.
Defense Ministry has signed a high-tech & education contract with two institutes to create a new military "Unit 19-91". Its soldiers will receive professional training and education which they'll be able to apply in the army if they wish to become career soldiers upon being discharged from the Unit. They could also apply the experience in the private sector.
Tag: FAST Foundation
The military defense budget will remain almost the same for 2020. Budget changes plan to spend more on improving living conditions for soldiers.
2017: 210bln
2018: 247bln
2019: 301bln
2020: 301bln
Beginning today, some farmers can obtain an insurance for their apricot and grape farms against damage by hail, fire and winter frost. Gradually, more types of crops and areas will qualify for insurance. There will be 5 tiers to choose from which will cover various types and amounts of crops.
The govt will subsidize at least 50% of the insurance premium.
A German company has agreed to plant 150 hectares of pomegranate and nuts in Artsakh. It is part of a plan to attract 10,000 hectare commercial farming, says former PM Araik Harutyunyan.
50 US-based doctors, mostly non-Armenian, went to Armenia to provide charity care as part of the Armenian Medical Mission humanitarian program. They'll treat patients and give surgeries in Armenia and Artsakh.
Pyunik soccer club threatens to exit the national league unless changes are made by the HFF federation. HFF boss Arthur Vanetsyan earlier limited the number of foreign players the teams can bring from abroad. Pyunik says this has only resulted in an increased transfers of these and other players between the teams, which causes problems for them. Pyunik has ended its regional expansion plans and called for reforms to be made, and for HFF not to "dictate" where and how they should play.
Heno Mkhitaryan tfu tfu tfu is doing well in Roma. He played from the start and gave a pass which ended with a goal. Obviously he received an injury and had to leave. It's unclear if he'll be able to play in the upcoming Armenia game.
We know the real reason why president Sarkissian visited Italy last week. Find out why by clicking the link below...
Click this link
Disclaimer: All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, even if they may sound as being guilty. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise. Older posts can be found at: PART 1 ; PART 2 ; PART 3 ; PART 4 , credits to Idontknowmuch.
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Catalyst Timeline - 2019

2019 Q1
2019 Q2
2019 Q3
2019 Q4
AMD Partners and Projects:
Note: If you have a link you'd like to share, PM me or post the info below.
Written by Bill Ung
submitted by brad4711 to AMD_Stock [link] [comments]

$50k/month selling leather wallets.

Hey - Pat from here with another interview.
Today's interview is with Phil Kalas of Ashland Leather, a brand that sells heritage leather wallets.
Some stats:

Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share Ashland Leather with Starter Story. As an entrepreneur, I am personally a big fan of reading everyone’s journey! My name is Phil Kalas and I am the co-owner of Ashland Leather Company.
At Ashland, we handcraft and sell premium men’s leather wallets that are guaranteed for a lifetime. All of the wallets and leathers are made using old-world techniques and are designed to improve with age. Leather is a passion for us. We love the sensory characteristics of leather. The look, feel, texture, luster, and even smell of leather is why we developed a wallet to carry with us all day and every day.
During the day, we make leather for the famous Horween Leather tannery in Chicago. On nights and weekends, we take the best leather in the world and make them into fine leather goods. We emphasize our favorite leathers like Genuine Horween Shell Cordovan™ and Chromexcel™ leathers.
Over the last century, the Shell Cordovan and Chromexcel leathers have developed something of a cult-like following. We have been fortunate to be aligned with this “cordovan cult” and our business has thrived because of people’s passion and appreciation for these high-quality leathers. There are not many things in the world that you can use every day that actually get better each time you use it.
Our flagship wallet is our Fat Herbie double bifold wallet. Fat Herbie also happens to be our first wallet model so I guess we got a bit lucky from the start. Eight years later, we now have several wallet styles but also make Apple Watch bands, watch straps, belts, key cases, and other accessories. In our first year of business, we had $30,000 in revenue. Today, we have grown our passion to $600k in annual sales and provide jobs for five families... And we are still growing!

What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

Dan Cordova and I are the co-founders for Ashland Leather Co.
Both Dan and I are full-time employees at Chicago’s Horween Leather tannery. Simply put, we make sheets of leather at our day jobs.
During a lunch break in late 2010, Dan excitedly called me over to show me a beautifully hand-laced leather bag that he had made for his wife on their anniversary.
The bag looked incredible.
At the time, Dan did not know that I had also been pursuing leather crafting as a hobby. I ran out of the lunchroom and quickly returned with a leather wallet (what would later become the Fat Herbie) that I had crafted in my living room at home.
This confluence of two individuals who were passionate about leather and making stuff was the catalyst for Ashland Leather Co.
At our day jobs, we make sheets of leather for huge brands like Wilson, Nike, Allen Edmonds, Alden, New Balance, Viberg, and many others. We ship these sheets of leather to be turned into NFL footballs, NBA basketballs, and many types of footwear like dress shoes, boots, and moccasins.
The Horween leather tannery is essentially a boutique shop that makes small batches of specialty leathers. Many people tell us we have their dream jobs...I tend to agree with them.
Making the finest leather in the world all day spoils me. However, in the past, I did not get to complete the lifecycle of the leather and get to appreciate it as a final product. I describe this dilemma as like being the world’s best wheat farmer but not being allowed to bake anything.
As a crutch, I would often take trimmings or scraps of leather from the tannery and carry them in my pocket to see how each leather would age. Crafting a leather wallet or bag to use as an everyday carry good was a natural progression for both Dan and myself.
When we started the company I had a large amount of student loan debt. And, coming off the Great Recession, I recall going out on the weekends hoping $20 would last me the whole night. Ashland was started with $1000, a sacrifice of sleep, and a lot of blind faith. We simply made wallets that we wanted to wear. Luckily for us, people seem to have similar tastes.
Our first sale
We were extremely lucky to get our first sale.
It happened because we were in the right place at the right time. We, at the Horween leather tannery, frequently receive international buyers on visits to prospect new goods for their retail stores.
Ashland’s first big sale was a result of one of these visits. The tannery had a group from SHIPS Japan (Japanese/Asian retail stores) that was interested to see the “latest and greatest” that Horween had to offer.
The tannery owner, Skip Horween, was the first to promote Ashland to the buyers and offered them Fat Herbie wallets in both black and color #8 shell cordovan colors. That month, SHIPS presented Ashland with its first “real” order for $30,000.
Quickly, Dan and I got to work. We had never produced more than five wallets at a time. Now, not only did we have to produce hundreds of wallets at once we also had to think about new problems like packaging.
Our philosophy was to surprise and thrill the customer so we made a handmade wax-stamped box, custom letterpressed business cards, individual leather bags, and handcrafted hundreds of wallets. Through the month-long lead time that we had I don’t think Dan or myself had more than 4 hours of sleep every night.
This first order quickly led to more orders from our friends at SHIPS Japan but we also started our own website: -- Today our website is where 90% of our business comes from. Our business doubled the next year and now we took over five different rooms in Dan’s home including his garage.
We started employing more team members (hi Laura, Amanda, Matt, and Lupe!) and eventually leased a workshop next to the tannery. In 2018 we purchased our own workshop up the street from the tannery and finally have a long-term home.
Our website has grown not only in product offerings but also aesthetically. We often receive over 1000 unique visitors each day to our website. Our instagram following just reached over 10k followers.
In 2019, I started a new effort to make videos on our YouTube page and, despite being a self-taught videographer, the initial response has been very positive!

Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

A strong brand philosophy
The biggest advice I can give to every small business or startup is to have a strong philosophy.
At Ashland, our philosophy is to make men’s leather goods out of the best material (specifically Horween leather). You will notice that the above sentence has three very narrowly defined variables 1) Masculine market 2) Leather Goods only 3) Horween Leather Only.
Having this strong, well-definied philosophy allows you to really focus your attention on what your customers appreciate. It helps to differentiate you and make your product special.
SEO is our largest traffic source.
On Shopify, I use an app called SEO Manager. It is simple but seems very effective. I recommend it to everyone.
I am not a SEO expert by any means. However, what seems to have worked is focusing on a very specific set of terms. Instead of us focusing on “Leather Wallets” or even “Men’s Wallets” we focus on the name of the tannery and the leather type: Horween Leather Tannery, Shell Cordovan Leather, and Chromexcel leather. These are very specific niche topics that seem to have a reasonable amount of searches without much competition. I write blog post articles about these topics. For example, my blog article “Horween Geniune Shell Cordovan Vs. Chromexcel: What’s the Difference?” ranks either #1 or #2 when people search for “Chromexel” (a famous leather variety). My artcile, “What is Cordovan” ranks #2-3 when searching the word “cordovan”.
By narrowing our focus we rank #1 in google for search terms relating to Horween, Chromexcel, shell cordovan, and several others.
Email marketing is our second largest driver for traffic. We use MailChimp and have about 5000 subscribers. I try to give info or special offerings in my email list as to not try to spam our customers.
Here is a link to one of our best performing emails. This one has a 35% open rate, 12% clicks, and $8k+ in revenue. People bought other stuff from the site apart from the mystery box offered. The mystery boxes sold out quickly.
We offer limited release colors, models, and offers in our newsletter only. As for MailChimp: I think they are worth every penny and I love the service. However, I have not tried any other email marketing platform.
For the 2018 holiday season, we hired an advertising agency to help us with some social media ads. We ran ads on google, facebook, and Instagram.
For me, the only thing I really like from these was re-targeting on facebook. Our retargeting conversions were about 10%. All of the other ads we just broke even.
I may try ads again in the future but our organic growth and strong SEO seem to be more valuable.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

One of the best new tools I’ve recently started using is called Bonjoro. Bonjoro is an iPhone app that allows me to send a personalized video message to each of my customers.
It does take quite a bit of time and effort to do but the results are completely shocking. My customers are thrilled to see a REAL PERSON on the Internet. I think every small brand should implement a personalized strategy like Bonjoro video messages to set themselves apart from big-box retailers where there is obviously nobody behind the curtain.
Secondly, I think there are stories to be told. A new emphasis for me in 2019 is YouTube videos. The tannery I work for has a 114-year history with a number of incredible stories. For example, one of these leathers was once used in tanks in WWI. It is completely fascinating and incredible to know the leather is made with the same formulations and machines from back in 1905. I think video will be a main driver of traffic for us within the next year or two.
Third and most importantly, you need a great team. Each member of our Ashland family I trust completely. I have to because I am not working with them during the day. I think this constraint actually is quite helpful because it forces me to give the team the broad goal and let them figure it out along the way. A new emphasis for us this year is to set larger goals and have monthly follow up meetings. For example, right now I am working on product development. We assign team members with specific tasks to develop theses products autonomously.
The numbers
Ashland is currently profitable and has been profitable since inception.
We have never taken a loan and, until recently, all of our growth was completely organic. We have experienced a 50% year over year growth since our start in 2011.
Our cost of goods sold is quite high because the materials we use are extremely expensive. The shell cordovan (ultra premium) is roughly 10x the price of other premium leather. About 30% of our costs are on COGS/leather.
Our cost of customer acquisition is effectively $0 because we do not advertise. We get about 22k sessions to our website each month with an average session duration of 3:00 and 81,000 page views.
90% of our traffic is from the USA. 3% is from Germany, and most of the rest is from Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Our conversion rate is about half of where I’d like it to be at 1%. I think this rate is low because we get a large amount of SEO traffic from the niche tails I’ve targeted and because our goods are expensive.
We have 5,000+ newsletter subscribers and 10,000+ Instagram followers.
We also get about 50 emails or more each day through the Contact Us section on our webpage. Either my brother, Matt, or myself answer every inquiry within 24 hours.

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

One of the largest mistakes that Dan and I made when starting our business was starting with women’s bags.
We noticed that 99.99% of the non-sporting goods leather that came out of the tannery was being used in men’s footwear.
In our minds, we thought that 50% of the market was missing out on what we believed was an amazing product. We made several women’s bags and actually sold them but we very quickly found out that we do not understand women.
Trends for women’s bags change seasonally and we simply could not develop and market product fast enough.
The other big thing was that we were forcing ourselves to fill what we perceived as a need in the marketplace. We started to see real success when we made products that we wanted to own ourselves: Wallets, belts, watch straps, key cases, etc.
This strategy may not be what they teach in an MBA course but for us, it made the business much more interesting to grow.

What platform/tools do you use for your business?

We run our entire website on Shopify. I really cannot recommend Shopify highly enough. It is simple, easy to use and it is very flexible. The best part is the apps. You can have custom programmed features on your website for incredibly cheap. My most used apps on Shopify are SEO Manager, Quickbooks Online, and Yotpo.
Yotpo is worth mentioning because it does an excellent job at automatically collecting user reviews and presenting them neatly on our website and product pages. They have a lot of behind the scene tools too that help to get your brand awareness up. For example, I love that you can automatically push user reviews to social media.
Not only do we create, craft, and market our own products but we also fulfill all of the orders ourselves. We do this using Shopify and These two programs integrate with each other.
We like as opposed to FedEx or UPS because our products are small and can ship in the less expensive First Class or Priority Mail USPS options.

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

I am completely inspired by podcasts and audiobooks. The biggest influence on me has been Pat Flynn and the Smart Passive Income podcast.
Pat has a large amount of content and, if you are willing to listen through it, you will find a lot of valuable knowledge and resources in the podcast. Bonjoro, for example, is an app that I found from listening to his podcast.
Next, I have been very motivated and influenced by Gary Vaynerchuk in his books “Crush It” and “Crushing It”. There is so much good stuff in these books but the largest influence that it has had on me is the value of video and YouTube.
During the holidays this year, I was motivated on a re-listen of “Crushing It” to start up the Ashland Leather YouTube channel. I’ve been releasing a video each week and I have already seen sales coming from it (it’s only been 3 weeks!). Video is a large amount of work but I think it is very valuable to our audience.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

It all comes down to philosophy. Why are you starting your business? What can you offer? Do people want it? Are you willing to sacrifice sleep to pursue this? You must have passion for your project and maintain it (without results, even!) for a year or more and probably lose money. If you aren’t completely driven with a clear path ahead of you, the business will fail. Read books, get inspired, put your head down, and get to work.
A very easy, simple piece of advice I can give to anyone just starting up would be to buy and use Business Plan Pro. Their easy to follow program will force you to think about your business in a new way. You will begin to imagine the potential pitfalls ahead of time and avoid them entirely. Anyone looking to start up a new business is welcome to email me to ping ideas off of. You can get me at [email protected]

Where can we go to learn more?

If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!
Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.
Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
submitted by youngrichntasteless to EntrepreneurRideAlong [link] [comments]

Anti-Corruption & News - Juul/4/2019: Free healthcare for <18yo and soldier parents begins.... HHK is being sued.... Government session; repairs; billions.... Sevan Lake.... Wage increase: Parliament vs Gov... Constitutional Court.... Gay.... Foreign affairs... mandr-mundr other news

Disclaimer: All the accused are innocent until proven guilty by the court of law, even if they may sound as being guilty. Currency in Armenian Drams unless specified otherwise.
March 1st murder victims' representatives sent a request to the Constitutional Court and demanded 7 member judges to recuse themselves from hearing the Kocharyan case this August, citing the reasons as political past, lack of trust, and a conflict of interest.
Petition says the judges were involved with making pro-Kocharyan and pro-Serj election result verdicts in 2008, at the time when it is known that Kocharyan regime was directly pressuring the courts, as exposed by US embassy cables.
Other reasons were also mentioned, for example some judges holding extraordinary sessions to approve Kocharyan's now-disputed state of emergency declaration; a judge still being a party member at the time of being elected; judges being elected by a president who came into power controversially after pressing the court; the chief judge being an active HHK member and MP at the time of appointed, who aided the party agenda.
Read the rest of the complaint here...
HHK party is being sued by the family of a businessman who used to own the building where one of HHK's headquarter is (or was) located. The businessman was a wine maker in the 20th century and owned the building. The family alleges that in 2001, HHK used it political powers to rapidly force the 460 sq/m building to be sold to HHK for only 5.5mln Drams. Next year, the state paid HHK 93mln to obtain the same area, which later presumably came under HHK's possession again. The plaintiff alleges that property registration agency was in such a hurry that they didn't wait for ownership names to be properly changed before authorizing the transactions, thus making the process illegal. The court will hear the case this September.
The government session took place.
375mln of the excess tax money will be spent on rebuilding 5 high schools. Hundreds of millions to renovate dozens of others. 1.7bln was dedicated to repair universities. --

837mln will be dedicated to create 330 robotics labs in schools, in addition to 350 that already exist.

The plan to double the premium pensions for 397 WW2 vets has been approved. They'll receive 100k/month. It'll probably be sent to Parliament for a final approval.

4bln will be issued to State Water Committee to solve local water debt and management issues. Minister of Infrastructure complained that a poor management for many years has led to a 7bln debt.

The government approved a draft version of a QP bill that regulates contractor work terms to prevent certain types of "unfair and arbitrary terminations". Details inside...

The government approved the agreement to remove double taxation with Singapore, and to prevent tax avoidance 🇸🇬

The hospital healthcare becomes free for anyone below 18, beginning today. Parents of soldiers will also qualify for this free care. Some treatments with expensive equipment will become free for disabled people.
Sevan lake is greener than usual. Last time it was this green in 1960s and in 2018. Smaller level greentifications have happened frequently for many years. Why does the lake become green?
It's due to flora and other organic processes, which can place the quality of the lake in danger if nothing is done. When the water level rises but the trees near the shore aren't cut beforehand, it cases problems when the trees become submerged. When large quantities of water is drained for irrigation, it causes more problems because it disturbs the organic process that the lake does to clean itself. Add to this the fact that phosphorus, sewage and other materials are added to lake, it results in the lake changing its color.

Minister of Nature Protection said the current greenification is caused by a combination of algae (jrimur) growth, phosphorus-nitrogen and other chemical buildup, dirty water flowing into the lake, submerged trees near the shores, record high temperatures.

The government begun an examination to find and treat the causes. They have already identified the areas that need to be cleared of submerged trees. The cleanup can last 2-3 years, and the lake's water levels will be brought to 1901.5 meters afterwards. To identify the areas that need to be cleaned, the ministry used satellite and drones. 770 hectares of problematic areas were identified. In the past years, 70 hectares were cleaned each year. They will increase that number to 300 hectares for 2020 and 2021.
This season's water drainage is already low compared to past years, which should help. Minister says they're working with the law enforcement and Agricultural ministry to reduce irrigation abuse.

German institutes are involved with identifying certain pollution sources. The Ministry sent a petition to UNESCO to add Sevan to Bioshpere Reserve program, which will allow better cleanup management and socioeconomic improvements for residents living near the lake. Belarus has offered help with the cleanup.

Ministry is working with PM's office to create a plan to clean up 30 rivers that pour into the lake. After the cleanup, the lake's water levels will be raised because more fresh water automatically translates into better quality in some regards.

Within the next 2 weeks, the large deposits of phosphorus will erode away, and the green color, which is "still safe", should be significantly reduced, said the Minister. This greenifcation is also happening in the Black Sea and Baikal Lake due to climate change and temperature rise. --- --- --- TLDR
Pashinyan's government earlier approved raising minimum wage from 55k to at least 63k. However, they want it raised even higher, to 68k.
QP party in Parliament doesn't fully agree with the government. Says extending it to 68k will have "side effects". The co-author of the bill QP MP Babken Tunyan says 63k number was initially chosen because it's the minimum necessary to "survive", aka the food basket number. "It makes sense for the minimum wage to equal to it".
Setting minimum wage above that number will cause government official salaries to also go up, because these salaries are calculated by multiplying the base salary by a number. MP doesn't want this to happen.
The MP is in favor of raising it to 68k only if the government agrees to make changes on how official salaries are calculated so they'll continue to earn the old salaries, and if the government submits a report on how much extra burden the extended raise will be on the budget.
The MP says 80,000 workers who earn exactly the current minimum wage will see their wages raised, plus many more workers will see their close-to-minimum wage raised to the new minimum wage. The number of "affected" workers is significantly higher than the 80,000 that was initially reported.
Ministry of Labor says the 68k is the better number. They examined 1580 businesses and found that the raise wouldn't be a big burden on them. The businesses said they could go up to 70k. The minimum wage should be above the survival food basket, said the deputy Minister.

To survive you need: 63k
Parliament: minimum wage should be 63k
Government: minimum wage should be 68k
Business: anything below 70k won't hurt us (per government study) ---
29 PACE representatives urged the Armenian government to do more to protect LGBTI (a random new letter attached to LGBT every day?), calling the current actions as insufficient and failed. They cite death threats towards an LGBTI forum in Armenia as an example.
The report criticizes that there are no new laws to protect LGBTI, and the existing ones don't respect the gender identity and gender choice. They urged the government to publicly denounce hate speech against LGBTI, and to better train public officials and judges to respect the LGBTI.
Today's comment section will have 50 comments, and 49 will be about this topic.
California will dedicate $5mln to build a Armenian-US museum in Glendale. It'll be about the history of Armenia, diaspora, culture cooperaation, etc.
Artsakh and Armenia Human Rights Ombudsmen met Los Angeles municipality officials and legislators, thanked them for the continuous support, discussed new plans.
World Customs Organization re-elects Armenian Customs Service as member of its audit committee. 182 countries, 12 of which are audit members; Armenia and Netherlands represent Europe. It's about the classification of goods, customs valuation, border cooperation etc.
Everyone: installs a trampoline for a pool
Armenian nibbas: moves the pool under an ancient historical bridge to use it as a trampoline
Smart nibbas: just stop, get some help
Fireworks explosion in Belarus leaves several injured and one dead. SFW --
Singer Hayko has a message for the haters
submitted by ar_david_hh to armenia [link] [comments]

Wireless Earbuds

With all of your media now available on a device that you have on you at all times, having a pair earphones is an essential gadget to bring along.
Why put up with wires? Wireless earphones are perfect for whether you are working out, travelling or just for leisure. There’s no cord to get in the way, nothing to restrict your movement, making you free to dance along with your music right by your ears!
You may have spontaneously recalled that drama you watched last night, or the YouTuber that got you giggling while you are with your friends or family, there’s a chance that you would want to share it with them. Whipping out your phone, searching on the internet to only realized that you are in public ( and if you are a considerate citizen of public and wish not to disturb your fellow neighbors with all that noise you are about to play), the first thing that comes to mind would definitely be a pair of earphones.
Just imagine if you had spent 5 minutes untangling a cord after digging out the earphones out of your bag, while in the midst of enjoying that humorous video with your friend, one hand of yours reaching out to comb your hair aside, you end up pulling the wires of the earphones off, along with your friend’s! But this would not be likely to happen if it is a pair of wireless ear-buds.
Let me give you some of the reasons why switching to wireless may be a good choice!
▪ In the past, wireless have always been labeled as unreliable with bad sound quality. However, today’s wireless earbuds (headphones) have a much better Bluetooth sound quality.
Some wireless headphone models have been designed to suit different needs and styles of their user. There are options like booming bass or balanced sound.
▪ You can enjoy your favorite music without being restricted by the wires and also without any compromise in sound quality. Suitable for people of different needs and wants. It can definitely bring greater comfort to those working out individuals - no more annoying untangling and pulling of cords while moving around. You can just fish out those wireless headphones and start listening instantly!
▪ All those extra baggage you had to strap on yourself so that your phone can stay connected with the wired earphones to give you seamless music to enjoy, no more! Wireless earphones can bring you the convenience without losing connection. It has come a long way that you do not need to keep it within reaching sight, it generally has a 10-30 meters range, so you can put your phone down while you do your exercise!
▪ Almost all wireless headphones today have batteries that could last for at least four hours. That is more than enough to keep you motivated and entertained while you are on the move.
▪ Staying connected while out of range from anything that could dirty those earbuds! No more wires touching your sweaty neck while you work out, food smearing on your earbuds or even be in contact with anything in reaching sight.
▪ The stylish and sleek look of the wireless earbuds is definitely something you would want to have! Like any other accessory, while function comes first, who wouldn’t love to have it come packaged with a beautiful design. Wireless earbuds are small and compact, fitted into the ears perfectly while giving you magical feeling of music right by your ears.
It is definitely very tempting for whether you are an enthusiast or just someone who enjoys music, there are chances that you’d love to share this delightful gadget to your friends, family or even colleagues.
Wireless ear bud is a popular premium gift choice for corporate companies using it as premium gift away for their corporate events. They are light and functional and it makes good door gifts for their guests.
Wireless earbuds in the market is definitely not a very cost effective product if you are planning to give it to a mass of people. Not to mention wanting to personalize or customize such products, it would be totally out of the budget! But what if there are actually ways to achieve not only staying within the budget, getting the desired personalized design, and without all that trouble to manage it? You can check out Young Generation Pte Ltd; a leading supplier of customized corporate gifts Singapore at astonishing wholesale prices! Dealing with an extensive range of products from stationery, corporate t-shirts to IT savvy electronics & gadgets to eco-friendly products. Providing you with not only quality products, also serving you with great customer service from design to sourcing to the delivery of products. Your one-stop Corporate Gifts Singapore supplier!
Rather than the usual stationery, notebooks and t-shirt, why not be the first to start off the trend of bringing earbuds into your corporate gifting list! Upon seeing your customers receiving such glamorous gadget that is both fashionable and useful, you would be swimming in appreciation and praises. Now, that is music to your ears!
Check out our website at for more details
submitted by ygshop to u/ygshop [link] [comments]

$50k/month selling leather wallets.

Hey - Pat from here with another interview.
Today's interview is with Phil Kalas of Ashland Leather, a brand that sells heritage leather wallets.
Some stats:

Hello! Who are you and what business did you start?

Thank you so much for the opportunity to share Ashland Leather with Starter Story. As an entrepreneur, I am personally a big fan of reading everyone’s journey! My name is Phil Kalas and I am the co-owner of Ashland Leather Company.
At Ashland, we handcraft and sell premium men’s leather wallets that are guaranteed for a lifetime. All of the wallets and leathers are made using old-world techniques and are designed to improve with age. Leather is a passion for us. We love the sensory characteristics of leather. The look, feel, texture, luster, and even smell of leather is why we developed a wallet to carry with us all day and every day.
During the day, we make leather for the famous Horween Leather tannery in Chicago. On nights and weekends, we take the best leather in the world and make them into fine leather goods. We emphasize our favorite leathers like Genuine Horween Shell Cordovan™ and Chromexcel™ leathers.
Over the last century, the Shell Cordovan and Chromexcel leathers have developed something of a cult-like following. We have been fortunate to be aligned with this “cordovan cult” and our business has thrived because of people’s passion and appreciation for these high-quality leathers. There are not many things in the world that you can use every day that actually get better each time you use it.
Our flagship wallet is our Fat Herbie double bifold wallet. Fat Herbie also happens to be our first wallet model so I guess we got a bit lucky from the start. Eight years later, we now have several wallet styles but also make Apple Watch bands, watch straps, belts, key cases, and other accessories. In our first year of business, we had $30,000 in revenue. Today, we have grown our passion to $600k in annual sales and provide jobs for five families... And we are still growing!

What's your backstory and how did you come up with the idea?

Dan Cordova and I are the co-founders for Ashland Leather Co.
Both Dan and I are full-time employees at Chicago’s Horween Leather tannery. Simply put, we make sheets of leather at our day jobs.
During a lunch break in late 2010, Dan excitedly called me over to show me a beautifully hand-laced leather bag that he had made for his wife on their anniversary.
The bag looked incredible.
At the time, Dan did not know that I had also been pursuing leather crafting as a hobby. I ran out of the lunchroom and quickly returned with a leather wallet (what would later become the Fat Herbie) that I had crafted in my living room at home.
This confluence of two individuals who were passionate about leather and making stuff was the catalyst for Ashland Leather Co.
At our day jobs, we make sheets of leather for huge brands like Wilson, Nike, Allen Edmonds, Alden, New Balance, Viberg, and many others. We ship these sheets of leather to be turned into NFL footballs, NBA basketballs, and many types of footwear like dress shoes, boots, and moccasins.
The Horween leather tannery is essentially a boutique shop that makes small batches of specialty leathers. Many people tell us we have their dream jobs...I tend to agree with them.
Making the finest leather in the world all day spoils me. However, in the past, I did not get to complete the lifecycle of the leather and get to appreciate it as a final product. I describe this dilemma as like being the world’s best wheat farmer but not being allowed to bake anything.
As a crutch, I would often take trimmings or scraps of leather from the tannery and carry them in my pocket to see how each leather would age. Crafting a leather wallet or bag to use as an everyday carry good was a natural progression for both Dan and myself.
When we started the company I had a large amount of student loan debt. And, coming off the Great Recession, I recall going out on the weekends hoping $20 would last me the whole night. Ashland was started with $1000, a sacrifice of sleep, and a lot of blind faith. We simply made wallets that we wanted to wear. Luckily for us, people seem to have similar tastes.
Our first sale
We were extremely lucky to get our first sale.
It happened because we were in the right place at the right time. We, at the Horween leather tannery, frequently receive international buyers on visits to prospect new goods for their retail stores.
Ashland’s first big sale was a result of one of these visits. The tannery had a group from SHIPS Japan (Japanese/Asian retail stores) that was interested to see the “latest and greatest” that Horween had to offer.
The tannery owner, Skip Horween, was the first to promote Ashland to the buyers and offered them Fat Herbie wallets in both black and color #8 shell cordovan colors. That month, SHIPS presented Ashland with its first “real” order for $30,000.
Quickly, Dan and I got to work. We had never produced more than five wallets at a time. Now, not only did we have to produce hundreds of wallets at once we also had to think about new problems like packaging.
Our philosophy was to surprise and thrill the customer so we made a handmade wax-stamped box, custom letterpressed business cards, individual leather bags, and handcrafted hundreds of wallets. Through the month-long lead time that we had I don’t think Dan or myself had more than 4 hours of sleep every night.
This first order quickly led to more orders from our friends at SHIPS Japan but we also started our own website: -- Today our website is where 90% of our business comes from. Our business doubled the next year and now we took over five different rooms in Dan’s home including his garage.
We started employing more team members (hi Laura, Amanda, Matt, and Lupe!) and eventually leased a workshop next to the tannery. In 2018 we purchased our own workshop up the street from the tannery and finally have a long-term home.
Our website has grown not only in product offerings but also aesthetically. We often receive over 1000 unique visitors each day to our website. Our instagram following just reached over 10k followers.
In 2019, I started a new effort to make videos on our YouTube page and, despite being a self-taught videographer, the initial response has been very positive!

Since launch, what has worked to attract and retain customers?

A strong brand philosophy
The biggest advice I can give to every small business or startup is to have a strong philosophy.
At Ashland, our philosophy is to make men’s leather goods out of the best material (specifically Horween leather). You will notice that the above sentence has three very narrowly defined variables 1) Masculine market 2) Leather Goods only 3) Horween Leather Only.
Having this strong, well-definied philosophy allows you to really focus your attention on what your customers appreciate. It helps to differentiate you and make your product special.
SEO is our largest traffic source.
On Shopify, I use an app called SEO Manager. It is simple but seems very effective. I recommend it to everyone.
I am not a SEO expert by any means. However, what seems to have worked is focusing on a very specific set of terms. Instead of us focusing on “Leather Wallets” or even “Men’s Wallets” we focus on the name of the tannery and the leather type: Horween Leather Tannery, Shell Cordovan Leather, and Chromexcel leather. These are very specific niche topics that seem to have a reasonable amount of searches without much competition. I write blog post articles about these topics. For example, my blog article “Horween Geniune Shell Cordovan Vs. Chromexcel: What’s the Difference?” ranks either #1 or #2 when people search for “Chromexel” (a famous leather variety). My artcile, “What is Cordovan” ranks #2-3 when searching the word “cordovan”.
By narrowing our focus we rank #1 in google for search terms relating to Horween, Chromexcel, shell cordovan, and several others.
Email marketing is our second largest driver for traffic. We use MailChimp and have about 5000 subscribers. I try to give info or special offerings in my email list as to not try to spam our customers.
Here is a link to one of our best performing emails. This one has a 35% open rate, 12% clicks, and $8k+ in revenue. People bought other stuff from the site apart from the mystery box offered. The mystery boxes sold out quickly.
We offer limited release colors, models, and offers in our newsletter only. As for MailChimp: I think they are worth every penny and I love the service. However, I have not tried any other email marketing platform.
For the 2018 holiday season, we hired an advertising agency to help us with some social media ads. We ran ads on google, facebook, and Instagram.
For me, the only thing I really like from these was re-targeting on facebook. Our retargeting conversions were about 10%. All of the other ads we just broke even.
I may try ads again in the future but our organic growth and strong SEO seem to be more valuable.

How are you doing today and what does the future look like?

One of the best new tools I’ve recently started using is called Bonjoro. Bonjoro is an iPhone app that allows me to send a personalized video message to each of my customers.
It does take quite a bit of time and effort to do but the results are completely shocking. My customers are thrilled to see a REAL PERSON on the Internet. I think every small brand should implement a personalized strategy like Bonjoro video messages to set themselves apart from big-box retailers where there is obviously nobody behind the curtain.
Secondly, I think there are stories to be told. A new emphasis for me in 2019 is YouTube videos. The tannery I work for has a 114-year history with a number of incredible stories. For example, one of these leathers was once used in tanks in WWI. It is completely fascinating and incredible to know the leather is made with the same formulations and machines from back in 1905. I think video will be a main driver of traffic for us within the next year or two.
Third and most importantly, you need a great team. Each member of our Ashland family I trust completely. I have to because I am not working with them during the day. I think this constraint actually is quite helpful because it forces me to give the team the broad goal and let them figure it out along the way. A new emphasis for us this year is to set larger goals and have monthly follow up meetings. For example, right now I am working on product development. We assign team members with specific tasks to develop theses products autonomously.
The numbers
Ashland is currently profitable and has been profitable since inception.
We have never taken a loan and, until recently, all of our growth was completely organic. We have experienced a 50% year over year growth since our start in 2011.
Our cost of goods sold is quite high because the materials we use are extremely expensive. The shell cordovan (ultra premium) is roughly 10x the price of other premium leather. About 30% of our costs are on COGS/leather.
Our cost of customer acquisition is effectively $0 because we do not advertise. We get about 22k sessions to our website each month with an average session duration of 3:00 and 81,000 page views.
90% of our traffic is from the USA. 3% is from Germany, and most of the rest is from Japan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
Our conversion rate is about half of where I’d like it to be at 1%. I think this rate is low because we get a large amount of SEO traffic from the niche tails I’ve targeted and because our goods are expensive.
We have 5,000+ newsletter subscribers and 10,000+ Instagram followers.
We also get about 50 emails or more each day through the Contact Us section on our webpage. Either my brother, Matt, or myself answer every inquiry within 24 hours.

Through starting the business, have you learned anything particularly helpful or advantageous?

One of the largest mistakes that Dan and I made when starting our business was starting with women’s bags.
We noticed that 99.99% of the non-sporting goods leather that came out of the tannery was being used in men’s footwear.
In our minds, we thought that 50% of the market was missing out on what we believed was an amazing product. We made several women’s bags and actually sold them but we very quickly found out that we do not understand women.
Trends for women’s bags change seasonally and we simply could not develop and market product fast enough.
The other big thing was that we were forcing ourselves to fill what we perceived as a need in the marketplace. We started to see real success when we made products that we wanted to own ourselves: Wallets, belts, watch straps, key cases, etc.
This strategy may not be what they teach in an MBA course but for us, it made the business much more interesting to grow.

What platform/tools do you use for your business?

We run our entire website on Shopify. I really cannot recommend Shopify highly enough. It is simple, easy to use and it is very flexible. The best part is the apps. You can have custom programmed features on your website for incredibly cheap. My most used apps on Shopify are SEO Manager, Quickbooks Online, and Yotpo.
Yotpo is worth mentioning because it does an excellent job at automatically collecting user reviews and presenting them neatly on our website and product pages. They have a lot of behind the scene tools too that help to get your brand awareness up. For example, I love that you can automatically push user reviews to social media.
Not only do we create, craft, and market our own products but we also fulfill all of the orders ourselves. We do this using Shopify and These two programs integrate with each other.
We like as opposed to FedEx or UPS because our products are small and can ship in the less expensive First Class or Priority Mail USPS options.

What have been the most influential books, podcasts, or other resources?

I am completely inspired by podcasts and audiobooks. The biggest influence on me has been Pat Flynn and the Smart Passive Income podcast.
Pat has a large amount of content and, if you are willing to listen through it, you will find a lot of valuable knowledge and resources in the podcast. Bonjoro, for example, is an app that I found from listening to his podcast.
Next, I have been very motivated and influenced by Gary Vaynerchuk in his books “Crush It” and “Crushing It”. There is so much good stuff in these books but the largest influence that it has had on me is the value of video and YouTube.
During the holidays this year, I was motivated on a re-listen of “Crushing It” to start up the Ashland Leather YouTube channel. I’ve been releasing a video each week and I have already seen sales coming from it (it’s only been 3 weeks!). Video is a large amount of work but I think it is very valuable to our audience.

Advice for other entrepreneurs who want to get started or are just starting out?

It all comes down to philosophy. Why are you starting your business? What can you offer? Do people want it? Are you willing to sacrifice sleep to pursue this? You must have passion for your project and maintain it (without results, even!) for a year or more and probably lose money. If you aren’t completely driven with a clear path ahead of you, the business will fail. Read books, get inspired, put your head down, and get to work.
A very easy, simple piece of advice I can give to anyone just starting up would be to buy and use Business Plan Pro. Their easy to follow program will force you to think about your business in a new way. You will begin to imagine the potential pitfalls ahead of time and avoid them entirely. Anyone looking to start up a new business is welcome to email me to ping ideas off of. You can get me at [email protected]

Where can we go to learn more?

If you have any questions or comments, drop a comment below!
Liked this text interview? Check out the full interview with photos, tools, books, and other data.
Interested in sharing your own story? Send me a PM
submitted by youngrichntasteless to Entrepreneur [link] [comments]


Listen to The Stars and Stripes Forever by John Phillip Sousa as you read this.

The Political Machine of the Democratic Party, within the past 10 years

I would like to make a 100 year outline, but there's a 40,000 character limit so I can't fit all of it. Sorry! :)
The Democratic Party is a machine. An awful machine that grinds on the gears of corruption, suspends by the thresholds of bureaucracy, puffed by the clouds of regulation, and fed by the streams of economic and fiscal crises.
Within the past 10 years, we have seen terrifying and awful fiscal policies resulting from the Democratic Socialism of the left wing. This has continued to ruin America and has resulted in a massive trade deficit.

Points that I'll be covering:

Here we go!


Regulation is the first and foremost front of the Democratic economic war. Regulation and putting "safeguards" on our industrial and financial sectors result in massive economic ruin, and spoil America's capitalist economy like milk after 6 hours in the hot California sun.
From sea to shining sea, Democrats have unanimously opposed the free market for decades, even before socialist dictator Franklin D. Roosevelt literally tried to nationalise all industries, which was ruled unconstitutional several different times, but that didn't stop FDR.
From that to the awful failed Dodd Frank Act, which I will cite many times, has ruined the free market completely.
Big banks, corporate executives, and other bigshots have dominated the realm, surrounding the free market like vultures, killing away their competition, and using the Democrats as a platform to eliminate free trade.

Mortgage and housing sectors

The Democratic Party has completely ruined the mortgage sector by manually decreasing the risk involved on default mortgages, that has resulted in high amounts of homelessness because people can't get nearly enough credit to own regular homes. The African American community was most effected by this, because this act gave an avenue for racism due to the high amount of mortgage-lenders that make the awful racist assumption that black people will default on their mortgages. This act pushed that awful racist motive. Putting people out of homes, or making it harder to own a home, results in more housing disparity when the government gets involved.
Furthermore, sometimes, people need to default to refinance on their mortgage. This promotes the number of faithful debtors when getting a mortgage. Unfortunately, Democrats seem to forget this.
Democrat regulation of mortages also requires people to have "counselling" before receiving a high-cost mortgage. This is completely bureaucratic and ridiculous, because the government has to approve before you can get a high cost mortgage. This is basically communism. Thank goodness that Republicans have gotten rid of some of this, hopefully they will get their act together and repeal ALL of it.

The ol' Slitheraround

The old slitheraround refers to how big corporations can easily slither around the massive amounts of Democratic regulations and thousands of pages of regulatory filings, whilst their competitors hit a wall. This is because Democrats are lobbied by the bigger corporations to make it difficult for their competitors to exist. This not only ruins the competitive atmosphere of the United States Economy, this spoils it completely.

How the welfare state of the Democratic Party has pandered to the poor guy, even though it is fed by the rich guy looking for a massive profit off of the poor fiscal policies that ruin America's financial and industrial sectors.

Welfare is a pride to the Democrats. Eventually, they want all Americans to be on some form of government assistance.

This benefits large corporations that support Democrats in the following ways:

Outsourcing not only results in adding to the trade deficit and ruining cities like Detroit and Cleveland by stripping them of their jobs.
Whew, that's pretty lengthy!

Dangers of the Welfare State

Under Democratic welfare and the evils previously described in this section, welfare itself does the following to the US Economy:

It makes it so that way there's an endless cycle of debt with no recovery.
Here's the thing: the population is always increasing, but the business taxes cannot produce enough government revenue to cover the welfare of a massive and exponentially increasing population, which burdens the federal and state governments with massive amounts of debt.

What Democratic welfare does is--

What have Republicans done about this?

In 2005, the Republican Party echoed how they restructured the definition of welfare with the help of Bill Clinton. Basically, they redefined welfare as a "temporary thing", which is good. It's a "you're on and you're off" type of thing, where people don't depend upon it for long periods of time. It also punished those more who were hoarding government benefits. This decreased the number of people on welfare, until Obama expanded it again in 2009 and 2010, which doubled the government's burden. This created all of our debt problems, which I explain below in the debt section.
The Republicans really pulled the lever on getting people off of these awful welfare programs, which boomed employment in 2005 and 2006, and led to more spending on education, which is important. Keep in mind, the Obama Administration reversed pretty much all of this and spent less on education and more on welfare.
The economy needs ample time to expand to cover these awful welfare programs, but Democrats just don't give it enough time. It's just "spend now, pay it back later". Republicans like to lessen the gains, Democrats like to make up for the losses. You can clearly see the economic difference between the two.
Social Security is failing. We all know it, because the population is getting way too big. There are now more people taking from the pot than the people putting in, leading to massive amounts of government spending and debt. It's only going to get bigger. We must end Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Nobody should be dependent upon the government; you should use the free market to provide your wealth and income, even for the basic necessities of life for you and your children. If you can't afford to have kids, then don't have kids, it's literally that simple. Wear protection.

What exactly does a welfare state do to the economy?

Like I said before, business taxes, payroll taxes, and income taxes, along with all methods of government revenue, cannot increase fast enough to cover an exponentially growing population. Therefore, all citizens must be independent from all forms of government assistance in order for our economy to survive. The only reason why our welfare programs have even had a cent of funding is because the USA literally has the largest economy in the entire world and can supply trillions in government revenue, even under mild Progressive Taxation methods, but it can't have this forever. We could easily be doing $30 trillion in GDP if it weren't for these welfare programs constantly hindering us.
The only way for the government to assume responsibility of the poor and to provide handouts to the population is to do one of the following awful strategies to increase revenue in the short-term and decrease revenue in the long-term:
These result in economic downturns. Downturns means less in taxable dollars in the long term, leading to an increase in federal bonds, leading to an increase in interest rates, leading to $20 trillion in national debt.

The health insurance showdown

So Democrats are all about government health. They want to echo the UK's system, which has numerous plagues of shortages and bureaucratic control over people's lives; the French system, which also has shortages; the Finnish system, which has all control handed over to their government; the awful Norwegian system, which has the highest spending in the entire world, according to the Commonwealth Fund; the Swedish model, which has long wait periods and sometimes a psychiatric child patient could wait 18 months just for one appointment; the Australian model#Medicare_levy), which has increasingly high taxes; and the Singapore model, which has engulfed their spending increasingly with the growing population.
NONE of these can work in the USA.

....So why is Health Insurance so expensive in the USA?

Democrats. Democrats. Democrats. Democrats.
I really hate pushing the Democrat label, but that's really what it gets down to. Allow me to explain.
Once again, big health insurance moguls have lobbied the left wing to literally require the entire population to give them more money. Although the idea was initially proposed by Conservatives in the 1980's, Republicans quickly steered themselves to correction, effectively seeing it as unconstitutional. It is fascism. Government-sponsored monopolies are fascist policies. This, in turn, raises and skyrockets the prices the more the government gets involved. What is the Democrat's solution to this you might ask? They say the only solution is to screw with it more.
Health insurance companies have to do everything in their power to attract the greatest number of clients in the shortest period of time. They do this through marketing strategies, walking people through the mountains of paperwork, and having effective and competitive prices. Government mandates get rid of all of that, because the government is guaranteeing them a profit. All of what the health insurance companies have to do is sit back and make the money, so they increase their prices because they're guaranteed the money anyways at the expense of the populous.

The epic metaphor for the Individual Mandate

Here's a good metaphor for y'all. For the purposes of this, substitute "health insurance" for "shaving cream".
Everyone likes shaving cream. We all use it for many different reasons. Shaving cream companies have to use many different strategies to attract buyers. Some of these strategies include:
Why do they do this? To attract buyers, of course. They always have to have a target market. The Phelps picture is targeted to appeal to swimmers who often shave their legs; the buff guys on there are targeted for male audiences. Bright colors attract your attention in the store aisle. Dermatologist recommendations are steered toward those who have acne and/or other skin problems.

Now imagine that, out of nowhere, Congress decides to declare shaving cream to be a universal human right.

They require every citizen of the United States, monthly, to--
Now that everyone is literally required by law to purchase these items, that increases the demand for them, increasing their price. Beforehand, companies had to use effective pricing strategies to appeal to their audiences (a bottle at Target that is higher quality may be at a higher price than a bargain-brand bottle at Walmart).
Also, since the shaving cream companies that provide the products are literally required by law to receive money, they raise the prices because they are going to get more money. If you were spending $4 on a bottle from Walmart, it's now $20/bottle. If you were spending $8 for a bottle from Target, it's now $40/bottle. It's more expensive now, because they want to get their money. They are guaranteed the money anyways, so why not get more?
Also, the shaving cream companies no longer have to go to Michael Phelps for that clean-leg-shaven-golden picture. They no longer have to travel to Duke University to get that Dermatologist's Recommendation. They no longer have to appeal to their target audiences. Most importantly, they no longer have to lower their prices to competitive levels. They are just guaranteed the money.
Companies are getting an unfair profit from the government. The same thing happens with health insurance and medical instruments/items.
What people fail to recognise is that health insurance is NOT a human right. It's a commodity. It is most definitely a commodity that we purchase to make our lives easier, no different than shaving cream.
The continued apathy for our fiscal policy held by the Democratic Party has now resulted in $20 trillion in debt. Health spending is the sole majority of that debt, because of these corrupt policies.
Statistically, the United States of America is the most prosperous nation in the entire world, and also the most productive. Despite many problems, it has effectively held onto that title since the 1890's.
Absolutely no country can even compare to the widely-diverse economy that is the United States. Since we are so financially successful and everyone depends upon us, that also promotes a well-regulated trading hub service with low fees for the entire world. Even if you're in Japan and you're trading with South Korea, although you are right next to each other, you still have to go to the USA to make that trade, because we have the most liquid markets.
Yet since we are so successful, that makes our standard of living even higher. Hell, our standard of living is so high, we even care about our dental health, which just goes to show how ridiculously prosperous the USA is, that we literally have to worry about if our teeth look good enough.
This has become a growing problem. Overall, we're generally prosperous. 68% of the USA can afford recreational spending after affording the basic necessities of life, higher than any other country in the world, yet not all of us are on this level. This has contributed to complacency, and often people complain about other communities who may be struggling and unfortunate, and try to get the government involved.
As we learned from Reagan, the most terrifying words in the English language are "I'm from the government and I'm here to help". This is very true. Small government and a market-based approach to everything is what a nation needs to survive, we have proven this with the success of American-style Capitalism, which has led the entire world into the most productivity and easiest levels of survival in all of human history.
Here's an interactive timeline of every time in US History that the federal government has said "I'm from the government and I'm here to help!":

Timeline of Government "help" as a whole

Event Year
Welfare in the United States really kicked off just after World War I, during the rest of Wilson's tenure. 1920's
KKK-supporter President Woodrow Wilson outlaws Child Labor. 1916
Nine months later, a conservative Supreme Court saw an outlaw of Child Labor as an overreach in government regulation, and ruled it unconstitutional. This court would go on to rule much of the socialist programs under the New Deal to be unconstitutional as well. 1918
Harding re-legalises Child Labor. 1920
Under the deregulation era of the 1920's, businesses were responsible for keeping their own workers healthy. Since unemployment was at an all time low and wages were super high, it was no issue. 1920's
Calvin Coolidge, an advocate for rugged individualism, refused to help farmers due to a fear in government power over industry. He believed that modernizing agriculture would bring wealth through the free market, and he was right. 1924
The United States had the most rapid economic growth ever experienced by a nation in all of human history at that time under Calvin Coolidge's economic policies of deregulation. 1920's
Everyone in the United States, including poor immigrants, were able to retire up until FDR's Social Security Program was established. 1920's
Calvin Coolidge, although reluctant to regulate business, re-banned child labor. 1926
Corporate Taxes were slashed in half by Coolidge because of a belief in "scientific taxation". Lower taxes = higher government income because business growth is accelerated. 1924
2% of the United States Population is now paying taxes. Everyone can retire. 1927
The Great Depression happens and is caused by Hoover's reluctance to regulate bank-loans in the markets, since everyone had good credit back then. 1929
Hoover said that the markets would regulate themselves and would fix themselves (which actually would have happened), but nobody believed him. He lost the 1932 election by a landslide to Socialist Franklin Delano Roosevelt. 1932
FDR comes in an ruins the entire economy, depriving it of its ability to fix itself. 1933
FDR takes everyone's gold and money, bans gold entirely, and stuffs Fort Knox with the people's gold. This disables the populous' ability to invest, which actually prolonged the Depression. 1933-4
FDR picks a couple of banks that he likes and unfairly lets the other banks die in the dirt. 1935
FDR issues a bank holiday and then bails out the banks that he picked with free money from the public treasury, now these rich people can get richer off of the expense of governmental corruption. 1935
Instead of allowing prices to be low like usual, FDR raises them constantly, hindering normal Americans from having opportunities that they used to have. 1934
FDR tries to fix farms and fails with tireless welfare programs that do nothing. 1935
FDR advocates for a government-based retirement program 1935
This became known as the Social Security Act, which crashed the economy again in 1936, because people believed that the government would handle their retirement money for them, and therefore, do not need to speculate on the New York Stock Exchange. 1935
People began to realise that maybe Hoover might have been right all along, but you're stuck with FDR now. 1936
WWII starts a whole new wave of government programs and eventually brings the USA out of the worse financial collapse in history. 1941
USA drops the bomb, but then fixes Japan. 1946-60
Truman has more government regulations after FDR dies. 1945-52
Eisenhower wanted smaller government, but it got bigger. 1952-60
Lyndon B. Johnson is sworn in, promising more welfare programs to take from the rich and give to the poor, but in reality, this causes more economic concerns. 1963
LBJ announces Medicare and Medicaid, after he kicks in the doors of the local healthcare companies and says "we're from the federal government and we're here to help". 1965
This damages the profit margins of local healthcare companies, leading to a drastic increase in prices, making healthcare more unavailable. 1965
LBJ signs the Food Stamp Act of 1964, which traps unfortunate people in an endless cycle of government poverty. 1964
LBJ promises to "end" the cycle of poverty by more government intervention, this actually raises poverty significantly. 1964
The Social Security Amendments of 1965 unfairly guarantee a hospital profit on the elderly, which prompts businesses to drastically raise their prices and thus, raise your taxes. 1965
Since these businesses are guaranteed a profit, the only way to make more money now is to raise the prices even more. 1966
More people are left without adequate hospital coverage due to the government ignoring the free-market aspect of medicine. 1967
The Vietnam War drags the USA through more debt and more debt. 1968
Nixon and Ford, though Republicans, are surprisingly supportive of these awful programs. This increases urban decline and decay and traps more and more people, especially minorities, in an endless cycle of debt and poverty, A.K.A. "urban sharecropping". 1970's
Rent-services Acts come into place, which unfairly guarantee landlords a profit at the expense of taxpayers. 1974
Reagan comes in and tells everyone to fuck off, you get your own wealth now. He believed that welfare should only be a temporary program to get you back to work. 1980-88
Under the direction of Newt Gingrich, welfare is reformed to be a fast-paced program that quickly steers you into a job and a house. 1996.
The economy was darn good at this time. 1996
Welfare was further redefined as a "temporary system to quickly get you back to work". This is good. 1997
The budget acts of 2005 helped to increase the working incentives of the United States to get off of welfare and get back to work, which made it harder for those who were living on welfare to continue living on welfare. This is good. 2005
The GDP saw significant growth. 2005
Conservative policy prompted the use of tax incentives to increase employment and prosperity in the energy sector, but this was later amended by Obama in 2010. 2005
Hillary was originally not supportive of cutting welfare, but then she was, but then she changed her mind again 2009
Millions of people left welfare because of this, and many found financial prosperity. 2005
Employment eventually grows in 2009 because of this conservative policy adopted around 2005. 2009
Don't get your hopes up. President Obama reversed these policies in favor of extending welfare spending, increasing the national debt, and getting rid of the "back to work" policies. 2009
These welfare policies echoed the socialist voices of FDR and LBJ, and trapped minority groups in an endless cycle of poverty and welfare that kept many from getting jobs. There was no "push" or "shove" into the workforce, it was either a government check or starvation. 2009
Obama reprieves the sunsets of the many great capital gains tax cuts imposed by the Bush Administration while at the same time extending unemployment benefits. 2010
Obama rewards people for being out of work. 2010-11
Because of this, more welfare spending is allocated 2010
Obama extends this further with the Affordable Care Act, which further guarantees insurance companies a profit, and thus, an increase in prices occurs. 2010
Healthcare costs increase, as expected. 2011
Middle class shrinks because of healthcare-spending. 2014
Although individual worker's premiums went down, family premiums didn't. 2015
Healthcare spending now totals 1/6th of the entire US Economy. 2016
The Trump Administration works with Congress to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act of 2010 and the Medical Excise Tax of 2015, but this can't be done due to Senator Collins, Senator Murkowski, and Senator McCain. 2017
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act prompts people to get back to work, but at the same time reduces taxes for low-income individuals and doubles the child-tax credit, which would actually increase government spending, but will create more jobs due to the lowered corporate tax rate. The new income tax revenue from these new jobs should re-balance the loss of tax dollars from the child tax credit. 2017
United States Economy sees the greatest growth in all of history, along with the financial markets doing record numbers almost daily. 2018
As you can see, a decrease in regulation immediately is followed by an increase of wealth.

The power of the United States and where we're at right now

In 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish History Professor, said the following on democracy and capitalism:
A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.
Tyler also followed with a lesson on the "eight stages of democracy", in which he outlined the following stages:
  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
  3. From courage to liberty;
  4. From liberty to abundance;
  5. From abundance to complacency;
  6. From complacency to apathy;
  7. From apathy to dependence;
  8. From dependence back into bondage.
The United States of America is currently in the 5th stage, which is something that continues to scare me all of the time. Governmental dependency (something that Democrats seem to thrive on) is an evil tactic that results in governmental control. It ignores the free market and guarantees certain corrupt individuals a profit, leading to an increase in expenses and taxes almost everywhere, which cannot be offset or balanced by the fixes of the free market because the government is the one calling the shots.
The more people we have dependent upon the government for the basic needs of life, the more we will ignore Capitalism. It is truly disheartening and sad to see this happen to the greatest nation in the entire world, the one with the highest GDP and the highest worker productivity.
We must end welfare at all costs (literally).

So how are wages impacted by Democrat policies?

Wages are always a constant issue for Democrats. What they ignore is that the stagnation is not due to wages, it is due to the standard of living. Since Democrat policies raise the standard of living to astronomical levels, that leads to more inflation and more expensive stuff that you need, making the wages incompatible with your every-day spending life. The solution to the problem is not to raise the minimum wage, since this will result in catastrophic unemployment. The solution is to lower the standard of living by eliminating mandates in every sector and allowing the economy to work on its own.

Here's how wages are impacted and how the trade deficit was created:

In Detroit, we saw a massive rise-up of those demanding the government to raise minimum wage standards and workplace conditions in the State of Michigan since their unions couldn't do enough. The competition in the manufacturing sectors should have produced the best workplaces, but it didn't. The government decided to make matters worse by raising the standards on workplace conditions and wages, leading to a massive exodus of all manufacturing companies in Detroit outsourcing to Japan for cheap and unregulated labor. This led to the USA becoming noncompetitive and it created the trade deficit.
Companies who wished to stay in the USA usually relocated to the Sunbelt in the South, because Republican policies there (which kicked out the Democrats and moved them up North) are more lenient to business freedoms and don't have ridiculous right-to-work laws that force people to join unions. Southern unions are everywhere, but nobody is forced to join one. This led to GE, Bank of America (which started in North Carolina to begin with), hydroelectric companies, and a lot of manufacturing jobs to move to the South which sped up investments. This left the North absolutely desolate, abandoning cities like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, and Pittsburgh to rot in the dust.
Since those cities were rotting in the dust, this created a problem for Democrats to complain about. Democrats like problems, because that's how they get elected. If they create a problem and they complain about it, then they will get elected to create more problems, and thus the cycle continues.
The chain reaction of all of these problems happening at once and all of these elections turning everything around led to the trade deficit and more welfare.

Obama and the trade deficit

It was Obama's duty to provide for the "common man" while sleeping with insurance companies.
By raising the healthcare conditions and prices by forcing profits to his insurance buddies, Obama's policies resulted in massive amounts of businesses relocating overseas.
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